U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Monday, December 22, 2014

Greater Dayton Area Events & News

FYI.     Best, Munsup

P.S. If you do nor on the MPEN-Dayton list, please email me back with unsubscribe on the subject line.

P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine


·         FW: 2015 MLK Program (Its Word file is linked!)

·         FW: News Release and Flyer for 2015 MLK Teen Day Celebration (Its PDF file is Linked!)

·         FW: NUSA Opens Annual Awards Competition for 2015"

·         FW: Welcome Dayton UPDATE: Dayton Responds to Administrative Immigration Efforts, Free Concerts and more


From: Nathan Owens
Subject: FW: MLK Program

Here is the list of events to celebrate MLK Holiday in the Greater Dayton area.
(If you need, you may download and use the linked Word file.)


From: Scroggins, Cheryl
Subject: FW: 2015 MLK Day News Release and Flyer

FYI – Community event for youth. Free to the first 225 attendees. Lunch provided.
Please feel free to download AND use the PDF flyer.

For Immediate Release

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Violence Prevention Teen Day Celebration
Remembering the Dream

Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County
117 S. Main Street, Dayton, Ohio  45422
Public Information Office: 225-5700
Contact person: James Bolden, 225-5025
                              Bill Wharton, 266-0150

On January 19, 2015 Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County's Violence Prevention Program will present "A Teen Day Celebration" in observance of non-violence on the National Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.  The program will feature the movie "Belle", which is inspired by the true story of Dido Elizabeth Belle born in 1761, the illegitimate mixed race daughter of a Royal Navy Admiral.  Raised by her aristocratic great-uncle Lord Mansfield and his wife, Belle's lineage affords her certain privileges; yet the color of her skin prevents her from fully participating in the tradition of her social standing.  She later helps shape Lord Mansfield's role as Lord Chief Justice to end slavery in England. The program builds upon the beliefs of Dr. King and his use of non-violence and struggle for equality for all races.

The program will be held at the Neon Movies, 130 E. Fifth Street, Dayton, Ohio from 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  This event is free and open to the public. 
The first 225 people will be admitted.  Lunch will be provided by McDonald's, locally owned and operated by Debbie Wright, Inc.

For more information, call 225-5025.



From: Jackson, Verletta [mailto:Verletta.Jackson@daytonohio.gov]
Subject: FW: NUSA Opens Annual Awards Competition for 2015

Good Afternoon Everyone,

This is a great opportunity to show off our (Dayton, Ohio) neighborhoods

                         The Neighborhood of the Year Award

                         The Best Neighborhood Program Award

                         Neighborhood Newsletter Competition

                         Who's Who in America's Neighborhoods

Entrants must submit a completed application with the appropriate application fee postmarked by February 1, 2015.  Please see the information below.

Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) is pleased to announce the opening of the 2015 NUSA Awards Competition, which honors neighborhood efforts and initiatives in four categories:

  •   The Neighborhood of the Year Award
  •   The Best Neighborhood Program Award
  •   Neighborhood Newsletter Competition
  •   Who's Who in America's Neighborhoods     

The Neighborhood of the Year Award program will recognize exceptional accomplishments by neighborhood organizations during 2014. Awards will be given in three categories: (1) Physical Revitalization/Beautification in a Single Neighborhood; (2) Social Revitalization/Neighborliness in a Single Neighborhood; and (3) Multi-Neighborhood Project Partnerships. Judging will be based on the extent of innovation, grass-roots participation and capacity building exhibited by the nominated organization. For a copy of the application, CLICK HERE.

The Best Neighborhood Program Award will recognize outstanding programs, also implemented in 2014, to improve neighborhoods by a governmental entity, business or corporation or non-profit. Best Neighborhood Program Awards are given in two categories: (1) Social Revitalization and (2) Physical Revitalization. For a copy of the application, CLICK HERE

Four finalists will be selected in each category for the Neighborhood of the Year and Best Neighborhood Program award competitions. Finalists will be invited to make presentations at the 2015 NUSA Conference, which will be held May 20-23 in Houston, Texas. A panel of judges will evaluate presentation; select first-, second- and third-place winners in each category; and select overall winners for both awards.

The Neighborhood Newsletter Competition acknowledges excellence in neighborhoods and was created to highlight the importance of how vital communication is in determining a neighborhood's success. Entries shall be submitted under the (1) Print and (2) Electronic categories, with sub-categories for newsletters published (1) 6 times or less per year, and (2) 7 times or more per year.

The 2015 Neighborhood Newsletter Competition will also differ from previous years in that a first-, second- and third-place award will be presented for each category and sub-category described above, rather than being recognized with a gold-, silver- or bronze-level award. For more information about the competition, as well as listings of previous winners,
click here. For a copy of the application, please CLICK HERE.

The Who's Who in America's Neighborhoods Award was created to recognize individuals who work mirrors the mission of Neighborhoods, USA which includes: (1) building and strengthening neighborhoods; (2) encouraging neighborhood involvement in the decision-making process in local government; and (3) promoting productive communications, collaborations and partnerships among neighborhood associations, local governments and the public-private sectors.For a copy of the application, CLICK HERE.

Entrants must submit a completed application with the appropriate application fee postmarked by February 1, 2015. Eligibility requirements and application guidelines can be downloaded from the NUSA website by CLICKING HERE.

For additional information or questions regarding the 2015 Awards program, contact:
Call Monique Coleman, Awards Program Co-Chair, 254.644.0532,
or Angela Rush, Awards Program Co-Chair, 817.239.4429
or send an email to

Send in your award application and entry fee (when applicable) by Feb 1, 2015 to:
2015 Neghborhood Award Application
attn: Angela Rush
3603 Farmland Court
Granbury, TX 76048

For more information about the 2015 NUSA Conference in Houston, Texas contact:
Margaret Wallace Brown, 2015 NUSA Conference Coordinator
Call 713.837.7826 or send an email.


From: Melissa Bertolo
Subject: Welcome Dayton UPDATE: Dayton Responds to Administrative Immigration Efforts, Free Concerts and more

Dayton Responds to Administrative Immigration Efforts

Last month, President Obama announced executive actions on immigration. These actions include promoting citizenship education, modernizing immigrant and non-immigrant programs to grow the economy, expanding the use of provisional waivers, expanding the population eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and creating a new Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) and Lawful Permanent Residents program, provided they pass required background checks.

*Applications for DAPA are not currently available.* Bookmark Welcome Dayton's website to check back for future updates regarding this program. In addition, Welcome Dayton is partnering with Dayton Public Schools, local immigration attorneys and other community-based organizations to provide presentations about administrative relief in January and February.

In the meantime, City of Dayton leaders have joined other local leadership around the country in supporting action on immigration. On December 8, Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley visited New York City with 20 other U.S. mayors to support congressional immigration reform as part of the mayoral steering committee for Cities United for Immigration Action.
Have questions on how the President's administrative relief impact immigrants here in Dayton? Visit
adminrelief.org or contact Welcome Dayton.

The Ohio Attorney General's Office protects Ohioans from predatory and illegal business practices. Of particular concern for immigrants includes fake lawyers and other scam artists (or "notarios") who may mislead immigrant clients with false information.

Following the President's executive action on immigration, we are particularly concerned that people may be taken advantage of for immigration relief. Please be aware that applications for the DAPA program are not currently available.

If you or someone you know is the victim of an immigration scam, report the incident to your local Police Department and connect with the Ohio Attorney General's Office. Their
consumer resources can address fraudulent legal services targeted toward immigrants.

There are also
local legal assistance resources that may be able to provide assistance.

Resource of the Month: Ohio Attorney General's Office

The Ohio Attorney General's Office protects Ohioans from predatory and illegal business practices. Of particular concern for immigrants includes fake lawyers and other scam artists (or "notarios") who may mislead immigrant clients with false information.

Following the President's executive action on immigration, we are particularly concerned that people may be taken advantage of for immigration relief. Please be aware that applications for the DAPA program are not currently available.

If you or someone you know is the victim of an immigration scam, report the incident to your local Police Department and connect with the Ohio Attorney General's Office. Their
consumer resources can address fraudulent legal services targeted toward immigrants.

There are also
local legal assistance resources that may be able to provide assistance.

Welcoming Faces: Dr. Riad Ajami

Riad Ajami is currently professor of International Business and Global Strategy, as well as the Director of the Center for Global Business, at Wright State University.

While he thinks his office at the Raj Soin College of Business is slightly cluttered, it's also filled with heirlooms and work that remind him that the world is shrinking--
which he says is a good thing.

Discover more immigrant stories at

Welcome Dayton Weekend
January 9 – 11
Three FREE concerts presented by the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra!

Click the image for details.

Multicultural Millennium Conference
January 22-23

E Pluribus Unum: Immigration and Migration in the U.S.

Keynotes: Sonia Nazario (Pulitzer Prize-winning author)
Margaret Stock (MacArther "Genius" Fellow)

This event brings together faculty, staff and students from across the state for a day of insightful workshops, structured discussions, media presentations and activities all designed to foster an understanding of, and commitment to diversity issues.

Click the image for details.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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