U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Greater Miami Valley Events & News No. 2019-11-14

Greater Miami Valley Events & News No. 2019-11-14

  • (Nov. 16) FW: DAWN Demo at 1pm at Stroop and Far Hills
  • (Nov. 16) FW: Census input session
  • (Nov. 16 & 18 and & Dec. 2 & 8) FW:  Greenway NovDec 2019 Newsletter
  • (Nov. 16) FW: Mobile Food Day - Mount Calvary Bapt. Church
  • (Nov. 17) FW: Celebrating the 550th birthday of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru and founder of the Sikh faith
  • (Nov. 19) FW: Invitation for Nov 19th women's Interfaith Discussion
  • (Nov. 20) FW: REMINDER: Register for the 19th Annual Thanksgiving Diversity Lunch
  • FW: DLM Good Neighbor Program


From: Daytonians Against War Now (DAWN) On Behalf Of Hilary Lerman
Subject: DAWN Demo Nov 16 1pm at Stroop and Far Hills

DAWN! is sponsoring a demo on Saturday, Nov. 16 at 1pm at the corner of Stroop and Far Hills.

  • The military-Industrial complex is loosening the dogs of war.
  • The US continues to supply weaponry for the Saudis to continue their war against the Yemeni.
  • The rhetoric is heating up for a confrontation with Iran.
  • The US continues to support the rightist movement in Venzuela.
  • While the Democrats seem focused on Trump's talk with Zelansky, the real problem is the US arming Ukraine and increasing the tension with Russia
  • (See the discussions by Stephen Cohen, especially his recent book. At War With Russia)
  • The US endorses the military threat in Bolivia which forced the president, Evo Morales, to resign and allow the traditional rightists to resume power. Many of the the officers involved were trained in the SOA (School of the America) which has a long history of training to eliminate progressive groups.

So, things are not calm and while many are absorbed in the the primaries, there are powerful movements throughout the world that we need to support.


From: Ken
Subject: Census input session

Notification from: City of Dayton - Planning Department

Greetings to you. The Dayton-Montgomery County Complete Count Committee wants to hear from you! Nearly $700 billion in federal funds are distributed annually based on the census count. We want our share. Come out and learn what to expect in the upcoming 2020 Census AND give your input on how to make sure our community is counted. Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019 @ 9:30 a.m. @ Thurgood Marshall High School Cafeteria 4447 Hoover Avenue, Dayton, OH.

To register for this important session go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/census-solutions-workshop-tickets-80347007061

If you have Questions or need more information, contact Austin Railey III in the City Commission Office – (937) 333-3641


From: Bob Jurick on behalf of Matthew R.Q. Lawson, Executive Director, B-W Greenway Community Land Trust
Subject: Greenway NovDec 2019 Newsletter

To all our members, new and old, thank you for all of your contributions this 2019 year.  Your donations and memberships have allowed B-W Greenway Community Land Trust to continue our conservation efforts on behalf of your support.

Your involvement is at the core of our organization.  From all of your friends at B-W Greenway, thank you.

Learn more about your financial efforts and how we've created a stronger, greener community because of your donations!

Findd more details by clicking this link B-W MEMBER'S NEWS NOV-DEC

To find out more about how you can contribute tp B-W Greenway, please email our Executive Director, Matthew Lawson: execdirector@bwgreenway.org



From: David K. Greer on behalf of Verletta Jackson; Community Engagement Supervisor, lanning and Community Development, City of Dayton
Subject: (Nov. 16) FW: Mobile Food Day - Mount Calvary Bapt. Church

The Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, in partnership with the City of Dayton, Dakota Center and The Foodbank will host the next Mobile Food Day on Saturday, November 16, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon (see flyer attached), please share with others.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (Verletta Jackson) at 937-333-3288.

From: Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton
Subject: (Nov. 17) Celebrating the 550th birthday of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru and founder of the Sikh faith.

The Sikh Society of Dayton celebration - from Nov 15 to Nov 17, 2019 - will include continuous recital of prayers and langar sewa (free communal meals) during the weekend and singing of hymns on Nov 17th. Invitees from the IFGD (Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton) are welcome to join us at any time during the weekend ~ especially on Nov 17, 2019 - starting at 12:30 pm - when, after the opportunity to participate in part of our prayer service, you will also join in the langar sewa (free communal meal) experience, followed by a short presentation and discussion of Guru Nanak’s teachings around 2:00 pm. We expect to be there until around 3 pm.

Address: Gurdwara Sikh Society of Dayton, 2320 Harshman Road, Dayton, OH 45424 PLEASE NOTEThis is a different time and location from our usual Interfaith Forum program gatherings!

Our time at Gurdwara Sikh Society of Dayton is sure to be a special opportunity and unique learning experience about the Sikh faith.

Some particulars to be observed for our visit:

Please identify yourselves as attendees from the Interfaith Forum Group and sign in on arrival (I believe outside the prayer hall)

  • Women should come with scarves that cover head, although scarves will be provided for those arriving without.
  • Men will be provided with a triangular head cover to be tied at the back of the head. 
  • Shoes are to be taken off and left in shoe room. 

Dress comfortably to sit on the carpeted floor (if unable or you don't wish to do so, chairs will be placed toward the back of Prayer Hall).

Program Details: on arrival, persons will remove shoes, be given scarves (if not brought), wash hands, then be escorted to the Prayer Hall, where the service will be in progress. With guides, they will move toward the front, hands in prayer (palms together in front of chest, fingers up), go down of knees, head toward / touching the carpet (or the general idea); then, standing up, hands in prayer, backing out. Those who are unable or don't wish to do this part of the Sikh tradition are also welcome to enter the prayer hall and be seated without going down on knees and bending. One can either remain in the Prayer Hall, sitting on the floor or on a chair or move to the Langar Hall (dining room) for snacks and hot tea.

Eventually, towards the end of the Prayer Service, all IFGD participants will gather in the Langar Hall for lunch just ahead of the Sikh members coming out of the Prayer Service.

Sikhs traditionally sit on long carpets to eat which symbolizes that all are equal and at the same level in the House of the Lord. IFGD participants have the option of either sitting on the carpet or at the tables, according to their convenience.

Following langar our IFGD participants will return to the Prayer Hall for the presentation and informal discussion by the Drs.Sehbi and others sharing more of the Sikh tradition and hearing Interfaith Forum participants ' take' on their experience.

Leave for home to reflect on the learning and the experience around 3:00 pm.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Some background Information on the Sikh Faith: Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism. He traveled a staggering distance of 28,000 kilometers across South Asia and Middle East by foot to spread his teachings that are immortalized in the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy text of the Sikhs.

Guru Nanak advocated the existence of one God, seen differently through various faiths. He taught that anyone is capable of reaching God through the practices of meditation in the name of God, honest living, sharing the fruits of one’s labor with others and helping those who are unable to take care of themselves. Guru Nanak appealed to his followers to respect women and to treat them as their equal. He taught society to end caste or religion based discrimination and treat everyone with respect.

Guru Nanak emphasized the importance of leading a spiritual life without embracing monasticism. He taught us to escape the clutches of ordinary human traits of lust, rage, greed, attachment and conceit (collectively known as the ‘Five Thieves’).

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion, which believes that God is shapeless, timeless and invisible. It teaches the concepts of worldly illusion (Maya), Karma, and liberation. The Sikh faith advocates justice and equality and urges its followers to serve mankind.


From: Ladies Interfaith (Bushra Shahid Ahmadiyya Muslim Community; Judith Woll Jewish Community; Kelly Johnson Christian Community)
Subject: (Nov. 19) Invitation for Nov 19th women's Interfaith Discussion

 We are happy to invite you to our November women’s interfaith gathering which is going to be at the West Charleston Church of the Brethren in Tipp City. On Tuesday, November 19th from 11 am to 1 pm with doors opening at 10:30 am. The complete address of the church is as follows:

4817 OH-202, Tipp City, OH 45371

Directions to the church are as follows: The church is at 4817 S. State Route 202, Tipp City. They are actually at the NE corner of Rt. 571 and Rt. 202.
If you come up or down I 75, you will go East through Tipp City to Rt. 202 (3.2 mi) and turn left.

We are very excited to be visiting this congregation that serves a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic community. The church serves the need of many newly settled people in Dayton from around the globe and offers a variety of community services to them. Moreover, this is the first time that we are going out so much north and we hope that you will be excited, just as we are. We are also hoping to meet and involve the wonderful women of this multicultural multi-ethnic church in our women’s interfaith discussion.

This program will be the last of the series of discussions on How we See God in different religions. As you know in the previous two discussions we focused on the topic with reference to Judaism and Christianity respectively. Now we will focus on it with reference to Islam and it is the last program of the series. Our next one in January will have all the three faiths discussing a single topic in the same program.

As usual, we ask you to bring a vegetarian dish if possible. We are also happy to inform you that this church does not use paper products. We will be enjoying the food on real plates so if some of you can stay afterward to help load the dishwasher, that would certainly be appreciated.

Last but not least we ask you to spread the word to your friends and neighbors. Don't forget to RSVP. We are looking forward to seeing you all again. God bless.

From: Cathy Heldman, AJC Cincinnati
Subject: (Nov. 20) REMINDER: Register for the 19th Annual Thanksgiving Diversity Lunch

AJC Cincinnati 19th Annual Thanksgiving Diversity Lunch

Celebrating our Unique Roots and Shared Values

Join us as we launch the AJC Community of Conscience:
Rejecting bigotry and amplifying values that unite us.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

11:45 AM – 1:15 PM

Schiff Family Conference Center, Cintas Center, Xavier University
1624 Herald Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45207

$20/person includes lunch
Register online by Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Co-Chairs: Rachel Loftspring and Rick Stern

Planning Committee: Shagufa Ahmad, Cynthia Cummins, Becca Desai, Sandy Kaltman, Aasees Kaur,
Kelley Maher, Nazley Mamedova, Sheela Mehta, Monica Perdomo, Parmjit Sandher, Betsy Sato,
Kazuya Sato, Deb Vance, Budge Wallis, Charleston Wang, The Rev. Heather Wiseman



From: Lisa Z. Garvic; Director, Human Resources & Operations, Senior Resource Connection937
Subject: FW: Good Neighbor Program

We are now partnering with Dorothy Lane Market’s Good Neighbor program.  This is similar to the program with Kroger where you can link your rewards card to a non-profit and DLM will give a percentage back to SRC.  You can either sign up online (link below) or fill out the attached form and drop it off a the customer service desk at any DLM.

-------------- Forwarded message from  Jessica Shaw; Administrative Assistant to Norman Mayne, CEO, Dorothy Lane Market -------------
Here is a PDF where you can see your organization listed. It is number 921.

Also, your participants can sign up on line at https://www.dorothylane.com/club-dlm/good-neighbor-program/
Or they have the option of filling out one of the pdfs and bringing into one of our stores. Or they can pick up the sheet at any of our Guests Services.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (Jessica Shaw) directly at 937-535-5703.



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