U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Greater Miami Valley Events & News No. 2019-11-06

Greater Miami Valley Events & News No. 2019-11-06

  • FW: Dayton Unit NAACP Official Statement on Officer Involved Shooting
  • FW: A UD Position Open
  • FW: Leaf Pick up program (of City of Dayton)
  • (Nov. 7 & 8) FW: CCC Meeting County Commissioner, RAPCA, Good Samaritan Hospital Rally this Week
  • (Nov. 7 & 15) FW: Community-Agency-Networking Meeting (Nov. 7) & Putting-People-First Conference (Nov. 15)
  • (Nov.  8) FW: For Marketing and Emailing Great Discussions Program for November
  • (Nov. 12) FW: C.A.A.N.E. November 2019 Meeting Confirmed
  • (Nov. 13) Peace Issues series this fall
  • (Nov. 14) FW: New Member Orientations! For co-op members, and curiously interested individuals.
  • (Nov. 15) FW: NAACP-Springfield Freedom Fund Banquet 2019
  • (Nov. 16 & Dec. 14) FW: Great News! Abundant Season Updates for Hurricane Dorian USAID Approval & Turkey Baskets and Christmas Party Fundraisers
  • FW: Ombudsman Office Weekly Update 11-1-2019


From: Dr. Derrick L. Foward, President - Dayton Unit NAACP
Subject: Dayton Unit NAACP Official Statement on Officer Involved Shooting

Dayton Unit NAACP Official Statement

On behalf of the Dayton Unit NAACP, I send my heartfelt condolences to the family of Detective Jorge DelRio. I pray that the Almighty God brings him through this horrific, senseless act of violence.

I also pray for the employees of the Dayton Police Department as you reflect on all of the fond memories you have of your wounded brother.

Last evening, as the details were unfolding regarding Detective DelRio having been shot while on duty, I held a moment of silence for him during the West Patrol roll call and then presented another officer, Officer Rolfes, with a Hero award for courageous action during the mass shooting in Dayton, August 4, 2019.

We will continue to be Dayton Strong!


From: David K. Greer
Subject: FW: Leaf Pick up program

Notification from: City of Dayton - Planning Department

Fall Greetings to you all.  Just wanted to advise you that the City of Dayton will continue its leaf pickup program for the week of Monday, November 4th.  These are the neighborhoods being served: Five Points, Wolf Creek, Old Dayton View, Southern Dayton View, University Row, Princeton Heights, Dayton View Triangle, Cornell Heights, College Hill, Wesleyan Hill, Greenwich Village, Northern Hills and Philadelphia Woods.   Please advise your neighbors to rake only their leaves to the curb.  No bags or other yard debris will be picked up.  For more information on the leaf pick up program go the city's website: www.daytonohio.gov/353/leaf-collection service.  And as always thank you for all you do for the city and have a great day.


From: Mary Tyler
Subject: UD Position Open; please share info

Greater West Dayton Incubator Manager

Greater West Dayton Incubator(GWDI) - 209062  October 29, 2019   Open until filled

The Greater West Dayton Incubator (GWDI) Manager is responsible for helping to develop and implement the University of Dayton's strategy for a neighborhood incubation site in West Dayton. The manager will engage with UD students and faculty to help support small businesses and entrepreneurs in Greater West Dayton. This includes connecting businesses and entrepreneurs to resources at UD and in the broader community, as well promoting the GWDI initiative to UD students and faculty to build engagement. The position reports to the Director of UD's Crotty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership


From: Nancy Kiehl; CCC, Chair of Outreach
Subject: CCC Meeting County Commissioner, RAPCA, Good Samaritan Hospital Rally this Week

There are a couple of CCC Events this week.
Please look over the list and see if you are able to join us for any or all of them.

Nov. 7th, Thursday, RAPCA (Regional Air Pollution Control Agency),
                             3:00 - 4:00 pm
                             Reibold Building 117 S. Main St. First Floor

Are you affected by the demolition of Good Samaritan Hospital? Are you experiencing health issues? We in the CCC have been pressuring RAPCA, EPA and Pubic Health to address the air quality issues, to obtain air monitors and analyze fallen debris for data collection. We are very concerned for the health and safety of the residents that are living right next to the demolition site of Good Samaritan Hospital, as well as the students at Fairview Elementary School one block away. We have also been pressuring RAPCA for a public hearing along with EPA, Public Health & Safety and the City of Dayton.

Please come early if you would like to fill out a form and file a complaint.

Nov. 8th, Friday, WE NEED A HOSPITAL Rally at Good Samaritan Hospital,
                         11:30am -12:30pm
                         Corner of Philadelphia Dr. and Salem Ave.

We in the CCC have been protesting for 22 months since the announcement of the closing of the hospital. We believe our presence at the GSH site and at Premier, alternating weekly, reminds people that we continue to struggle forward. All is not lost as we still have a viable Health and Human Service Federal Complaint against Premier Health Partners and remain hopeful that a hospital will rise again on this site.

On Friday, it may be cold out there. There are some of us who don long underwear, but we will not gather if it is below freezing. Be conscious of your own health needs. We stand in solidarity.


From: Ebron, Dawn <DEbron@phdmc.org>
Subject: Community-Agency-Networking Meeting (Nov. 7) & Putting-People-First Conference (Nov. 15)

As Public Health was planning training related to Social Determinants of Health and the CHIP, we discovered that there were other related learning opportunities already planned in the community. For those interested, I wanted to pass on registration information for two of those opportunities occurring in November

On November 7, Buckeye Health Plan is offering a session at Central State University (see below).
The Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association is offering Part 1 of a two part series on November 15th at Sinclair (see below).


From: Anthony Massoud  
Subject: For Marketing and Emailing Great Discussions Program for November

Regenerating from the Ground Up by Susan Jennings

The 21st century is ripe with conflict and dissolution. Climate catastrophe, water woes, food insecurity, economic instability, species collapses and massive migrations challenge humanity to set a radically-different course. Thankfully, farmers, environmentalists, researchers, and activists have been partnering on regeneration projects that provide a hopeful glimpse of a healthy future for all who share the planet. Come to learn what's happening locally and globally, and how you can participate.

Susan Jennings: Susan Jennings became Executive Director of The Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions (AMICS) in 2014. Since that time, she has partnered with the AMICS board to implement a new strategic plan oriented toward the support of resilient communities. She also led AMICS in the 2017 purchase of Agraria, a 128-acre farm on the outskirts of Yellow Springs which is being developed into a Center for Regenerative Practice. Susan serves on The Village of Yellow Springs' Economic Sustainability Commission, the Board of the Greater Dayton Conservation Fund, and on the national Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching on behalf of Central State University. She also facilitates a Community Climate Resilience class for the University of Dayton's lifelong learning institute.

Email: sjennings@communitysolution.org
please use this to RSVP: http://evite.me/wQybPuqenG


From: Rocale Bumpus; Montgomery County, JFS Program Specialist
Subject: C.A.A.N.E. November 2019 Meeting Confirmed

Thank you for participating in our survey. Based on the survey responses our C.A.A.N.E. meeting for November 2019 will be held on November 12, 2019.

Location:  County Job Center- Conference Room 1133
Date:  Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Time:  1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

We hope your schedule will allow you to attend, and we apologize for any inconvenience.


Subject: Peace Issues series this fall

Community Peace Series
Everyone Welcome
Selected Wednesday Each Month, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Held at the Dayton Religious Society of Friends (Quaker) Meeting House
345 Wyoming Street, Dayton, Ohio 45410

Local speakers, mostly neighbors, will present their experience in a short "Ted-like Talk" followed by time for questions and discussion about implementing these ideas.
Families are encouraged to attend. There will be a free soup & bread meal and a separate room where children can enjoy supervised related activities during the presentations.

Topic:  What Can we do for our Environment?


6:30 – 7:15       Free Soup and bread supper
7  – 8:15          Children's supervised activities
7:15 - 8:30       Adult Presentations and discussion

Sponsored by Dayton Friends (Quakers)
Peace and Social Concerns Committee

or call Nikki   937-253-336


From: Gem City Market Newsletter
Subject: New Member Orientations! For co-op members, and curiously interested individuals.

Gem City Market Community Meeting

Date: November 14th, 6-8pm
Location: CSU – Dayton
840 Germantown Street Dayton Ohio / parking available

Calling all Gem City Market Community Members looking for project updates, opportunities to engage, and fellowship with cooperative members (whether you've already joined or are curiously interested!) November 14th, 6pm-8pm is fooooor you!

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As a community-powered project we want to operate like the left-side illustration, not the centralized power node on the right. Our tiny yet mighty Membership Committee (Hi Erica, Rachel DB, and Maya!) asked us to put out the call for GCM Cooperative Members who want to level-up on your Membership knowledge, and connections with other cooperative members.

Whether you have just an hour, or are looking for a consistent volunteer opportunity... our Membership Committee would love to connect with you.

Email Contact@GemCityMarket.com to start the conversation...


New Member Orientation

A quick-paced hour of interactive (still safe for introverts) orientation to what membership in Gem City Market means, clearing up common misconceptions, and orienting you to where we are in the project right now... bring your curiosity and your questions for this pilot series of New Member Orientations.

Choose day & time for the pilot session(s)

(We are committed to offering education at the times you are available. We will hold pilot sessions
in the month of October for every time slot that has 5+ committed attendees.
Choose your time by clicking the button above.)



Wholesale Distributor Chosen: Gem City Market has chosen Associated Wholesale Grocers (AWG) as our main distributor. AWG offers a great selection of national brands and their own house lines for a variety of budgets. AWG is also a cooperative which means we own part of the company, like member-owners own part of GCM. Want to know more? Attend a New Member Orientation.

Additional Project Management: We've learned a whole lot about the grocery industry since setting out on this journey in 2015, including the value of hiring professional support. We've contracted with Columinate, a proven consulting cooperative with vast start-up grocery expertise, to help us make sure we deliver the store you want within budget and in the best possible time. More details in a future newsletter. 

Graphic Design Enthusiasts: GCM is in a transition period from a primarily community organizing focus to a retail grocery store focus. Our contracted marketing agency - Firebrand is helping us move through to our next phase of existence. We'll need implementation assistance and are connecting with community oriented production graphic designers. Semi-professionals welcome. Curious? Just reply back to this email.

From: NAACP-Springfield FFB
Subject: NAACP-Springfield: Freedom Fund Banquet 2019

NAACP-Springfield Freedom Fund Banquet 2019

Nov 15, 6:00 PM – 08:00 PM
Hollenbeck Bayley Conference Center,
275 S Limestone St, Springfield, OH 45505, USA


We look forward to seeing all of you on November 15th as we celebrate the Springfield Unit NAACP's 5th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet at Clark State's Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts & Conference Center. We are pleased to announce Springfield's native son, Dr. Maurice A. Stinnett, Vice President of Diversity, Inclusion & Culture, BSE Global, Brooklyn, New York as our guest speaker. Our social hour will begin at 5:30pm. We ask that you please share this event with your network of friends.


From: Abundant Season Anointed Ministries International
Subject: Great News! Abundant Season Updates for Hurricane Dorian USAID Approval & Turkey Baskets and Christmas Party Fundraisers


Thank you! Just wanted to give you great updates.  We are on the approved list for USAID in Washington DC to provide supplies for Hurricane Dorian.  What this means is anything that we ship, they will request directly and they will pay for shipping.  In addition, we are still sending what our churches in the Bahamas are requesting at our expense.  This is amazing news.  Please let people know that we are only collecting what was requested of us to collect and ship:  feminine products, wipes, soap, deodorant, toiletries, and toilet paper.  We are not collecting money unless people want to donate to the events below and/or so that we can purchase items and for shipments to the churches in the Bahamas.  We're all set at the highest level.  Again, thank you and please share with others!

November 16th - We are providing 78 Turkey boxes during our 2020 Vision Conference.  We are at maximum capacity.  We've over doubled what we gave last year. Last year we gave out 35 turkey boxes with everything they need. We started with just 6 boxes almost 10 years ago.

Dec 14th - Christmas Giveaway.  We will provide a huge Christmas Dinner and gifts for everyone.  We have a 188 people signed up for this event.  We are way over capacity - We've almost tripled this year based on the need. We average between 50-80 people.

Please note that our focus is for people in need, tornado victims and survivors of the Dayton mass shootings.  We need volunteers if you know of people who would like to help with any of the events above.

COLLECTING DONATIONS! Again, thank you  are a blessing in  all that you do.    You have made a difference in Dayton and how we are able to help our communities.  Thank you! Spread the word, we can always use volunteers to help serve on both dates. (If you like to donate a turkey, canned goods, etc, or even cook for the Christmas Party or purchase gifts - please feel free to do so.  Donations are tax deductible). Let me know what you decide.

P.S. Please find copied is the flyer for the conference - it's a way to prepare and reflect 40 days prior to the new year and give out turkey baskets (Breakfast and lunch will be served).  This our 11th annual conference.  Also, I've attached a flyer for our fundraiser selling faith-based wrist bands to help defray cost for what we do and training.  I've also created a go fund me account for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Event.  We will need support to help the community.  Here's the link to donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/thanksgiving-baskets-and-christmas-giveaway?teamInvite=NXz05zGxl6lAMFC1VM2vRdTXoousKPwx2E8SWdq775w9SFX8cjzAnwIOAHaiXuGV

From: David K. Greer on behalf of Ombudsman Diane Welborn
Subject: FW: Ombudsman Office Weekly Update 11-1-2019

Dear Members of the Board of Directors of the Ombudsman Office, Elected Officials and Colleagues:

Your Ombudsman Office was especially busy this week opening 25 cases on the Dayton Public Schools, City of Dayton Inspection Services, Food Stamp Eligibility, Medicaid Eligibility, the Social Security Administration, the US Post Office, Miami Valley Community Action Partnership, Greater Dayton Premier Management, and the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for households in Centerville, Clay Township,. Dayton, Englewood, Huber Heights, Kettering and Miamisburg.

This week we had the opportunity to assist a man who is having challenges with his Social Security payee.  He was referred to our office by a woman for whom he does yard work and odd jobs.  The man receives Social Security, and the agency sends his monthly benefit to a payee agency who is to assist in ensuring his bills are paid.  The agency had not paid his rent in a timely manner, so the man was facing an eviction action.  We intervened with the payee agency, who apologized for the error and immediately corrected the matter with the landlord.  The payee agency informed the Ombudsman that the man's Percentage of Income Plan needed to be renewed, and he would have to complete the paperwork for that himself.  Because of his illiteracy, the Ombudsman made arrangement for a person from MVCAP to assist him with his renewal.

We had the opportunity to assist an additional forty households through brief assistance or referrals to the City of Dayton Waster collection, Adult Protective Services, Children's Services, the Montgomery County Courts, the Internal Revenue Service, Medicare, the Department of Labor, consumer matters, emergency assistance requests, homeless services, landlord tenant problems, social services, the Attorney General's office, the Ohio Department of Insurance and the Ohio Public Utilities Commission.  These households are from Dayton, Huber Heights, Kettering, Miamisburg, Riverside, Trotwood, Vandalia and Washington Township.

Our Long Term Care Ombudsman Program staff opened 14 new cases this week, ranging from meals being served cold; property stolen; alleged sexual abuse by nursing home staff; medications not being administered for two days; to call lights not answered for multiple hours.  Staff, volunteers and interns visited 34 nursing homes this week; attended three discharge hearings; and participated in ten regulatory inspections by the Ohio Department of Health.

Please note copied is our weekly column..

Facebook Weekly Update
October 28, 2019 – November 1, 2019

"Woman gets help acquiring her medical records"

A woman contacted the Ombudsman for help obtaining copies of her medical records.  The woman had been granted Social Security Disability based on a number of medical reports obtained from physicians and submitted to the Social Security Administration (SSA).  The woman had been directed by the physicians to contact the SSA for copies of the reports.  When the woman contacted the Social Security Administration, she was told to contact the physicians.  The woman felt caught in a catch 22 situation and contacted the Ombudsman for assistance. The Ombudsman contacted the SSA concerning the woman's request.  Staff at the agency reported a high volume of citizen requests and agreed to send the woman a CD of her electronic records.  The CDs are provided rather than paper copies when the citizen's folder with the agency is completely electronic, as in the case of this woman.  

The woman later called to report that she had received a CD from the SSA.  The CD contained a great deal of information, but not the particular medical reports she was seeking. The Ombudsman is familiar with the agency CDs and believed the CD to be complete.  The Ombudsman instructed the woman on how to check the CD for further information.  The woman called later to report that a friend had been able to open the medical reports on his computer, and that now the woman had all the information she had been seeking and was satisfied.

The Ombudsman Column, a production of the Joint Office of Citizen Complaints, summarizes selected problems that citizens have with government services, schools and nursing homes in the Dayton area.  Contact the Ombudsman by writing to the Beerman Building, 11 West Monument Avenue, Suite 606, Dayton, Ohio 45402 or telephone 937-223-4613 or by electronic mail at ombudsman@dayton-ombudsman.org.


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