[mpen-dayton4] FW: "Ohio’s Troubling Achievement Gap: Charter ..." & "Tell Congress: Don't undermine Obama's Iran deal" & "Arizona" & "WYSO Archives and History" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
· FW: Ohio's Troubling Achievement Gap: Charter Schools Make it Worse
· FW: Tell Congress: Don't undermine Obama's Iran deal
· FW: We can't let the war-mongers win (By JVP)
· FW: Action Required: Urge Members of Congress to Oppose a Bad Deal (By AIPAC)
· FW: Thank you for signing the "President Obama: Thank you for pursuing peace with Iran" petition
· FW: Republicans Missing the Point Behind Donald Trump's Ascendancy
· FW: Former Attorney General Eric Holder's new job is defending Wall Street
· FW: Pope Francis Apologizes For 'Grave Sins' Against Native People Of America
· FW: WYSO Archives & History - Out Now
From: Prof. Vernellia Randall (schooltoprisonpipeline@lists.udayton.edu)
Subject: [SchooltoPrisonPipeline] Ohio's Troubling Achievement Gap: Charter Schools Make it Worse
Particularly troubling is the graduation gap. -- Dropout is correlated to imprisonment. Is Charter Schools Making the School-to-prison pipeline worst?
Ohio's Troubling Achievement Gap: Charter Schools Make it Worse
July 15, 2015 By Stephen Dyer Leave a Comment
Late last week, the White House put out a report breaking down the state of the American student achievement gap and the news wasn't great for Ohio. In reading, we had the nation's ninth highest gap between our highest and lowest performing schools. In math, we had the nation's second-highest gap, and in graduation rates we had the nation's fourth largest gap. And while much of this difference can be explained by the relatively high performance of our highest performing schools, the gap is and should be a serious concern for Ohio's educators, parents and policy makers.
However, what the data used in the report also show is this: Ohio's charter schools have made the gap worse, not better, because they make up a disproportionate share of the worst performing schools, as measured by the federal data used in the White House report (see "About the Analysis" below).
For example:
- Despite making up 8% of all Ohio school buildings, charters represent 31% of the worst-performing reading buildings, 13% of the worst-performing math buildings, and 78% of the buildings with the worst graduation rates.
- Ohio's achievement gap is 6% bigger in math, 8% bigger in reading and a whopping 23% bigger in graduation rates than they would be if the analysis only included local public schools.
- And while the state's achievement gap is still too large, in all three cases, eliminating charters from the calculation drops Ohio's achievement gap ranking. Math drops from second to fourth greatest. Reading falls from ninth to 11th And the state's graduation rate gap tumbles from fourth to 14th highest.
- The achievement gap is greater in charter schools for math than it is in the local public schools
- The charter school achievement gap is narrower in reading and graduation rates because charters' highest performers are so low performing overall compared with local public schools. For example, the average graduation rate for the 19 highest-performing charters – defined as those that have greater than 60% graduation rates (see "About the Analysis" below)– is 65%. Those 19 charters represent 17% of eligible charters. The average rate for the highest performing local schools – 96% of which have graduation rates greater than the 60% threshold – is 91%.
There is work that needs done closing Ohio's achievement gaps in all schools, no question. But what the federal data clearly show is that charter schools don't provide an overall solution. In fact, they are part of the problem, especially in graduation rates.
As for the gaps themselves, much of Ohio's gap problem is driven by our highest scoring local public buildings scoring so well. For example, while our lowest-performing math buildings score an average proficiency rate of 26% – the same as West Virginia – our remaining buildings score a 78% – the nation's seventh-highest rate and far higher than West Virginia's 47% – the nation's fourth-worst showing. So while West Virginia's gap seems to be much narrower, it's because the state's schools perform so much worse overall than Ohio's do.
So, if there's a silver lining to the achievement gap report it's that 95% of our schools are doing a pretty good job. However, we must address the 5% that are struggling mightily by utilizing – and paying for – measures that research shows can help improve student achievement.
Here is how each type of Ohio school building performs, according to the federal data examined for the White House report and analyzed by Innovation Ohio. The numbers are percentages of test takers scoring at the proficient level, or the percentage of eligible students who graduate.
About the Analysis: The White House report examined data from the 2012-2013 school year located at http://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/data-files/index.html on the web. Innovation Ohio was able to reproduce the White House calculations using the report's methodology generally explained in its footnotes.
The White House calculated the achievement gap for reading and math by taking the average proficiency rate of the worst 5% of Title I buildings, then comparing that average with the average of the remaining non-Title I and Title I buildings. Because graduation rate reporting is more spotty, the White House calculated those rates by either doing a similar calculation as the proficiency rates, or taking the average graduation rate for Title I buildings below 60%, then comparing it with the average graduation rates for buildings over 60%. This final method is how Ohio's graduation calculation appears to have been done because Innovation Ohio was able to duplicate the rates the White House reported using that methodology.
By way of interest, it also appears that while schools with non-numeric proficiency rates in the federal data (for example, "GE95" reported in the data set would mean greater than 95% proficiency. In order to duplicate the White House reported data, Innovation Ohio had to include these non-numerics as the numeric substitute, like the number 95 substituted for "GE95"), they did not do the same for graduation data. So there are, for example, several charter schools with graduation rates listed as less than 5% or less than 10% that don't appear to be included in the White House's calculation. If they had been, as they apparently were in the proficiency data, Ohio's poorest-performing graduation rate would be far lower than the 31% reported.
From: Jo, Alejandro, Brian, Erica, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Tell Congress: Don't undermine Obama's Iran deal
Finally: We have a comprehensive, verifiable, long-term diplomatic agreement with Iran.
Now it's up to MoveOn members to fight like hell to make sure Democrats in Congress defend this diplomatic agreement. The clock is ticking. We have less than 60 days until a make-or-break vote that will determine whether this deal is allowed to move forward. Less than 60 days to decide whether we're on a path to peace or war with Iran.1
Will Democrats accept this deal that cuts off Iran's pathway to developing a nuclear weapon for more than a decade, in exchange for easing some international sanctions—or will they allow Republicans to scuttle it, likely putting our nation on the path to another unnecessary war in the Middle East?
Make no mistake, Republicans can't prevail unless Democrats help them. Some Democrats are already wavering, and even the best Democrats have been more muted on this issue than we need them to be. That's why it's imperative that we call your Senator right now with a strong "defend the deal" message.
You can say: "Republicans will try to take us to war by sabotaging the Iran nuclear deal. I urge you to support the deal and stop the Republicans from starting another costly war in the Middle East."
Then, please report your call by clicking here:
The American public backs a diplomatic deal with Iran by a 2-1 margin.2 Nonproliferation, nuclear policy, and national security experts agree that a diplomatic resolution is by far the best way to ensure that Iran never builds a nuclear weapon.3 And President Obama promised to veto any anti-diplomacy legislation and to defend this hard-won and verifiable deal.4
This should be a total no-brainer for Democrats. But far too many are feeling acute pressure from lobbyists who oppose diplomacy and the bite of unrelenting attack ads—prodding them to cross over and stand with partisan Republicans eager to hand President Obama a loss on this.5
That's why we all need to lift our voices right now. Can you pick up the phone and call your senator?
You can say: "Republicans will try to take us to war by sabotaging the Iran nuclear deal. I urge you to support the deal and stop the Republicans from starting another costly war in the Middle East."
Then, please report your call by clicking here:
MoveOn members have been staunch defenders of diplomacy—and the peace it represents—for years. We've made tens of thousands of calls to Congress and generated hundreds of thousands of petition signatures.
We can win this fight. But it will take all of us who believe in diplomacy and who want a more progressive foreign policy—all of us who know our nation can win without war—acting together to make sure Democrats in Congress heed our call for peace and stand strong for diplomacy with Iran.
Please don't wait. Call today.
1. "Republican Lawmakers Vow Fight to Derail Nuclear Deal," The New York Times, July 14, 2015 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=305454&id=124821-1195276-SA9pEJx&t=3
2. "Poll: Public Backs a Nuclear Deal with Iran by 2-1 Margin," NBC News, June 30, 2015 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=305225&id=124821-1195276-SA9pEJx&t=4
3. "Overwhelming Expert Consensus Favors Agreement with Iran," LobeLog Foreign Policy, July 6, 2015 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=305226&id=124821-1195276-SA9pEJx&t=5
4. "Obama's Remarks On Iran Nuclear Deal (Transcript)," Roll Call, July 14, 2015 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=305456&id=124821-1195276-SA9pEJx&t=6
5. "$1.4 million ad buy targets Obama's Iran deal," Politico, June 23, 2015 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=305228&id=124821-1195276-SA9pEJx&t=7
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Start a monthly donation here or chip in a one-time donation here.
From: Estee Chandler, JVP
Subject: We can't let the war-mongers win
In less than 48 hours, thousands of supporters of peace and justice just like you have contacted Congress to voice their support for diplomacy. But there's still a lot to do: Netanyahu's far-right allies are throwing everything they've got at this, trying to scare our Representatives and Senators into kowtowing to his warmongering. Will you take 3 minutes to send a message loud and clear -- Americans want peace, not war? Thanks, Estee
Stand up to AIPAC, Adelson, and Netanyahu – tell
Rep. Michael Turner, Sen. Sherrod Brown and
Sen. Rob Portman to support the deal with Iran
Tell Rep. Michael Turner, Sen. Sherrod Brown and Sen. Rob Portman
you support diplomacy, not endless war.
Have you heard the news? The P5+1 (the governments of the U.S., China, France, Russia, the UK, and Germany) have hammered out a deal with the Iranian government. It's a remarkable achivement, and it shows that real progress comes through negotiation, not violence.
But the fight isn't over yet. Egged on by Netanyahu and his super-rich backers like Sheldon Adelson, some in Congress are threatening to sink the deal. Some politicians are so desperate to appease Israel's far-right leaders that they're willing to risk war with Iran.
We've only got 60 days to urge Congress to support this deal, and stand for diplomacy instead of war.
This deal - backed up by strict verification measures - is a testament to the difficult, but crucial, diplomatic process. It's a sign that our problems don't have to be solved through war, and it's a first step towards a more peaceful future for the Middle East.
Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly favor a diplomatic solution to Iran's nuclear ambitions. A majority of American Jews support diplomacy, too, so we can't let those who oppose this deal pretend they speak for the American Jewish community.
Tell Rep. Michael Turner, Sen. Sherrod Brown and Sen. Rob Portman: you work for me, not for Netanyahu. Support diplomacy, not war.
Our opponents are getting desperate, Munsup. They're telling outright lies about the proposed deal, and claiming it's a giveaway to the government of Iran. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth: this deal will leave Iran with no access to nuclear weapons, and ensure a strict regime of inspections to make sure that their government complies.
Israeli leaders, AIPAC, and other opponents of the deal are whipping up fear to try and prevent any kind of diplomatic deal. But here's the thing: while they shout about Iran's nuclear ambitions, Israel has quietly maintained a nuclear program without signing any international treaties.
Congress needs to hear our message. Elected officials need to know that we want them to stand for peace.
We've come too far to give up now. This deal is an incredible opportunity to prove that peace comes from negotiation, not endless war. We can't let this chance go to waste.
From: AIPAC Political Department
Subject: Action Required: Urge Members of Congress to Oppose a Bad Deal
Urge Members of Congress to
Oppose the Nuclear Agreement with Iran
Background Information
After more than 20 months of negotiations, the United States and its negotiating partners announced a nuclear agreement with Iran. Throughout the negotiations, AIPAC outlined five critical criteria for a good deal. Unfortunately, the proposed agreement is fundamentally flawed in each of these vital areas.
The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 established a procedure for congressional review of any nuclear agreement with Iran. Congress must now oppose this deal, which would leave Iran as a nuclear threshold state, thereby jeopardizing U.S. interests and posing an existential threat to Israel and other American allies.
Please call or email your members of Congress today and urge them to oppose this deal.
Call (202) 225-3121 to reach Senate and House members through the Capitol switchboard
E-mail your members of Congress
Find your members of Congress
Info/Questions grassroots@aipac.org
Phone Script: "I am calling to urge the senator/representative to oppose the Iran nuclear deal because it will not block Iran from getting a nuclear weapon."
Talking Points
- I have consistently supported diplomatic efforts to peacefully prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. I appreciate the hard work of the administration to reach a deal.
- Unfortunately, the proposed deal will let Iran become a threshold nuclear weapons state and will not guarantee international inspectors access to suspicious sites in Iran.
- Congress and the president have repeatedly said, "No deal is better than a bad deal." This is a bad deal.
- Congress must oppose this agreement, and urge the administration to negotiate a better deal that will truly prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon.
From: Jo Comerford; MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Thank you for signing the "President Obama: Thank you for pursuing peace with Iran" petition
Thank you for signing my petition, President Obama: Thank you for pursuing peace with Iran.
As of now, the petition has received 85277 signatures! To really make a difference, we need a lot more people to join in. Can you share this petition with all your friends?
Here's a sample message to send to your friends:
President Obama just announced that the U.S., Iran, and the international community have reached a historic agreement to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, hopefully putting us on a path to ending decades of hostility. Unfortunately, war hawks in Congress are committed to undermining diplomacy. Over the next 60 days, we're going to have to campaign hard to make sure Congress doesn't squander this opportunity.
But for right now, it's worth celebrating what a historic achievement this is for diplomacy. And we can be thankful that President Obama is working to avoid another massively destructive and costly US war in the Middle East. The president promised "aggressive, principled diplomacy," with Iran when he campaigned for president in the 2008 primary and general election.
Now that he's shown that diplomacy can work, we need to show that the American people stand with him and will do everything in their power to give this agreement a chance to succeed and become a model for resolving other conflicts. But with opponents of diplomacy about to go all out to stop this, we have to be out there right away, visibly and loudly.
We've all seen presidents drag us into war. It's not every day we see one help the country steer clear of one.
That's why I signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says:
"Thank you for investing in a diplomatic solution to Iran's nuclear programâ€"and for committing to peace, not war, as a preferred course of action. We call on Congress to stand with you in this effort."
Will you sign the petition too? Click here to add your name:
From: Raynard Jackson
Subject: Republicans Missing the Point Behind Donald Trump's Ascendancy
Republicans Missing the Point Behind Donald Trump's Ascendancy
July 13, 2015; By Raynard Jackson, Columnist
Donald Trump's political ascendancy has less to do with him and more to do with the Republican electorate's total disillusionment with the lack of leadership coming from our congressional leadership.
All of a sudden, along comes Donald Trump speaking a language the Republican base understands—English!
In my view, Trump, Carly Fiorina, and Chris Christie are the only Republicans that are speaking to the American people in a manner that they can understand. The rest of the field speaks in "politicaleeze."
The American people want someone like a Christie who will look them straight in the eye and give a direct answer to their question.
Far too many candidates, both Democrats and Republicans, spend too much time poll testing and focus grouping everything and every issue.
This brings me back to Trump. Whatever you think about him, he spoke the truth about the state of illegal immigration; and yes his language was extremely hyperbolic and way over the top. Yes, he could have made the same point without the incendiary language; but nonetheless, he has caused a tectonic shift in the debate over sanctuary cities.
Trump has managed to tap into voter angst and their economic insecurity. So, Republicans should stop fretting so much about how Trump hurt the feelings of Hispanics and deal with the issue he has brought to the forefront of the political landscape.
If our congressional leaders would spend more time promoting the conservative agenda that they ran on last year versus giving Obama victories in trade and amnesty, then a person like Trump would have absolutely no political traction whatsoever.
In many ways, Donald Trump is the Frankenstein that our congressional leadership has created by their lack of any bold legislative action that they promised Republican voters during the 2014 elections.
They told the voters last year that if you give them control of the House and Senate, they would block Obama's amnesty—they caved; they would reign in federal spending—they caved; they would pass a strong boarder enforcement bill—they got amnesia.
Republican leadership thought these issues would just magically disappear or that the Supreme Court would save them from having to do their jobs; they were very wrong on both counts.
The next U.S. president will be the candidate who can speak directly to the American people in very simplistic language about their vision for the country on issues like immigration, ISIS, the domestic and foreign economy, values, how to manage the growing diversity of our country, etc.
So, as opposed to criticizing Trump, shut him up by addressing the issues he is talking about. Granted, his answers/solutions are extremely sophomoric; but at least he is addressing issues the American people care about in a language they understand.
The same thing can be said about Vermont senator, Bernie Sanders. You write him off at your own peril. He is tapping into the same frustration and disillusionment on the Democratic side that Donald Trump is tapping into on the Republican side.
It was sad watching Hillary Clinton's interview with CNN last week. She is quite good at talking without saying anything.
But I am getting this same eerie feeling that I got in 2007—2008 when Hillary acted as though winning the Democratic primary was a foregone conclusion. The amount of arrogance she and her campaign are showing is astonishing.
Sanders will continue to provide a vigorous challenge to Hillary from the left and then I expect Vice President Joe Biden to enter the race because of the disillusionment from their party's base.
So the takeaway from Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders is quite simple. People want to be talked to in a language that they can understand. They want specific answers to the problems facing Americans, no more broad, vague, undecipherable talk.
The American electorate is afraid about their future and needs and wants a presidential candidate who is going to reassure them that their future will be alright under their leadership.
Sometimes candidates need to get rid of their pollsters and just talk to the American people from their hearts about the values and the vision they have for the country.
So, Donald Trump is not the problem with the Republican Party; it is the seeming inability of Republicans to connect with the American people about how they are going to solve the many problems facing America.
Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC is an internationally recognized political consulting, government affairs, and PR firm based in Washington, DC. Jackson is an internationally recognized radio talk show host and TV commentator. He has coined the phrase "straticist." As a straticist, he has merged strategic planning with public relations. Visit his website at: www.raynardjackson.com.
From: albert baca
Subject: FW: ARIZONA
I thought some of you might enjoy reading this.
From what I understand the Donald and Sheriff Joe were the primary speakers in a room full of crazies. No half way sane republican showed up. Old Al wants to know what kind of a base is the people that showed up for such an event, granted it was in the bat shit crazy PHX metro area? Note I didn't say everybody in PHX was bat shit crazy. Just the majority. - Sandy
From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: FW: Signature needed: Former Attorney General Eric Holder's new job is defending Wall Street
Interesting...the $1.5 M condo the Holder's purchased 300 feet from Cov. & Bur., which kept his corner office open for him during his 'service' as US AG (during which he notably proclaimed that financial institutions were too big to prosecute for their financial crimes)...another of our over-trusting President's character misjudgments, like economic counselors Summers and Geithner (instead of people like Krugman and Reich).
I Signed the CREDO petition. - A.T.
Tell Congress: Subpoena Eric Holder's communication with his corporate law firm
Petition to the leadership of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees:
"Subpoena all communications between former Attorney General Eric Holder and Covington & Burling while he served at Department of Justice and investigate any potential conflict of interest."
Add your name:
It's the revolving door at its most despicable. Eric Holder spent six years as attorney general, and failed to prosecute banks for their criminal wrongdoing or put any bank executives behind bars. Now, he's set to rejoin his old white-collar criminal defense firm, making millions each year helping Wall Street bankers avoid criminal consequences.1
Worse, it was just reported that the firm, Covington & Burling, has kept an empty 11th floor corner office for Holder awaiting his return. Combined with Holder's purchase a year ago of a $1.5 million condo just 300 feet from his new office raises serious questions about how long Holder knew he would be getting a major payday from his old firm even while it continued to represent companies under Department of Justice investigation. If the firm and Holder agreed on a future job offer, that alone could violate criminal laws.2
The leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary committees owe it to the American people to explore all communications between a sitting attorney general and a firm that appears to have been holding a job for him while its clients negotiated legal settlements with the Justice Department.
Tell Congress: Subpoena former Attorney General Eric Holder's communications with his corporate law firm while serving as head of the Department of Justice. Click here to sign the petition.
Wall Street banks committed fraud that crashed the economy and then illegally foreclosed on countless homeowners, but still not a single big bank executive has gone to jail. In many cases, the Justice Department under Eric Holder's leadership refused even to prosecute banks for criminal acts, despite whistleblowers coming forward to guide investigators to the key evidence. In the rare cases where prosecutors brought charges, they quickly agreed on settlements that allowed banks to get off the hook with empty promises, token fines, no admissions of wrongdoing, no one losing their job, and no one going to jail.
We knew that Eric Holder's long career in white-collar criminal defense biased him against confronting mega banks, and many expected him to return to Covington & Burling after he left office. But only recently did it come to light that the firm had reserved a space for him in its new building well before he had announced his attention to resign. Not only that, last year Holder and his wife purchased a $1.5 million just 300 feet from the firm's downtown office, a move that many interpret to suggest he knew he would return. The firm's chairman even admitted in an interview that Holder's return was "a project I've been working on since I started as chair [in 2008]."3
Did Covington & Burling make concrete promises to Holder while he was still serving as attorney general? Holding a corner office alone could constitute a violation of U.S. criminal code prohibiting "an arrangement concerning prospective employment."4
Tell Congress: Subpoena former Attorney General Eric Holder's communications with his corporate law firm while serving as head of the Department of Justice. Click here to sign the petition.
Even if there is no smoking gun of criminal behavior, the mere fact that Holder will now make millions getting rich criminals off the hook is a revolting example of the revolving door. Covington & Burling represents JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and nearly every other Wall Street titan. Disturbingly, the firm's marketing materials include glowing references to Lanny Breuer. In Breuer's four years as head of the Justice Department's criminal division under Holder, he sent not a single banker to jail for crimes committed during the financial meltdown. In 2013, Breuer left the DOJ for a job at Covington where his salary was reported to start at around $4 million a year. The firm is notable for helping big banks find the legal justification for much of the rampant securitization that led to the financial crash and ensuing foreclosure fraud.5
Covington & Burling has already brought on six of Holder's colleagues from the Justice Department, including the former head of the criminal division who refused to investigate banks, and the firm reportedly views Holder as a "rainmaker" who will bring in new business. Holder himself recently said his role model is a former attorney general who used his position to became the first lawyer to charge $1,000 an hour.6 Even if Holder never shows up in court to represent his clients, he and Covington & Burling clearly plan to trade on expertise and insider connections to defend illegal behavior and rake in big bucks.7
Holder's new job is already a national disgrace. The least the leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees can do is make sure it isn't criminal, as well.
Tell Congress: Subpoena former Attorney General Eric Holder's communications with his corporate law firm while serving as head of the Department of Justice. Click below to sign the petition.
Add your name:
- Katelyn Polantz, "Holder's Return to Covington Was Six Years in the Making," National Law Journal, July 5, 2015.
- "18 U.S. Code § 208 - Acts affecting a personal financial interest," Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School, retrieved July 7, 2015.
- Polantz, "Holder's Return to Covington Was Six Years in the Making."
- "18 U.S. Code § 208 - Acts affecting a personal financial interest."
- David Dayen, "Why Eric Holder's new job is an insult to the American public," Salon.com, July 7, 2015; Dayen, "Clueless law firm's out-of-touch boasting: "Got off with just a $5 million fine!"," Salon.com, March 5, 2014; Ben Protess, "Once More Through the Revolving Door for Justice's Breuer," The New York Times, March 28, 2013.
- Polantz, "Holder's Return to Covington Was Six Years in the Making."
- Dayen, "Why Eric Holder's new job is an insult to the American public."
From: khalfani718
Subject: Pope Francis Apologizes For 'Grave Sins' Against Native People Of America
Apologies but no reparations! - K
Pope Francis Apologizes For 'Grave Sins' Against Native People Of America
NPR - July 10, 2015
From: Andy Valerie (andy@ustvmedia.org)
Subject: WYSO Archives & History - Out Now
The WYSO Archives & History is finally out! The WYSO audio archives project is now being made available to the public.
I had the privilege of having early access to these recording years ago when they were first being preserved, and chronicled much of the content within them, as well as researched and drafted this written history providing some back story to the creative and forward thinking development of this iconic radio station.
There are some amazing pieces included among it, featuring such things as speeches by MLK, talks on campus by Abbie Hoffman, radio pieces by James Klein and Julia Reichert, local concerts and artistic performances from the 60s and 70s and much more.
Of striking notability is a recording of an April 1965 debate at Antioch College on the Vietnam War between the legendary journalist I.F. Stone and Daniel Ellsberg, with Ellsberg arguing the position FOR the war.
Check it out here... WYSO Archives: http://wyso.org/archives
Here's a link to my piece on the history behind these... http://wyso.org/post/wyso-audio-archives-project
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