U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Saturday, July 11, 2015

[mpen-dayton4] Greater Miami Valley Local Events & News

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
P.P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons.


·           (July 12, tomorrow) FW: RAM Documentary at the Neon Theater

·           (July 17) FW: VA Women's Homeless Standdown

·           (July 18 & 19) FW: Host a party in Dayton featuring Robert Reich?

·           (July 25) FW: Sufi Zikr Event in Dayton, OH


·           FW: Nice to see you, Munsup, in DDN and your quote


From: Donald Nguyen, MD, FAAP, Ohio State Co-Directors for Doctors for America
Subject: RAM (Remote Area Medical) Documentary at the Neon Theater on Sunday July 12th

Just a reminder, DFA will be co-sponsoring a public showing of the Remote Area Medical Documentary on health care in the United States in 2015, at the Neon Movies Theater in downtown Dayton along with SPAN of Ohio!  See the advertisement here.The date is Sunday July 12th at 3:00 PM and it's FREE to the public (Please advertise!). Dr. Matthew Noordssij-Jones (aka Dr. NJ) and myself representing Doctors for America along with SPAN Ohio and Cathy Levine from Columbus representing UHCAN will be on the panel to discuss the documentary at the end of the showing. The RAM documentary was first premiered at Boonshoft School of Medicine Wright State University earlier this year simultaneously with numerous medical schools around the nation, and most recently, it was shown at Dayton Children's Hospital and Miami Valley South Hospital to the Pediatric and Family Practice Residents. The universal feed back is that every American citizen, health care provider, concerned citizen, doctors, nurses, medical students, residents in training must watch this moving and eye opening depiction of the current health care system that still is in need of massive emergency intervention, such as states that stubbornly still refuse to expand Medicaid as part of the Affordable Care Act. You will not stop shaking your heads after watching this documentary!

Remember, at the Neon theater, you can get popcorn and beer! The documentary is gripping and moving to all of us in the field of health care and shines a bright and large spot light on the issue of access to care and what that term even means. Prior to implementation of the ACA market places in 2013, a survey by the Commonwealth Fund and it was reported by Davis and Ballreich et al (John Hopkins) in the New England Journal of Medicine (Oct 23, 2015) ranked the
US dead last in the world of industrialized nations regarding affordability and access to care. In addition, the US spends so much on health care, $9,000 per patient per year compared to about $3,000 in Great Britain or less in many other world nations, an yet we are not getting much bang for the bucks.

When we compare ourselves to others, irrespective of personal wealth, remember these countries. UK, France, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland rank highest, way above us, in terms of access to care. When we compare ourselves to others with respect to low income Americans, what do you think the statistics will show? You got it! Low income Americans are the hardest hit by the health care financial burden. They are well known to skip doctor visits, not fill prescriptions that we, doctors, take so good care of writing them, are more likely to have long wait list for office visits or in the ER, and are more likely to get poor medical help outside of business hours. Can you scream "Expand Medicaid" in such states as Texas, Florida, Alabama, New Orleans, etc..?
    So, when American law makers want to implement rules of participation that require co-pays and premiums to these same low income Americans, to make them have "more skin in the game", what do you think it's going to happen? This is what the Ohio Republican House and Senate are writing in the most recent State Budget and Governor Kasich is considering signing very soon into law. When the same proposals were put in place in Washington and Oregon states, these patients disappeared, as in dropping off the grid, because they would not be able to afford these co-pays, premiums, deductibles. They would still appear in the ER when they were deathly ill, but they might as well not exist on the states health care radar. Cathy Levine will shed some more light onto this during the panel discussion.

How can anyone not want to come to see this documentary, to be informed and to meet other concerned citizens on the topic of health care access in the era of the Affordable Care Act, and have beer and popcorn on a Sunday afternoon?

See you there!


From: Julie England
Subject: VA Women's Homeless Standdown

Do you know of a homeless woman Veteran or one that might need help? The Dayton VAMC is hosting the 3rd Annual Stand Down for Women Veterans next Friday (July 17) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Bldg 305. The Dayton VA Homeless & TSES sponsored program will feature food, clothing and a lunch. Call x2696 for more information.



From: Jo Comerford, MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Host a party in Dayton featuring Robert Reich?

Don't miss a chance to join hundreds of MoveOn members coast to coast by hosting a summer Teach-in to Save the Economy!



Host a Teach-in July 18 or 19 in Dayton to Save the Economy

Join MoveOn members across the country for a national weekend of teach-ins to learn and strategize with former Labor Secretary Robert Reich on how to take our economy back.
We'll watch four of Robert's most exciting short videos—and then dig into ways we can spread the word and campaign on the ideas MoveOn members find most exciting.
We need someone to host a teach-in in Dayton on July 18 or 19. Will you sign up now?


Yes, I'll sign up!

Sign up before July 8 and you'll receive a limited-edition DVD of Robert's "The Big Picture: Ideas to Save the Economy" video series.


Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Start a monthly donation here or chip in a one-time donation here.




From: Khurshid Ahmad
Subject: Fwd: Sufi Zikr Event in Dayton, OH

You are cordially invited to a Sufi Zikr event held Saturday, July 25th , 2015, at 6:30 PM. The location for this event is at Christ United Methodist Church at 3440 Shroyer Road in Dayton Ohio . In this session, three performances of Sufi Zikr (Chanting) are accompanied by three short lectures on "Sufism, a Bridge Between Religions", "Universal Law" and "Sufism on Prayer".

Maktab Tarighat Oveyssi (MTO) Shahmaghsoudi is the school of Islamic Sufism that has provided genuine teachings in Islamic Sufism for over 14 centuries. MTO operates centers around the world including North America. The center in Columbus has been operating close to 25 years. We have included an event flyer should you wish to share this information with others. You may also view this information online at

We appreciate your time and patronage. Please feel free to contact us at 937-205-3034 or 614-937-3314 should you have any questions or visit




From: Keith

Hello Munsup: I wanted to let you know that the Troy (OH) Daily News ran a column on their editorial page on July 2nd, 2015 authored by Judson Phillips the head of Tea Party Nation. This groups is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. I guess the the Troy Daily News must be so desperate for content that they have to resort to this stuff.

Check out the entry for Tea Party Nation at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_Party_Nation for more information about this group and Judson Phillips.



From: Chris
Subject: RE: Nice to see you, Munsup, in DDN and your quote

Munsup, thanks for taking part. Here's the link to online version:

If you don't have access to the website, here's the long version of your section:

"I'm worried. Recently there was the accidental death at Walmart in Beavercreek. At that time Dayton was a quiet and moving slowly. But now due to that kind of environment and changes I'm worrying about the next event happening — that maybe something might happen in Dayton. That's my fear.

"I have been living in Dayton for 30 years and for that 30 years I've seen deteriorating conditions in downtown and to the west. Businesses have shut or closed. There are many vacant houses.

"Dayton is surrounded by about a dozen municipalities and all those cities were separated out from Dayton in the 1960s. Since then we do not make an effort to have the Dayton area more lively. So it is deteriorating."

"I don't experience any racism between Asians and other racial communities. But I have heard of many things between black and white."

"Most recently I have read about the fire department employees' status in a racial context. That was surprisingly shocking to me because of the lack of diversity."

(Munsup's Note: I am attaching an Excel sheet about 'Diversity in Dayton Fire Department' and quote below Dayton City Mayor's response to David Greer and Steve Burden.)

From: Nan Whaley
Subject: RE: FW: Dayton Fire department hiring information

Mr. Greer and Mr. Burden:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on diversity in the Fire Department with me and your other neighbors.  I agree completely that there is not enough diversity in the Fire Department.  The City Commission is committed to increasing the diversity of the candidates taking the firefighter test; that is why we have invested City funds to have a full-time recruiter focused on educating people about the high quality careers available in the Fire Department. Firefighter Carnes is particularly focused on reaching out to the populations that are currently underrepresented in the Fire Department.

I believe, and I believe the rest of the City Commission agrees, that the city is only as strong as the weakest link.  Believing that, we work to strengthen every group and community in the city--in order to make the city stronger overall.  If any group is left out or left behind, then we all suffer and fail to reach our potential.  So we do work with the African-American community. And women, and immigrants, and the LGBT community, and with many other groups.  We want to ensure that everyone has an equal chance to grow and succeed and help the city grow and succeed.

With respect to Fire diversity, the City has put significant efforts to this issue.  City staff developed a new recruitment program and testing process to ensure that any inadvertent bias was removed from the system.  The Department of Justice approved that process and City staff implemented it.  In the first round of testing under this new process, I was really pleased to see that the demographic make-up of the group who finished the qualification process was nearly the same as the demographic make-up of the group that began the process.

That is why the recruitment process is so important and why the City has dedicated a full-time staff person to that recruitment.  His work is focused on under-represented groups and he already has more than 3,000 interest cards for the next testing cycle. Although we are barred by law from having a test that is only for under-represented demographic groups, we are working to make the group taking the test the most diverse population possible.

We know that being a city that is nearly 50% minority, in a county that is 25% minority and a state that is only 12% minority, it will be challenging to achieve a Fire Department that is diverse.  We have made and will continue to make significant efforts to achieve a diverse workforce and that's where you can help.  We need you to get personally involved and help us tell the story about the good-paying, rewarding careers available in the Dayton Fire Department. We need you to help tell your family members, your friends, and your students about how they can take the EMT, firefighter or paramedic exams and begin a career with the City of Dayton.

I am excited about the recent Supreme Court decision and spent some additional hours in the past couple of weeks performing marriage ceremonies for people denied the right to marry for too long.  But that time and energy is minimal compared to the time and energy being spent on increasing the diversity of the Fire Department.  The City has dedicated, is dedicating, and will continue to dedicate staff time and budget to recruiting the best and most diverse pool of firefighters possible.  You play an important role in this effort and hope that you will become one of those voices sharing this important news.

Thank you for sharing your concerns and ideas and thank you in advance for your efforts to help resolve this challenge.  Together, we can make long-term progress towards having a Fire Department that represents the diversity of the community.

Nan Whaley, Dayton Mayor

From: Steve Burden
To: David K. Greer; Whaley, Nan
Subject: Re: FW: Dayton Fire department hiring information

To All and Our C of D Mayor,

After a careful review of these statistics provided and talked about at the recent NWPB, I find the statics as related to African Americans actually on the Dayton Fire Department more than deplorable and embarrassing. These statistics demonstrate egregious, outrageous and demeaning inability to reach the general population of African Americans as they have been reared in the Dayton area and the invitation of those in the greater Miami Valley. To say that over the last many decades that these statistics show us there is more than a failing of young African Americans not being able to pass a back ground check. 

        I realize the DFD is just past the Federal oversight due to legal actions of the past. We need a VERY strong and thorough public outcry to the African American population in the ninety minute market for a great job  with the Dayton Fire Department and what that has to offer! No offense to the current recruiter(s), BUT, we need a strong Dayton African American voice publicly communicating by every means possible to right this clear wrong! Where is Mayor Nan Whaley on something so incredible as this has been and now is on her door step as she moved from being a City Commissioner to the Mayor's seat? She can make tremendous outcries and make her office available for the new changes in Ohio Law as it pertains to the 'gay' (LGBT, if that is currently accurate) community. This is age old, clearly while she was a Commissioner, now as Mayor what steps shall she take to solve this inequality?


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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