U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Monday, June 01, 2015

[mpen-dayton4] Special e-Newsletter against TPP

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
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·         FW: Get ready for a National Call-In Day to stop Fast Track!

·         FW: RSN: "TPP: The Case for Treason" by Marc Ash

·         FW: Stand With Warren and Sanders Against the TPP

·         FW: Sign the petition: Don't let Wall Street carve out special protections in TPP

·         FW: Unions

·         FW: The Insecure American - Krugman/NYT

·         FW: Kansas Model: Kansas-republicans-finally-admit-tax-cuts-wealthy-failed

·         FW: Sign the petition: Let the public know what trade deals mean for Dodd-Frank

·         FW: Sign the petition: No Fast Track for toxics


From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: FW: Get ready for a National Call-In Day to stop Fast Track!

Every Call Counts

Join in the June 3 National Call-In Day and Help STOP Fast Track!

http://images.usw.org/download/rapid/FT_Calls.jpgLast week, the Senate voted 62-37 to pass Fast Track. The fight now moves to the real battleground in the U.S. House of Representatives. Currently they don't have the votes to pass Fast Track. We need to keep it that way as the pressure builds. You have been working your Representatives for months with calls, letters, petitions, meetings and action. It all has come down to the next few weeks – and we are ready to end Fast Track now!

As the U.S. House prepares to take on this issue in June, it is critical that they continue to hear from us. Keep talking to your members, families and friends about what passage of a Fast Track bill means: trade policies adopted under Fast Track have cost us millions of jobs, contributed to more than 60,000 factories shutting down, given even more power to giant corporations and driven income inequality here in the United States and around the globe

Make Your Call for the June 3 National Call-In Day

The work you are doing and have done has been amazing. The fact that the votes aren't currently there in the House is proof of that. We thank you! The next few weeks will be more important than ever to remain engaged, so be sure to stay tuned to Rapid Response to stay in the loop on next steps following the call-in day!

This is our moment, and we intend to take it! As our Representatives return to D.C., we want to welcome them with a stark reminder of where we need them to stand. Steelworkers and our allies from across the nation will be participating in a national call-in day on Wednesday, June 3. This needs to be a big effort to send a strong signal. Call your Representative and tell him or her to oppose Fast Track!

Make sure that your local is ready to participate:

  1. Download and make copies of the ActionCall HERE.
  2. Share this with your Rapid Response Team and others who can help get the information around.
  3. Take advantage of break times, shift changes and any other times when members can make calls.
  4. Encourage everyone in your workplace to take part. Help inexperienced callers by walking through the process. Remind your members that it only takes a moment of their time and that each and every call matters right now. Our toll-free number will guide callers to the right Representative's office.

Call your Representative by dialing our toll-free number:

Say who you are and where you're from
Tell them to OPPOSE Fast Track!
Help your co-workers and family to make a call!



From: Judy Burnette
Subject: FW: RSN: "TPP: The Case for Treason" by Marc Ash

Reader Supported News: "TPP: The Case for Treason" by Marc Ash

" ... For the record, peace leads to stability, which in turn leads to security. But not to profit. Therein lies the motivation for perpetual war.

What makes the TPP treasonous is its betrayal of America's natural resources, vital economic interests, military service members, and national security as a whole.

The TPP seeks to directly subjugate and invalidate American law, granting to multinational investors and to the agreement itself and its dispute resolution process ultimate authority, literally, over American home rule.
All while American service members fight and die to protect the interests of whoever the investors are.

The Obama administration is not the first to memorialize an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) agreement system in the form of a trade agreement. The Clinton administration's North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) granted the same rights to MNCs. But ISDS agreements have been incorporated in literally thousands of international treaties over the past half-century, resulting in hundreds of lawsuits by MNCs against nation states – with the the result that the nations being sued choosing to comply with the dispute panel's decision in an overwhelming majority of the cases.

What is at stake is who will govern America – Americans, or multinational investors and their arbiters? Without any doubt, ceding this vast authority to foreign actors, state-sponsored or otherwise, amounts to a wholesale betrayal of the principle of American self-rule, the very thing our U.S. service members are laying down their lives to protect. Or so they believe. .... "
Read More



From: tbacane
Subject: FW: Stand With Warren and Sanders Against the TPP

The TPP is NOT good for American workers therefore I stand with Senators Sanders and Warren.
Sorry Mr. President YOU are on the wrong side of this issue!

From: John Sellers via Other 98%

Hey all — by now you've heard that our elected officials are trying to ram a giant corporate trade deal through Congress with zero public input.

We're joining forces with CREDO because it's crucial to bring full transparency to the TPP. Last week, the Senate voted in favor of fast-tracking the bill; this week, the bill goes to the House. This is our last chance to stop Fast Track and to convince the President to release the full text of the TPP to the public.

-John Sellers, the Other 98%

From: Murshed Zaheed; Deputy Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets

Stand with Senators Sanders, Warren, and Brown: President Obama must release full text of TPP

Petition to President Obama:

"We demand the immediate release of the full text of the latest draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to members of Congress, their staff, and the American public, before Congress votes to Fast Track the TPP."
Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


Stand with Senators Sanders, Warren, and Brown: President Obama must release full text of TPP

Our campaign to pressure President Obama's administration to immediately make all secret trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) public has gotten a massive boost.

President Obama recently lashed out at activists and our elected representatives who have called for transparency around secret negotiations, calling us "dishonest."

In response Senators Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown have added their voices to Senator Bernie Sanders' call for the Obama administration to immediately release the full text of the TPP. In a letter to the president, Senators Warren and Brown wrote:

The American people should be allowed to weigh in on the facts of the TPP before Members of Congress are asked to voluntarily reduce our ability to amend, shape, or block any trade deal. The press and the public should be allowed to examine the details that corporate executives and lobbyists have already been allowed to influence for years. Members of Congress should be able to discuss the agreement with our constituents and to participate in a robust public debate instead of being muzzled by classification rules. Before Congress votes to facilitate the adoption of the TPP, the American public should be allowed to see for themselves whether it's good deal for them. 1

Stand with Senators Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown and Bernie Sanders: Add your name and tell President Obama to immediately release the full text of the TPP before Congress votes on Fast Track. Click here to sign the petition.

Senators Warren and Brown sent the letter in response to the president's attacks on progressive activists fighting to stop Congress from rubber-stamping a Fast Track bill for the biggest trade deal in our history. President Obama even went so far as to compare our objections to the deal being negotiated with corporations and foreign governments to Sarah Palin's invocating of "death panels" during the health care debate.

The Warren-Brown letter specifically points out that President Obama's "trade transparency record is worse than that of former President George W. Bush," noting that even Bush "published the full negotiation texts of a major free trade deal with Latin America several months before Congress had to vote on giving the deal fast track benefits."2

This letter gives our ongoing campaign to rally around Senator Bernie Sanders' call for transparency on all pending trade deals a huge lift. We need to do our part by pushing even harder for transparency now.

Add your name and tell President Obama to immediately release the full text of the TPP before Congress votes on Fast Track. Click here to sign the petition.

It would be outrageous for the Obama administration to allow the Republican leadership and their corporate allies within the Democratic party to ram through Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority without allowing all members of Congress, their staff, and the American public to read what is in trade agreements such as the TPP. And as Senators Warren and Brown point out, it would be worse than George W. Bush!

In fact, the reason why the corporate lobby is pushing hard for Fast Track is that they know the TPP could not get through Congress without this extraordinary power grab.

This secret "trade" deal would eviscerate broad swaths of regulations that protect consumers, workers, the environment and the soundness of our financial system. And it would set up a legal regime where corporate profits trump the policy priorities of sovereign governments.

It's ironic that the president claims critics of the TPP "don't know what they're talking about" when it's his administration that is refusing to release the text of his secret trade agreement to the public -- only providing extremely limited access to members of Congress. The Obama administration should immediately release the TPP text to the public, and Congress, so we can have a spirited and informed public debate on the largest trade deal in our history.

Stand with Senators Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, and Bernie Sanders: Add your name and tell President Obama to immediately release the full text of the TPP before Congress votes on Fast Track. Click the link below to sign the petition.


Add your name:

Sign the petition ►

  1. Letter from Senators Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown to President Obama, April 25, 2015.
  2. Zach Carter, "Elizabeth Warren Tells Obama To Put Up Or Shut Up On Trade," HuffingtonPost.com, April 25, 2015.



From: Monique Teal; Daily Kos
Subject: Sign the petition: Don't let Wall Street carve out special protections in TPP

As Congress debates the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade deal you and I aren't allowed to read, a growing group of academics and policymakers are warning of a sleeping giant within the trade negotiation–this deal could threaten rules protecting consumers against Wall Street recklessness.

Adding concern is that the lead TPP negotiator for the United States, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, was an executive at Citigroup before joining the Obama Administration and continues to have deep ties to the very banks that would benefit from rolling back consumer protections against Wall Street's excesses.

Join Daily Kos and a large coalition asking U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman: Release any correspondence between you and Wall Street while negotiating the trade deals you say won't threaten financial reform.

As a senior member of the 2008 presidential transition team, Froman helped staff the Obama Administration with bank-friendly officials while he was still getting a salary from Citigroup. Then he received millions from the bank when he went into government–all while his former employer Citigroup took in millions of bailout money.

Now, consumer financial protections laws are being attacked by Wall Street bankers–who have previously tried to weaken key safeguards by hiding language in other legislation–and countries like Canada–who challenged consumer financial protections based on an existing trade deal, NAFTA.

Knowing what Froman has been discussing with Wall Street is critical to knowing how to safeguard necessary consumer financial protections.

Join Daily Kos and a large coalition asking U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman to reassure Americans that trade deals won't hurt financial reform, by revealing his communication with Wall Street.



From: Robert Reich via MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Unions

The Big Picture

There is one solution to skyrocketing inequality that most of the TV talking heads love to ignore: Unions! It's no surprise.

Without unions, big companies like Walmart or Amazon can cut benefits, allow unsafe working conditions, slash wages, and pocket the massive profits.

Well, I'm not afraid to talk about how unions are essential—and I'm relying on you to get the word out. Please watch and share now:

Strengthen Unions

More economic growth, higher wages, shared prosperity—all by strengthening unions. 50 or 60 years ago, it was considered obvious; today, folks are afraid to talk about it. That's what decades of right-wing propaganda will do.

The first step is to spread the word by sharing this message right now, because MoveOn will be campaigning for the idea that gets the most traction in our Big Picture series.

This video is the latest in the "Big Picture: Ten Ideas to Save the Economy" series I'm working on with MoveOn. And MoveOn has committed to campaigning on the ideas that get the most traction. So if you believe in fair pay for a hard day's work, you won't want to skip watching and sharing this video.

This is the seventh idea in our series "The Big Picture: Ten Ideas to Save the Economy." In case you missed the first six, once you've watched Strengthen Unions, be sure to check out the rest of the videos.

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Start a monthly donation here or chip in a one-time donation here.



From: khalfani718
Subject: The Insecure American - Krugman/NYT

The Opinion Pages | OP-ED COLUMNIST
The Insecure American
MAY 29, 2015
Paul Krugman

America remains, despite the damage inflicted by the Great Recession and its aftermath, a very rich country. But many Americans are economically insecure, with little protection from life's risks. They frequently experience financial hardship; many don't expect to be able to retire, and if they do retire have little to live on besides Social Security.

Many readers will, I hope, find nothing surprising in what I just said. But all too many affluent Americans — and, in particular, members of our political elite — seem to have no sense of how the other half lives. Which is why a new study on the financial well-being of U.S. households, conducted by the Federal Reserve, should be required reading inside the Beltway.

Before I get to that study, a few words about the callous obliviousness so prevalent in our political life.

I am not, or not only, talking about right-wing contempt for the poor, although the dominance of compassionless conservatism is a sight to behold. According to the Pew Research Center, more than three-quarters of conservatives believe that the poor "have it easy" thanks to government benefits; only 1 in 7 believe that the poor "have hard lives." And this attitude translates into policy. What we learn from the refusal of Republican-controlled states to expand Medicaid, even though the federal government would foot the bill, is that punishing the poor has become a goal in itself, one worth pursuing even if it hurts rather than helps state budgets.

But leave self-declared conservatives and their contempt for the poor on one side. What's really striking is the disconnect between centrist conventional wisdom and the reality of life — and death — for much of the nation.

Take, as a prime example, positioning on Social Security. For decades, a declared willingness to cut Social Security benefits, especially by raising the retirement age, has been almost a required position — a badge of seriousness — for politicians and pundits who want to sound wise and responsible. After all, people are living longer, so shouldn't they work longer, too? And isn't Social Security an old-fashioned system, out of touch with modern economic realities?

Meanwhile, the reality is that living longer in our ever-more-unequal society is very much a class thing: life expectancy at age 65 has risen a lot among the affluent, but hardly at all in the bottom half of the wage distribution, that is, among those who need Social Security most. And while the retirement system F.D.R. introduced may look old-fashioned to affluent professionals, it is quite literally a lifeline for many of our fellow citizens. A majority of Americans over 65 get more than half their income from Social Security, and more than a quarter are almost completely reliant on those monthly checks.

These realities may finally be penetrating political debate, to some extent. We seem to be hearing less these days about cutting Social Security, and we're even seeing some attention paid to proposals for benefit increases given the erosion of private pensions. But my sense is that Washington still has no clue about the realities of life for those not yet elderly. Which is where that Federal Reserve study comes in.

This is the study's second year, and the current edition actually portrays a nation in recovery: in 2014, unlike 2013, a substantial plurality of respondents said that they were better off than they had been five years ago. Yet it's startling how little room for error there is in many American lives.

We learn, for example, that 3 in 10 nonelderly Americans said they had no retirement savings or pension, and that the same fraction reported going without some kind of medical care in the past year because they couldn't afford it. Almost a quarter reported that they or a family member had experienced financial hardship in the past year.

And something that even startled me: 47 percent said that they would not have the resources to meet an unexpected expense of $400 — $400! They would have to sell something or borrow to meet that need, if they could meet it at all.

Of course, it could be much worse. Social Security is there, and we should be very glad that it is. Meanwhile, unemployment insurance and food stamps did a lot to cushion unlucky families from the worst during the Great Recession. And Obamacare, imperfect as it is, has immensely reduced insecurity, especially in states whose governments haven't tried to sabotage the program.

But while things could be worse, they could also be better. There is no such thing as perfect security, but American families could easily have much more security than they have. All it would take is for politicians and pundits to stop talking blithely about the need to cut "entitlements" and start looking at the way their less-fortunate fellow citizens actually live.

Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for the Opinion Today newsletter.



From: albert baca
Subject: FW: Kansas Model: Kansas-republicans-finally-admit-tax-cuts-wealthy-failed



Here is one of the comments:

Since this seems to be a case of unrequited love for the republicans for the rich, I think a word or several from Loudon Wainwright would be apropos:

Ha ha ha ha, ho ho ho ho
Chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle
Snigger snigger snigger snigger
Guffaw Guffaw Guffaw Guffaw Guffaw Guffaw
Yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk

My personal opinion is that that comment pretty well sums it up. How can the people in Kansas be so damn stupid? I do wonder which red state will be the next state to follow the Kansas red state utopia model. I suspect that state will suffer the same fate as Kansas.



From: Kurt Walters; Rootstrikers
Subject: Sign the petition: Let the public know what trade deals mean for Dodd-Frank

A growing group of experts and policymakers are warning that free trade negotiations could threaten the Dodd-Frank Act and other rules protecting against reckless behavior on Wall Street.

The Obama Administration claims there's no way trade deals could threaten financial reform—but a recent fact check by Bloomberg News calls that "wrong." The same fact check says "a number of constitutional scholars and other legal experts" disagree.1

If the Administration wants the American people to believe this isn't an issue, the first step it should take is make public what lead trade negotiator Michael Froman—a former executive at banking giant Citigroup—has been saying to Wall Street in private.

Click here to tell U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman: release any emails and other correspondence between you and the biggest Wall Street banks while you were negotiating the trade deals you claim won't threaten financial reform.

Michael Froman has always been close to Wall Street. He was a top executive at Citigroup before joining the Obama Administration—the same bank that Elizabeth Warren called out, saying "Citi has risen above the others [on Wall Street] in exercising a tight grip over the Democratic Party's economic policymaking apparatus."

Then, Froman took a Citigroup paycheck and a golden parachute worth more than $4 million while he was on Obama's transition team, doing what he could to place Wall Street-friendly officials into the administration (and often succeeding).2

Froman even successfully pushed to put Timothy Geithner, the chief architect of the bank bailout, in as Treasury Secretary—all while his employer Citigroup took in history-shattering amounts of bailout money.3

Now, lobbyists from Citigroup and other Wall Street banks continue to push hard to weaken Dodd-Frank—all while lobbying extensively on "fast-track" Trade Promotion Authority to make it easier to force trade deals through Congress. Let's see what they've been telling Michael Froman.

Tell Michael Froman to make his communications with Wall Street public.

We know Wall Street banks will use any opportunity they can to try to weaken the rules holding them in check.

It was only December when Citigroup snuck a lobbyist-written Dodd-Frank rollback into the "CRomnibus" over the loud objection of financial reformers who want strong rules protecting against risky dealing on Wall Street.4

We all deserve to know what Froman has been telling these big banks—and what they've been telling him—privately.

Click here to tell USTR Michael Froman to reassure Americans that trade deals won't hurt financial reform, by revealing his communications with Wall Street.

For anyone who doesn't think this is a real threat, consider one last fact: Canada recently challenged Dodd-Frank based on an existing trade deal, saying that the key Volcker Rule is invalid under NAFTA.5 Anyone who supports accountability for Wall Street should be concerned—very concerned.


1.     "Why Obama Is Wrong and Warren Is Right on Trade Bill Quarrel," Bloomberg Politics, May 15, 2015  

2.     "Obama Admin's TPP Trade Officials Received Hefty Bonuses From Big Banks," Moyers & Company, February 20, 2014 

3.     "Fed Official Is Said to Be Choice for Treasury," The New York Times, November 21, 2008  

4.     "Why Citi May Soon Regret Its Big Victory on Capitol Hill" American Banker, December 11, 2014  

5.     "Canada Just Threw A Grenade Into Elizabeth Warren's Trade Fight With Obama," Huffington Post, May 14, 2015 

This petition was created on MoveOn's online petition site, where anyone can start their own online petitions. Rootstrikers didn't pay us to send this email—we never rent or sell the MoveOn.org list.

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Start a monthly donation here or chip in a one-time donation here.



From: Murshed Zaheed;  Deputy Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Sign the petition: No Fast Track for toxics


CREDO action

Tell the House: Stop Fast Track for toxics

Petition to members of the U.S. House of Representatives:

"Commit to voting no on Fast Track for environmentally dangerous trade agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)."

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►

Tell the House: Stop Fast Track for toxicsA new trade treaty being negotiated by the Obama administration could cause cancer. Yes, you read that right.

The European Union (EU) was in the process of banning 31 pesticides that had been linked to both cancer and infertility. But now threats from the United States have reportedly stopped EU officials from taking this common sense action to protect public health. Why? To avoid undermining a massive trade treaty called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).1

As soon as next week the House of Representatives will vote on whether or not to Fast Track several major trade agreements including TTIP and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – all but guaranteeing that the agreements are finalized. If these treaties become law, foreign corporations could have the final say over public health and safety regulations.

Tell the House of Representatives: Publicly oppose and vote against Fast Track for environmentally toxic trade agreements. Click here to sign the petition.

The White House wants us to believe nothing in the TPP or TTIP will endanger the health or safety of Americans. Yet they insist on keeping the content of the TPP a secret.

Even members of Congress can only read the TPP draft agreement if they enter a secure room in the United States Capitol without their cell phone. They are not allowed to take away any notes, photos or copies. And once they leave the secure room they are not permitted to share what they have seen with anyone who does not have "top secret clearance."2 Not their constituents – not even their own staff.

The little we do know about the TPP is due to drafts of some of its chapters that have been leaked out in the public. Experts who have examined the provisions say it is even worse than they imagined.

The text contains a provision known as Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), which allows corporations to sue governments if they pass laws that interfere with their ability to make profit. The suits take place before an international tribunal staffed by corporate trade lawyers, some of who will end up working for the very companies whose cases they are judging.

This could put a halt to some of our most basic environmental protections.

ISDS is one of Senator Elizabeth Warren's principal objections to both the TPP and Fast Track. She explained recently that the impact of ISDS is not a "hypothetical problem."3 The examples Senator Warren provided include Philip Morris using ISDS "to try to stop countries like Australia and Uruguay from implementing new rules that are intended to cut smoking rates – because the new laws might eat into the tobacco giant's profits," and Swedish company suing Germany because "Germany wanted to phase out nuclear power for safety reasons."4

Already the EU has stopped its effort to regulate cancer-causing pesticides because of trade agreements such as TTIP. Imagine the impact on our country when Vietnamese and Malaysian companies sue to halt our environmental laws based on ISDS provisions in the TPP.

To stop the TPP and TTIP, we need to stop Fast Track.

Tell the House of Representatives: Publicly oppose and vote against Fast Track for environmentally toxic trade agreements. Click the link below to sign the petition.


Add your name:

Sign the petition ►

  1. Glyn Moody, "EU dropped plans for safer pesticides after pressure from US," Ars Technica, May 26, 2015.
  2. Representative Marcy Kaptur's Facebook post, May 13, 2015.
  3. Senator Elizabeth Warren, "I agree with Hillary Clinton," Elizabethwarren.com, May 7, 2015.
  4. Ibid.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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