[mpen-dayton4] FW: "UPDATE: Senate just voted to fast track TPP" & "Does Innovation in Technology Make Us Dumber?" & "26 states just SUED Obama" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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· FW: "No, Boehner, Amtrak Funding-Derailment Link Is Not A Stupid Question"
· FW: UPDATE: Senate just voted to fast track TPP
· FW: "NYT: Accused of Spying for China, Until She Wasn't"
· FW: Does Innovation in Technology Make Us Dumber?
· FW: Smedley & 80 people
· FW: A Bribe is a Bribe
· FW: 26 states just SUED Obama
· FW: Help working families: four game changers
· FW: Represent.Us: Ready to win?
· FW: excellent video from Josh Silver and Represent Us on who government works for
· FW: Anti-Semitism is Real. But this isn't Anti-Semitism.
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: "No, Boehner, Amtrak Funding-Derailment Link Is Not A Stupid Question"
"House Speaker John Boehner's protestation misses the larger point about the historic failure to invest properly in our passenger rail system, which affects Amtrak's ability to deploy safety systems quickly. ...."
From: Monique Teal, Daily Kos
Subject: UPDATE: Senate just voted to fast track TPP (please read)
The Senate just voted 65-33 to fast track the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This is incredibly disappointing, but the fight against TPP is still on in the House of Representatives.
Currently, there are not enough Republican votes to pass fast track, but House Democrats are feeling the pressure from the White House to make up the difference.
Whether we win or lose on fast track now hinges on how many members of the House stand up for working people and say "no" to a secret corporate trade deal that you and I are not allowed to read.
Please take a few minutes to call your member of the House of Representatives today, and leave the following message:
Rep. Michael Turner; (202) 225-6465
"I am one of your constituents. I am urging you to stand up for working people and say NO to a secret corporate trade deal that will ship jobs overseas and endanger our environment. Please vote NO on fast-track approval for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement."
After you have made the call, please click here to report the call and give us feedback.
Can't make a phone call? Please send your congressmember an e-mail by clicking here.
This vote will come down to the wire. Members of the House are under a lot of pressure from the White House to support this secret trade deal. We must remind them that they work for us, and must reject fast track.
From: Wendy Tsing
Subject: "NYT: Accused of Spying for China, Until She Wasn't"
Munsup, Sorry to bother you on Mother's Day, but did you read in today's New York Times "Sunday Business Section" an article on "The Spy Who Wasn't," dealing with a case happening in Wilmington, Ohio? The woman was taken to federal courthouse in Dayton and told that "she faced 25 years in prison and $1 million in fines"! Here is the article:
From: Make Tech Easier
Subject: Does Innovation in Technology Make Us Dumber?
Does Innovation in Technology Make Us Dumber? [Poll]
Technology by pure definition has a purpose to make things easier for us, but does it make us dumber as well? Does innovation in technology make us dumber?
Continue reading
Why Are We Still Paying for Long-Distance Calls?
While you can make free call over the Internet, why is it that we are still paying to make long distance calls on a traditional phone? Let's find out why.
Continue reading
From: Jim Lucas
Subject: Smedley & 80 people
· Words of a highly decorated U.S. Marine Corps General
· Richest 80 People Own Same Amount As World's Bottom 50%
By Eric Zuesse 09 May, 2015 Countercurrents.org
Oxfam's recent report, "WEALTH: HAVING IT ALL AND WANTING MORE" contains shocking figures that the press haven't sufficiently publicized; so, the findings and the reliability of their sources will be discussed here. The results will then be related to the central political debate now going on in the U.S. Presidential contests for 2016, which is about equality and inequality.
From: albert baca
Subject: FW: A Bribe is a Bribe
Money, Bucks, Dinero, Scratch, Cabbage, Moolah, $$$$$, Whatever. It must be nice to be able to spend megabucks to get your way in politics.
First try this one:
The RWNJs say that is sheer Bull Shit but the Koch brothers and their ilk certainly do spend that kind of money through what is called dark money; that is only given through Super PACs where the donors are not identified. That is the law because of SCOTUS decisions such as Citizens United and McCutcheon.
But this is the one I want you to see as I wrote it first:
You know damn well that the Adelson creature will not see a minute of pokey time. After all, Adelson is one of the owners of our government; a government of, by and for the MONIED INTERESTS. Thanks Citizens United. Thanks SCOTUS RATS. You sure helped our American democracy. Isn't our democracy ginger peachy? It certainly is if you have a little moolah to buy people to do what you want done.
BTW, from what I understand, the Adelson creature invites each of the GOP Presidential candidates for a one on one before deciding which one of them he is going to "back" during the primary process. Then he helps the eventual nominee with mucho dinero. He spends quite a wad too. But then, he has quite a wad to spend "helping" a friend or two get elected who will in turn feel obligated to do the Adelson creature's bidding. Whoopee Yay!!! Truly, the Adelson creature is a great example of American democracy at its best. Why he is even more interesting than the Brothers Koch. Not to mention Sam's heirs who keep a low profile but are active as all get out. Why? They have oodles of money to protect.
Old Al
P.S. Talking about Sam's heirs, if the Mexican government made Walmart de Mexico pay a humongous fine for bribing Mexican officials, why can't the USA do something to get dark money out of politics? As far as I am concerned, a bribe by any other name is still a bribe.
From: AlterNet
Subject: 26 states just SUED Obama
The following sponsored message is being sent to you by AlterNet on behalf of DCCC:
113 Congressional Republicans JUST backed 26 states in a lawsuit against President Obama. You read that right.
Add your name to denounce this outrageous legal assault on President Obama's agenda >>
Petition Signature: SIGN ON >>
FIRST: The Republicans sued President Obama to block his Affordable Care Act.
NOW: The Republicans are suing President Obama to block his immigration action.
113 Congressional Republicans just backed TWENTY-SIX states who are SUING President Obama.
No other president has EVER faced this level of blind hatred.
Add your name to denounce this egregious attack against President Obama >>
Friend, there's so much more we can accomplish together -- but not if we let the Republicans hold up all of our progress in court.
Will you help us hit 50,000 signatures behind President Obama's agenda?
Look -- Again and again, Republicans have thrown the American people under the bus, just to ruin President Obama's legacy.
Tell Congressional Republicans: "Enough is enough" >>
AlterNet | 1881 Harmon St. | Berkeley CA 94703
From: Robert Reich via MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Help working families: four game changers
Politicians talk a good deal about the "importance of family," but they need to do a much better job delivering. No one should have to choose between providing for their family and being a good parent.
In the second three-minute video in our Big Picture series, MoveOn and I lay out four game-changing ideas that will help—a lot.
Please watch and share Help Working Families now:
Over the next weeks, MoveOn and I will bring you more commonsense ideas that have the power to make our economy work for everyone. We'll be relying on you to tell us which ideas you like most by sharing them with your friends and family.
MoveOn will launch full-blown campaigns—in solidarity with our allies—on the ideas that get the most traction, so make sure to watch and vote—by sharing—to help us get these ideas in front of millions of Americans!
P.S. In case you missed it, once you've watched Help Working Families, be sure to check out the timely Fight for $15, which you can access through the website.
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Start a monthly donation here or chip in a one-time donation here.
From: Josh, Graham, Izzy, Matt, and the entire Represent.Us Team
Subject: Ready to win?
Now that you're here, let's get down to business:
America is stuck, but our movement has a plan to fix it. We don't have to wait for Congress — in fact, we've already started fixing things without them. We have passed Anti-Corruption Acts and Resolutions in Tallahassee and 5 other cities so far. Now, our movement is working together to pass Acts in 12 more cities and 2 states by 2016. Are you ready to be next?
Take a look at our plan to pass Anti-Corruption Acts across America. If you like what you see, tell your friends about it — seriously — friends don't let friends stand by while the American experiment fails before our eyes.
Here's the bottom line: this is a movement about real solutions and real people, just like you, who are sick of living off of the scraps of a political system run by lobbyists and special interests. By passing city and state Anti-Corruption Acts, we stop political bribery, end secret money, and give every voter a voice.
Share our plan with your friends and help grow the movement: www.Represent.Us/#theplan.
It's time, once again, for the American people to rise up and make our government represent us.
We are looking forward to making history with you.
From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: excellent video from Josh Silver and Represent Us on who government works for -
"Corruption is legal in America" - excellent video from Josh Silver and Represent Us on who government works for: https://represent.us/action/theproblem-4/ - Andrew
From: Josh Silver; Director, Represent.Us
Subject: That explains it
People constantly tell me, "You need a video that explains the money in politics problem in an easy to understand way, and then explains how to fix it."
We finally created that video, and I'm excited for you to see it.
It's short, powerful, and makes the problem of corruption clear. Please share it widely across social media to help us reach millions of people with this important video.
Corruption might seem like an insurmountable problem, but by talking about the real issues, we can create an unstoppable force. In 2014, viral videos of our 'honest candidate' Gil Fulbright showed what a mockery our Senate elections have become – where candidates are bought and sold. We know the problem. We've got the solution. And by sharing this video on social media, we can put corruption back in the spotlight, just like we did with Gil Fulbright last year.
Put corruption in the spotlight by sharing this video.
That's how we're going to win: build an army of supporters, pass bold anti-corruption laws in cities and states across the nation, redraw the political map of America on this issue, and take it all the way to Washington, DC.
We know politicians and the media won't be this honest about the problem, so it's up to us to spread the word ourselves. Please take one minute of your day and share this video.
P.S. This weekend, nearly a quarter-million people visited our website to see this video after it hit the front page of Reddit. I think you'll see why after you watch it.
Represent.Us is a fiercely cross-partisan campaign to fix America's broken political system.
Represent.Us, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100
From: Rabbi Alissa Wise, Jewish Voice for Peace
Subject: Anti-Semitism is Real. But this isn't Anti-Semitism.
Criticism of Israel ≠ Anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism is real - that's not up for debate. Wherever anti-Semitism exists, we need to stamp it out.
But criticizing Israel isn't anti-Semitic.
Unfortunately, the State Department doesn't see it that way. Their definition of anti-Semitism includes "demonizing," "delegitimizing," or creating a "double-standard" for Israel. These definitions are intentionally vague, and are already being used by colleges and others to silence those of us -- Jews and non-Jews -- who speak out against Israel's human rights abuses.
Hundreds of academics from across the U.S. have written an open letter to the State Department because they are deeply worried about the effect of this definition on academic freedom.
Add your name. Tell the Secretary of State John Kerry to change the State Department's definition of anti-Semitism.
Here's the thing, Munsup. Labeling legitimate criticism of Israeli aggression as anti-Semitism does not just stifle debate. It trivializes the real struggles of those who are being persecuted because of who they are.
This isn't an abstract issue. This State Department definition is having real ramifications, across the U.S. and around the world.
Speaking out against the occupation of Palestine is not anti-Semitic. Tell the State Department to revise their definition of anti-Semitism.
All too often, JVP chapters and members are slandered for organizing boycotts of companies profiting from injustice in Israel. All too often, Palestinian students on campus are punished for sharing their stories of oppression and occupation.
We need to end all forms of hate and prejudice, wherever they exist. But we won't do that by muzzling activists. Join me in demanding the State Department revise their definition of anti-Semitism.
P.S. Criticism of Israel isn't hatred. Tell Secretary John Kerry to direct the State Department to revise their definition of anti-Semitism.
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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