U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, April 23, 2015

[mpen-dayton4] Greater Miami Valley Area Local News & Events

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
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·         FW: Wright State University highlight in national e-letter

·         (Apr. 23 – 26) FW: YWCA DAYTON Press Release - Stand Against Racism April 23rd - 26th

·         (Apr. 25) FW: Documentary at WSU: Last Days in Vietnam

·         (Apr. 26) FW: IFGD: General Perspectives on the Afterlife

·         (May 2)   FW: [DaytoniansAgainstWarNow] May Day Party

·         (May 4)   FW: Dayton Vigil for Peace

·         (May 13) FW: Walk Downtown Dayton

·         (May 18) FW: Save the Date: Dayton Rally Against TPP


From: Bruce Barcelo
Subject: WSU highlight in national e-letter

At our TFC meeting last week, I showed part of the WSU Kick-Butts Day Video. The creator of the video, Mike Theobald was there and we all applauded him. Well…let’s applaud him once again because his video was highlighted in this national e-letter as the “April Video Spotlight”. Congratulations Mike Theobald and WSU for making a difference!


Recently we had a request for videos related to tobacco-free campus policies. Wow, there are some amazing clips out there! We will be highlighting some of these great videos each month. Other tobacco-free campus videos to share? Click here.

Wright State University Kick Butts Day 2015 #NotAReplacement This video shows Wright State University students and faculty stand up for themselves and speak out against the marketing efforts of big tobacco companies.



From: Paula McLaughlin
Subject: YWCA DAYTON Press Release - Stand Against Racism April 23rd - 26th

Stand Against Racism Press Release
For Immediate Release
Date: 4/16/15
Media Contact: Paula Mc Laughlin, pmclaughlin@ywcadayton.org, 937 825 7421 ext. 119

YWCA Takes a Stand Against Racism

300,000 people expected to Stand Against Racism in April

Dayton, Ohio – YWCA Dayton is calling on all individuals to join us in taking a Stand Against Racism between Thursday, April 23, and Sunday, April 26. Stand Against Racism will unite our community in a bold demonstration that delivers a clear message: racism can no longer be ignored or tolerated.

“Racism continues to be a pervasive issue in our community and communities across the United States,” stated Shannon Isom of the YWCA Dayton. “Stand Against Racism is just one way we can make change by coming together to organize and show our commitment to eliminating racism.”

YWCA Dayton will take a Stand Against Racism in unison with others throughout the country. On Thursday, April 23, YWCAs will join in a National Day of Action to urge Congress to pass the End Racial Profiling Act. From Thursday through Sunday, more than 300,000 people are expected to participate in a range of locally organized events involving public policy advocacy, community education and trainings that will lead to a commitment to working for racial justice by taking the pledge Against Racism.

Founded in 2007 by YWCA Trenton and YWCA Princeton, Stand Against Racism is a signature campaign of YWCA USA. This campaign is designed to build community among those who work for racial justice and to raise awareness about the negative impact of institutional and structural racism. Stand Against Racism is one part of the YWCA’s national strategy to fulfill our mission to eliminate racism.

Participants in the YWCA’s Stand Against Racism range from school children to elected officials, from executives of large corporations to church leaders, and many others. For more details, or to look up a participating site, visit: www.StandAgainstRacism.org. For local information, please contact Paula Mc Laughlin 937 825 7421 ext. 119.



From: Honaker, Mia
Subject: [FAC-L] Wright State University’s Asian/Hispanic/Native American Center and Veteran & Military Center present a special presentation of the Academy Award® nominated documentary feature "Last Days in Vietnam", Saturday, April 25th



From: Katherine Cooper
Subject: The Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton would like to invite you to an interesting discussion on General Perspectives on the Afterlife.

Location: Christ United Methodist Church, 3440 Shroyer Road in Foster Hall, located on north end of the third floor.

The time for the presentation, unless otherwise noted is 3 to 5 PM

The Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton would like to invite you to an interesting discussion on General Perspectives on the Afterlife. Our presenters will be Sharath Krishna and Dianeah Wanicek.

Sharath Krishna received his PhD from Magalore University in India. He teaches ecology at Central State university in Wilberforce and is an adjunct assistant professor at the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University

Date/Topic: 26 April 2015/General Perspectives on the afterlife

Dianeah Wanicek began practicing yoga in 1974 and began teaching in 1984.She is certified in Kripalu Yoga, Dianeah is a practitioner of Yantra Yoga, a Tibetan Buddhist Yoga form and has studied and practiced Buddhist meditation for the past twenty years, receiving teachings from masters of the traditions. She teaches Kumar Kumari, Yantra Yoga for children, Yoga at Antioch College in Yellow Springs and on the Antioch Buddhist Studies Program in Bodh Gaya India. She and her husband lead western yogi's on pilgrimage to the Buddhist holy sites throughout Asia. Dianeah applies her knowledge of the various yoga forms of Hatha and Yantra, along with her meditation experience to create an innovative yoga program for her Pre Natal classes.

If you would like to bring a treat to share, please do not include any pork or shellfish products.



From: Hilary Lerman; Daytonians Against War Now (DAWN)
Subject: [DaytoniansAgainstWarNow] MayDay

Friends of the Peace and Anti-War Movements: You are invited to the 28th annual MayDay Party. Take care, Hilary

May Day Party!

28TH Annual May Day Party Barbecue

SATURDAY, May 2, 4:00 PM until ???

Bring food and/or a beverage

AT: 249 Wyoming Street


HILA & Maryta

Come help us celebrate the International Workers Holiday & Cinco de Mayo!!!




From: Logan Martinez
Subject: MAY 4th. Dayton Vigil for Peace

Yemen and the Deepening Middle Eastern Crisis.

Last month the US government gave the green light for Saudi Arabia to begin a massive air bombing of Yemen. Together with Egypt, the other regional super power, a land invasion is planned. Thousands of people have been killed. The region is facing a huge humanitarian crisis. Instead of finding a path to peace we are spreading war across the Middle East and into Africa.

The wars in the Middle East are reaching critical turning point and cannot be ignored.

Here in Dayton we are planning another peace vigil on May 4, the 45th anniversary of the Kent State shootings during an anti-war protest. See below. We would like to network with other groups to demand an end to these wars.

Dayton Vigil for Peace
5 PM on Monday, May 4, 2015

At the corner of Salem Ave. and Siebenthaler Ave.

End the Wars!

Remember Kent State!
Remember Jackson State!

Monday May 4, 2015 is the 45th anniversary of the Kent State shootings during an anti-war protest by students at Kent State University. In the spring of 1970, the Nixon administration orchestrated the overthrow of the Cambodian government, setting up a military dictatorship and paving the way for a US invasion. After 11 years of war in Vietnam, the American people were growing weary of the cost in lives and money. Across the country student protests had increased both in numbers and militancy.

At Kent State there was a sharp confrontation between police and student protestors. On Saturday night May 2nd an unknown arsonist burned the Army ROTC building to the ground. Governor Rhodes called out the National Guard and on May 4 they fired into unarmed protesters killing 4 and wounding 15. Across the US, campuses and communities erupted into massive protests against the war, the draft and the shooting at Kent State. Hundreds of college campuses were shut down as students went on strike, the largest student strike in US history. In Mississippi, at Jackson State, two black students were killed the next week. One was a high-school-age youth walking through campus on his way home from work. Black and white students united in calling for black studies courses, more minority enrollment at colleges, and opposition to the war.

Wars continue throughout the Middle East and Africa. Billions of dollars are being squandered in this quagmire; money that could be used to create jobs here in the US. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, two of the longest wars in our history.

Now, the US government has given the green light for Saudi Arabia to begin a massive air bombing of Yemen. Together with Egypt, the other regional super power, a land invasion is planned. Thousands of people have been killed. Yemen is one of the world’s poorest countries. The people of Yemen want to run their own country. They are not terrorists. It is not a religious war. American foreign policy is aimed at making the world safe for US corporations. We need a peace movement now more than ever. Please join the Dayton Vigil for Peace on Monday, May 4th 2015.

Green Party of West Central Ohio
Sinclair Peace Club

Contact: loganmartinez@hotmail.com/937-260-2591



From: Bruce Barcelo
Subject: Walk Downtown Dayton


The 10th Annual- “Walk! Downtown Dayton”. In years past we have had wonderful participation from organizations like: CareSource, Premier Health Partners, RTA, Dayton Public Schools, PHDMC, City of Dayton, Sinclair, PNC Bank, MVRPC, University of Dayton and many others.

This year we are excited that Downtown Dayton Partnership is jumping in! We will also have kids from
Mini U and Richard Allen Schools!  We’ll have new booths to visit like: Bair Foundation and Fireman Tim!

Special thank you goes to Five Rivers Metroparks!



From: David K. Greer [mailto:dkgreer@ameritech.net]
Subject: FW: Save the Date: Dayton Rally Against TPP

Join me as we rally against the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) here in Dayton on Monday, May 18.  The TPP is more of the same failed "free trade" policy that we have seen under NAFTA and other bad trade agreements - giving more power to corporations, who are shipping U.S. jobs overseas, and exploiting workers in other countries.  Twenty years after the passage of NAFTA, the United States has lost an estimated 1 million jobs due to outsourcing.  We know the impact on jobs could be equally, if not more horrible, under the TPP.

What: Rally Against TPP Fast Track 
When: Monday, May 18 at 5:30pm
Where: Congressman Mike Turner's office, 120 W. Third Street - Dayton, OH 45402
Who: Concerned Dayton-area citizens and community groups

Congress is currently attempting to "Fast Track" this trade deal, which would remove the ability of Representatives to amend or debate the trade agreement when it comes to a vote.  

The TPP will not only impact jobs - this trade agreement has 29 draft chapters that will affect everything from food safety standards, environmental protections, prescription drug prices, and much more. 

On May 18 - We will send the message to Congressman Mike Turner that Dayton wants him to Vote No on Fast Track.  To date, Congressman Turner has been unwilling to publicly state his position of Fast Track.  

Because of the grassroots action of hundreds of organizations and thousands of people across the country, we have stalled the TPP.  The only way we can kill this deal is to push harder and louder on our members of Congress to Vote NO!  

Hope you can join me - flyer attached.


Obama’s trade pitch falling flat with Dems

An aggressive effort by the administration to win support for President Obama’s trade agenda appears to be stuck.

As few as 15 House Democrats might vote to give the president fast-track authority, according to dozens of Democratic lawmakers, business group representatives and activists on both sides of the trade fight interviewed by The Hill.

That’s far fewer than the 50 Democrats Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republicans have asked the White House to deliver.

And with as many as 60 House Republicans ready to vote against giving Obama fast-track or trade promotion authority, it’s possible a vote would fail on the floor.

That would be a stinging defeat for Obama, who views trade as a key part of his second-term agenda. Without fast-track, which would make it easier for the White House to negotiate trade deals by preventing Congress from amending them, it could be almost impossible to finish negotiations with 11 Latin American and Asian countries on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — the largest trade deal the United States has negotiated in more than a decade.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), who says he is inclined to vote for fast-track, argues the administration has given little political reason for Democrats to back the president.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), labor unions and progressive groups are loudly opposing fast-track, and Democrats fear crossing the powerful constituencies.

“There’s no reward here at all, that I can see, on the horizon, for voting for this other than because you were convinced it’s the right thing to do, and you’re willing to withstand a lot of pressure,” Connolly said.

Of the administration, he says: “You want us to walk the plank; they’re not going to be there to catch me.” 

Obama isn’t the first president to have trouble corralling Democrats on trade.

In 1998, only 29 Democrats voted to give then-President Clinton fast-track authority in a losing effort. Even fewer — 25 — voted to give former President George W. Bush the authority in 2002, the last time it was approved. That authority expired in 2007.

Obama has never had fast-track authority, and would be the first president without it in decades.

Connolly argued that the administration’s hand is weakened by a combination of its inability to provide political cover for Democrats, the lack of campaign support by business groups and labor’s effective lobbying.

“The universe of Democrats is pretty limited, as it always is,” he said.

Obama sought at the beginning of the year to change that dynamic.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has held dozens of meetings with lawmakers. Cabinet members have also been involved in talking to and meeting with Democrats.

Obama has been involved too, holding a handful of meetings with lawmakers including Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.).

Critics say Obama’s effort hasn’t been enough, and Republicans say he will need to get more personally involved if fast-track authority is going to pass.

Boehner and GOP leadership face a challenge in moving fast-track because it is a top priority for Obama. That leaves some Republicans wary of backing it.

More Democratic support would not only give Boehner maneuvering room, it would allow fast-track to be presented as another bipartisan effort — easing the Speaker’s work within his own party.

The Wall Street Journal reported in March that between 50 and 60 Republicans could buck Boehner and Obama on fast-track. That would require Democrats to deliver about 32 votes.

When the administration’s effort began, the high-water mark for Democratic support was thought to be 32 Democratic votes.

Some say that figure is still obtainable, but Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.) said the number is probably closer to 15 right now.

Larson said he is leaning against it because trade is “an emotional and difficult argument” in his blue-collar district.

“But I think we owe it to the president, and to our constituents, to have an open and transparent process,” Larson said. 

Larson and other Democrats say the administration needs to do a better job at convincing them — and the public — that a vote for fast-track and TPP would lead to more U.S. jobs.

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), a former chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said he has told the White House it needs to “make certain that there’s enough facts there that it’s not a loss of jobs, that it creates jobs.” 

“If you can’t do that, I won’t be around,” he said. 

Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.), another undecided, said the White House is active on pushing for trade, “albeit, I think, a little late, but they’re active on it.”

Heather Atkinson; Political Program Manager, IUE-CWA
hatkinson@iue-cwa.org; www.iue-cwa.org
Office: 937-424-0683

End of MPEN e-Newsletter



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