[mpen-dayton4] New 'Beginning Group' of Math Circle -&- Reminder of OMC -&- Greater Miami Valley Local Events & News
FYI. Best, Munsup
P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
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Forming New "Beginning Group" of Great Miami Valley Math Circle
To people in the greater Miami Valley area and beyond,
As some of you might recall, Wright State University faculty, alumni, and parents together kicked off 'WSU Math Clubs' last September. Since faculty members from other universities joined and we wanted to expand our horizon further, we changed its name to the Greater Miami Valley Math Circle. If you do not know much about what a math circle is, please visit and browse these websites:
National Association of Math Circles http://www.mathcircles.org/
The Math Circle http://themathcircle.org/
Math Teachers' Circle Network http://www.mathteacherscircle.org/
(The National Association of Math Circles provides a support structure for Math Circles and similar programs. Specific organizational goals include maintenance of a database of existing programs, recruitment of new Math Circle chapters, and sustainment of the National Association of Math Circles Website, http://mathcircles.org.)
In the beginning, we sent out an email to form a group of middle-school students. After receiving a few requests from parents of high-school students, we decided to begin two (say, middle-level and high-level) groups of students who are enthusiastic about learning mathematics and enriching their knowledge.
The high-level group of students created their website, http://iis.stat.wright.edu/GMVMC.High. By browsing the site, you will see the seminar information of "The Wonders of Probability" that was presented by Dr. Po-Shen Loh, who is a professor at Carnegie-Melon University and the National Lead Coach for the US International Math Olympiad Team. Last Saturday, March 21, his excellent presentations were attended and enjoyed by about 130 middle- and high-school students as well as their parents and teachers.
The popularity of our math circle activities has made the middle-level group bigger than anticipated, with students in a wide range of grades from 4 through 9. This gave instructors some difficulties when choosing topics to discuss and with handling a wide range of students' skills. Thus, we have decided to form a newer 'Beginning Group' of students who want to deal with topics of 5th, 6th, and 7th grade mathematics. (This fall after our summer break, we will have three different groups: Beginning (roughly grades 5-7), Intermediate (roughly grades 7-9), and Advanced (roughly grades 10-12).
Our plan for this new Beginning Group is to meet twice a month, say the 2nd and 4th Saturdays in April and May, beginning on Saturday April 11th. Sessions will be held on the second floor of the Math and Microbiological Sciences (MM) Building at Wright State University from 10:30am to Noon on those days. Currently, we assess a $10-per-semester membership fee. However, if you pay $20 to join now, it would extend your membership to the full year of 2015-2016 activities.
Please email me if your children are interested in joining this newly-formed Beginning Group.
Please note that there are limited number of seats available that will be assigned as 'First Come, First Served' basis.
Munsup Seoh and Jason Knapp
Co-Founders, Greater Miami Valley Math Circle
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Annual Ohio Mathematics Contest in April at WSU
Please register by choosing 'Dayton-OH' and then continuing at this page:
For more information, please visit http://iis.stat.wright.edu/OMC/
Please use the attached form if you want to mail your applications.
· Forming New "Beginning Group" of Great Miami Valley Math Circle
· (Apr. 11) FW: Community Forum -Building Community Capacity to Solve Health Issues
· (Apr. 12) FW: Rescheduled: Education is not a Crime
· (Apr. 17) FW: 2nd Annual Forum on Population Health
· (Apr. 18) Annual Ohio Mathematics Contest at WSU
From: Cheryl Scroggins
Subject: Community Forum -Building Community Capacity to Solve Health Issues
Community Leader's Forum - Building Community Capacity to Solve Health Issues
Saturday, April 11, Noon - 4pm (please note the time change).
Dakota Center, 33 Barnett Street, 45402
LUNCH: Will be served immediately at Noon or as you register. Please call or send an e-mail if you plan to attend.
This forum, which includes a presentation by the Health Commissioner and other public health staff, and an open dialogue with Dr. Julianne Manchester of Manchester LLC about building community capacity to solve community issues that impact health, quality and length of life.
Please come and share your ideas, concerns, and suggestions with public health leadership. We are working to put together a community health improvement plan and your input is important.
Who: Pastors, church leaders/members, community leaders, minority-serving organizations, neighborhood groups such as priority board members, neighborhood association members, block club members, racial/ethnic coalitions, task forces, churches or religious groups, health committees, other similar organizations or programs, and anyone interested in solving the issues that impact quality of life.
From: Jim Hagan
Subject: Rescheduled: Education is not a Crime - Sunday April 12, 1 pm at the Criwne Plaza
Education is not a Crime!
April 12, 1 – 3 pm at Crowne Plaza Hotel
Harding Room, 33 East 5th Street, Dayton, OH 45402
The prohibition against education of children by their government is more than the violation of their human rights; it is a crime against humanity. This event is dedicated to our unity of caring about everyone.
Dear friends, please save the date and time, April 12, 2015, at 1:00 pm for a special showing of the important documentary, To Light a Candle. This is a film about the persecutions of Baha'is in Iran, especially of the children forbidden to get an education. The event is free and has been planned in response to the request of the U. S. Baha'i National Spiritual Assembly. We seek your support in attending and bringing friends with you and promoting it within your sphere of influence.
Background information: On other side
Summaries for Condemning the Government of Iran
Summaries for Condemning the Government of Iran for its state-sponsored persecution of its Baha'i minority and its continued violation of the International Covenants on Human Rights.. H.Res. 109 (113th Congress, 2013–2015)
Iran's intentions to improve its human rights
Over the coming months, policy makers would do well to consider that the sincerity of Iran's intentions to improve its human rights image and to project itself as a responsible actor in the international community might most accurately be measured by its actions towards the Baha'is.
Amnesty International
Education Under Fire, produced with Amnesty International, profiles the persecution on the Baha'is of Iran, with a special focus on the at-risk Baha'i Institute for Higher Education (BIHE). Elise Auerbach, Iran Specialist for Amnesty International, called Education Under Fire "One of the most powerful human documentaries I have ever seen." People of the Baha'i Faith in Iran have been subjected to systematic persecution, including arrests, torture, and execution, simply for refusing to recant their beliefs. They are also prohibited from going to college (and blocked from many professions). In 1987, the semi-underground Baha'i Institute for Higher Education (BIHE) was formed to give young Baha'is their only chance for a university-level education. Despite repeated raids and arrests, volunteer teachers and administrators created an independent, decentralized university system that has lifted the lives of thousands of Baha'i students across Iran. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2370480/
Archbishop Desmond Tutu,
CAPE TOWN — In a statement published on 30 January, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the South African social rights activist and Nobel Peace Laureate added his voice to the chorus of condemnation of the denial of the right of Baha'is to higher education by the government of Iran. http://news.bahai.org/story/1038
Mohammad "Seal" not end of divine revelation.
In this sense, each messenger in the chain of progressive revelation is the 'Seal' of the prophets that came before. Each prophet reminded his people of their covenant with God and the previous messenger—and fulfilled the prophecies of the past dispensation. Muhammad, too, confirmed and fulfilled the revealed books and religions up until his time, including the Gospel of Jesus. Yet, just as the past messengers pointed forward to the next manifestation of God, the Qur'an contains many prophecies of a future 'meeting' with the Lord. Muhammad completed the cycles of both messengership and prophethood—or, as another hadith says, was the final 'brick' in the majestic edifice of prophecy. 'Messengers' and 'Prophets' in the broadest sense will have no end. Yet Muhammad sealed—confirmed and completed—the foundation Adam began. Baha'u'llah, God's messenger for our day, instead of pointing us to a kingdom still to come, invites us to share in the fulfillment of prophecy, right here and now: http://bahaiteachings.org/muhammad-the-last-prophet
From: Cheryl Scroggins
Subject: 2nd Annual Forum on Population Health
Continental breakfast will be served.
Parking passes will be provided (for the Reibold Building Parking Garage, entrance on 5th Street).
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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