U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Friday, March 06, 2015

[mpen-dayton] FW: "97% agree with Senator Warren" & "Netanyahu, again" & "Kill Anything that Moves" & "Teachers strike back! ..." & "It is still legal" and more

FYI.      Best, Munsup

P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
P.P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons.


·         FW: 97% agree with Senator Warren

·         FW: Netanyahu, again

·         FW: Democrats: Don't Side With Republicans on Iran

·         FW: States reduce workers compensation

·         FW: Join us THIS FRIDAY: virtual town hall mtg

·         FW: Pres. Obama's chance to leave a BIG mark against money-in-politics corruption

·         FW: Kill Anything that Moves

·         FW: Teachers strike back! Rahm Emanuel forced into runoff after closing 50 public schools

·         FW: "Gen. Petraeus: Too Big to Jail" by Ray McGovern

·         FW: USTV Action Alert: STOP The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) -
               Preserve Self-Governing Sovereignty For Our Nations & Communities

·         FW: Ghost of Jim Crow continues to haunt nation on 50th anniversary of Selma march

·         FW: Check out The Netanyahu Speech: A 10-point deconstruction | Veterans Today


From: Mark, Stephen, Ben O., Maria, and the rest of the team; MoveOn Political Action
Subject: 97% agree with Senator Warren

Warren's message cuts across the aisle in key states. A new YouGov poll shows 97% of voters in key battleground states agree that bankers should be jailed for crimes committed on Wall Street.

A new YouGov poll released today shows widespread support—across parties—for Senator Elizabeth Warren in key battleground states on the economic issues that'll define the 2016 presidential election.1

94% of voters—Democrat, Republican, and Independent—agreed with Warren's argument that our political system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful. More than 80% agree with her calls to lower interest on student loan rates and expand Social Security benefits. And voters were impressed by her track record—70% reported that her work to hold Wall Street accountable and create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers convincing reasons to support her as a candidate in 2016.

This poll is more proof that Warren's economic populism is a winner across the political spectrum, and that's why we've got to get the word out about it.

Let's end this week with the pundits and the politicos all talking about Elizabeth Warren's great chances in a general election.

There's a good reason why leading Democrats and now even Republicans are sounding more and more like the senior senator from Massachusetts. Let's spread the word.

Source: 1. "YouGov Poll: Warren's Message and Biography A Big Winner Among 2016 Battleground State Voters," MoveOn.org, March 5, 2015



From: Jo, Brian, Jadzia, Anna and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Netanyahu, again

On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress at the invitation of House Speaker John Boehner. It was a breech of American protocol and an insult to President Obama. But more importantly, it was an attack on America's diplomatic efforts to limit Iran's nuclear program.

Netanyahu's influence didn't end with the speech. Immediately after the address, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell attempted to rush legislation that could derail the negotiations.1 And major newspapers across the nation had Netanyahu on their front pages this week, amplifying his assault on the diplomatic talks.2

All told, Netanyahu's presence has supercharged the war hawks' efforts to thwart diplomacy—which is why we need to supercharge our own efforts to create the space for negotiations to work.

So we're hitting the phones, planning visits to key Senate offices, and designing hard-hitting ads calling out Democratic senators by name—if we can raise the funds to do it.

Can you chip in to ensure that President Obama's approach to Iran—not John Boehner's or Benjamin Netanyahu's—has a chance?

Together with allies, MoveOn members' efforts so far have helped preserve the diplomatic process. Key Democrats have halted McConnell's anti-diplomacy blitz.3 But this success amounts to only a temporary reprieve.

Now, we have three weeks before a potential vote could derail the nuclear talks once and for all—three weeks to solidify enough Democrats behind the president that we can give diplomacy a chance.

Diplomacy is a delicate balancing act. We can't know if these talks will succeed—but we do know that we can't afford the alternative: another Mideast war. We need to give the talks the time and space to succeed.

When Netanyahu spoke to our Congress, at the invitation of Speaker John Boehner and without reaching out to the White House, he attempted to slam the door on diplomacy. Members of Congress have heard from him—now, let's make sure they hear from us.

We have three weeks to make the case for diplomacy louder and clearer than the case for endless war.

Can you chip in to support a diplomatic process and defeat the fearmongering of John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and Benjamin Netanyahu?

Want to support our work?
We're entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way.
Start a monthly donation here or chip in a one-time donation here.


1.     "Democrats upset McConnell wants to fast-track Iran bill," CNN, March 4, 2015

2.     "New York Post 'BIBI GOES NUCLEAR: Netanyahu's Historic Speech to Congress, Bam Gets Schooled' Wednesday, March 4, 2015," Pundit From Another Planet, March 4, 2015

3.     "Democrats Rebel Against Mitch McConnell Over Iran Nuclear Bill," The Huffington Post, March 4, 2015



Subject: Democrats: Don't Side With Republicans on Iran

Hi, I signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate which says: "Oppose the Kirk-Menendez bill and the Corker-Graham bill. These bills are designed to blow up the talks with Iran and kill any chance for diplomacy and a negotiated agreement on Iran's nuclear program." Will you please sign this petition? Click here: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/democrats-dont-side-with?source=s.icn.em.mt&r_by=315978



From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: States reduce workers compensation

States reduce benefits under workers compensation law for those injured on the job.
See http://www.propublica.org/article/the-demolition-of-workers-compensation



From: Overturning Citizens United, Rio Tazewell, Government By the People Campaign Coordinator
Subject: Join us THIS FRIDAY: virtual town hall mtg re: key strategies (feat. Ben Cohen)

This Friday, PFAW, Public Citizen, U.S. PIRG and other allies are hosting a virtual town hall meeting featuring Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry's and leading activist for protecting our democracy from corporate power.

The call will cover problems and solutions pertaining to big money in politics in the Citizens United era. One solution we'll discuss will be an executive order that President Obama can sign to require corporations that receive federal contracts to disclose their political spending.

We hope you will join us for the virtual town hall meeting this Friday, March 6, at 4pm Eastern (3 Central/2 Mountain/1 Pacific).

http://getmoneyoutaction.org. (Scroll down to "Upcoming Events.")

President Obama has the authority to score a major victory for transparency against big money corruption run amok, simply with the stroke of a pen. We'll be working to build grassroots support for the executive order.

Friday's call is a unique opportunity, not only to learn what's happening, but also to join the nationwide response behind this effort in a way that puts your outrage about the destruction of our democracy front and center in the public eye.

Please join us. RSVP now at



From: Rio Tazewell;  People For the American Way, Government By the People Campaign Coordinator
Subject: Pres. Obama's chance to leave a BIG mark against money-in-politics corruption

President Obama recently reiterated his support for a constitutional amendment to overturn decisions like Citizens United. In the meantime, there is something very concrete that he can do as president to alleviate one aspect of big money corrupting our elections. Corporations that receive government contracts can secretly funnel untold sums to help elect (and re-elect) the very same lawmakers responsible for awarding those contracts.

The president can and should sign an executive order requiring federal contractors to disclose their political spending.

Urge President Obama to issue an executive order requiring disclosure of political spending by companies that receive federal contracts>>

Companies like Lockheed Martin, Verizon and even subsidiaries of Koch Industries are awash in taxpayer money they receive from federal contracts. As you can imagine, the amount of money being spent to influence our elections by all the huge corporations that receive these contracts is staggering.

President Obama has the authority to fight money-in-politics corruption and shine some much-needed light on this spending simply with the stroke of a pen.

Please ask President Obama to take action with an executive order now>>

In the Citizens United era, the problem of big money flooding our elections is compounded by the lack of transparency in all that spending. Please add your name now to do something about it.

If we're loud enough, the president will hear us!



From: James Lucas  on February 28, 2015
Subject: Kill Anything that Moves

(Munsup's Note: Mr. Jim Lucas was a Daytonian, founder of Daytonians Against War Now (DAWN) and the first recipient of the Dayton Peace Hero Award from the Dayton International Peace Museum.)

You may want to read "Kill Anything that Moves - The Real American War in Vietnam", a book written recently by Nick Turse. But be forewarned, it is not easy to read.  I had known for some time that about 3 million Vietnamese died in that war, and the knowledge of those statistics and the massacre of civilians by American troops at My Lai had been a prime reason I have  worked to end American wars.

But I was still shielded from the depths of our atrocities and the suffering of the Vietnamese people until I started to read this book. The title of the book truly describes the modus operandi of US military operations in that nation, emanating from the highest levels of our government.

I have only been able to read the book a few pages at a time without a sense of temporary deep depression. But I will finish it.

The need to completely destroy our perceived enemies is a chronic part of American life. Thus these terrorist wars by our nation constitute a clear and present danger. Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their world.



From: Shiro Tanaka
FW: Brooklyn Paper: Anti-Asian Sentiment Surfaces During Brooklyn Town Hall
(Another xenophobia cropping up.   – Shiro)

Brooklyn Paper: Anti-Asian Sentiment Surfaces During Brooklyn Town Hall


by Randall

Anti-Asian sentiment bubbled to the top during a town hall in Brooklyn over concern about all-cash real estate deals and illegally subdivided homes, reported The Brooklyn Paper.

Hundreds attended the meeting. The overwhelming majority of the people were white with only a handful of Asian Americans.

"I feel a little uncomfortable with an Asian in the room," a man yelled.

Others expressed frustration toward Asian investors they say are gobbling up homes in the city.

But the phenomenon is not limited to Asian investors.

Australian investors have been doing the same for years in the area.

Last year landlord Vasilios Gerazounis pleaded guilty to criminally negligent homicide after 5 Guatemalans died in a fire because they were trapped in a home Gerazounis illegally subdivided.

You can read the reaction from an Asian American realtor who attended the meeting in
The Brooklyn Paper.



From: S hiro Tanaka
Subject: It is still legal

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/federal-agents-raid-maternity/2015/03/03/id/628003/#ixzz3TLxQFsEb

Feds Raid 'Maternity Hotels' Used to Birth US Citizens

Tuesday, 03 Mar 2015 01:52 PM

Federal agents raided about 20 Southern California locations on Tuesday suspected of involvement in "maternity tourism" schemes offering travel and lodging services to pregnant foreign women seeking to give birth in the United States, U.S. immigration officials said.

Authorities say the so-called maternity hotels targeted in the sweep catered largely to women from China who paid $15,000 to $50,000, depending on services provided, in hopes of obtaining U.S. citizenship for their children.

The locations searched included apartment complexes and other sites in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties that were suspected of housing foreign clients, according to a statement issued by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, or ICE.

No criminal arrests were anticipated from Tuesday's raids, which were carried out by federal agents and local law enforcement, the agency said.

The U.S. Constitution grants citizenship to any child born on U.S. soil, regardless of parentage, and immigration experts say there was nothing inherently illegal about women coming from abroad to give birth to children in the United States.

But investigators are seeking evidence related to such possible criminal offenses as visa and tax fraud, money laundering and conspiracy, immigration officials said.

Any women encountered at the locations raided on Wednesday were to be interviewed, and those identified as potential material witnesses will be instructed where and when to report for further questioning, ICE said.

Businesses engaged in maternity tourism, also known as "birth tourism," are believed to have been operating for several years, relying on websites, newspaper advertising and social media to promote their services, immigration officials said.

Based on the results of previous investigations, the women who subscribe apparently pay cash for pre-natal medical treatment and actual delivery of their babies.

As part of the package, clients were promised they would receive Social Security numbers and U.S. passports for their infants - documentation the mothers would take with them when they returned to their home countries, ICE said.

Once the children, who by birth are U.S. citizens, reach adulthood they can apply for visas for family members living abroad.

More expensive packages "include recreational activities, such as visits to Disneyland, shopping malls and even an outing to a firing range," the ICE statement said.

The practices came to public attention in California in recent years when residents of some Los Angeles-area communities complained about what they said were maternity hotels springing up in their neighborhoods, causing sanitation and other issues.



From: Michael Langenmayr, Daily Kos
Subject: Teachers strike back! Rahm Emanuel forced into runoff after closing 50 public schools

Despite an avalanche of spending—including $7 million on TV ads and another $450,000 from outside groups trashing his progressive opponent—anti-teacher and corporate shill Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel was forced into a runoff election.

This was never supposed to happen. Rahm—better known as Mayor 1%—was up in the polls, in money and in endorsements.

Rahm has spent four years selling out his constituents. He's
closed more than 50 public schools, mostly in black and latino neighborhoods, and has privatized much of the rest of the city.

Now, Rahm thinks money can buy him love.

Can you chip in $5 to help elect progressive Democrat Jesus 'Chuy' Garcia and send anti-teacher Mayor Rahm Emanuel packing?

We can't match Rahm's big money corporate friends dollar for dollar, but we don't need to. Rahm is unpopular and Chicagoans want a change. Chuy can win this with the same sort of grassroots support that propelled him into the runoff in the first place.

All we need to do is make sure Chuy has the resources to get his message out, and to withstand the vicious attacks Rahm will throw his way.

Please chip in $5.



From: Judy Burnette
Subject: FW: "Gen. Petraeus: Too Big to Jail" by Ray McGovern

Exclusive: While lesser Americans face years in jail for leaking secrets – even to inform fellow citizens of government abuses – retired Gen. David Petraeus gets a misdemeanor wrist-slap for exposing covert officers and lying about it, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern, who was jailed just for trying to ask Petraeus a question.

While there, go to https://consortiumnews.com  to see other stories, including:

·         A Delusional Netanyahu Sways Congress by Lawrence Davidson

·         Seeing the Stasi through NSA Eyes by Silkie Carlo

·         Curbs on Surveillance State Urged by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

·         The Big Money Behind Netanyahu by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship

·         Telling Scary Stories about Iran by Paul R. Pillar

·         Netanyahu's False Narrative by Marjorie Cohn



From: info@ustvmedia.org
Subject: USTV Action Alert: STOP The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) - Preserve Self-Governing Sovereignty For Our Nations & Communities


*The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement usurps federal, state and local authority, and functions as a global corporate coup*

So what is the TPP? It's a so-called "trade" agreement that corporations have spent years in secret negotiations setting up, giving them the legal power to overrule federal, state and local laws, subjugating not only the United States, but also the rest of the world to their control. And many members of Congress are lining up to help them.

As Rivera Sun reported for Truthout, Congress, on the whole, has not seen the secret, thousand-page text of the TPP. Yet, congressional members are curiously willing to eschew their right and responsibility to review this international trade treaty and fast-track the legislation without debate or revision. If they vote to fast-track the TPP, they are silencing the people and handing the nation over on a silver platter to corporate domination.

She also goes on to state..."In addition to stating trade rules, the TPP also sets up a corporate-run international tribunal court whose legal task is to overrule federal, state and local laws that restrict trade or give one nation an "unfair advantage" over another. Don't be fooled by the altruistic-sounding phrase: What this really means is that all labor, environmental, health and safety laws would be reduced to the lowest common denominator. Say hello to lead poisoning and sweatshops. Say goodbye to health benefits and living wages. Also, city zoning laws that keep industrial developments from lowering the value of your home can be gutted by this tribunal court. Factory farms and sludge fields can move in next door. Toxic plants can be located next to the schoolyard. Gone are the fracking bans and GMO-labeling laws we worked so hard to pass. One hundred and fifty years of labor history is being thrown in the gutter by the regressive nature of the TPP."


Read "TPP v. Democracy" by Dennis Trainor, Jr. at Acronym TV: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/21277

As Sun also pointed out... "A corporate coup is taking place, in secret and in silence. Our politicians are complicit. Those who vote yes on the TPP are signing the nation over to corporate rule. Those who vote yes on fast-track authority are reneging on their sworn oaths to protect this nation from all threats both foreign and domestic. Those who support the TPP are colluding with a dangerous transnational alliance that seeks dominance over our federal, state and local authority. Every citizen of conscience should resist this corporate coup. Dissent is not only patriotic; it is necessary to defend our nation."


Learn more about how to stop the TPP at http://www.flushthetpp.org and at "Expose The TPP" at http://www.exposethetpp.org/

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has written in detail about the destructive nature of this deal to communications law and  intellectual property rights:

What we know about this was made possible due to the publication of its entire Intellectual Property Rights Chapter by WikiLeaks. Read the original text here:

Use this online tool to contact your elected officials:
and insist that they VOTE NO on any form of authorization of this bad deal.



From: Morris Dees; Founder, Southern Poverty Law Center | FIGHTING HATE // TEACHING TOLERANCE // SEEKING JUSTICE
Subject: Ghost of Jim Crow continues to haunt nation on 50th anniversary of Selma march

The eyes of the nation will be trained on Selma, Alabama, this weekend as tens of thousands of people gather to watch President Obama address the nation on the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

It's important that we commemorate March 7, 1965, as the day the world was given a window into the brutality and the depravity of racism in the Deep South.

We must never forget the price that was paid to secure the vote for African Americans – or the incredible force of the people's movement that finally put Jim Crow in a coffin. And we must never forget the martyrs, like Jimmie Lee Jackson, whose murder at the hands of an Alabama state trooper inspired the Selma march.

But we can't afford to reflect too long on the bloodstained victories of the past.

We must focus on today – and tomorrow – because the ghost of Jim Crow continues to haunt our nation.

The proof is everywhere you look, and the victims are piling up around us.

This week I read the Department of Justice's damning report on Ferguson, Missouri, and I was not surprised. The DOJ investigation exposed nothing less than a brutal, racist police force that shakes down poor, black residents to pad the city's coffers.

Fixing Ferguson is imperative. But the reality is that Ferguson is simply one example of a criminal justice system that is thoroughly infected with racism.

It's why we have the world's largest prison population … it's why African Americans are incarcerated at six times the rate of white people … it's why cities have revived debtors' prisons that punish and exploit the poorest, most vulnerable among us.

While perhaps its most visible and horrifying signpost, the criminal justice system is merely one part of a larger, structural problem.

The richest 3 percent hold more than half of our nation's wealth, and our poor keep getting poorer. But this poverty is not shared equally.

Black people are more than twice as likely as whites to be unemployed. Their families are three times more likely than white families to live in poverty. And the average white family has 13 times as much wealth as the average black one.

Every day, however, politicians defend the narrow interests of the wealthiest among us while blaming the poor, the weak, the sick, the "other" for their poverty and for the nation's problems.

This noxious idea, underpinning the drive to shred the social safety net, is what spawned Mitt Romney's "47 percent" remark, an example of the same kind of coded language used by white supremacists 50 years ago.

Meanwhile, our public schools – the once widely supported wellsprings of democracy, equality and economic prosperity – are becoming more segregated.

As education funding is stripped away, often under the guise of "school choice," African-American children increasingly attend schools that are "separate and unequal," many of them dropout factories that extinguish opportunity.

While African Americans can now typically vote without fear of physical violence or retribution, this precious right is being eroded by newly enacted voting restrictions – and racial gerrymandering is drowning out their voices.

These barriers are only compounded by voter disinterest: The 2014 election saw the lowest voter turnout in 72 years. In the last presidential election, 90 million eligible voters did not cast ballots.

With your support, we're trying to do our part.

We're pushing back against mass incarceration in Deep South states that imprison people at the highest rates in the country.

We're reforming school policies that push the most vulnerable children out of the classroom and into brutal detention facilities.

We're working to ensure economic justice for the poorest communities – by eliminating debtors' prisons, and more.

And, to revive interest in voting and civic activism among the nation's youth, we've created a new Teaching Tolerance classroom film – Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot. Right now we're shipping copies to thousands of educators across the country.

As the events unfold tomorrow and throughout this historic weekend, public officials from around the country will pay homage to those who risked everything for equality.

On Sunday, dozens of members of Congress will visit the Civil Rights Memorial outside our office in Montgomery to lay a wreath in honor of those who died for racial justice.

Many of these public officials sincerely want to do something about the growing racial and economic inequality that is so evident 50 years after the Voting Rights Act was enacted and 150 years after slavery was abolished by the 13th Amendment.

But for some, I fear, the events are just a photo opportunity. We cannot allow them to wash their hands of responsibility and then retreat to Washington to resume their destructive politics.

Remembering the sacrifices of the past is important, but it's not enough. If our nation is to be true to the ideals of the civil rights movement, we must make concrete changes that reflect a real commitment to justice for all.

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From: tbacane
Subject: FW: Check out The Netanyahu Speech: A 10-point deconstruction | Veterans Today


It is certainly time for honesty regarding our "Alleged friend Israel" and this article sheds some light on it through Netanyahu's attempt to undermine our foreign policy.  Israel or its leadership did "knowingly" kill and wound American service members with their attack on the USS Liberty, and they were certainly involved in the crime that happened on 9/11.  It seems that only the good Jewish peace loving people (If there are any) can save the world from the Zionists thugs now in control.  Until then America and the world must understand that Israel is NOT our friend!  WAKE UP!!!

The Netanyahu Speech: A 10-point deconstruction
Posted by Jim Fetzer on March 5, 2015

The speech was a masterpiece artfully woven of lies, deceit and deception

The distance between Bibi's words and reality was like that between the Capitol and Gaza

(1) Iran has not attacked another country since 1775. Washington was inaugurated in 1789.

(2) The sanctions imposed are war crimes. They violate the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

(3) Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Our intel agencies and Mossad agree.

(4a) Iran is entitled to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. So the US is violating the NPT.

(4b) Iran has signed the NPT; Israel has not. The US is also violating it with new weapons.

(5) Israel is the terrorist state. It commits atrocities in Argentina, which it blames on Iran.

(6) Israel was complicit in 9/11, brought to us by the CIA, DoD Neo-Cons and the Mossad.

(7) The Holocaust is but a prop. 6,000,000 Jews did not die in gas chambers using Zyklon B.

(8) He is playing politics with Congress. He claims, "When Bibi speaks, the world listens!"

(9) The leaders of Israel despise non-Jews. Consider the words of PM Menachem Begin.

(10) We are doing the dirty work for Israel. Listen to Wesley Clark. The time has come to end it.

For more information, see


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