[mpen-dayton] FW: MPEN Issue for Ohians
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: urgent, add your name to today's letter to Sen. Portman re press reports that Senate is drafting health care bill in secret
- FW: (CALL TO ACTION) Contact Senator Portman's office NOW to oppose repeal of the Affordable Care Act
- FW: Computer Science Education needs your help in Ohio!
- FW: Techy Stuff
- FW: The fight is not over for Jordan Edwards!
- FW: The most important email the UltraViolet Action has sent in years
From: Donald Nguyen, MD, FAAP; Ohio State Co-Director for Doctors for America
Subject: urgent, add your name to today's letter to Sen. Portman re press reports that Senate is drafting health care bill in secret
Kathleen Gmeiner of UHCAN Ohio, the well-respected nonprofit nonpartisan consumer health care organization, is urgently seeking health care providers and organizations to sign on to a Community Catalyst letter to Senator Portman. The letter was formulated in response to very recent press reports that the Senate is drafting a health care repeal bill in secret without any public hearings or expert testimony. The letter urges the Senate not rush through its version of the AHCA; it asks for public hearings, a CBO score and that no vote occur until the CBO score and the content of the bill has been available to the public for at least seven days. The letter currently has 38 Ohio signatures and there is a goal of 100 by the end of today, June 12. The letter can be read and signed at
When you sign, be sure to include your credentials (MD, RN, etc.; if appropriate include your organization). Health care consumers can also sign, for example "John Jones, beneficiary of Medicaid home care services." Kathleen Gmeiner asks that you call her with any questions or comments: 614-456-0060 extension 223 ( 614-456-0060 x 223 )
Let's get this done! Thank you!
From: Michael Byun
Subject: FW: (CALL TO ACTION) Contact Senator Portman's office NOW to oppose repeal of the Affordable Care Act
We need to flood the different district offices for Senator Portman with calls to oppose the Repeal of the Affordable Care Act! See below the important message from the Health Forum.
- STEP ONE: Please take 2-3 minutes to make a call.
Here's a script: "I am (insert name) from (insert city). I am part of the Ohio Asian American community, I strongly urge Senator Portman not to repeal of the Affordable Care Act. ACA has helped my community and we need to protect it. Thank you." - STEP TWO: Send this to two other individuals (your friends, parents, siblings) and ask them to make the same calls.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE REPEAT EACH DAY the same action until we hear the outcome. It maybe redundant but his office will COUNT the number of calls. Bonus point: Contact his district office AND his DC office
Senator Portman's District Office numbers:
Cincinnati - 513-684-3265; Cleveland - 216-522-7095; Columbus - 614-469-6774; Toledo - 419-259-3895
D.C. - 202-224-3353
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amina Ferati, Senior Director of Government Relations & Policy, APIAHF
Subject: Health Equity for All The Senate is Ready to Repeal the Affordable Care Act
The threat to repeal the Affordable Care Act just became more real today. Sen. McConnell – the Republican leader of the Senate – has placed ACA repeal on the Senate calendar. We are hearing that a bill could come in the next few days, with a fast score from the Congressional Budget Office and then a rapid vote on the Senate floor. Republicans want to repeal the ACA in the Senate by June 30, before they leave for recess. While we don't know the details, we know the bill will end Medicaid, end the Medicaid expansion and leave millions of Americans, including AAs and NHPIs, without any form of coverage or financial help.
We need your help now: Now is the time to reach out to both of your Senators and tell them to "Protect my care and vote against the plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act." Your Senators need to hear your opposition today and every day until they stop the repeal effort. Please call your Senators today and be on the look out for more information from APIAHF in the days ahead.
Senate Targets: Below are the main targets who will have the most influence and can be swayed. We only need to get 3 Republicans to oppose repeal to kill the bill.
1. Sen. Rob Portman (OH), 2. Sen. Cory Gardner (CO), 3. Sen. Susan Collins (ME), 4. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK), 5. Sen. Dan Sullivan (AK) , 6. Sen. Dean Heller (NV), 7. Sen. Tom Cotton (AR), 8. Sen. Lindsay Graham (SC), 9. Sen. Pat Toomey (PA), 10. Sen. Jeff Flake (AZ), 11. Sen. Capito (WV), 12. Sen. Bob Corker (TN), 13. Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN) , 14. Sen. Bill Cassidy (LA)
Together, we can protect access to care for our communities and protect the Affordable Care Act.
From: Jason Knapp on behalf of Katie Hendrickson, Code.org
Subject: FW: Computer Science Education needs your help in Ohio!
The Ohio House will be making a decision about HB 170 -- the computer science education bill -- in the next few days. We need to let them know about the value of expanding K-12 computer science in our state.
Please follow this link to let your state representative know you support expanding access to K-12 computer science!
We're asking the legislature to support HB 170. This bill would clearly define computer science, require the state board to adopt standards for K-12 computer science instruction, would allow students to count an advanced computer science course towards mathematics or science graduation requirements, and clarifies certification requirements for teachers teaching computer science.
Computer science is a foundational skill for K-12 students. It develops students' computational and critical thinking skills and teaching them how to create–not just use–new technologies. Computer science is driving job growth and innovation throughout Ohio. More than half of projected jobs in STEM fields are in computer occupations, and computer science is one of the most desirable degrees from new college graduates. The proposed legislation will expand access to computer science to thousands of Ohio's students, preparing them for high-paying, in-demand careers.
Take action here.
Thank you for your support!
Code.org is a 501c3 non-profit located at 1501 Fourth Avenue, Suite 900, Seattle, WA, 98101. You received this email because you are teaching Courses 1-4 or the Accelerated Course on Code Studio with students in high school.
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Techy Stuff
Technology stories - iOS upgrades might affect app function and AT&T arbitration strategy hurts consumers
iOS 11 will render older iPhones, iPads and apps obsolete
AT&T uses forced arbitration to overcharge customers, senators say
From: SPAN Ohio
Working to pass the Health Care for All Ohioans Act
What is the Senate up to?
We are getting conflicting information concerning action in the US Senate on the American Health Care Act, that piece of disgusting legislation passed by the House last month. We've heard that Mitch McConnell has fast tracked the bill to bring it to a vote before CBO scoring and hearings. We've also been told that the Senate doesn't want to do anything until after the 2018 elections because they don't want to risk losing seats. Both scenarios are possible, so it won't hurt to give our senators a call.
Besides resisting "Trumpcare," our Senators need to articulate a strong vision for health care justice. Tell them you expect them to support Expanded and Improved Medicare for All. The status quo is insufficient and we need to act on this now.
You can call them at these numbers:
Sherrod Brown: Toll Free 1-888-896-OHIO; Washington Office: 202-224-2315; Website: https://www.brown.senate.gov/
Rob Portman: Toll Free: 1-800-205-6446; Washington Office: 202-224-3353; Website: https://www.portman.senate.gov/public/
Both websites are reporting a heavy volume of phone calls, but don't let that deter you! Keep them busy!
State Conference a Huge Success
The 14th annual state conference was a huge success. We almost exceeded the occupancy permit for the conference space! Presenters were wonderful. We heard from Greg Coleridge, Brad Cotton, Ruben Castilla Herrera, Dan Skinner, Sean Nestor and John Ross. Topics ranged from the Social Determinants of Health to the plight of the immigrant to effective messaging. View some of the action on YouTube.
Thank you to Vann Seawell, but not goodbye....
Vann Seawell stepped down as Secretary of SPAN after serving for many, many years. While we will miss his minutes, we had better not miss Vann. We expect that Vann will be around, helping in the Columbus area with local organizing.
Dr. Johnathon Ross was elected Secretary to fill Vann's position. He is a past president of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), a national health reform group with over 18,000 members. He is a graduate of Cornell University and received his medical degree in 1975 from the Medical College of Ohio at Toledo. In addition to his medical degree, he has a master's degree in health policy and administration from the School of Public Health of the University of Michigan. He is an Associate Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Toledo College of Medicine and currently practices and teaches general internal medicine at St Vincent Mercy Medical Center, a 500-bed center city teaching hospital in Toledo, Ohio. His experience inside the health insurance industry convinced him of the logic and need for a national health insurance program.
Debbie Silverstein continues as State Director and Barbara Walden continues as Treasurer.
Regional Coordinators
Most of our regional coordinators were re-elected to their positions, but we do have a couple of new leaders to introduce.
Patty Mercer took over the helm from Arlene Sheak in Region 3 last February when Arlene moved to Columbus. She was born and raised in McArthur, Ohio (Vinton County) and attended college at Case Western Reserve University, Ohio University and Ohio State University (And for what it is worth, earned a BA and MA in economics, MSW, respectively).
Patty worked in social services and was always interested in social justice. She is a RPCV (Returned Peace Corps Volunteer - Sri Lanka, 1986-87) and recently retired from the role of director of The Athens Village, a virtual village providing wrap around services for members over the age of 60 who want to stay in their own homes.
She is happiest when gardening, singing, reading medieval mysteries, having friends over for dinner, visiting family/in-laws in Israel and talking with like-minded souls who are eager to figure out ways to make the world a better place, one relationship at a time.
Bob Krasen is the new regional coordinator for Region 5. Bob was a Catholic priest for 17 years in 4 parishes in the Diocese of Cleveland, an occupation which helped him develop a social conscience. He worked in social services in Columbus until retirement 2006, when he became an activist for "health care for all" in SPAN Ohio.
Locate your regional coordinator here. Give him or her a call and ask what you can do to help the cause.
Executive Committee
Two vacancies on our Executive Committee were filled by SPAN veteran Bill Davis and newcomer Mayo Makinde. Check them out on our website.
Is it the right time?
One of my pet peeves is when people say they support us and then follow up with, "but it won't happen in my lifetime," or "but it just isn't the right time for it." Why do we accept defeat so easily?
It IS the right time. Martin Luther King said it is always the right time to do the right thing.
Our favorite Dayton author, Gerard McLean, tells us why patience may not always be a virtue.....
Patience | |
| "Patience," they say.
From Around the State
More than 20 activists gathered together on May 7th, just after the House of Representatives speedily but barely passed the America Health Care Act. These frustrated and determined citizens had a chance to express their feelings and stories. Then they heard first-hand about the single-payer health care ideas from State Director Deb Silverstein and Executive Committee member Sean Nestor.
Attendees signed letters to Senator Portman, enrolled in SPAN mailing list. Several people gave written accounts of their experiences with health insurance as testimony to be compiled in a growing list of citizen comments.
June 3, Many SPAN supporters teamed up with Move to Amend, Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie, Lucas County Green Party, Jobs with Justice and Our Revolution.
This kind of alliance-building is becoming an effective tool for increasing participation at events, building a pool of signature gatherers, and finding common goals and actions. We are, after all, an ACTION NETWORK, and Toledo seems to be living up to the name.
Tabling at the Old West End was also done in collaboration with these groups, allowing the house-tour pedestrians to stop a while, sign many petitions and letters, and feel good about participating in their democracy.
SPAN members went to Senator Portman's office and talked at length to his outreach person, and turned over a pile of letters signed by supporters. There were lots of other people who showed up for a rally outside and then went into Portman's office 10 at a time.
Don, Dick, and Dee have continued to do speaking engagements, as well as a few movie showings and report that the number of local activists is growing.
Everybody In!!
We want to have a health care system with EVERYBODY IN! To do this we need EVERYBODY IN SPAN Ohio — as a member, that is!
A regular annual membership in SPAN-Ohio costs a mere 11 cents a day ($40). A Senior (age 65) or student membership is half that ($20). Membership brings the right to vote on SPAN officers and policies, a $10 discount off the cost of SPAN's annual convention, and the satisfaction that comes from helping the cause. SPAN can't be effective without support, and if there was any time in U.S. history that we have a chance to move the country to a more just system of health care — this is it!!
So, Now's The Time! You can join by going to the website www.spanohio.org and clicking on Individual Membership (under Become a Member). You can either print out a form and mail it in with a check or pay online through PayPal. Follow our efforts through the website; like us on Facebook; get involved at rallies and lobby days and other events.
SPAN exists due to the generosity of individual donors.
Please consider a donation today: Donations
SPAN Ohio is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.
Donations to SPAN Ohio are not tax deductible.
Follow us on Twitter.
Like us on Facebook.
From: Rashad, Arisha, Scott, Anay, Clarise, Enchanta, Malaya, Katrese, and the rest of the Color Of Change team
Subject: The fight is not over for Jordan Edwards!
The Edwards family was forced to do the unthinkable -- say goodbye to their son, their brother, a young child with hopes and dreams that will no longer be seen. No family should endure such pain. After being fired, Jordan Edwards' killer has been charged with murder -- it is a crucial first step, but it doesn't ensure justice will be served.
That's why Jordan Edwards' family is calling for the assignment of a special independent prosecutor to the case.1 District Attorney Faith Johnson did the only logical thing in charging someone who murdered a child, but there is no time for politics to interfere. DA Johnson, who's up for election in 2018, is too close to the Balch Springs Police--we need someone who will center the family first. DA Faith Johnson must show real leadership and allow for a special prosecutor who will be fair, impartial, convict Roy Oliver, and investigate all wrongdoing by holding the entire Balch Springs Police Department accountable.
Tell DA Faith Johnson to appoint a special prosecutor to the JordanEdwards case.
It was just over a month ago when Jordan and his brothers were leaving a party and Roy Oliver shot at the vehicle, killing Jordan right in front of his brothers. This is the nightmare his brothers will have to live with for the rest of their lives -- witnessing their brother Jordan die right before their eyes. That is a trauma that cannot be undone. To make this heinous crime even more tragic, Balch Springs Police Chief Jonathan Haber and all the officers involved lied and attempted to cover it all up. Roy Oliver had a history of anger and aggression yet Balch Springs Police Department still allowed for him to be a police officer. The man, who killed Jordan Edwards should not have been a police officer in first place.
But this is more than about just one officer or even one police department -- this is about the entire dangerous culture of policing in the U.S.
Prosecutors hold a key elected position in holding law enforcement accountable. Yet, time and time again, prosecutors have failed to do their job and have failed to implement real systemic changes to policing. In Chicago, former Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez waited 13 months to bring charges against the Chicago police officer who shot teenager Laquan McDonald 16 times in October 2014. In Ohio, former Cuyahoga County district attorney Tim McGinty oversaw grand jury proceedings that led to no charges being filed against the officers responsible for the death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.2 Too many times, prosecutors have been notorious for letting cops off the hook because they would rather seek convictions that ultimately criminalize Black people and polish up their "tough on crime" stance that they think will get them re-elected. There is no time to have a prosecutor who cares more about holding onto power. Instead, there should be a special prosecutor who will put the Edwards family first.
A special prosecutor is needed to ensure there is real transparency in the case. Demand DA Faith Johnson does the right thing and removes herself from the case.
The painful reality is that the Edwards family is among a long list of Black families forced to live without their loved ones because of racist policing and state violence. Jordan should be alive today. For years, our communities have been building power on the ground to drastically change the criminal justice system and put an end to police brutality. The fight won't stop. With U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions already working hard to roll back police reform at the federal level, local prosecutors must step up and do better to implement real changes in policing. A prosecutor should work tirelessly to honor the victim and do all they can to make sure that families get the closure they need. That is why local prosecutors must know if they remain on the wrong side of history and choose bad cops over protecting our people, then our cries for justice will grow stronger. District Attorney Faith Johnson needs to respect the wishes of the Edwards family now.
- "Family of Jordan Edwards Wants Independent Prosecutor For Case and Systematic Change in Policing," NBCDFW.COM, 05-09-2017 http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Jordan-Edwards-Change-Prosecutor-421723814.html
- "Big Wins for Black Lives Matters," Slate, 03-16-2016 http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2016/03/the_prosecutors_in_the_tamir_rice_and_laquan_mcdonald_cases_lose_their_primary.html
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From: Nita, Shaunna, etc., the UltraViolet Action team
Subject: The most important email we've sent in years
Mitch McConnell just told President Trump that he wants Trumpcare to pass the Senate by the end of this month--and we're hearing from Senate allies that he might actually have the votes.1
This is a red-alert, all hands on deck moment. The next three weeks could easily decide whether 23 million Americans lose health care.
Will you chip in $5 to UltraViolet Action to stop Trumpcare?
Republican senators know how unpopular this bill is, so they want it passed as quickly and quietly as possible.
Just like in the House, the bill is being written behind closed doors without a single public hearing. Senator McConnell announced this week that the bill won't even go through committee!2
This isn't your usual UltraViolet campaign alert--we need an all-out sprint between now and July 4 to stop Trumpcare.
Here's what we have in mind:
- Organizing sit-ins at Senate offices with people who will lose health care under Trumpcare.
- Holding vigils for the 23 million people who will lose health care--and the tens of thousands who could die every year--if Trumpcare passes.3
- Building tools that will allow people in blue states to use their social media networks to mobilize friends in the key states that will decide the outcome.
- And if the bill passes, launching a massive accountability campaign to make sure voters know exactly who's responsible for killing health care.
This is it. Do or die, literally for tens of thousands of Americans who stand to lose health care if Trumpcare passes.
Will you chip in $5 to UltraViolet Action to stop Trumpcare?
Thank you for stepping up.
- Health care vote possible by July 4, McConnell tells Trump, CNN, June 6, 2017
- While you focus on Comey, Senate Republicans are launching an audacious plan to pass Trumpcare, ThinkProgress, June 8, 2017
- G.O.P. Health Bill Would Leave 23 Million More Uninsured in a Decade, C.B.O. Says, New York Times, May 24, 2017
Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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