U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: TONIGHT: Urgent call with Sen. Sanders; One month left to enroll Obamacare; Cruel, vicious, and un-American; NYT Today's Headlines and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

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  • FW: TONIGHT: Urgent call with Sen. Sanders (Health care repeal is back!)
  • FW: A Tax Bill that Hurts Students
  • FW: no tax cuts for billionaires
  • FW: Paradise Papers (sign the petition)
  • FW: AAPCHO Joins Rally to Demand 'Clean' DREAM Act
  • FW: One month left to enroll Obamacare
  • FW: GOP rollback & Advocates fight for return of deported woman who fled Uganda
            & Torture advocate appointed by Trump Admin Approved narrowly by Senate
  • FW: Cruel, vicious, and un-American
  • FW: Obama's election unleashed the racial backlash … & Qualifications???
  • FW: Unanimously unqualified, inexperienced, and a federal judge?
  • FW: FYI-Congressional Black Caucus members grill Jeff Sessions on relationship with minority communities
  • FW: Red Alert: Stop Trump's Pharma Bro Nominee


From: Sunjeev, Emma, Ben, Gabriela, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: TONIGHT: Urgent call with Sen. Sanders (Health care repeal is back!)

We are in a red-alert moment on the tax fight—which is now also a fight to save health care for millions of Americans. Just yesterday, Republicans inserted a repeal of the health care individual mandate into the Senate bill—which would unravel the Affordable Care Act, resulting in 13 million more Americans without health insurance and premiums skyrocketing for everyone else.

And as soon as tomorrow, the House could vote on its own version of this tax scam—which Senator Bernie Sanders called "destructive, obscene, and immoral" in a recent email to MoveOn members. It would raise taxes for 36 million middle-class families, just to pay for giveaways to corporations and billionaires.

It's critical to join the tax fight now—and tonight, you can take part in a national organizing call with Sen. Bernie Sanders and other special guests to learn what actions we can take together to stop this GOP attack on tens of millions of families' livelihood and health care.

Click here to RSVP for the Ready to Resist call with Sen. Bernie Sanders—tonight, Wednesday, November 15, at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT).

Can't join tonight's call? Click here to chip in $10 to MoveOn's emergency campaign to defeat this destructive, obscene, and immoral tax bill.

Join the Bernie Sanders' call this Wednesday

We can stop this bill, save health care for 13 million Americans, and prevent a devastating corporate giveaway. But we have to act now.

On tonight's call, our guest speakers will discuss this political moment and how to take action. Here's tonight's line-up:

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders will break down how the GOP tax scam would transfer billions of dollars in wealth from middle-class and working-class families to already-wealthy millionaires, billionaires, and corporations; what the state of play is in Washington, D.C.; and real actions that we can all take where we live to stop this plan, just as we did with Trumpcare.
  • Joni Bruner, volunteer organizer with Alaska Grassroots Alliance, will report out from the Tax Rally & Hot Cocoa event that she led yesterday in Anchorage to persuade her two Republican senators to reject the tax scam that will hurt Alaska residents.
  • Sunjeev Bery, campaign director with MoveOn.org, will discuss actions that we can all take this month to stop the tax scam, now a return of Trumpcare.
  • Jennifer Epps-Addison, network president and co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy, will host the call, and Joe Dinkin, national campaigns director with the Working Families Party, will celebrate last week's tremendous election wins and walk us through how we won them and what they mean for the tax fight and 2018.

This call will catapult us directly into the thick of the action as we take to the streets, the phone lines, the airwaves, and social media to beat back this rapacious attack on our communities.

Click here to join the call tonight—Wednesday, November 15, at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT).

Can't join tonight's call? Click here to chip in $10 to MoveOn's emergency campaign to defeat the GOP's destructive, obscene, and immoral bill.

MoveOn members and allies are already flooding Congress with calls about this bill and attending rallies at congressional offices. MoveOn is running hard-hitting videos and planning a national week of action right after Thanksgiving.

Whether you want to take action immediately or want to plan an event for the critical week at the end of November, tonight's call will help point you in the right direction.

We need to make enough noise to scare the House away from this bill, but even if the House passes it this week, our response will be critical, showing the level of outrage toward the bill that could halt it in the Senate. And, due to congressional processes, even if the Senate passes it, the two houses will have to vote AGAIN on a compromise bill that reconciles the two versions. In other words, there are several critical votes and moments coming up—and each one of them is a chance to raise a ruckus, direct popular opposition, and stop this bill.

The numbers might not be in our favor—but that was true during the Trumpcare fight as well. Yet the Resistance didn't waver—we persisted. And we defeated Trumpcare. Then defeated it again. And again.

Now, the Republicans are back with one more devastating attack against our health care—tucked inside a massive and morally outrageous corporate giveaway at the expense of regular Americans.

This is a moment the Resistance is primed for. Will you join tonight's call with Sen. Sanders?

Yes, I'll join tonight's call to learn where and how to take action in the days and weeks ahead.

Can't join tonight?
Donate for our emergency push to defeat this horrible bill.

P.S. Registration for tonight's call will be open until 4 p.m. ET (3 CT/2 MT/1 PT). You can also livestream the call at moveon.org/readytoresist

P.P.S. MoveOn is already planning a week of action from November 29 to Dec 2 in what could be a critical week for the fate of this tax scam, right when members of Congress return to Washington, D.C. after Thanksgiving. Can you host an action in your area to raise the alarm and direct constituent pressure at your senators or representative? If so, click here to host an event—and MoveOn staff and volunteers will support you every step of the way.

Want to support our work?
 The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us? Donate monthly or make a one-time gift.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.



From: The American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
Subject: A Tax Bill that Hurts Students

Will you join us in telling Congress not to make higher education unaffordable by taxing tuition waivers and eliminating the Student Loan Interest Deduction?

H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, if enacted as written, will have a severe negative impact on students and higher education in the US.

Tell 15 key members of Congress to protect students and vote no on the tax bill.

The legislation would repeal provisions exempting from taxation tuition waivers for campus employees and graduate students, causing a devastating tax increase for thousands and making it impossible for some to continue their studies.

The legislation would also repeal the current Student Loan Interest Deduction, causing an increased cost of roughly $24 billion to student borrowers over the next decade.

Sign the petition now. We'll deliver it to the 15 members of Congress before the vote.



From: Sign your name 🖋 (via Civic Action)
Subject: no tax cuts for billionaires

We refuse to be silent while the GOP gives tax cuts to billionaires.



The newly released Republican tax bill is being disguised as "Cuts, Cuts, Cuts" for "everyone."

But in reality the new GOP tax scam is just a slew of tax breaks and loopholes for millionaires and billionaires.

It has been proven time and time again that trickle-down economics is a complete and total sham. If anything we should be cutting taxes for the middle class while raising taxes for the top one percent.

We have had it with the Paul Ryans and Donald Trumps of the world trying to force failed policies on us, while giving billionaires a free lunch.

Tell the GOP: No More Tax Cuts for Billionaires



It is time to call out their bullshit:


Paid for by Civic Action



From: Murshed Zaheed; Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Paradise Papers (sign the petition)

Tell Congress: No tax legislation without Paradise Papers investigation

Petition to Congress:

"Do not pass any tax-related legislation without first completing a full and public investigation into the offshore tax-dodging schemes revealed by the Paradise Papers, including financial ties between Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and a Russian energy company linked to Vladimir Putin."

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


Tell Congress: No tax legislation without Paradise Papers investigation

One year after the Panama Papers revealed the tax dodging secrets of the ultra-wealthy, a new trove of documents called the "Paradise Papers" is making headlines across the world.1

Most shockingly, the papers reveal that Trump Commerce Secretary reportedly maintains financial ties to a Russian energy company with family ties to Vladimir Putin, despite claims to have divested such holdings.2 The more than 13 million pages of documents detail how well-connected Wall Street bankers, hedge funds and international corporations all dodge paying their fair share and name more than a dozen close Trump associates.3

These papers make it clear: There is one tax code for the rich and powerful and another for the rest of us. Congress cannot in good conscience proceed with any tax legislation – like the massive Trump tax scam moving right now – until it has pored over every line of these papers.

Tell Congress: No tax legislation without Paradise Papers investigation. Click here to sign the petition.

The Paradise Papers name some of the most prominent members in the Trump circle, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, economic adviser Gary Cohn and recent appointee to a big bank regulatory post at the Federal Reserve Randal Quarles. The documents also include corporations like Apple, Uber, and Nike; global political figures like the Queen of England; and major Trump backers like the Koch Brothers, Robert Mercer, and Sheldon Adelson.4,5

But perhaps worst of all are the revelations that Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has financial ties to Russian oligarchs and did not reveal that information before his confirmation.6 As Sen. Richard Blumenthal said this weekend:

"In concealing his interest in these shipping companies – and his ongoing financial relationship with Russian oligarchs – Secretary Ross misled me, the Senate Commerce Committee, and the American people. Secretary Ross' financial disclosures are like a Russian nesting doll, with blatant conflicts of interest carefully hidden within seemingly innocuous holding companies."7

The Paradise Papers show how the super-rich hide their wealth offshore while the rest of us pay taxes. Yet despite these reports, Trump Republicans are plowing ahead with the Trump tax scam that would raise taxes on the poor and middle class while giving a tax handout to the already wealthy. We need to raise our voices and insist on a full and complete investigation of the tax-dodging revealed in the Paradise Papers before Congress even thinks about passing new tax legislation.

Tell Congress: No tax legislation without Paradise Papers investigation. Click here to sign the petition.

The Paradise Papers shine a spotlight on the lawyers, accountants and bankers who help the ultra-rich hide their income in offshore shell companies and avoid taxes. At a time when Republicans try to reward their backers with corporate tax cuts and handouts for Wall Street billionaires, the papers are a shocking reminder that the tax system is already rigged against everyday people.

The release of the Paradise Papers puts Trump Republicans and the worst of the 1% on the defensive. We need to make sure they can't brush the reports aside by pushing for an immediate, exhaustive and public congressional investigation – and make it clear to moderate Republicans and corporate Democrats that there should be no movement on tax legislation until such an investigation is complete.

Tell Congress: No tax legislation without Paradise Papers investigation. Click the link below to sign the petition.


Add your name:

Sign the petition ►



  1. Will Fitzgibbon et. al., "Offshore Trove Exposes Trump-Russia Links And Piggy Banks Of The Wealthiest 1 Percent," International Consortium of Independent Journalists, Nov. 5, 2017.
  2. Richard Engel and Aggelos Petropoulos, "Paradise Papers: Leaks Show Wilbur Ross Hid Ties to Putin Cronies," NBC News, Nov. 5, 2017.
  3. Sasha Chavkin and Spencer Woodman, "THE INFLUENCERS: Explore the offshore connections of 13 Trump advisers, donors and cabinet members," International Consortium of Independent Journalists, Nov. 5, 2017.
  4. Fitzgibbon et. al., "Offshore Trove Exposes Trump-Russia Links And Piggy Banks Of The Wealthiest 1 Percent."
  5. Chavkin and Woodman, "THE INFLUENCERS: Explore the offshore connections of 13 Trump advisers, donors and cabinet members."
  6. Engel and Petropoulos, "Paradise Papers: Leaks Show Wilbur Ross Hid Ties to Putin Cronies."
  7. Lois Nelson, "Wilbur Ross: Accusations that I failed to disclose Russia-linked investments are 'evil,'" POLITICO, Nov. 6, 2017.



Subject: AAPCHO Joins Rally to Demand 'Clean' DREAM Act, Urges Congressional Action to Ensure Immigrant Health and Safety

AAPCHO Joins Rally to Demand 'Clean' DREAM Act, Urges Congressional
Action to Ensure Immigrant Health and Safety

WASHINGTON, November 15, 2017 – Today, the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) will join Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community health providers and other immigrant advocates to rally in support of a "clean" DREAM Act—legislation to ensure a path to citizenship for undocumented young adults, without attaching it to other provisions that would further negatively impact the U.S. immigration system and put millions of immigrant youth and families at risk.

"As aspiring Americans, Dreamers deserve a path to citizenship that enables them to live healthy and stable lives, and keeps families together," said Jeffrey Caballero, executive director of AAPCHO. "AAPCHO stands for the health and well-being of the communities we serve, and we ask Congress to support strong and safe communities where Dreamers can thrive by taking swift action to pass a clean DREAM Act."

The rally is part of a two-day (November 15-16) national mobilization organized by the AAPI Immigrant Rights Organizing Table. AAPCHO will be among more than 120 AAPI immigrant youth and leaders from across the country convening in Washington, D.C. to urge congressional targets to pass a clean DREAM Act before the end of the year. For more information about the convening and the AAPI Immigrant Rights Organizing Table, visit http://aapidream.org.

Earlier in September, the Trump administration announced the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, putting 800,000 DACA recipients including over 30,000 Asian Americans at risk for deportation. In response, AAPCHO joined other AAPI organizations to form the national AAPI Immigrant Rights Organizing Table to advocate for the swift passage of a clean DREAM Act and push back on harmful anti-immigrant policies.

AAPCHO continues to push the Trump administration and Congress to uphold the health and dignity of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander and all communities, including advocating for appropriate administrative priorities and support for immigrant youth and families.

About AAPCHO: AAPCHO is a national association of community health organizations dedicated to promoting advocacy, collaboration and leadership that improves the health status and access of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. For more information on AAPCHO, please visit www.aapcho.org.
Contact: Beverly Quintana, (510) 272-9536 x112, bquintana@aapcho.org



From: HealthCare.gov
Subject: One month left to enroll

Apply and enroll in a 2018 plan by December 15

Apply shop enroll (Apply) hcgov tracker

Take the next step -- start your application for 2018 coverage.

Attention: The deadline to enroll in a 2018 Marketplace plan is one month away, and our records show you haven't yet started your application.
Visit HealthCare.gov to create an account and apply for 2018 coverage before the final deadline on December 15.

Submit Yellow 3D

Log into HealthCare.gov to submit your application and begin reviewing your 2018 coverage options. You may qualify for assistance to reduce your monthly premiums.
There are only a few weeks left of Open Enrollment. If you want a Marketplace plan next year, apply and enroll by December 15.

This message is paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It was created and distributed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. You're receiving this message because you signed up for email updates from the HealthCare.gov Team. You can update your preferences, receive fewer emails or pause emails until the next Open Enrollment period, or use our 1-click unsubscribe to stop receiving messages from the HealthCare.gov Team. Please contact support@subscriptions.cms.hhs.gov if you have questions or problems with your subscriptions.




From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: GOP rollback & Advocates fight for return of deported woman who fled Uganda



From: Senator Elizabeth Warren
Subject: Cruel, vicious, and un-American

I'm fighting tooth and nail to defeat the new Republican tax scam making its way through Congress.

I'm fighting it because the Republican tax scam could be another nail in the coffin for America's middle class. It's a 1.5 trillion-dollar tax giveaway—the biggest tax giveaway to giant corporations in modern history. It's a bill so insulting to working families that it actually gives Wells Fargo—the company that created millions of fake accounts to cheat its customers—the largest tax break of all.

Here's the problem: I can't stop this Republican tax scam by myself. My fellow Democrats in Congress and I can't stop the Republicans by ourselves either—we just don't have the votes. But the health care fight proved that a strong grassroots resistance movement can keep the GOP's cruel, vicious, and un-American bills off of Donald Trump's desk.

Thank you for being in this fight. Now, we need you to stay in the fight. Will you chip in monthly, and help MoveOn keep fighting back? 
Donate monthly or  make a one-time gift

Will America become a country that rips away health care and other essential services from tens of millions of Americans in order to give tax breaks to millionaires, billionaires, and giant corporations?

I'll be honest: If the Republicans and their wealthy donors have their way, it might.

But there's a way to prevent that from happening—a path to victory. It's called the Resistance.

Earlier this year, the Resistance defeated Trumpcare by peeling off just three Republican votes in the Senate. When the vote was over in the middle of the night, I ran out of the Capitol building and celebrated with Resistance members from MoveOn who were holding an all-night rally.

It's you—the grassroots Resistance—who led the charge and made that victory possible.

We've seen again and again that a determined and persistent grassroots movement can win. Now, I'm asking for your help to make sure that MoveOn has the ongoing resources it needs to stay strong and lead the movement to victory once again. It'll take another all-hands-on-deck, multimillion-dollar campaign to stop the latest Republican tax and budget plans—and we know that these attacks will continue, which is why your ongoing support is so important.

Click below to start your monthly donation—and stay in the fight with me.  Donate monthly or  make a one-time gift

I'm in this fight because the stakes could not be higher.

Public education, Social Security, food stamps, Medicaid—they're all under attack. Money for children's health care, money to combat the opioid epidemic, money for medical research, money for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting—that funding and so much more would face devastating cuts.

All of these devastating losses for working families just to give even bigger tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires, and multinational corporations.

You and I know that we can't build the future by starving education, letting our roads crumble and bridges collapse, throwing Americans off of their health insurance, or shutting down the big pipeline of medical and scientific research in this country.

But Republicans want to do just that—and they have the votes to do it, without needing a single Democratic vote. But we can stop them by making their tax scam politically toxic.

We can't give up hope just because we're in the minority. We overcame that challenge to defeat Trumpcare again and again. And I believe that we can do the same here.

I pledge to you that I will continue doing everything that I can, because this fight may be the most important fight in a generation for America's middle class. But I need you to fight alongside me. I need you to make calls, tell your story, show up in person and rally, volunteer, and chip in, too.

Will you join me in the fight for the heart and soul of America by making a monthly donation to MoveOn?  Donate monthly or  make a one-time gift

I remember a time when American society worked for working people. After my daddy had a heart attack and was out of work for a long time, my mother—who was 50 years old at the time—got a minimum-wage job at Sears. Back then, a minimum-wage job could keep a family of three afloat.

That was possible because I grew up in an America that invested in families like mine. But if Trump and the Republicans in Congress have their way and make deeper cuts for working families to give more to those at the top, stories like mine will never be possible again.

I'm in this fight because I believe in an America that works for all of us. I hope you'll join me.

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?  Donate monthly or  make a one-time gift

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.



From: Eric Kramer
Subject: Obama's election unleashed the racial backlash that led our nation to Trump....
                & Qualifications???  We don't need no stinking 'qualifications'!!!!!




From: Katie O'Connell; Digital Communications Coordinator, People For the American Way
Subject: Unanimously unqualified, inexperienced, and a federal judge?

Brett Talley is Unqualified for a Lifetime Court Appointment

Tell Senators to vote NO on unqualified Trump nominee Brett Talley>>

The bar for Trump's judicial nominees is so low it might as well be on the floor. Last week Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Brett Talley, a Trump nominee who has only three years of experience practicing law, has never tried a case, and who was rated unanimously "not qualified" for a federal judgeship by the American Bar Association -- their lowest rating.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg... on his Senate questionnaire, Talley was asked if he had any family members or friends who could cause conflicts of interest and he omitted that his wife is the chief of staff for the White House counsel and who was recently questioned in the Mueller investigation.

Sign the petition to OPPOSE the confirmation of Brett Talley>>

Talley is also remarkably partisan for a judicial nominee. On his blog, Talley pledged support for the NRA and mocked gun control after the Sandy Hook massacre… he has retweeted Alex Jones' conspiracy theory site Infowars (which infamously claimed that Sandy Hook was a hoax), and called for Hillary Clinton to be "locked up" (while referring to her as Hillary "Rotten" Clinton).

With all of this in mind, it is breathtaking that Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans voted to approve Talley and move him forward to a full confirmation vote.

Demand Senators vote NO on Brett Talley's confirmation to a lifetime court seat>>

Talley's nomination is clear evidence of Trump's desire to pack the courts with extremist ideologues and of Senate Republicans' reckless irresponsibility in confirming anyone Trump nominates to a federal judgeship -- no matter if they're absolutely unqualified or would be extremely partisan on the courts.

Courts have been instrumental in preventing some of Trump's worst policies from being enacted, like the anti-Muslim travel ban, the ban on transgender troops in the military, and ending federal funding for sanctuary cities. So it's no wonder that Trump wants to stack the courts with judges who will support his extreme agenda no matter what.

Talley is not only extremely partisan... he's absolutely unqualified for the seat he has been appointed to. In fact, until Trump, the American Bar Association had only unanimously voted to call a nominee "not qualified" twice in more than a quarter century.

Take action now, Munsup -- urge your Senator to vote against confirming Brett Talley>>



From: Dr. Jerome L. Reide; Regional Field Director, NAACP Midwest Region III
Subject: FYI-Congressional Black Caucus members grill Jeff Sessions on relationship with minority communities

Congressional Black Caucus members grill Jeff Sessions on relationship with minority communities




From: John Sellers, Other98
Subject: Red Alert: Stop Trump's Pharma Bro Nominee


If we let the Senate approve Trump's new nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, we will officially hand our healthcare system over to Big Pharma. Tell the Senate to reject Alex Azar.

Alex Azar is a Big Pharma ringleader who Trump wants to put in charge of every aspect of our public health, from making sure our food and medicine are safe to running Medicaid and Medicare.

Until just a few months ago, Alex Azar was running U.S. operations for Eli Lilly, one of the biggest bosses in the Big Pharma mafia. Eli Lilly is currently being sued and facing multiple state probes for insulin price fixing schemes.

During Azar's tenure alone, Lilly hiked their insulin prices by over 345% — while spending millions of dollars lobbying the very department that Alex Azar is being nominated to oversee.

We cannot put the pharma industry in charge of regulating its own price manipulating and back room collusion. Tell your Senators to say no to Alex Azar.

It's hard to exaggerate how important this department will be in the next couple years. Medicaid and Medicare are administered through HHS. So is the FDA. It is the largest source of medical research funding in the world. This is life or death.

And our Senators know that all of us — no matter our age or our politics — are sick of Big Pharma. Tom Price squeaked by, but this Big Pharma Bro is ten times worse. Join us in stopping the nomination of Alex Azar.

End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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