U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Sunday, October 29, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: NYT Today's Headlines; The People News; The Biggest Race of 2017 and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

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  • FW: [Info] October 28, 1985 - Daniel Ortega elected  &  [Info] October 29,1969 - Nader's Raiders
  • FW: NYT Today's Headlines
  • FW: Voices, The Peoples News
  • FW: Need to Impeach website with 600k signatures (and counting)
  • FW: Destructive, obscene, and immoral (from Senator Bernie Sanders)
  • FW: Texans owner on NFL protests: "We can't have inmates running the prison"
  • FW: Vote!
  • FW: The Biggest Race of 2017


From: carl bunin
Subject: [Info] October 28, 1985 - Daniel Ortega elected  &

October 27, 1969

October 28, 1985

Ralph Nader set up a consumer organization with young lawyers and researchers (often called "Nader's Raiders") who produced systematic exposés of industrial hazards, pollution, unsafe products, and governmental neglect of consumer safety laws.

Nader is widely recognized as the founder of the consumer rights movement.

He played a key role in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Freedom of Information Act, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.


Ralph Nader (front and center)

Sandinista Daniel Ortega became president of Nicaragua, and attempted to make peace with the United States.

The United States replied by continuing to support the Contras.

Daniel Ortega



From: The New York Times
Subject: Today's Headlines:
                (1) Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier
                (2) House Passes Budget Blueprint, Clearing Path for Tax Overhaul
                (3) As G.O.P. Bends Toward Trump, Critics Either Give In or Give Up
               (4) Limit on 401(k) Savings? It's About Paying for Tax Cuts

Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

The Washington Free Beacon, a website funded by a major G.O.P. donor, initially retained the firm that later conducted opposition research for Democrats.

House Passes Budget Blueprint, Clearing Path for Tax Overhaul

House Republicans are planning to release their tax bill next week, and the budget measure will allow the overhaul to pass Congress without any Democratic votes.

As G.O.P. Bends Toward Trump, Critics Either Give In or Give Up

President Trump has vocal critics, but the Republican Party is increasingly his own, with little room left for an older breed of internationalist conservative.

Limit on 401(k) Savings? It's About Paying for Tax Cuts

"This is not a retirement security story," a tax expert says. It's about finding revenue to pay for reductions in business taxes sooner rather than later.



From: Jedith
Subject: Voices, The Peoples News



From: Patricia Dungy; Susan Lohwater & Tom Steyer
Subject: Need to Impeach website with 600k signatures (and counting)


Last week, I, Tom Steyer asked the American people to join me in calling on Congress to impeach President Trump -- and the response so far has been overwhelming. Thank you for being among the first to join this movement.

Trump is totally unfit for office -- he's already committed impeachable offenses, not to mention that he poses a danger to our democracy, our Constitution, and our lives. And you know what? Over 600,000 of our fellow Americans (and counting!) have joined our movement.

Our goal is to get one million signatures to force Congress to take action. You've already signed our petition -- now, will you share it with your friends and family and help us reach our goal?

Trump's idea of a president is one who insults Gold Star families, empowers white supremacy, undercuts voting rights, and attacks the free press.

Enough is enough. It's past time for lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to admit the truth -- our president is unhinged and must be removed from office. But even too many Democratic members of Congress are afraid to take this necessary measure. They need to hear our voices and see the strength of our movement if we want them to do what's right.

It's time to impeach Donald Trump. You've taken the first step, now please help us get to a million signatures by sharing our petition on Facebook, Twitter, or by sharing this link directly with your friends and family:




From: Senator Bernie Sanders
Subject: Destructive, obscene, and immoral

This summer, I went on the road with MoveOn to help defeat the Republican "health care" bill that would have thrown as many as 32 million Americans off of the health insurance that they currently have.

Now, Donald Trump and the Republican leadership in Congress are back at it. This time, they're trying to push through one of the most horrific and destructive budget and tax proposals in the history of our country.

This budget would do incalculable harm to tens of millions of working families, women, kids, the sick, the elderly, and the poor.

It cuts Medicaid by more than $1 trillion over 10 years—which would throw some 15 million Americans off of their health insurance. Further, this budget does what the Republicans did not attempt in their previous health care legislation: It attacks senior citizens by proposing a $473 billion cut to Medicare. This Republican budget also makes enormous cuts to education, nutrition, affordable housing and transportation.

Meanwhile, while decimating life and death programs for working families, the Republican budget provides $1.9 trillion in tax breaks for the richest people in our country and the largest corporations. In fact, about 80 percent of the Republican tax breaks would go to the top 1 percent and 40 percent to the top 1/10 of 1 percent.

This Republican plan is not just unfair, it is morally obscene. Fighting against it is one of the most important battles that I have ever waged. But I won't be able to defeat this moral travesty alone. To defeat Republican tax cuts under Trump, we will need a movement as big and powerful as the one that defeated Trumpcare.

That's why I'm asking you, Munsup: Can you chip in monthly to help MoveOn build a movement to fight against Republican tax giveaways to the billionaire class—and to save health care for tens of millions of Americans?

Your monthly gift will help MoveOn stop destructive, obscene, and immoral GOP budget and tax proposals—this year, and as long as these attacks continue.  
Donate monthly or make a one-time gift

Wealth and income inequality is the great moral, economic, and political issue of our time. The wealthiest Americans—the top 1/10 of 1 percent—own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. Unbelievably, the GOP plan would make matters even worse.

Republicans want to eliminate the estate tax, which only applies to estates larger than $5.45 million. They want to massively reduce taxes for corporations. And they want to create an enormous loophole for businesses like Trump's. The New York Times estimates that Trump himself would get a $1.1 billion tax break from his own plan! How crazy is that!

We can stop this scheme—just like we stopped the series of attacks on health care—with grassroots energy, steadfast innovation, and total determination. MoveOn members like you, Munsup, can make the difference in defeating this awful proposal—just like you made the difference in the fight against Trumpcare. We need you, because this fight will require serious resources.

With your help, MoveOn can organize constituents across the country to make nonstop waves of phone calls, join rallies and protests, and raise their voices online in ways that Republican lawmakers won't be able to ignore.

Can you chip in monthly and join the fight? 
Donate monthly or make a one-time gift

Now is the time to demand tax reform that benefits working families and the middle class, not legislation that makes the very rich even richer.

This is the fight of a lifetime. As the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee and as an American, I believe that I have a moral obligation to fight against this giveaway to the billionaire class that will come at the expense of everyday folks. And I honestly believe that with your help, we can prevail.

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us? Donate monthly or make a one-time gift

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.



From: Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Johnny, Evan, Jade, Chad, Corina, the rest of the Color Of Change team
Subject: Texans owner on NFL protests: "We can't have inmates running the prison"

Texans owner calls NFL protesters "inmates."

Tell Roger Goodell and the NFL owners to publicly repudiate McNair for his comments!

Take Action!

While Roger Goodell and the NFL owners have been doing their best to be seen in public engaging with protesting players, behind closed doors it's clear that Goodell and the owners are working hard to silence the players and their efforts at criminal justice reform.

A new report revealed today that, at the recent NFL owners meeting, Texans owner Bob McNair said of the protesting players "we can't have inmates running the prison."1 To refer to the players as inmates reveals how the owners really feel about this situation - that Black men belong under the thumb of white owners. McNair's comments are so offensive, star wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins walked out of practice once he heard them.2 Now the whole team is planning to take a unified action against the team's owner.

McNair's comments and the league's silence on them makes it hard to believe that they are acting in good faith in their negotiations with the protesting players. Roger Goodell and the NFL owners need to immediately repudiate McNair for his offensive comments.

NFL players are not "inmates." Tell Roger Goodell and the NFL owners to publicly repudiate McNair's comments!

Additionally, the same report that revealed McNair's comments noted that Dallas owner Jerry Jones and Washington owner Daniel Snyder were openly angry with San Francisco 49ers owner Jed York for not punishing Colin Kaepernick when he first kneeled last year. Despite the owners disdain for Kaepernick, he will be sitting across from them at next week's meeting between the players and owners. If those inside the NFL with power - from owners to leadership - don't use this as a moment to push for real reforms than they are doing nothing more than enabling and supporting racism and discrimination.

We know that comments like these have a chilling effect on athletes right to protest - and not just in the NFL. Every time we've seen Trump, NFL owners, or powerful media figures attack players who protest, we see a wave of parents, coaches, local police, lawmakers, and school administrators lash out at young athletes who protest.4 5 Which why it is critical for Roger Goodell and the NFL owners pick a side and choose to loudly condemn these comments.

NFL players are not "inmates." Tell Roger Goodell and the NFL owners to publicly repudiate McNair's comments!

It is no small thing that so many athletes have spoken out and used their bodies to express the desire to see a long overdue national dialogue on justice, dignity, and accountability in our country. And it is frankly alarming that instead of welcoming that dialogue, NFL owners continue to band together to chill free speech and send a message that speaking out against government sanctioned violence is a career killer. That 70% of NFL players are Black and yet the NFL has no Black people who are a majority owner of a team and no Black CEOs or Presidents, creates a disturbing power imbalance.

Despite that, these athletes continue to put themselves in harm's way by taking action every game. History continues to teach us that their courage likely comes at risk of financial and professional repercussions, public ostracism, and numerous death threats to them and their loved ones. We've said it before and we say it again: when those that have a public platform, use that platform to speak truth to power, we need to have their backs.

NFL players are not "inmates." Tell Roger Goodell and the NFL owners to publicly repudiate McNair's comments!


  1. "Gaffes, TV ratings concerns dominated as NFL, players forged anthem peace," ESPN, 27 October 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/9765?t=9&akid=8098%2E239715%2Em7U24s
  2. "DeAndre Hopkins leaves Texans facility, other players upset over Bob McNair's comments," Yahoo Sports, 27 October 2018. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/9766?t=11&akid=8098%2E239715%2Em7U24s
  3. "Colin Kaepernick Reportedly Agrees to Attend Meeting of NFL Players, Owners," Bleacher Report, 26 October 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/9767?t=13&akid=8098%2E239715%2Em7U24s
  4. "Campus anthem battle: It's cheerleaders vs. a sheriff and a powerful lawmaker," Yahoo Sports, 25 October 2017. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/9768?t=15&akid=8098%2E239715%2Em7U24s
  5. "High School Football Players Say Opposing Fans, Referee Call Them N-Word for Kneeling During Anthem," The Root, 5 October 2017. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/9501?t=17&akid=8098%2E239715%2Em7U24s

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.



From: Thomas Scott
Subject: FW: Vote!

Don't wait until next year!
There are local elections that shape power and control ore directly - from dog catcher to governor.
Reminder - let's all be sure to vote in every election - local, state and national.



From: PFAW's American Way (October 2017)
Subject: The Biggest Race of 2017

All Hands on Deck in Virginia

Election Day in Virginia is next week, and these races have massive national consequences. PFAW has been hard at work to make sure that our constitutional values and progressive resistance to Trumpism prevail in this election. A progressive victory will be a strong referendum on the bigoted and racist tactics that Virginia Republicans have been pulling straight out of the Trump playbook. Virginia's gubernatorial and down-ticket races have national consequences for another reason: fixing the consequences of extreme right-wing gerrymandering in this crucial swing state.

We've invested heavily in promoting a slate of dynamic young progressive candidates with our Next Up Victory Fund and, with your support, Virginia PFAW members have been knocking on doors; our members in Virginia and across the country have been reaching Virginia voters by phone; our powerful Latinos Vote! TV ads have provided some of the only Spanish-language push back against the Republican campaign's demonizing attacks on Latinos; we're reaching progressive voters online with highly targeted GOTV messages; we've been plugging in celebrities and national progressive leaders; and more.

Read More


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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