[mpen-dayton] FW: "U.S. takes Puerto Rico in 1898" & "Budget vote TOMORROW" & "smartphones are endangering ..." & "Whistleblower Aid" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: [Info] October 17, 1898 U.S. takes Puerto Rico
- FW: Conference on "The Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery"
- FW: Budget vote TOMORROW
- FW: How smartphones are endangering our lives on the road
- FW: New tool tracks Trump-Sessions DOJ's war on Americans
- FW: Save our environment please!
- FW: Stand with us to say: #NoMuslimBanEver
- FW: Health Care Decision Impact; Cheating Technology; Frank Rich; Bill Moyers
- FW: Whistleblower Aid
From: carl bunin
Subject: [Info] October 17, 1898 U.S. takes Puerto Rico
October 17, 1898
The U.S. took control of Puerto Rico
One year after Spain granted Puerto Rican self-rule, following their rout in the Spanish-American War, troops raised the U.S. flag over the Caribbean island nation, formalizing American authority over the island's one million inhabitants.
Puerto Rico became a self-governing commonwealth, though the U.S. controls all aspects of its military, trade, media, banking and international affairs.
Though Puerto Ricans are citizens, they don't pay income taxes, nor are they represented in Congress or able to vote for president.
Puerto Rican independence demo
From: Thomas Chung; Web Manager and English-language Editor, Korean American Data Bank
Subject: Successful Conference on "The Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery" at Queens College on October 13 and 14, 2017
On October 13 and 14, 2017, we hosted our 8th annual conference at Queens College. This year's conference topic was "The Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery: Looking Back on the 27-Year Movement." Presenters included nineteen well-known scholars on the "comfort women" issue and prominent redress movement activists from around the world. Approximately 200 people attended the two-day conference, which was our best turnout to date. Special guest speakers at the conference included New York State Assemblyman Edward Braunstein, Queens College Provost Elizabeth Hendrey, RFKC President Jea-seung Ko, and Queens College Office of Minority Affairs Director Maureen Pierce-Anyan.
The forced mobilization of an estimated 80,000 to 200,000 Asian women to Japanese military brothels during the Asia-Pacific War (1932-1945) was a brutal war crime. These victims of military sexual slavery have been referred to as "comfort women," a euphemism originally used by Japanese soldiers. Although it has been over 70 years since the Asia-Pacific War and World War II ended, the Japanese government has not yet made a sincere apology and compensation to the victims.
In 1990, a redress movement began in South Korea in an attempt to persuade the Japanese government to apologize for its past actions and to sufficiently compensate the surviving victims. This movement has received global support from South Korea, other Asian countries, the U.S., and many other Western countries.
We would like to thank the participants for traveling so far and for giving wonderful and informative presentations. We would also like to thank Research Foundation for Korean Community (RFKC) for funding the conference, Queens College for allowing us to use the Rosenthal Library as a conference venue, and everyone who attended the conference to learn more about this important human rights issue and redress movement.
From: Monique Teal, Daily Kos
Subject: Budget vote TOMORROW
Tomorrow, Thursday, October 19, the Senate is set to vote on a massive tax giveaway for the rich. The House has already passed their budget. If Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell get their way, low- and middle- income Americans will lose critical services like Medicare and SNAP/food stamps while the ultra-wealthy and corporations receive billions in tax cuts.
Call your Senators. Tell them to vote NO on the budget that slashes Medicaid, SNAP/food stamps, education, housing and more to pay for trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the rich.
Busy signal? Sign and send a letter: Vote no on the massive tax giveaway for corporations and the rich at the expense of low- and middle income Americans.
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) released a 50-state analysis of the Trump-GOP tax framework. These are the top three reasons why the budget is unacceptable:
- The richest 1 percent would receive 67 percent of the tax breaks, while 1 in 6 taxpayers would see their tax bills rise under this regressive shift.
- This tax overhaul would put at risk essential services like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and education. This plan would reduce the government's revenue by $233 billion in 2018 alone.
- Some states are big losers with this plan. In nine states and the District of Columbia more than 20 percent of taxpayers would face an immediate tax increase.
Republicans only need a simple majority (51 votes) to pass a tax plan that overwhelmingly benefits the wealthiest and profitable corporations, while gutting critical services. Once again, we need your help to fight back against immoral, devastating legislation.
Call your Senators. Tell them to vote NO on the budget that slashes Medicaid, SNAP/food stamps, education, housing and more to pay for trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the rich.
Busy signal? Sign and send a letter: Vote no on the massive tax giveaway for corporations and the rich.
From: LinkedIn
Subject: How smartphones are endangering our lives on the road
How smartphones are endangering our lives on the road
From: AlterNet
Subject: [1-CLICK] save our environment (please!)
Tell Trump: DON'T repeal Obama's Clean Power Plan >>
BAD NEWS: Trump REPEALING one of Obama's most important climate actions
This is an EMERGENCY.
The Clean Power Plan provided critical protections to limit greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. But Trump is GUTTING it to please his dirty fossil-fuel industry donors.
Send a powerful message that we can NOT repeal the Clean Power Plan. Sign your name immediately:
Donald Trump is waging an all-out attack on President Obama's legacy --
including his landmark policy to fight global warming.
Scott Pruitt, Trump's EPA Administrator, is going to ELIMINATE President Obama's Clean Power Plan.
He's rolling back Obama's legacy and giving a handout to coal companies, oil moguls, and Big Polluters at the expense of our environment. We will NOT stand for it.
Tell Trump: DON'T repeal Obama's Clean Power Plan >>
Two years ago, President Obama enacted the Clean Power Plan -- America's first-ever plan to cut dangerous carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.
The plan would reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions by one third by 2030.
But Trump's EPA Secretary Scott Pruitt is gutting the law. He's promised to "bring back coal" because he's backed by Big Oil and Big Coal.
We can't let Trump and his dirty fossil fuel-backed Republicans destroy our environment. Click here to sign on immediately and tell Trump he CAN'T repeal Obama's Clean Power Plan >>
There's a scientific consensus connecting greenhouse gas emissions to our rapidly warming planet. Climate change is wreaking havoc on us and the natural world around us.
If Trump goes through with his plans to demolish the Clean Power Plan, he puts our environment -- our water, lands, and national monuments -- at risk for generations to come.
It is our DUTY to take action. We must protect our environment for our children and grandchildren.
Sign immediately to tell Trump to NOT to repeal the Clean Power Plan:
https:// dcalive.bsd.net/Clean-Power-Plan
Thanks for signing,
Democratic Conservation Alliance
From: Katie O'Connell; Digital Communications Coordinator, People For the American Way
Subject: New tool tracks Trump-Sessions DOJ's war on Americans
Jeff Sessions is testifying today in a DOJ oversight hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee and it's the perfect opportunity to share with you our extensive tracking of the Trump-Sessions DOJ's assault on justice and on the American Way... and we have an exciting new tool to do it!
Presenting: The Trump-Sessions InJustice Department Tracker, aka the #DOJTracker!
Since Trump took office, he and Attorney General Sessions have used the Department of Justice to wage war against marginalized communities -- undocumented immigrants, African Americans, victims of hate crimes, and more. DOJ's purpose is to safeguard civil rights, not attack them... however, we've documented one instance after another of how this administration is using the DOJ as a weapon to advance a bigoted, far-right ideology.
Click to read more and see the full timeline -- from January 20 through today -- of how Trump and Sessions have subverted the DOJ's mission>>
Once you've looked at the InJustice Tracker page, please share it with your friends and networks online, refer to it if you're reading coverage of today's hearing, and feel free to let us know if you think we missed something on Twitter with the hashtag #DOJTracker or by email.
Thank you,
From: Mary Zerkel; AFSC Communities Against Islamophobia, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Subject: Stand with us to say: #NoMuslimBanEver
Today, Muslim Ban 3.0 was set to go into effect. It has been blocked for now by a federal judge, but it's still crucial that we all take a stand and speak out against the Trump administration's racist policies targeting Muslims. Join AFSC and a coalition of more than 100 community groups and thousands of individuals across the country to say #NoMuslimBanEver.
The Muslim Ban is a dangerous step back toward past policies that have criminalized and dehumanized marginalized groups in the U.S., including the Chinese Exclusion Act, Japanese internment camps, and the post-9/11 registry targeting Muslims.
Now is the time to speak out loudly against the Muslim Ban—and let the Trump administration and everyone we can reach know that we will push back against this and all discriminatory policies.
Let's flood social media with messages and resources that affirm the right of all people to live and pray in peace without being criminalized by policies based in ignorance and fear.
We've made it easy for you to join the online conversation with our #NoMuslimBanEver social media toolkit. You'll find graphics, resources, and sample messages to share on Facebook, Twitter, and more. You can even download and print our free posters if you're headed to a rally or want to show your support at work, school, congregations, or any other places people gather.
Find out more about the #NoMuslimBan campaign here.
Thank you for joining us to make our voices heard today in saying #NoMuslimBanEver.
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Health Care Decision Impact; Cheating Technology; Bill Moyers;
Pro-Trump states most affected by his health care decision
Easy-to-get hacking device puts KU professors' information in student's hands
'Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law' | The Smirking Chimp
From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: Whistleblower Aid
Anyone who is or knows someone who works for us, the people (that is, for the US government) should know about this Whistleblower Aid:
https://whistlebloweraid.org/ They also have a secure URL.
End of Minority People's Email Network (MPEN) e-Newsletter
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