[mpen-dayton] Greater Miami Valley Events & News, including the 33rd Annual MLK School Program
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: 33rd Annual MLK School Program
- FW: My (David Greer's) Feeling About the Current Travesty In Society!
- (Oct. 16) FW: Opiate Task Force
- (Oct. 18) FW: First Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Forum!
- (Oct. 19) FW: Introduction to Single Payer Talk
- (Oct. 20 & 21) FW: Aullwood GLOW: Nature at Night 2017
- (Oct. 21) FW: Dayton Police Department Scenario Based Training
- (Oct. 25) FW: UPDATE: Speaker Training Opportunity
- (Save the Date: Oct. 27) FW: Dayton Unit NAACP 66th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet
Subject: FW: 33rd Annual MLK School Program
Attached is information about this year's Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Program Contests. Please feel free to duplicate it as needed. Darsheel Kauar, the new chair of the program, and I are looking forward to receiving entries from the young people with whom you work.
On Wednesday, October 4, 2017, Darsheel Kaur <sehbi.3@gmail.com> wrote:
As the new chair of the MLK School Program, I would like to share with you the forms and information about this year's Scholarship contest and Arts, Poetry, and Prose contest and invite your youths' participation. As with previous years, the Scholarship contest is available to high school seniors currently attending a school in the greater Dayton area. Details are in the form attached to this email. The Arts, Poetry, and Prose contest is open to all K-12 students in the greater Dayton area. The deadline for both programs is December 1, 2017.
This year, for the Arts, Poetry, and Prose contest, we are also offering an option for students to submit their art in the form of a video. This could be a video of a performance of a song, rap, dance, etc. If the art form is non-verbal, please also write a short explanation about what is being represented by the piece. Also, we will not be editing the pieces after they are submitted, so any editing support should be done by the teacher or adult who is supporting the student. We would like to honor the integrity of the art that our students are creating in their original form.
We are still confirming a physical location to send entries, but in the meantime, electronic copies can be sent to darsheel.sehbi@daytonohio.gov with the subject "MLK APP submission" or "MLK Scholarship submission" respectively.
From: David K. Greer
Subject: FW: My Feeling About the Current Travesty In Society!
To God’s People,
With the continuous and what I feel is a conspiracy against African Americans in this society, I question how the mindsets are with our law enforcement officers, with the continuous atrocities against African Americans and those of “color”? The recent video last week that went viral and took place in Euclid, Ohio, substantiates that these incidents continue to happen. And these are just the ones that get caught on video! We all know that there is a “brotherhood” among law enforcement in our country and within this brotherhood, for those to stand against these “incidents”, the fear of being ostracized and branded has to be a condition of this culture. How is this impacting our City of Dayton Police Officers? They are human and are a part of this hypocrisy! First, I speak of there being a conspiracy in our society and it is substantiated by the blatant twisting of the protest of some NFL players who choose to kneel during the playing of the National Anthem! Kneeling is the ultimate paying of homage to God, of respect and worship. Look at how “they” have twisted this to being disrespect! Just like they twisted it when John Carlos and Tommie Smith with bowed heads and raised black gloved fist, with the playing of the American National Anthem at the 1968 Olympics. Again, they paid homage to America! But look at what they did to the two African American Brothers who clearly won their events and represented the United States of America in doing so! And then Cam Newton for what he has done for the NFL team he plays for and the NFL, a multi-billion dollar a year business, because he said, “that’s funny hearing a female talk about pass routes”. How can this be misconstrued as being disrespectful to all women? The reporter WAS a female! I am not used to female sports commentators either. Has the acceptance and condoning of gay/lesbian culture gotten to the point that we can longer acknowledge women as women and men as men? Now, society is also denying African Americans freedom of speech! Pure evil!
rom: Shelly Diaz
Subject: FW: opiate task force
Please see attached announcement for DEA 360 event being held October 16,2017, at Wright State University.
From: NCCJ of Greater Dayton
Subject: (Oct. 18) First Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Forum!
From: Matthew Noordsij-Jones (nj); Region 7 Coordinator, SPAN Ohio
Subject: (Oct. 19) Introduction to Single Payer Talk
There is more talk about single payer and Medicare for all every day. Are you concerned that our politicians don't have any idea how to fix our healthcare mess? Are you interested in single payer but need to know more? Do you support healthcare for all but aren't really sure about the details?
Everyone is welcome to join us Thursday October 19th from for an introduction to single payer discussion at the Dayton Metro Library in Community Room B on the 2nd floor. The event is free of charge and will run from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm with time for questions.
From: David K. Greer
Subject: (Oct. 20 & 21) FW: Aullwood GLOW: Nature at Night 2017
GLOW: Nature at Night 2017
WHAT: Aullwood’s GLOW: Nature at Night
WHEN: October 20 & 21, 2017; 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
WHERE: Aullwood Farm, 9101 Frederick Pike, Dayton, OH 45414-1129
Bring your family and friends to enjoy Aullwood’s GLOW: Nature at Night on October 20 & 21, 2017 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Experience Aullwood Farm lit up with glowing lights and adorn yourself with unique glow items such as hats, rings, necklaces or have fun brandishing your glow-in-the-dark sword! Thrill to fire and LED entertainers and laugh with Chris Rowlands as he sings new and old songs. Children of all ages will enjoy our special GLOW activities and games. Watch your beloved Enchanted Forest creatures as they share their life stories in fun and entertaining interactions inside the Farm Discovery Center. Grab a flashlight and follow a naturalist on a night hike to seek out illusive night creatures. Enjoy the cool fall evening as you roast hotdogs and marshmallows and make a s’more over a crackling fire, or indulge your taste buds by visiting a variety of local food trucks. You won’t want to miss GLOW! (Farm)
GLOW: Nature at Night is sponsored by C. Stewart Johnson, Choice Comfort Services and Riverdale Optimist Club.
Admission for Friends of Aullwood members is $5/adult (age 12+) and $3/child (age 3-11). Non Members are $6/adult (age 12+) and $4/child (age 3-11). Ages 2 and under are FREE. *Some activities may require additional fee.
Call (937) 890-7360 for more information. Read more on our website www.aullwood.org.
Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm, an Audubon Center for environmental education and sustainable agriculture, provides activities that increase understanding and preservation of the planet by children and adults through education, research and recreation.
From: Officer Chris Pawelski; Community Engagement, Dayton Police Department
Subject: Dayton Police Department Scenario Based Training
The Dayton Police Department will hold the next scenario based exercises for citizens on October 21, 2017. The exercises will consist of:
During the traffic stops and match house scenarios you will be playing the role of a police officer, armed with a gun that shoots secure blanks. You will conduct a traffic stop with members from DPD as role players and you will complete a building search for an active shooter in our match house - which resembles a ranch style home. The schedule will be:
- Check-in - 8:30 - 9:00
- Safety Briefing 9:00 (no one will be admitted after the safety briefing starts)
- Traffic Stops
- Match House
There are only 20 spots available for each date. The spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis by replying to this email. If you are able to attend please respond to this email.
If you have already been through this training, please forward this email to anyone who you think might be interested.
To ensure your spot, please respond by soon, we anticipate the spots to be filled quickly.
If you have any questions, please let me (christopher.pawelski@daytonohio.gov) know.
From: SPAN Ohio
Subject: (Oct. 25) UPDATE: Speaker Training Opportunity
UPDATE: Speaker Training Opportunity
Speaker training is being offered at no cost by Johnathon Ross, MD, of SPAN Ohio (sponsored by Physicians for a National Health Plan) on Wednesday, October 25th, at Clifton public library, 3400 Brookline Ave. Cincinnati. Please RSVP to Dee49@fuse.net if you plan to attend.
- Lunch provided at 12:15-1PM
- Speaker training at 1-4:30PM
If you cannot make it until 1PM, feel free to eat lunch while listening to presentation.
Note: Dr. Ross will also speak on single payer that evening, 6-7:30PM at Xavier University, Kennedy Auditorium, CLC 412.
Dr. Johnathon Ross is an associate clinical professor of medicine at the University of Toledo where he practices and teaches general internal medicine at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center. After graduating from Cornell University, Dr. Ross received his medical degree from the Medical College of Ohio at Toledo and his master’s degree in health policy and administration from the School of Public Health of the University of Michigan. Dr. Ross serves on many boards including the Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Vincent, a member of the National Health Service Corps, and a member of the Ohio State Medical Board.
From: Derrick L. Forward; President, Dayton Unit NAACP
Subject: Dayton Unit NAACP 66th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet - "SAVE THE DATE"
Dayton Unit NAACP Celebrates 102nd Anniversary
May 10, 1915 – May 10, 2017
This is the official “SAVE THE DATE” notice regarding the Dayton Unit NAACP 66th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet to be held on Friday, October 27, 2017 at 6:30 PM at the Dayton Convention Center. Please note that the ads are due by September 22, 2017.
It's because of loyal supporters like you that we are able to provide Civil and Human Rights Services to everyday Citizens throughout the Greater Dayton Metropolitan Area who are in need of assistance. Also, due to your unwavering support of our work, we were able to send 8 Adult Delegates to VOTE on policy changes; 2 ACT-SO Local Gold Medalist to compete at the National ACT-SO Competition; and ensured that 3 Littlejohn Junior Youth Council Members (Ages 1-13), 3 Dayton Youth Council Members (Ages 14-20), and 6 Move Foward Thurgood Marshall NAACP High School Chapter Members as well as all 3 Youth Council Advisors and Co-Advisor received proper training and development at the NAACP 108th Annual Convention held in Baltimore, Maryland.
The Dayton Unit NAACP Delegates represented the Dayton community very well at the NAACP 108th Annual Convention and were elected to serve in the following leadership positions:
- President Derrick L. Foward, M.C.E. – Chairman of the Credentials Committee for the NAACP 108th Annual Convention
- Dayton NAACP Youth Council President Te’Nayia A. Bailey – Member of the Credentials Committee for the NAACP 108th Annual Convention
- Dayton NAACP Youth Council Secretary Dinell Buford – Secretary For Midwest Region III Meetings
The awards that the Dayton Unit NAACP/ Delegates received during the convention are as follows:
- Dayton Unit NAACP – 1st Place Thalheimer Award for Publications (Highest Award Any Local Unit Can Receive From The NAACP Nationally)
- Dayton Unit NAACP – 2nd Place Thalheimer Award for Programming (Highest Award Any Local Unit Can Receive From The NAACP Nationally)
- President Derrick L. Foward – Club 100 & Million Dollar Club Membership Awards
- President Derrick L. Foward – Membership Laydown
- President Derrick L. Foward, 2nd Vice President Tom Roberts, 3rd Vice President Willie A. Terrell, Jr., and Ina Green – Million Dollar Club Membership Awards
We look forward to seeing all of you on Friday, October 27, 2017 as we will celebrate the Dayton Unit NAACP 102nd Anniversary during the 66th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet at the Dayton Convention Center at 6:30 p.m. Please share this date with your network of friends.
Have a Blessed Year of 2017!!!
(Munsup’s Note: If needed, please download and use this Sponsorship Form!)
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