[mpen-dayton] MPEN Second Special Issue - Trumpcare
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: BREAKING: Senate to vote next week on health care repeal! Don't wait to add your name>>
- FW: This Saturday: Host an event to save health care!
- FW: The Zombie Rises
- FW: Back from the dead
- FW: signatures still needed to SAVE Obamacare (HURRY!)
- FW: 100,000 signatures needed: Stand against the repeal of Obamacare
- FW: Pushback, more pushback on the Health Care Bill
- FW: Barack Obama's DIRE warning
- FW: Al Gore JUST announced
From: Katie O'Connell; Digital Communications Coordinator, People For the American Way
Subject: BREAKING: Senate to vote next week on health care repeal! Don't wait to add your name>>
A spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell just confirmed that the Graham-Cassidy Trumpcare bill -- the most cruel and harmful version of Trumpcare yet -- will be brought to a vote next week.
Republicans are growing more confident by the day that they will be able to get the votes to rush through passage this monstrous bill.
Not if we have anything to say about it.
Add your name NOW, Munsup, to stand up for health care and stop the Republicans' last-ditch attempt at repeal!>>
Republicans in Congress have been relentless in their attempts to destroy the Affordable Care Act. They're down to wire, but they still have 9 days left to attempt to take away health care from millions, maybe tens of millions, of Americans. We must stop them!
Please sign the petition to say NO to Obamacare repeal and Trumpcare NOW>>
Reports are that Senate Republicans are close to the 51 votes they need to pass the monstrous Graham-Cassidy bill... even Senator John McCain who dramatically voted "no" last time is on board with this cruel bill. Senator Chris Murphy tweeted that the bill is "an intellectual and moral garbage truck fire", if that gives you an idea of just how bad it is.
And the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office announced today that they can ONLY provide a preliminary assessment of the Graham-Cassidy bill -- it will take several weeks for them to provide estimates on health insurance coverage or premiums. So by the time Congress tries to pass this monster, we may not even know the actual impact it will have on Americans.
SIGN NOW: Demand that your Congress members FULLY REJECT the latest health care repeal attempt>>
Here's what you need to know about this bill -- one that Slate magazine is calling the GOP's "most extreme bill yet":
- It REPEALS health care -- but it does not actually replace it in a way that works… it just hands health care control to the states with block grants to fund the program that EXPIRE in 2026.
- Medicaid expansion funding would be slashed by a THIRD by 2026 and completely eliminated by 2027.
- Subsidies for low-income people on Obamacare would be scrapped entirely.
- Insurers can charge older customers FIVE TIMES more than younger ones.
- The bill ENDS any protections against discriminating against patients with preexisting conditions leaving them vulnerable to skyrocketing rates or complete loss of coverage.
This isn't all of course. The bill introduces caps to Medicaid starting in 2020, states can change coverage of "essential health benefits" potentially eliminating coverage for mental health conditions and hospital visits, and Planned Parenthood is facing a one-year funding freeze.
Even Forbes Magazine, often described as a center-right publication, is pillorying the bill describing it as "another punitive bill" and "more draconian than its failed predecessor." The bill is not only cruel, it is immoral, and an utter abdication of Congresspersons' duties to serve the people that elected them.
This bill simply cannot pass. We are not even going to know the extent of the damage it will do without a full CBO score that cannot be released in the 12 days the GOP has to pass this hideous attempt to rip health care away from millions.
Please sign the petition IMMEDIATELY>>
From: Emma, David, Alex, Mark, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Civic
Subject: Saturday: Host an event to save health care!
You've likely heard the alarm bells ringing: Trumpcare—the GOP effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—is back, this time in the form of a Senate bill authored by Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy. And the GOP is trying to ram it through the Senate at breakneck speed.
This latest attempt—cobbled together in a rush and behind closed doors—is more dangerous than ever. The Senate says they'll vote in less than a week. This weekend is the last time senators will be at home, watching local news. So we have to act now.
That's why MoveOn members are leading a national day of action this Saturday—aiming for high-impact events in key states. We're doing this to draw attention to this awful bill, making sure that local and national media captures the massive grassroots backlash and that Republican lawmakers are forced to come face-to-face with the outrage of constituents like you, Munsup.
At this critical moment, will you step up to host an event on Saturday, September 23? The MoveOn team will give you the support you'll need and, along with our allies, will recruit others to participate in your event.
(And if you can't host, please attend an event near you. Check here over the next few days to find your closest event.)
Here are five good reasons (of many, many good reasons!) why MoveOn members once again are taking to the streets—together with our allies—to stop the GOP's attempt to take away health care from millions of Americans. The Graham-Cassidy bill:
- Strips health care from up to 32 million Americans over the next decade;1
- Guts funding from Medicaid and lets insurance companies charge Americans MORE;2
- Slashes protections for people with pre-existing conditions; 4
- Is opposed by the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, the AARP, and dozens more consumer and patient groups, which have all issued swift and sharply-worded statements of opposition.5,6,7,8,9
- And to top it off: The majority of the American people oppose the GOP's health care repeal bills!10
The people power of MoveOn members and our allies squarely defeated the last GOP attempts to take away millions of Americans' health care. Now we're called again to create the public pressure necessary to—once and for all—absolutely derail the GOP attempt to repeal the ACA.
Because of MoveOn members like you, we will do it again. But there isn't much time.
On Saturday, we'll get together at local events in key states. We'll literally make some noise—encouraging folks to bring pots and pans and clanging them together to sound the alarm. And we'll share stories of people personally affected by the loss of their health care.
Will you step up to host an event as part of a national day of action on Saturday, September 23, to make sure that millions of Americans once again send the GOP attempt to repeal health care packing—this time for good?
- "Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate," Congressional Budget Office, July 19, 2017
https://act.moveon.org/go/15896?t=17&akid=190176%2E1195276%2E8YSY15 - "Cassidy-Graham's Waiver Authority Would Gut Protections for People with Pre-Existing Conditions," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, September 15, 2017
https://act.moveon.org/go/14539?t=19&akid=190176%2E1195276%2E8YSY15 - Ibid.
- "AMA Urges Senate To Oppose Graham-Cassidy Legislation," American Medical Association, September 19, 2017
https://act.moveon.org/go/15897?t=21&akid=190176%2E1195276%2E8YSY15 - "September Heats Up on the Hill as Congress Turns Back Toward Healthcare," Capitol Beat, September 13, 2017
http://act.moveon.org/go/15898?t=23&akid=190176%2E1195276%2E8YSY15 - "Graham-Cassidy letter," AARP, September 19, 2017
http://act.moveon.org/go/15899?t=25&akid=190176%2E1195276%2E8YSY15 - "Graham-Cassidy Another Version of Proposals Already Rejected by Americans, Senate," ConsumerUnion, September 13, 2017
https://act.moveon.org/go/15900?t=27&akid=190176%2E1195276%2E8YSY15 - "Sixteen Patient and Provider Groups Oppose Graham/Cassidy Bill," American Heart Association, September 18, 2017
http://act.moveon.org/go/15901?t=29&akid=190176%2E1195276%2E8YSY15 - Tweet by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, September 19, 2017
https://act.moveon.org/go/15902?t=31&akid=190176%2E1195276%2E8YSY15 - "New Polling on Voters' Priorities for Healthcare After the Failure of Repeal and Replace," Protect Our Care, September 5, 2017
Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us? Donate monthly or make a one-time gift
Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
From: Single Payer Action Network (SPAN) Ohio
Subject: The Zombie Rises
The Zombie Rises
Last week Senators Cassidy and Graham released their plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and it's gaining steam. They're now within a few votes of passing this devastating bill before the September 30 deadline. John McCain, who dealt the killing blow to the last attempt, has indicated that he will vote yes. Rob Portman has said he is favorable to the bill.
We must act now.
Here's what you can say:
My name is [NAME]. I strongly urge Senator Portman to oppose the Graham - Cassidy health care repeal bill. Millions will lose coverage, Medicaid will be slashed and it will gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions. It's worse than the other repeal bills. I urge the Senator to vote NO and reject this devastating bill.
Instead, we should be working to extend coverage to all and to make care truly affordable. I urge Senator Portman to support S. 1804, the Medicare for All Act of 2017.
Thank you!
Cassidy and Graham are pretending that their plan is a more moderate version of the previous repeal plans.
But the truth is that Graham - Cassidy is worse than all the other repeal bills.
Graham – Cassidy eliminates the tax credits for people to buy coverage on the ACA marketplaces. It ends Medicaid expansion. It block-grants and massively cuts Medicaid for children, seniors and low-income families. It guts protections for people with pre-existing conditions. It defunds Planned Parenthood. And millions will lose their health care coverage.
This is such a last-ditch, partisan effort that the GOP is planning to vote even though the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has said it won't have a full analysis of the bill, including how many people will lose coverage.
We still need three Republicans and every Democrat to vote NO and it's going to take all hands on deck.
We defeated repeal before because millions of Americans stood up and made our voices heard. We can do it again.
Thanks for all that you do.
Rob Portman phone numbers:
Washington, DC 202-224-3353
Ohio: Cincinnati: 513-684-3265
Cleveland: 216-522-7095
Columbus: 614-469-6774
Toledo: 419-259-3895
Toll Free: 1-800-205-6446 (OHIO) Rings in the Columbus Office
More Resources on the Graham – Cassidy Bill
Coverage Losses by State
Damaging Cuts to Healthcare Funding Would Grow Dramatically by 2027
From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Emma, Pilar,
Natalie, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, and Ryan, the UltraViolet Action team
Subject: Back from the dead
As you're reading this, a group of senators are huddled in a back room, deciding the fate of your healthcare and millions of others' across the country.
Republicans only need one more vote by the end of September to pass the disaster that is the Graham-Cassidy bill. This new version of Trumpcare ends federal funding for current ACA coverage, bars Medicaid coverage for childless adults, and rips away federal funding for family planning services.1
UltraViolet Action Fund is planning fierce actions like flooding call lines and bombarding officials at the airport and their offices to target states whose senators are vulnerable to pressure. To do that, we need your support.
Make a $5 donation right now to our emergency fund to defeat the Republican health care bill.
This Republican bill will strip health care coverage for an estimated 32 million Americans, force individuals to pay more money for less care, and gut coverage for 53 million Americans with pre-existing conditions -- including pregnancy, postpartum depression, C-sections, and medical needs following sexual assault.
The good news is that there are select senators who are on the fence about this latest version of Trumpcare, but need an extra push.
That's where UltraViolet members come in, Munsup.
We're throwing everything we've got to save health care, and we need you with us in this fight.
Can you contribute $5 today to our emergency fund to defeat the Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act?
Thank you for taking action today to save health care.
1. "5 Ways the Graham-Cassidy Proposal Puts Medicaid Coverage At Risk", Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Sept. 19, 2017
From: URGENT (via Progressive Turnout Project)
Subject: signatures still needed to SAVE Obamacare (HURRY!)
ALERT: We are dropping off our petition signatures
to save Obamacare NEXT WEEK.
DO NOT WAIT! Add your name right now to stop Republicans from repealing Obamacare!
Republicans just revealed the Graham-Cassidy bill, their latest attempt to REPEAL Obamacare. And it's even more devastating than before!
Don't just take it from us:
That's right -- Bernie Sanders just warned that because of this Republican bill, real people will die. Something MUST be done to stop this and save Obamacare!
Vertis: We're heading to the Senate next week to drop these petition signatures off at the offices of key Senators who could decide the fate of this bill.
We need your signature RIGHT NOW before it's too late!
Help us gather 100,000 grassroots signatures to turn the tide and SAVE Obamacare by killing this bill. Drop what you're doing right now and sign your name:
According to Senate rules, the hard deadline for Republicans to repeal Obamacare is September 30th. That's why we're calling for a MASSIVE and urgent response to let Republicans know exactly where Americans stand.
And can you imagine the look on Mitch McConnell's face when he sees 100,000 grassroots petition signatures stacked on his office desk?
We know grassroots activism works. It killed multiple Republican Obamacare repeal attempts in the past, and we know it can work again.
It would be a national travesty if Obamacare was repealed and this bill passes.
The only way we can stop it is to LITERALLY bring enough attention and public pressure on the Senators voting for this bill by dropping off tens of thousands of signatures at their feet.
We need you in this fight, Vertis. Help us hit our goal of 100,000 signatures to SAVE Obamacare:
It's now or never.
Paid for by the Progressive Turnout Project and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
From: tbacane
Subject: Fw: 100,000 signatures needed: Stand against the repeal of Obamacare
Let those in Congress know we are damn sick of them attempting to take away healthcare from millions of Americans, and we refuse to let them do it! Stand up for the ACA (Healthcare program).
-----Forwarded Daily Kos' Message-----
Add your name now to stand against the repeal of Obamacare.
We need to get to over 100,000 names to stand against Trumpcare.
Sign the petition
Senate Republicans could get the votes to pass their new Obamacare repeal bill.
The new bill is worse than any other version we have seen. Planned Parenthood would be defunded, Medicaid would be slashed and coverage denied for pre-existing conditions.
We need everyone—no matter where you live—to show Republicans just how many people stand against this awful bill. We must speak up and speak out NOW.
Sign the petition: Stop Senate Republicans from repealing Obamacare.
Sign the petition
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Pushback, more pushback on the Health Care Bill
Graham-Cassidy ACA Repeal Bill Would Cause Huge Premium Increases for People with Pre-Existing Conditions - Center for American Progress
Crippling Medicaid Cuts Could Upend Rural Health Services
Trump falsely claims Americans with pre-existing conditions are guaranteed coverage under new health bill
The G.O.P. Bill Forces States to Build Health Systems From Scratch. That's Hard.
Doctors: No
Jimmy Kimmel: Senator Bill Cassidy "Lied Right to My Face"
From: 🔴 BREAKING on NBC [EndCitizensUnited.org]
Subject: Barack Obama's DIRE warning:
End Citizens United is a Political Action Committee dedicated to electing Democrats, transforming our broken campaign finance system, and ultimately ending Citizens United. If you really want to receive only our most urgent emails, click here. If you'd like to unsubscribe, click here.
Barack Obama just issued a dire warning:
President Obama is serious: if the GOP repeals Obamacare, thousands of Americans will suffer. Republicans have NO RIGHT!!
This is an all-out emergency. If we can't hit our goal before the Senate votes, we might not be able to stop them!
This really can't wait! Rush $5 (instantly worth $15) to support our efforts to SAVE Obamacare:
We cannot afford to return to the days where getting sick could mean going bankrupt. That's unfair and evil.
Please Munsup: we're literally begging you to do the right thing. So step up, save lives, and STOP the disgusting GOP plan to repeal Obamacare.
Donate WHATEVER you can:
From: AlterNet
Subject: Al Gore JUST announced:
The following sponsored email was sent to you by AlterNet on behalf of End Citizens United:
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
MPEN stands for Minority People's Email Network
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