U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, September 14, 2017

[mpen-dayton] Greater Miami Valley Events & News

FYI. Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with ‘unsubscribe’ added to the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.


  • (Sept. 15-16) FW: Second Weekend - Peace Dayton
  • (Sept. 16) FW: Introduction to Python at WSU by the Greater  Miami Valley Computer Science Circle
  • (Sept. 16) FW: An Evening with Dr. William Shaw
  • (Sept. 17) FW: The 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
  • (Sept. 18) FW: BEER and DINNER for a GOOD CAUSE!
  • (Sept. 20-23) FW: 2017 Daughters Summit
  • (Sept. 21) FW: Join us on this path to peace! Discover Peace walk on Salem!
  • (Sept. 23) FW: Calling All Politically Active Ohioans


From: J. Fred Arment
Subject: Second Weekend - Peace Dayton


The first weekend's events drew wonderful crowds, wonderful people.
Thanks to all who made those events possible.
Onward to a second weekend of peacebuilding.


Peace Revival (Sep 14 – 17)
Summit Christian Church, Dayton
Preach Peace Initiative
All Faiths through September

Interfaith Prayer Breakfast
Tomorrow 7:30 AM
First Baptist Church of Dayton

U.N. Celebration of Peace Day
International Cities of Peace in Attendance
United Nations, New York


Safety Awareness Expo
10 AM by Peace Dayton
Sinclair Building 10, Dayton

New Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church: Peace Festival
11 AM - 3 PM
2000 Catalpa Dr, Dayton

On Earth Peace - Feast for Peace
5 PM
Lower Miami Church of the Brethren, Dayton

FOR DETAILS: http://peacedayton.org/eventcalendar/

Brochures and Flyers now available!
CHECK THE WEBSITE: http://peacedayton.org/eventcalendar/
OR FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pg/peacedayton/events/

Eve Araque: admin@peacedayton.org

Please attend each other's events
Take photos. Hold the wonder. Build the peace

An "Annual Report to the Community" will be produced in November
focusing on how our organizations contribute to the
U.N. 17 Sustainable Goals.

Please send photos and a paragraph about your event.

Thanks to our sponsoring organizations
• The Alicia Titus Memorial Peace Fund • The Clark County Peace Alliance • Heartfulness Center • Salem Avenue Peace Corridor • Dayton International Peace Museum • Dayton Mediation Center • Rotary Club of Dayton • Roaring Brook Farm • I Am Clean Energy • Ohio Sustainability Living Project • New Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church

Questions? Additions? arment@fredarment.com



From: Facebook
Subject: Introduction to Python at WSU by Greater Miami Valley Computer Science Circle


Ken Nelson likes a post you are tagged in.

September 14 at 11:35pm






From: Brenda Blake/Thomas Nichols MLK Program Co-Chairs
Subject: An Evening with Dr. William Shaw

This is just a reminder, that MLK Dayton, Inc. will have it's first MLK celebration event of 2018 with the speaker Dr. William J. Shaw.
Place/ Time: Tabernacle Baptist Church (380 S. Broadway Ave.) Dayton at 6:00 P.M.
Please join us for a wonderful evening.
All MLK Co-chairs and Volunteers are asked to wear black and arrive early before the event.

---------------------   Message from Anthony Whitmore, President of MLK Dayton, Inc.     --------------


The Martin Luther King Celebration and Board invite the community to ‘An Evening with Dr. William J. Shaw’ an International Speaker and Pastor of White Rock Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Saturday, September 16, 2017, 6:00PM at Tabernacle Baptist located at 380 S. Broadway Avenue, Dayton, Ohio.  Rev. Tokunbo Richard Adelekan, Ph.D., is the host pastor.

On September 9, 1999, Dr. Shaw was elected the sixteenth President of The National Baptist Convention, USA. Inc. During his first term, he led the Convention to become a more Christ- Centered body. With Dr. Shaw’s focus on Vision, Integrity, Structure, and Accountability (VISA), the convention reached several milestones including burning the mortgage on the Baptist World Center, paying more than $1.125 million dollars of inherited debt, implementing a retirement plan for Pastors and church workers, establishing fiscal accountability and increasing the role of technology in the Convention. Dr. Shaw was re-elected to the Convention presidency in September 2004 and completed his second term as President of the Convention in 2009.

We hope that you will be able to join us as this profound spiritual and intellectual icon shares his wisdom and expertise in the challenges that we face in this world.  Please contact Mr. Thomas L. Nichols, Jr., Program Chair (937) 266-0789 or Brenda Joyce Blake at (937) 838-5080  and let us know if you will be able to attend or email me at abwhitmore234@gmail.com.   Refreshments will be served at the reception following this service.



From: Katherine Cooper
Subject: The Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton would like to invite you to attend

The Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton would like to invite you to attend the following presentations:

Date: 17 September 2017
Time: 3 PM to 5:30 PM
Location: Foster Hall at Christ United Methodist Church; 3440 Shroyer Road; Kettering, Ohio
Topic: The 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation: Lessons and Opportunities for Interfaith Relations for Interfaith

Presenters:  Scott KIsker, B.A., M.Div., and PhD.  Professor of the History of Christianity at United Theological Seminary, Dayton OH. Carolann Cannon, M.A. in theological studies U.D. certified as a catechist and catechetical leader by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Free and open to the public as always.

Some people like to bring a light refreshment to share -- no pork or shellfish please! Ingredient lists on homemade products help those with food sensitivities make safe choices.

Mark your calendars for these programs:

  • 29 October 2017:  anniversary of the Birth of Baha’u’lah, the prophet-founder of the Baha’i Faith
  • 19 November: Perception of God from a Sikh and Jewish perspective.
  • 7 December 2017: Annual pot luck dinner.



From: Matthew Noordsij-Jones, MD; Region 7 Coordinator, Single Payer Action Network (SPAN) Ohio
Subject: BEER and DINNER for a GOOD CAUSE!

Now is your chance to support Single Payer Action Network Ohio and have great local beer and/or dinner. This Monday September 18th from 6pm to 9pm at the Fifth Street Brewpub, 1600 East 5th Street, Dayton, 45403, we are taking over the taps. 5% of net sales, $1 from every featured beer, and all collected donations will go towards SPAN Ohio.

SPAN exists due to the generosity of individual donors.
Please consider a donation today: Donations



From: David K. Greer
Subject: FW: 2017 Daughters Summit



From: Salem Avenue Peace Corridor
Subject: Join us on this path to peace! Discover Peace walk on Salem!

9.21.17 * 4pm-7pm

For our September event, the Salem Avenue Business Association is joining in "Discover Peace, One Step at a Time," a walk that will highlight several initiatives along the Salem Avenue Peace Corridor. The event takes place, rain or shine, on International Peace Day. Please join at any point along the walk:

  • 4 p.m. - First Baptist Church, 111 W. Monument Ave., Peace Pole Dedication
  • 4:30 p.m. - Dayton International Peace Museum tour, 208 W. Monument Ave.
  • 5:15 p.m. - Holbrooke Peace Plaza, Salem and Riverview
  • 5:45 p.m. Gem City Market grocery co-op proposed site, 122 Salem Ave.
  • 6:15 p.m. - Salem Garden, 424 Salem Ave., Blessing and Appetizers

At the final stop, Dayton Cooks will provide gourmet appetizers from Salem Garden produce. Dayton Cooks is a culinary arts training program at Grace United Methodist Church. Grace Church will provide van rides from The Salem Garden back to previous stops.

The walk is co-sponsored by the Salem Avenue Peace Corridor, First Baptist Church, the Salem Avenue Business Association, Gem City Market, and Grace United Methodist Church.

Planning to participate? Please let us know so we can plan for enough appetizers.



From: Andy; USTV Media
Subject: Calling All Politically Active Ohioans -- Sat. Sept 23, 2017


Mark your calendars for SATURDAY, SEPT 23rd, 2017

Have you started to become more involved in political activism lately, maybe even for the first time in your life? Are you working with the Indivisible movement, perhaps, or engaged in supporting local political campaigns? Have you been calling, texting, or visiting your elected officials? Would you like to take the next step in making the changes in our communities that we want to see?

If you are a leader, a doer, or even just an concerned citizen wanting to make real change… then this training is for YOU

THE COMMUNITY RIGHTS FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE WORKSHOP is coming to the Miami Valley for the FIRST time this month, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2017

This day long event is a unique opportunity to receive training from dedicated and professional activists who have been on the front lines of advancing this transformative approach to community governing.

The workshop is the creation of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), and is an eye-opening, Ohio-focused program designed to bring a more focused and effective approach for those working for political change in their communities.

CELDF has been working across the country for decades now, helping communities take the power back from the corporations who have usurped our rights as Americans as a self-governing citizenry. The workshop has been derived from their effective, game-changing "Democracy Schools," which have been transforming local political organizing around the country (and now the world) for over two decades now.


For just $50, you will receive an entire day of training, as well as a large manual containing all the information you will need as you take your newfound knowledge back to your community, and to your respective causes.

These are extraordinary times we are in today, as we face an emergency situation, politically and environmentally. CELDF provides useful insights and some of the tools necessary for meeting those challenges effectively, and helping people organize to ensure the communities they live in are ones that sustain and support their principles of social, economic and environmental justice and sustainability.

JOIN US for this unique and exciting opportunity to elevate your political organizing efforts from a 1.0 to 2.0 level. This isn't just about resistance, but about pro-active, effective transformation of our work, about working FOR the kinds of communities we want to live in, not just fighting against the forces that threaten that.

Whatever your issue may be…environmental, labor rights, media, racial justice, etc…there's something to learn and use from the kinds of legal and organizational insights provided through the work of CELDF.

The times are calling for this kind of transformative effort. Please consider joining us in this critical fight.

For more information, please contact Kim McCarthy at GCOHProgressives@gmail.com
Pre-registration is required. Go to: https://celdf.org/2017/08/ohio-community-rights-workshop-bellbrook-oh/
For more information on the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund [CELDF]: https://celdf.org/


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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