[mpen-dayton] Greater Miami Valley Events & News
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: Boonshoft Raffle - Win $10,000 cash!
- (Sept. 7) FW: TWO events ONE day: Support the Gem City Market!
- (Sept. 14 & 15) FW: 2017 PREACH PEACH REVIVAL at Summit Chritian Church
- (Sept. 15) FW: GDCC Interfaith Prayer Breakfast
- (Save the Date: Sept. 22) FW: Meet and greet Darryl Fairchild and Shenise Turner-Sloss
- (Save the Dates in 2018) FW: Anytown and Police and Youth Together 2018
- FW: GDCC September Newsletter
- FW: Updates on Wright State University (WSU)
(1) IMPORTANT Update from the Chief Negotiator, AAUP-WSU
(2) New book asks: Where did things go wrong at WSU?
(3) Welcome to Wright State's tobacco-free campus
(4) An Open Letter to President Schrader from Rudy Fichtenbaum, AAUP-WSU
From: Anissa Lumpkin
Subject: Fwd: Boonshoft Raffle - Win $10,000 cash!
John and I decided to join the Associate Board of the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery as a way to give back to an organization that our kids are growing up with, and one that greatly influences the STEM community. John III really enjoys all the hands-on learning at the museum, and of course the zoo! Asena, loves the creative ways the museum interjects play with learning science. They have spent several weeks attending their spring break and summer camps. John and Asena can even tell you all about cooking eggs using only the sun power if you are interested!!
Something that we are most passionate about and why we decided to join the Board is to make these opportunities more readily available to socio-economically disadvantaged students in the Miami Valley. We would love to help provide more Summer Camp Scholarships and more opportunities for the schools in our community to participate in the Boonshoft School STEM programs.
A part of our commitment is to sell raffle tickets for the Boonshoft's biggest fundraiser of the year coming up on September 9th. Tickets cost $100 each for the first one and only $50 for any additional tickets and there are many prizes up for grabs this year. You don't need to be present to win any of the prizes.
In addition to the chance to win $10,000 cash, additional prizes include a pair of stunning 18K gold earrings containing 64 white diamonds and 48 black diamonds (retail value $3,465) with a matching pendant containing 32 white and 24 black diamonds (Retail Value $1,990), courtesy of James Free Jewelers, an Out & About Dayton Package to premier Dayton events (Carillon Park's Fleur de Fete, Equitas Health's Masquerage, Fiddler on the Roof WSU, Oktoberfest at the Dayton Art Institute, Eureka & Boonshoft Bash 2018), and several more baskets worth $1,000 or more each.
I know everyone is asked to contribute to a gazillion good causes, but we'd appreciate you considering to support this cause that is close to our heart. If you're willing to buy a raffle ticket you can do so online at: https://www.boonshoftmuseum.org/events-activities/boonshoft-bash/boonshoft-raffle/. Please type one of our names in the AB Board Member referral box. If you prefer to pay by check, just let one of us know and we'll swing by to pick it up.
Thank you for considering this cause, but thanks ESPECIALLY for your friendship!
From: Crystal Walker
Subject: GDCC Interfaith Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, September 14, 2017 Friday, September 15, 2017
Rev. Rose Irwin Rev. Chris Vaughn
Rev. Mila Cooper Rev. Ian Gibson
Rev. Cathryn Young Rev. Dr. Rockney Carter
Rev. Coleen Beasecker Rev. Dr. Tom Stephenson
Rev. Dr. Pamela Barnes Jackson Rev. Dr. Willie Barnes Jackson
Rev. Michelle Dixon Rev. Dr. John Paddock
Rev. Dr. Crystal Walker Rev. Shelby Walker
Join us each night at 7:00pm-9:00pm to hear these dynamic speakers preach about affirmative actions to help us make positive efforts towards Peace
From: Crystal Walker
Subject: GDCC Interfaith Prayer Breakfast
From: David K. Greer
Subject: FW: TWO events ONE day: Support the Gem City Market!
Join us Thursday, 9-7-17, for one of two HUGE events for the Gem City Market.
From: Frederick England
Subject: Meet and greet
Good evening, my name is Fred England I've scheduled a meet and greet with Darryl Fairchild and Shenise Turner-Sloss. It wll be held at Stepping Stones Daycare 215 Burkardt Ave in the back parking lot September 22nd @ 6:00. I've scheduled this meet and greet so that you as members of are community can get a chance to meet two of the candidates running for Dayton City Commission. I would ask for your participation in joining us and to forward this innovation to your contacts. If wish not to receive any more information from me please email back and I will remove you from my contact list.
From: NCCJ of Greater Dayton
Subject: Anytown and Police and Youth Together 2018
NCCJ 2018 Camps
For our 40th year anniversary, NCCJ is revamping its programs and bringing them back with more impact than ever before. ANYTOWN returns in its new style, as a weekend retreat, still bringing the same fundamental values and broadened horizons to high school students across the Miami Valley.
Police and Youth Together continues its history of success, linking our police officers with our local children to forge a better future for our communities.
See below for full details!
From: Rev. Dr. Crystal Walker; Executive Director, Greater Dayton Christian Connections (GDCC)
Subject: GDCC September Newsletter
Good morning, please read our September newsletter and have a great labor day weekend.
From: AAUP-WSU on behalf of Adrian Corbett; Chief Negotiator, AAUP-WSU
Subject: IMPORTANT Update from the Chief Negotiator, AAUP-WSU
To all BUFMs:
Welcome to the beginning of a new academic year! We have not resolved our contract negotiations at this time, but we are continuing in mediation to resolve some issues before we go to a fact-finder. (For more information about the fact-finding process, click here.)
We have agreed to meet with the fact-finder either the week of January 22 or January 29 of 2018. This to gives us time to try to come to an agreement with Administration through the mediation process. If we can agree on contract issues before the fact-finding date, then there will be no need for a fact-finder. Our next mediation session will be on September 15.
Thanks to the provision we negotiated in the ground rules, status quo must remain until the new contract is in force, so all provisions of the existing contract remain in effect except for compensation increases. Here are some important highlights:
· There will be no changes in health care coverage or premiums for 2018.
· The 2017-2018 dates for submission of materials for Promotion and Tenure process are still in effect. (TET - Appendix B, NTE - Appendix D).
· Professional Development Leave (PDL) applications for TET faculty are due September 15, as in last year's contract (TET Article 29).
· Pedagogical Development Course Release applications for NTE faculty are due October 15, as in last year's contract (NTE Article 29).
· Professional Development Funds remain available for TET and NTE faculty to use. We encourage you to make use of these funds. To access your funds, you'll need to submit all requested information to your chair or dean. Please let the AAUP-WSU know immediately of any refusal to give you these funds.
Please feel free to contact me at adrian.corbett@wright.edu with any questions you have about contract issues.
New book asks: Where did things go wrong at WSU?
From: Wright State Communications on behalf of Shari Mickey-Bogg; Associate Vice President & CHRO
Subject: Welcome to Wright State's tobacco-free campus
Welcome to Wright State's Tobacco-Free Campus as we begin another school year! You'll notice new exterior signs promoting our new tobacco-free policy at the Dayton and Lake campuses. These attractive welcome signs were donated by Public Health – Dayton and Montgomery County.
The new tobacco-free policy took effect July 1 and promotes a healthy environment in which our students, staff, and faculty can learn, work and live.
Check out the Tobacco-Free website for printable guides about successful policy implementation and enforcement.
In order to support our faculty, staff, and students who want to quit, we're partnering with Public Health – Dayton and Montgomery County and WCORHA WELLScript to continue to offer free tobacco cessation classes. The next offerings begin October 16 on the Dayton campus and September 19 at Lake Campus. For details or to register, contact Doug Newton, Wellness Program director, at doug.newton@wright.edu or (937) 775-5256.
Student Cessation Classes begin September 11 and October 16 on the Dayton Campus. Contact Destinee Biesemeyer, coordinator for health promotion in Counseling and Wellness Services, at destinee.biesemeyer@wright.edu or (937) 775-3408.
As of July 1, all smoking and smokeless tobacco products, as well as e-cigarettes, are prohibited in all university facilities, on university-owned or leased grounds, and in university residence halls and apartments. However, nicotine-replacement gum, lozenges, and patches, as well as other cessation products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, are permitted.
Wright State started to investigate this initiative five years ago with a task force comprised of faculty, staff, and students, as well as Public Health – Dayton and Montgomery County. After careful review, many surveys and campus discussions, the decision was made to become tobacco free.
Visit wright.edu/tobaccofree for information about this important initiative and additional tobacco cessation resources.
Thank you for supporting this step that will benefit our university, our health and our future.
From: AAUP-WSU on behalf of Marty Kich; President, AAUP-WSU
Subject: An Open Letter to President Schrader from Rudy Fichtenbaum, AAUP-WSU
To all BUFMs:
I'd like to share the following open letter to President Schrader that was sent to her by Rudy Fichtenbaum, Professor Emeritus WSU and current President of National AAUP, in response to her request for input on the future of our university.
Having an understanding of an institution's history seems a prerequisite to understanding its potential. Rudy has been involved with AAUP-WSU since the chapter was formed, and he has a deep sense of how important AAUP-WSU has been to enhancing the contributions of our faculty to our students, to the university, and to the profession at-large.
Likewise, Rudy is acutely aware of how central AAUP-WSU has been to the efforts to insure that the university administration continues to make faculty working conditions, and student learning conditions, the major priority of the university.
Lastly, Rudy is justifiably proud of the ways in which AAUP-WSU has advocated for equal professional consideration and fair treatment of all of our faculty.
We hope that when President Schrader reads this letter, she will understand how important it is to work with our faculty, who by and large remain with the university. We remain, even as administrations come and go, and as the composition of the Board changes.
We are one faculty. And for our students, we are the heart and soul of the university.
--------------------- Copy of the open letter ------------------------------------------------------------
President Schrader,
What the University will look like in 10 years depends a lot on you. Right now WSU is at a crossroads. I say this not just because we are dealing with the most severe financial crisis in the University's history, but also because there is a crisis of leadership or rather a lack thereof.
For years the University has had misplaced priorities and a lack of accountability at the highest levels and those problems have now come home to roost.
I must say that I am not optimistic about the future of WSU. It is telling that in the montage of words soliciting this response, the word faculty did not appear nor did the words union or AAUP-WSU appear anywhere on the page.
It is my understanding that you have elected not to meet with the President of AAUP-WSU until after a contract is negotiated and yet your administration and the Board show no signs of wanting to negotiate a contract. You have made a big mistake in not meeting with the President of AAUP-WSU, who could have given you immense insight into the history of AAUP-WSU and what we have accomplished.
But instead you appear to have been taken in by forces determined to declare war on the faculty at WSU, forces that know nothing about faculty unions in general and AAUP-WSU in particular.
One of the things you might have learned if you had bothered to speak with AAUP-WSU is how we worked with the administration to transform the promotion and tenure system at WSU. Before we had a union there had never been a woman promoted to the rank of Professor in the College of Business. But because we negotiated criteria for promotion and tenure, we now have women who regularly get promoted to the rank of professor.
Criteria must be approved by a majority of bargaining unit faculty in a department and by the dean. In effect we negotiated a process that is truly collegial, as opposed to simply paying lip service to the principle of collegiality. This is but one of many examples of how AAUP-WSU has been a positive force at the University.
It was AAUP-WSU that first recognized that the current financial crisis was the result of overspending and a lack of accountability. The previous president kept on insisting we had a revenue problem and the Board was clueless. It was our analysis of WSU finances that revealed the problems we have were caused by over-spending.
The working relationship that we developed with the administration took years to develop, but in the same way that politics has degenerated on a national scale, it doesn't take long to destroy what has been built at WSU and create chaos and disfunction. What you are doing in snubbing the union president is sending a message to the entire faculty that you don't care what they think because you and all of the vice presidents and lawyers that you have surrounded yourself with will provide you with the answers.
But the reality is that the faculty are the heart and soul of the University. Administrators, Board members and even students come and go but in the end it is the faculty who remain and it is the faculty who are charged with carrying out the primary mission of the institution -- teaching and research. If you lose the faculty then you lose the university. There are no great universities without great faculty. The fact that you have chosen not to meet with the president of AAUP-WSU or the leadership of the AAUP-WSU, the organization on campus that has the most significant impact on the daily lives of faculty, speaks volumes and it is the reason that I am pessimistic about the future of WSU.
But it is not too late change and begin working with the faculty to help rebuild WSU and help transform it into a University that puts academics and students' education first.
Rudy Fichtenbaum (rfichtenbaum@gmail.com)
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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