U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: "Sign the petition: Censure Donald Trump" & "Charlottesville" & "AAUP Statement Regarding Charlottesville" & "Fire the Troika!" and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

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  • FW: Sign the petition: Censure Donald Trump
  • FW: Charlottesville
  • FW: Guess who just ditched Trump
  • FW: Disgusting: White Nationalists to Disrupt Heather Heyer's Funeral
  • FW: 82 years ago today
  • FW: Don't be a Sucker!
  • FW: U.S immigration policy no match for Canada's
  • FW: Tell Congress: Protect DACA, and defend 800,000 young immigrants from deportation
  • FW: I just signed this Trump investigation petiton. Will you please sign it?
  • FW: AAUP Statement Regarding Charlottesville
  • FW: Fire the Troika!
  • FW: Trump Shoots His Mouth Off And Waves A Big Rhymes With Stick, But …
  • FW: Stories - Explanations for Charlottesville


From: Justin, Alex, Maria, Corinne, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Sign the petition: Censure Donald Trump

BREAKING: At a press conference tonight, Donald Trump doubled down on his vile refusal to condemn white supremacist terrorism in Charlottesville, VA. He said that there were "fine people" in the white supremacist rally and blamed "both sides" for the violence and hate witnessed on all of our TV screens.1
Sign the petition: Congress must immediately censure Trump over his failure to denounce white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Former KKK grand wizard David Duke said what he saw in Charlottesville, VA, last weekend "fulfills the promises of Donald Trump."2

White supremacists, neo-Nazis, and members of the "alt-right," chanted "Heil Trump!" while marching through the streets of Charlottesville; they injured dozens of demonstrators. The rally led to an act of domestic terrorism that killed a woman peacefully standing up to white supremacy.3

But all that Donald Trump could muster in response was one weak statement where he seemed to call out the white supremacist movement. Yet, he also tweeted a picture of a "Trump Train" smashing into a CNN reporter today, which bore a chilling resemblance to this weekend's brutal terrorist attack.4 And then at a press conference tonight, he, once again, blamed bigotry and violence on "many sides."5

Trump's response is horrifying and unacceptable, which is why we're calling on Congress to formally censure him for refusing to explicitly call out white supremacy and call it terrorism. Will you join us by signing this petition?

Censure is a formal, public statement of disapproval that requires a vote by Congress.

A bipartisan vote would send a strong message to Trump and the world that his behavior is unacceptable and doesn't represent American values. Several Republicans have spoken out already. That's a start, but it's not enough.

Click here to sign the petition demanding that Congress formally vote to censure Donald Trump, and then pass it along to your friends.

Why won't Trump condemn these white supremacist terrorists? Is it because they're part of the coalition that got him elected? Is it because he has advisers in his White House who are close to these hateful and violent groups? Is it because his campaign fueled the climate in which hate groups like these thrive and commit violence in the open?

Congress must vote to formally censure Trump. We must show that Americans speak with one voice in rejecting the alt-right, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists by formally censuring Trump in both houses of Congress.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.


  1. "Trump Defends Initial Remarks on Charlottesville; Again Blames 'Both Sides,'" New York Times, August 15, 2017
  2. "David Duke: Charlottesville Rally 'Fulfills The Promises Of Donald Trump,'" Talking Points Memo, August 12, 2017
  3. "A Witness to Terrorism in Charlottesville," The New Yorker, August 13, 2017
  4. "Trump Shares, Then Deletes, Twitter Post of Train Hitting Cartoon Person Covered by CNN Logo," The New York Ties, August 15, 2017
  5. "Trump Defends Initial Remarks on Charlottesville; Again Blames 'Both Sides,'" New York Times, August 15, 2017

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?

Donate monthly  OR  make a one-time gift



From: Jewish Voice for Peace On Behalf Of Rabbi Alissa Wisel; Deputy Director, JVP
Subject: Re: Charlottesville

The President of the United States just stood at a podium and defended white supremacists. There are no "both sides" to this story.

It goes without saying that this is a difficult time. What happened in Charlottesville on Saturday is absolutely heart-breaking and terrifying. And while the events of this weekend should not be entirely shocking— because we know that they are an outgrowth of this country's long history of racism and white supremacy— moments like this can also serve as a wake-up call. Now more than ever, we need to come together, organize, and take action.

Click here to read JVP's full statement about organizing in the wake of Charlottesville.

And here are three things you can do right now:

  • Take Action: JVP is one of many organizations in a broad coalition taking action this week. You can search for actions near you on Indivisible's site or create your own. The Movement for Black Lives has also put out a specific call for actions that target institutions of white supremacy on August 19th.
  • Donate to support organizers: You can give directly to Black Lives Matter Charlottesville for ongoing mental health and trauma counseling for local organizers as well as victims of violence on Friday and Saturday, especially people of color.
  • Educate yourself, your friends and family: Take a look at our book "On Antisemitism." In this political moment, it's especially important to understand what antisemitism is (and isn't), and how it is connected to racism and other forms of bigotry and oppression. Click here to order the book, and find more resources including how to organize a discussion group.

You are also invited to come together virtually with JVPers across the country in grief and rage tonight at 8pm ET / 5pm PT, to discuss how we all are responding, each in our own ways, in the wake of Charlottesville. You can register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Jewish Voice for Peace is a national membership organization inspired by Jewish tradition to work for the freedom, equality, and dignity of all the people of Israel and Palestine. Become a JVP Member today.



From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon,

              Emma, Pilar,               Natalie, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, and Ryan, the UltraViolet team
Subject: Guess who just ditched Trump

In the wake of the Charlottesville attacks, Donald Trump failed to condemn the neo-Nazis and white supremacists responsible for three deaths and dozens of injuries--blaming "both sides" for days. But now, three high-profile CEOs say they aren't having it--and have cut ties with the President's Manufacturing Jobs Council in protest.1

In under 24 hours, the CEO of pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co, Under Armour, and Intel, have resigned from Trump's council, denouncing "intolerance and extremism" and "hate-spawned violence."2

Now, their resignation is putting renewed pressure on the rest of Trump's council members, like the CEOs of Campbell Soup Company, PepsiCo, and Johnson & Johnson.3 This is exactly the momentum we need to force these big names to cut ties with Trump--putting us closer to stopping Trump and his neo-Nazi-approved agenda.

To the members of President Trump's advisory councils: Reject white supremacists and Trump's embrace of them. Resign from the President's business council immediately.

Trump's immediate reaction to the white supremacist-led violence that broke out in Charlottesville was to avoid naming his proud supporters in attendance like David Duke, the former leader of the KKK, and instead half-heartedly condemn and falsely claim "violence on many sides."3 Everyone on the political spectrum, even his Republican allies, slammed him for not calling the situation in Charlottesville what it is: a display of white supremacy, carried in part in the name of Donald Trump, which injured 19 anti-racism protesters, killed one, and killed two law enforcement officers.4

Up until yesterday, Trump stood by his flimsy statement. Only after crushing pressure from people on both sides of aisle, a state of emergency is declared in Virginia, a woman is killed by a neo-Nazi, and officials calling the situation "domestic terrorism," did he release a too-late statement rejecting "racism."5

If these heavy-weight CEOs decide to very publicly cut ties with Trump for his thinly-veiled embrace of these neo-Nazis, it will help put a stopper to this hate-fueled White House and its agenda.

Will you sign the petition?


  1. Trump lashes out at black CEO who quits council, CNN, August 14
    Under Armour CEO adds his name to those leaving Trump's manufacturing council, CNBC, August 14, 2017
    Intel CEO exits President Trump's manufacturing council, Axios, August 14, 2017
  2. Ibid
  3. Tweet, Dan Diamond, August 14, 2017
  4. Trump Takes Heat for Blaming Charlottesville Violence on 'Many Sides', NBC News, August 12, 2017
  5. Virginia governor to white nationalists: 'Go home ... shame on you', CNN, August 13, 2017
  1. 6. 'Hostage video': Internet flays 'too little, too late' Trump for uncomfortable 'racism is evil' speech, Raw Story, August 14, 2016

Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.



From: Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Evan, Jade, Anika, Corina and the rest of the Color Of Change team
Subject: Disgusting: White Nationalists to Disrupt Heather Heyer's Funeral

BREAKING, we're hearing reports that the website The Daily Stormer is planning to send Nazis to the funeral of Heather Heyer, the woman killed by a white nationalist in Charlottesville.1 These people need to be cut off from their resources immediately.

Help us drain the white nationalist swamp by donating now.

If you're a corporation that enables White nationalism...

We're coming for you.

Chip-in $3

What happened in Charlottesville is an act of terrorism - pure and simple.
And one all too familiar in our country's history. I can imagine we all watched Charlottesville with a mixture of emotion: heartbroken for the people who were injured or killed fighting for justice, disgusted at an administration that refuses to condemn the menace of White nationalism, and outraged as scenes unfolded that remain an ongoing part of our nation's story.

Help us hit back at white supremacists where it hurts most, their wallets.

Join us in calling on corporations to pick a side: people or hate. When we say pick a side, we're talking to Visa, MasterCard, Amazon and other companies and online platforms working with violent white supremacist groups. They're providing financial support for people like white nationalist Richard Spencer, who twice this year has led a torch-wielding violent mob chanting racist slogans in Charlottesville, Virginia.2 Over the last six months, we've reached out to all of these companies. We have been in dialogue with these companies, have taken your concerns to them directly, and given them more than enough chances to come clean and cut their ties with hate groups - including the hate groups that radicalized terrorists like Dylann Roof, Timothy McVeigh, Wade Michael Page and Anders Behring Breivik. It's clear that we need to take this fight to the next level. And we need your help to do it.

Chip in $3 to stop corporate funders of hate groups!

We're holding corporate enablers accountable by:

  • Launching a series of ads and billboards targeted at credit card companies calling on them to block white nationalists sites from using their card.
  • Going after individual white nationalist trolls like the ones we saw converge on Charlottesville and making it significantly harder for them to have a public soapbox to garner funding online.
  • Deploying a number of high-pressure tactics aimed at ensuring corporations immediately sever business ties to Donald Trump and his family members.

Stop corporate funders of hate groups. Chip in $3 now!

White extremist groups have committed more than 70 percent of the violent extremist crimes resulting in death since 9/11.3 Members of Stormfront, the notorious white supremacist hate site, have been disproportionately responsible for some of the most lethal hate crimes and mass killings since the site was put up in 1995. In the past decade alone, Stormfront members have murdered close to 100 people.4 Stormfront is able to fund itself by bringing in thousands of dollars in online donations every month thanks to credit card companies and platforms that give them free advertising every day.

It is time to up the stakes for these Neo Nazis and their corporate backers. You joined with us to call on major social media platforms to kick off the hateful individuals who have been using their platform to organize violence in our communities. Together, we asked the media to stop dressing up domestic terrorism with terms like "alt-right." And collectively we asked credit card companies to stop allowing their cards to be used on sites that openly advocate for murder in our communities. We're continuing to see cracks in their walls, and now is the time to go harder.

Stop corporate funders of hate groups. Together, we can do this.


  1. "'Daily Stormer' website sending Nazis to harass funeral of woman allegedly killed by white supremacist in Charlottesville," RawStory, August 15, 2017. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/8448?t=11&akid=7785%2E239715%2EwVJvx3
  2. "White nationalist Richard Spencer leads torch-bearing protesters defending Lee statue," Washington Post, 14 May 2017. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/8423?t=13&akid=7785%2E239715%2EwVJvx3
  3. "Countering Violent Extremism: Actions Needed to Define Strategy and Assess Progress of Federal Efforts," Government Accountability Office, April 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/8424?t=15&akid=7785%2E239715%2EwVJvx3
  4. "SPLC Report: Nearly 100 Murder by Stormfront Users," SPLC, April 17, 2014. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/7575?t=17&akid=7785%2E239715%2EwVJvx3

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.



From: Michael Phelan, Social Security Works
Subject: 82 years ago today, Aug. 14, 1935

On August 14, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Social Security into law. In the 82 years since, Social Security has transformed our nation and become among the most successful and popular programs in history.

Despite Social Security's success and popularity, conservatives in Washington and their allies continue to try to destroy it. They want to slash and privatize Social Security―giving its secure trust fund to Wall Street to gamble on the stock market.

Social Security Works is dedicated to protecting and expanding Social Security. But we won't succeed if we don't stand together.

On Social Security's 82nd birthday, become a member of Social Security Works with a donation of $5, $8.20 or more today!

Become a member of Social Security Works today by instantly paying annual dues of just $5 with one click. If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your membership will go through immediately:

Donate: $5  OR  Express Donate: $8.20  OR  Become a member with a donation

Each year, Social Security lifts over 21 million Americans out of poverty, and the senior poverty rate has fallen to ten percent. But Social Security isn't just for seniors.
It also protects working families in the event of disability or unexpected death. In fact, Social Security is our nation's largest children's program with over six million children either receiving benefits directly or living in a household with a beneficiary.

Social Security's modest benefits make an enormous difference in the lives of over 60 million beneficiaries. But with an average annual benefit of just $16,000, it's time that Congress looks for ways to expand Social Security and increase benefits for millions of Americans.

Republicans and Wall Street bankers like to tell us that Social Security is going broke. But by the end of the year, Social Security's surplus is projected to grow to $2.9 trillion. It can pay out 100% of benefits owed through 2034 and 77% of benefits owed after that.

If the wealthy pay their fair share, we can expand benefits for millions of Americans and extend the lifespan of the Social Security trust fund.

On Social Security's 82nd birthday, donate $5, $8.20, or more and become a member of Social Security Works!

Together we're telling Washington politicians where the American people stand: Expand, don't cut Social Security!

Paid for and Authorized by Social Security Works



From: Eric Kramer
Subject: Don't be a Sucker!

Excerpts from this video have been making the rounds on Facebook, this past few days.  The full video, produced by the US War Department, in 1947, runs about 17 minutes, and may be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K6-cEAJZlE



From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: Detroit Free Press: U.S immigration policy no match for Canada's

U.S immigration policy no match for Canada's


Earlier this month, somewhere between the time he stopped threatening to annihilate his own attorney general and the time he started threatening to annihilate North Korea, President Donald Trump embraced a proposal to cut legal immigration to the U.S. in half.A bill introduced by Republican senators Tom Cotton of Arkansas and David Perdue of Georgia would junk a 50-year-old immigration policy that favors applicants with family ties in the U.S. and replace it with a points-based system that rewards those who speak English, boast desirable degrees and job skills, and have good-paying jobs waiting for them in this country.



From: Kristin Kumpf; Director of Human Migration and Mobility, AFSC
Subject: Tell Congress: Protect DACA, and defend 800,000 young immigrants from deportation

Tell Congress: Take action to protect DACA

Photo: AFSC/Pedro Rios

Today is the fifth anniversary of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program that has given nearly 800,000 young immigrants legal protection and allowed them to go to college and work to support their families. As a longtime organizer with immigrant communities, I remember Aug. 15, 2012 as both a day of celebration and a reminder of the thousands of immigrant families still being separated across our country.

Now the future of DACA is at risk. The Trump administration is considering ending DACA, as 10 states have threatened to sue the president if he does not rescind the program by Sept. 5. Young people in our communities could be deported away from their families if we don't take immediate action.

We need you to contact Congress today, and tell them to stand with communities across the country to protect DACA.

Tell Congress to:

  • Urge President Trump to keep DACA in place and direct the Department of Justice to defend the program against possible lawsuits.  
  • Publicly support Dreamers by inviting them to events, writing op-eds, and issuing statements of support.  
  • Co-sponsor the bipartisan Dream Act of 2017, which would provide a congressional pathway to citizenship for Dreamers.

Please take action and contact Congress today.

As the new director of Human Migration and Mobility at AFSC, I'm honored to work with you as we raise our voices to urge Congress to protect DACA and find a permanent pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and their families. We must stand together to stop the deportation of immigrants from our communities and work for policies that respect the humanity of all people.

Take Action




Subject: I just signed this Trump investigation petiton. Will you please sign it?

I just signed a petition telling Congress to pass a law guaranteeing the investigation into Trump will be truly independent.

I hope you will also sign it: Tell Congress: Trump investigation must be truly independent



From: Rudy Fichtenbaum, President & Henry Reichman, 1st VP, AAUP
Subject: AAUP Statement Regarding Charlottesville

Our hearts broke this weekend as we watched expressions of racism, anti-Semitism, and hatred on the University of Virginia campus result in violence. We are especially saddened by the death of one activist and the wounding of others. Expressions of racism and hatred paired with violent actions are not new in our country. Our history shows that marchers armed with guns and sticks, carrying shields and torches, and chanting Nazi slogans have but one purpose: to strike fear and terror in the hearts of people of color, immigrants, Jews, Muslims, and all who believe in a more inclusive America.

To remain silent in the face of hatred is to be complicit in that hatred. Therefore, we will not remain silent while white supremacists, emboldened by the rhetoric of the Trump administration, perpetrate violence and incite bigotry. After equivocating, the President has finally denounced the KKK, the Nazis, and other white supremacist groups. But he and his administration must do more. We call on the Trump administration to use all of the forces at its disposal to bring to justice those involved in fomenting violence and terror. Further, we call on the President and his administration to denounce all attempts to equate nonviolent protests like Black Lives Matter with violent hate groups.

We decry the violence, the discrimination, and the attempts to intimidate, silence, and harm our students, educators, and community members. We reject racism and white supremacy. We stand with students, educators, their families, and communities across the country working for equitable and welcoming environments where it is safe to exist, learn, and peacefully disagree and debate. We will work with faculty members, students, and college leaders, uniting and organizing with allies and in our communities to resist hate and fight for a just society.



From: Ann, Ariel, Brienne, Haley, Jodie, Katie, Mariana, Mark, Mary, Medea, Nancy, Paki, Paula, Taylor and Tighe; CODEPINK
Subject: Fire the Troika!


Hatred took to the streets last weekend. Hordes of KKK members, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists carried torches, brandished weapons and chanted words too ugly to repeat. A violent car-ramming attack took the life of 32-year-old Heather Heyer.

This recent display of hatred didn't come out of nowhere. America was built on slavery and settler colonialism. Now, white nationalist sympathizers are holding top positions in the White House.

Tell White House Chief of Staff John Kelly to fire Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka immediately!

Here's the White House's alt-right axis of evil:

  1. Steve Bannon: Before becoming Senior White House advisor, he was the chairperson for Breitbart News. He proudly described the outlet as the "platform for the alt-right," allowing the publication of an infamous article celebrating white supremacist leaders, including Charlottesville rally organizer Richard Spencer.
  2. Stephen Miller: Before working for Michelle Bachmann and Jeff Sessions, he cut his racist teeth bashing Latinos and Muslims in his high school and college papers. As Senior White House policy advisor, he became the architect of Trump's Muslim ban.
  3. Sebastian Gorka: The anti-semitic affiliation of Trump's top counterterrorism advisor are well known. Before immigrating to the U.S., Gorka was a member of a Nazi-aligned Hungarian nationalist order. He says violence is a fundamental part of Islam, promoting Islamophobia.

Firing Bannon, Miller and Gorka will send an important message that unity and love, not division and hatred, is the direction our country and world must take. Join us in calling on John Kelly to #FireBannon, Miller and Gorka. Then, share this message on Facebook and Twitter.

P.S. One of the most lasting ways to dismantle white supremacy is by building a local peace economy. Learn more about how to do this at CODEPINK's August 26-27 Peace Camp in Sonoma Valley. Or join the delegation in Cuba.

Donate Now



From: tbacane
Subject: FW: Trump Shoots His Mouth Off And Waves A Big Rhymes With Stick, But North Korea Can't Attack Guam Now Regardless

It is time for all true Americans to rise up and remove this racist TRAITOR named Trump from the office of President!  He has proven himself to be a foul mouthed LIAR, abuser of women, supporter of NAZI and KKK organizations calling themselves WHITE NATIONALISTS, and a TRAITOR!  Concerning the murderous attack by so-called "White Nationalists", NAZI and KKK members Trump has now proven himself to be an active member of those groups and a COWARD!  Just like he can't speak out against Russia ( probably because they have the information and pictures that can destroy him), he can't speak out against the hate groups because he relies on and supports them!  Remember his campaign urging violence against protestors and offering financial relief for those who were guilty of the violence.  This is not the true American President it is a TRAITOR in that office who has surrounded himself with the likes of Steven Bannon, Sebastion Gorka, Jeff Sessions and others whose goals are the division and destruction of the United States of America!  We must stop making excuses for TREASON and RACISM and remove those involved and responsible from office.  If not we may wake up one morning to Russian Paratroopers and/or NAZI/KKK/Alter-Right members kicking in our doors murdering our families!  I for one will not go quietly into that night with a fight!  Will you?  WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: The Pen
Subject: Trump Shoots His Mouth Off And Waves A Big Rhymes With Stick, But North Korea Can't Attack Guam Now Regardless

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Donations: https://www.utalk.us/?p=donate

Reporters who try to ask Trump serious questions are fruitlessly trying to make sense out of nonsense.

In the last couple days, they have repeatedly asked Trump exactly what he meant by one vague but belligerent sounding lip shot after another. And Trump's comeback is always, "Everybody knows the answer to that question."

They don't.

And that includes Trump himself.

He has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. Foreign diplomats have been increasingly vocal, having met with Trump in person, about how ignorant he is, how limited he is to spouting the same generalisms derived from a pathetically small vocabulary.

Trump is just trying to sound generically tough, macho posturing mostly for his own domestic core supporter audience. Teddy Roosevelt presidentially said walk softly and carry a big stick. Trump shoots his mouth off and waves a big rhymes with that.

Which of course is exactly what the North Koreans have done all along. A number of commentators have dug up the fact that the "threat" this week is essentially the same "sea of fire" threat against Guam that North Korea has been making for years, and which they have never been able to back up.

Even now we are skeptical, to say the least, as must be Pentagon planners, that North Korea has the technical capability to drop 4 missiles in a definitively confined area of the sea about 20 miles from Guam. None of the long range rockets they have fired so far has demonstrated such accurate missile guidance control. Indeed, the proposed rocket to be used, the new HwaSong-12, has only been TESTED 4 times, the first 3 launches being failures on any trajectory.

So when North Korean sources proclaimed they would submit quickly such a plan to Kim Jong Un, it was never anything but a wishful bluff. They will not launch 4 missiles to reliably splash down near Guam, not because they are intimidated now by Trump's mad war dog barking, but because they CAN'T. They would make embarrassed fools of
themselves if they tried, even if there was no hair trigger military reaction from Trump.

The danger of real war of course is when Trump boasts with his typical hyperbole that he will take action (unspecified) in response to the same kind of bluffs (empty) that North Korea has made repeatedly in the past, the danger that he will now respond to mere words with atomic bombs.

Trump says a military solution is "locked and loaded." There is NO military "solution."

So unless Trump does something monumentally stupid, for the sole purpose of boosting his approval ratings, which cannot be put past him, and which is itself substantially scary, it's more or less empty rhetoric from his end as well.

Because in the midst of all the verbal saber rattling against North Korea, Trump made much the same threat against Venezuela, like they too are some kind of existential threat to us, further demonstrating the vanity of his own threats.

So where does this all leave us?

Trump claimed (falsely) yesterday that his hot rhetoric had already forced the North Koreans to back their own rhetoric down. But last time we checked they were continuing to ridicule him in their own call for violence terms.

For the moment, the best we can hope for is that each will claim a token strategic rhetorical victory for the sake of their violence lusting domestic cheering section, remembering that Kim Jong Un murdered his own uncle for not clapping enthusiastically enough.

But at the same time, all this just hardens North Korea's determination to acquire operational intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles, a day which will come eventually unless we turn the whole Korean peninsula to a smoking cinder, to deter the existential threat to them they not surprisingly perceive coming from the United States. We were already routinely buzzing the edge of their airspace with nuclear bombers, the functional equivalent of a near Guam missile splash down from their side, strictly tit for tat.

All Trump is doing is hastening the day when North Korea in fact has deliverable nuclear weapons, and increasing the chance of an accidental Armageddon along the way.

In other words, the greatest threat to our peace and security is Trump himself, and his reckless ignorance and bellicose arrogance.

And this is why we will continue to speak out for his removal from office, with all our Trump resistance message gifts.


You may forward this message to any friends who would find it important.

Contributions to The People's Email Network or ActBlue are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.



From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Stories - Explanations for Charlottesville

Psychologists surveyed hundreds of alt-right supporters. The results are unsettling.

How White Supremacists Use Victimhood to Recruit
A sociologist explores how racists paint themselves as the innocent ones.

Perspective | 'Jews will not replace us': Why white supremacists go after Jews

A post-Charlottesville reading list to help explain American white supremacy

Militia leaders who descended on Charlottesville condemn 'rightwing lunatics'

Charlottesville: A Gun In His Face, But He Got The Photo - Greg Palast

#MaskOff: Social Media Exposes Racists From Charlottesville, Va., White Supremacist Rally

For Media, Driving Into a Crowd of Protesters Is a 'Clash'

Google Domains, GoDaddy blacklist white supremacist site Daily Stormer

What I Saw in Charlottesville

UVA Prof on UVA's Historical Ties to KKK & White Nationalist Alums Richard Spencer & Jason Kessler

A National Calamity in the Making

Let Me Remind You Who Jeff Sessions Is

For Media, Driving Into a Crowd of Protesters Is a 'Clash'


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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