[mpen-dayton] FW: Scaramucci Prompts Search Of ‘Scaramouch’ & "Trump COLLAPSES" & "Do you think healthcare is a human right?" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: Scaramucci Prompts Search Of 'Scaramouch'
- FW: Today's Headlines: Trump Tries to Regroup as the West Wing Battles Itself
- FW: FOCUS: The Anthony Scaramucci Era Will Be Freakish, Embarrassing and All Too Short
- FW: Trump COLLAPSES (read this!)
- FW: Congress must act before Trump fires Mueller
- FW: Vietnam Home-from-War War Stories: Myth, Media & the Ken Burns Vietnam Series
- FW: Do you think healthcare is a human right?
- FW: Bernie and You?
- FW: Thank Sen. Brown for fighting for our health care
- FW: Single Payer; The Fall of Empire; History of Full Employment & Civil Rights
- FW: "Politricks" This Week About Healthcare
- FW: Rob's Rundown: Week of July 24-28, 2017
From: Eric Kramer
Subject: Scaramucci Prompts Search Of 'Scaramouch'
From WikePedia: Scaramuccia (literally "little skirmisher"), also known as Scaramouche or Scaramouch, is a stock clown character of the Italian commedia dell'arte (comic theatrical arts). The role combined characteristics of the zanni (servant) and the Capitano (masked henchman). Usually attired in black Spanish dress and burlesquing a don, he was often beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.
And on HuffingtonPost: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/merriam-webster-scaramouch-anthony-scaramucci_us_5972bb08e4b09e5f6ccf78b4?52
Anthony Scaramucci Prompts Search Of 'Scaramouch' And People Can't Handle The Definition
Merriam-Webster said on Friday that lookups for scaramouch were up 8,185 percent.
By Carla Herreria
Anthony Scaramucci is the new White House communications director who spoke confidently during a press briefing on Friday, then blew a kiss to reporters.
Scaramucci is not "scaramouch," a word defined in Merriam-Wesbter as the name of a boastful and cowardly character from the Italian commedia dell'arte. He is often depicted as a clown.
. . . (Read more here!)
Subject: NYT Today's Headline: Trump Tries to Regroup as the West Wing Battles Itself
Trump Tries to Regroup as the West Wing Battles Itself
President Trump faces hurdles after a staff shake-up and rising defiance by his own party.
From: Eric Kramer
Subject: FOCUS: The Anthony Scaramucci Era Will Be Freakish, Embarrassing and All Too Short
A positively priceless assessment of the 'current administration's' new Director of Communications! 😂
From: [1-click] Trump Approval Poll -- BOLD Democrats
Subject: Trump COLLAPSES (read this!)
CNN: Trump's approval is underwater in 11 states he won in November[1]
OMG! Trump is COLLAPSING -- even his own voters are turning against him!!
This is unprecedented! We need to know what you think right away:
Do you approve of President Trump?
We've had enough of Trump's backwards agenda -- not to mention his deceit and LIES.
And it's not just Democrats. Trump's OWN voter base is turning against him!!
This is crazy!! Trump's approval rating has plummeted to an abysmal 35%.
We need to know right away if you agree with the majority of Americans:
Do you approve of Trump?
[1] CNN | Trump's approval is underwater in 11 states he won in November | 7.26.17
From: Murshed Zaheed; Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Congress must act before Trump fires Mueller
From: Daytonians Against War Now (DAWN) On Behalf Of Logan Martinez
Subject: [DAWN] Vietnam Home-from-War War Stories: Myth, Media & the Ken Burns Vietnam Series
Home-from-War War Stories: Myth, Media & the Ken Burns Vietnam Series
Jerry Lembcke on July 26, 2017, Common Dreams
Stories of Vietnam veterans treated badly by war protesters proliferated in the years surrounding the Persian Gulf War of 1991. They were the inspiration for the "yellow ribbon campaign" intended to signal that Gulf War veterans would be treated differently. My book inquiring into the origins and veracity of the stories about disparaged Vietnam veterans came out in 1998. Little did I imagine at the time that, 20 years later, versions of the same stories would be figuring in remembrances appearing upon the 50th anniversaries of some important dates of the war in Vietnam.
The stories have reappeared, prominently, in the June 20 New York Times and the July 16 Washington Post. The Times piece was written by veteran Bill Reynolds who recounted his experience as an infantryman in a bloody Mekong Delta battle in 1967. Reynolds ended the account with the claim that he, "came home through San Francisco's airport to throngs of hippies harassing me." The Post story reported on a preview screening Ken Burns' forthcoming documentary on the war in Vietnam. Following the screening, veteran David Hagerman told Associated Press reporter Holly Ramer that his reception at the Seattle airport was so negative that he "walked into the nearest men's room, took off my uniform, and threw it in the trash."
Reynolds's story strains belief. Civilian airlines brought troops back from Vietnam but they landed at military airbases like Travis. And there are no news reports or photographs from the war years that document his memory that "throngs of hippies" greeted veterans. Hagerman's memory also raises eyebrows: the abandonment of military property—his uniform—was a serious offense. And despite the numerous versions of this story that circulate, there is no evidence such as photographs of bathroom trash cans draped with uniforms to support the claims. Military personnel had to be in uniform to fly home free making it additionally unlikely that uniforms were shed in the manner described.
Major news organizations have been taken to task before for giving voice to stories of denigrated veterans without tangible evidence. When the 25th anniversary of the war's end was marked in 2000, a spate of them garnered similar press attention. News critic Jack Shafer then editor of "The Fray" at Slate criticized the Times and U.S. News and World Report for their reports, respectively that Vietnam veterans had been spat on by protesters and had had to abandon their military clothing to avoid harassment.
When President Barak Obama spoke on Memorial Day, 2012 he recalled that Vietnam veterans had been "denigrated" upon their return home. "It was a national shame," he said, "that should have never happened." The President went on to pledge that the current generation of veterans would be treated better. The next day, Los Angeles Times editor Michael McGough criticized the president for having "ratified the meme of spat-upon veterans"—an edifying myth, McGough said, but still a myth.
The questionable accuracy of the hostile-homecoming stories is suggested by data from those times. A 1971 survey by Harris Associates conducted for the U.S. Senate reported 94% of the veterans polled saying their reception from their age-group peers was friendly.
The problem with repeating these stories of doubtful truth goes beyond the credibility of the journalism itself. It is rather, the power of the stories to displace the public memory of the war itself and the nature of the opposition to it. The response to Reynolds' article in the Times is a case in point: of the 159 online comments, 48 or 30% focused on just 13 of the 1,500 words that he had written: "I came home through San Francisco's airport to throngs of hippies harassing me." Many more of the comments were of the "thank you for your service" variety that are meaningful only with the backstory of supposedly hostile homecomings as context.
Most importantly, the war that Reynolds had written about, and we need to think about, was occluded by his veteran-as-victim anecdote, a storyline that readers could not resist.
The stories of Vietnam veterans defiled by activists has worked over the years to vilify the anti-war movement and even discredit the many veterans who joined the cause to end the war. The stories fed a belief that the war had been lost on the home front; from the 1980s through the 2016 election, conservative politicians ran for office on a conviction that radicals on campuses and liberals in Congress had sapped American will to win in Vietnam; it is the wellspring of the resentfulness that Donald Trump tapped for his run to the White House.
President Obama's 2012 Memorial Day speech announcing Pentagon funding for a twelve-year series of Vietnam War anniversary commemorations renewed interest in the war and made the treatment of veterans the focus of that interest. Ken Burns' film due out in September will keep the war in our conversations.
News coverage of the commemorations and the film will magnify those interests. Let's hope that news coverage of the remembrances and reception to the film will temper the alluring but dubious reports of unfriendly veteran homecomings with references to more historically grounded research.
From: Response Requested (via Civic Action)
Subject: Do you think healthcare is a human right?
Do you support 'Medicare for All'?
Access to quality healthcare shouldn't be a right reserved for the wealthy few.
That's what Lyndon Johnson believed when he created Medicare and Medicaid 52 years ago today:
We want to make Lyndon Johnson's vision of universal healthcare a reality for all Americans.
So we need to hear from you right now: You support 'Medicare for All'?
The US is one of the only Western nations that doesn't provide universal health care for all of our citizens.
Now that the GOP's attempt to repeal Obamacare has failed, it's time for us to move forward with bold progressive policies like Medicare for All.
More Americans than ever believe that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege for the wealthy few.
That's why we need to hear from you. Do you support 'Medicare for All?
Take our quick poll now:
Paid for by Civic Action
From: Troublemakers Wanted (via The team at Civic Action)
Subject: Bernie and You?
Trumpcare was killed thanks to Troublemakers like you and Bernie Sanders.
Sign your name to thank Bernie Sanders >>
We couldn't agree more!
Trumpcare was killed thanks to thousands of Troublemakers like you (and Bernie!) taking action and making your voices heard.
One thing we love about Bernie here at Civic Action is that he does not apologize for his bold policy positions.
That is what Civic Action is all about: standing for big, progressive ideas, no matter what the opposition says.
We've got to keep making trouble, by not just resisting Trumpcare, but by advocating for Medicare-For-All. That's how we're going to win back majorities throughout the country.
Sign your name to thank troublemakers like Bernie Sanders:
Paid for by Civic Action
From: Anna, Emma, Ben, Anne, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Thank Sen. Brown for fighting for our health care
Together, we just did something big.
Last night, once again, Republicans couldn't pass Trumpcare, because millions of Americans—MoveOn members and many others—rose up and stopped them.
By just one vote, the Senate rejected the latest version of Trumpcare, which would've stripped health care from 16 million people, raised premiums for millions more, and defunded Planned Parenthood. In the days leading up to this vote, MoveOn members made more than 100,000 calls to the Senate, staged emergency rallies around the country, and shared MoveOn-produced videos on health care that've now been seen over 10 million times—all following months of relentless grassroots organizing.
And as the Senate was preparing to vote, MoveOn members gathered at a rally outside the Capitol. Joined by allies, elected officials, and other Americans from all walks of life, we chanted so loudly that we could be heard inside the halls of the Capitol itself! Moments after the vote, at 1:30 a.m., Senate Democrats joined the electrified crowd—sharing spine-tingling words about the power of grassroots activism and the need to always keep up the fight. People at the rally, some of whom had been there for over seven hours and some of whom were mothers with sleeping children in strollers and carriers, stood up and shared their own stories of what this victory meant to them.
There is plenty of work to be done—to protect the Affordable Care Act from new versions of Trumpcare and sabotage by the administration, to build the campaign that asserts health care is a human right and creates a Medicare-for-All-style single-payer system, to bring this grassroots energy to so many other fronts. But for today, let's savor this win, which belongs to the grassroots.
And let's say thank you to the 51 senators who resisted McConnell and Trump and rejected Trumpcare.
Democrats were absolutely united in this fight—which was critical to last night's victory. Can you thank Senator Sherrod Brown by posting a message to his Facebook page or over Twitter, thanking him for fighting for our health care? You can say something like "Thank you for fighting for health care for all Americans and stopping Trumpcare! You've saved health care for tens of millions of us. KEEP FIGHTING—and let's work towards Medicare for All!"
Here are different ways to share that message:
- On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sherrod/
- Tweeting and using their handle: @SenSherrodBrown
- By giving them a call: Sherrod Brown (D) - (202) 224-2315
We know the big-money interests that bought off so many Republican votes won't rest, and they'll look for new ways to pursue their agenda. We won't rest either. This weekend, MoveOn members are participating in 250 "listening canvasses" around the country, talking to neighbors and learning what matters most to our communities, including how our neighbors are thinking about the need for affordable health care. And MoveOn members are participating in 140 "Lives on the Line" actions this weekend—rallies and speak-outs to stand for health care for all Americans and against any attempt to kick Americans off health care.
Join us at either of these events this weekend—click here for canvasses or click here for "Lives on the Line"—as we continue to thank the senators who stood for health care, shame those who vote to take health care from millions of Americans, and build on the momentum from last night's victory.
Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?
Donate monthly! Or make a one-time gift!
Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. This email was sent to Munsup Seoh on July 28th, 2017. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Single Payer; The Fall of Empire; History of Full Employment & Civil Rights
Single Payer, Meet All Payer: The Surprising State That Is Quietly Revolutionizing Health Care
Donald Trump and the Coming Fall of American Empire
The Incredible Lost History of How "Civil Rights Plus Full Employment Equals Freedom"
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: "Politricks" This Week
Dismantling of state's health reforms in 1993 may offer lessons for Obamacare repeal
3 Reasons Catholic Bishops Are Holding Their Tongues on GOP Health Care Debacle
The Hypocritical Messaging of the Democrats' "Better Deal"
From: Senator Rob Portman
Subject: Rob's Rundown: Week of July 24-28, 2017
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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