U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, July 13, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: Campaigns to defend Internet Neutrality and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

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  • FW: Trump's FCC: 💰 for Comcast, 💩 for you
  • FW: Daily Kos blocked by your Internet Service Provider
  • FW: When Verizon and Comcast control the internet
  • FW: Cincinnati and Toledo Mayors Endorse Ohio Drug Price Relief Act 


From: Laura, Tony and the 18MR Team, 18MillionRising.org
Subject: Trump's FCC: 💰 for Comcast, 💩 for you

Corporate interests and greed are once again threatening our free and open internet.

Ajit Pai, a former Verizon lawyer and Trump's FCC Chairman, and Big Cable are working to repeal our Net Neutrality laws. If they're successful, our Internet will never be the same again. Today we're mobilizing with millions of others in the Battle for the Net to tell the FCC and Congress enough is enough. Keep Net Neutrality in place and protected from corporate interests.

Net Neutrality matters to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Because of Net Neutrality, we've been able to tell own own stories. We've helped our mom-and-pop shops grow and become internet sensations in our own right. For many of us, the Internet has helped us form our identities and find our communities.

If Trump's FCC and Big Cable are successful, internet providers like Comcast, Verizon and AT&T will create fast and slow lanes and charge companies, blogs, activists and you more to use them. Without current Net Neutrality rules, the Internet will become a tiered system. In other words, Big Cable could slow down and control which websites and apps you can access with even higher fees than ever before.

Send a message to the FCC and Congress, we must keep the Internet free and open.

We won't let Ajit Pai, Trump's FCC and Big Cable win. Two years ago we fought together to save Net Neutrality and today, more than 70,000 of your favorite websites, companies, activist organizations nationwide are rallying to save it again. If the Internet has helped you, take action today.

Will you raise your voice and save the Internet from corporate interests?

Please don't forget to share the petition once you've added your name!



From: Rachel Colyer; Daily Kos
Subject: Daily Kos blocked by your Internet Service Provider

Today some of your favorite websites, like Daily Kos, are staging the largest online protest in history against the FCC's plan to repeal net neutrality -- and we need you to protect the Internet.

The FCC is attempting to repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order, which is essential to free speech, independent media, and social movement organizing on the internet. Without net neutrality we lose our ability to organize against injustice -- we would be without the tools used in lifting up Black Lives Matter, the Women's March, Daily Kos and the Netroots.

Join millions of us in the Battle For the Net by clicking here to sign and submit a comment to the FCC in solidarity with Internet users everywhere. (Use this helpful interface to send your comment, because the FCC site is not easy to navigate).


The principles of net neutrality are grounded in fairness for users of the Internet, not the infrastructure holders, which is why Big Cable has been relentless at the FCC, in Congress, and in the courts. This is a classic fight -- people fighting to maintain control over a public good, against the corporations who want to profit from it.

Under the current net neutrality rules, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) must treat all data equally -- they can't censor, prioritize, or slow down websites and data. Without the 2015 net neutrality rules, corporations including Comcast and AT&T will be classified as information services, not telecommunications services, subject to weaker rules that will allow them to change the nature of the Internet.



ISPs want to pick the winners and losers on the Internet, by creating an unequal playing field where they can prioritize their own content while creating new profit schemes that will force Internet users into fast and slow lanes. Verizon has said they see themselves as the future content curators of the Internet. Comcast has repeatedly blocked content. AT&T has blocked apps that compete with their services.

This year, Republicans in Congress repealed our rights to online privacy by allowing ISPs to sell all of our Internet history. Now, FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai (former Verizon lawyer) and Commissioner Michael O'Reily (R), want to remove the remaining net neutrality principles.

This is going to be the summer to fight for the Internet. Join us in the Battle For the Net: Please click here to sign and submit a comment to the FCC and Congress to stop this nonsense.




From: John Sellers; Other98
Subject: When Verizon and Comcast control the internet

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment to save the internet and defend democracy.

The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC's) Chairman, Ajit Pai, a former Verizon Attorney, plans to destroy net neutrality by gutting its legal framework, known as Title II.

This will unleash corporate titans like AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon's ability to control what we see and do online. Without net neutrality rules, they'll be able to block, throttle, and censor what we can see on the internet – not to mention charge extra fees for decent service.

Send a wakeup call to Congress and the FCC that you won't stand by and let them kill net neutrality.

Net neutrality is a basic concept: your internet provider cannot slow down your browsing on certain pages, block websites, or charge apps and sites extra fees to reach an audience. All legal content is treated the same.

But the FCC's net neutrality rules prevent companies like Comcast and Verizon from boosting their profits by threatening to push customers or sites into "internet slow lanes" if they don't pay extra fees. So big telecom companies have been attacking net neutrality for years.

Take action — your voice matters in this fight!

We've been able to beat them back thus far because internet users of all stripes have banded together at critical moments like this, and fought tooth and nail to save the internet.

Millions of people have already spoken out against the FCC's plan to kill net neutrality, but we need to turn up the heat even more. So today we're joining with some of the people behind the largest online protests in American history in a massive, internet-wide day of action.

Other98 reaches millions of people with our message every day on the internet. If you value free speech and innovation online, take action NOW.

Send a message to the FCC and our do nothing Congress that you won't stand by and let them kill net neutrality.



From: David P. Little; Southern Regional Director, Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices
Subject: Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley and Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson Endorse Ohio Drug Price Relief Act

Please find the latest of SW Ohio endorsements: Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley. These key endorsements now total over fifty; including the Democratic Parties of Warren and Butler Counties.

For Immediate Release
July 11, 2017

Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley and Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson
 Endorse Ohio Drug Price Relief Act

Yes Vote Lowers Drug Prices for 4 Million Ohioans

CINCINNATI—Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley and Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson today endorsed the Ohio Drug Price Relief Act, urging voters in Cincinnati, Toledo and across the state to vote 'YES' to lower drug prices and save all Ohio taxpayers millions of dollars.

"I support this measure because it will lower drug prices for 4 million Ohioans, including 164,000 children, and save taxpayers $400 million a year. Life-saving drugs are too expensive, and Ohioans should not have to choose between paying for rent or food and the drugs that can save their lives," Mayor Cranley said. "That's just unacceptable. Patients deserve affordable medication that doesn't put a burden on their budget. The Ohio Drug Price Relief Act is the first step in holding greedy pharmaceutical companies accountable for their price gouging."

"The greed, deceit and corruption practiced by big drug companies is hurting too many in our community," said Mayor Hicks-Hudson. "It is long past time to hold them accountable. This plan is simple: Ohio will pay the same prices for prescription drugs as the VA pays, and no more. I support the Ohio Drug Price Relief Act because it is a simple solution that will improve the lives of more than 4 million Ohioans and save Ohio taxpayers millions of dollars that can be used for other critical projects." 

"We are so grateful for the support of Mayor Hicks-Hudson and Mayor Cranley, and we look forward to working with them so voters will say Yes to the Ohio Drug Price Relief Act," said Dennis Willard, Spokesperson for Ohio Taxpayer for Lower Drug Prices.
The Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices is a broad-based, bi-partisan coalition. More than 200,000 Ohio voters signed petitions to put an amendment on the ballot in November that will lower drug prices for over 4 million Ohioans, including 164,000 children, save taxpayers millions of dollars, reduce healthcare costs for everyone and teach greedy drug companies and their CEOs a lesson.
You can learn more by visiting ohio4lowerdrugprices.com or following us on Facebook and Twitter.
For more information contact: Dennis Willard, 614-209-8945



From: SPAN Ohio

Updates and Actions

There certainly won't be any break this summer when it comes to being on the lookout for action on healthcare or any other issue.  As tough as it is, we have to stay active and aware.  Fortunately, you can be the most effective by just making a few phone calls each week. 

The Senate

Abby Duggan from Senator Sherrod Brown's office reports that the Senate is still in turmoil over healthcare.  There are rumors that Lindsay Graham wants to write another bill along with Democrats, Ted Cruz will offer his own version or an amendment, and that amendments will be offered to make the bill more palatable to moderate Senators.  The latest headlines say that the Senate is about to unveil their latest rendition
It is extremely important to stay vigilant at this time.  Things in the Senate can turn on a dime and are changing by the minute.  While most think the repeal and replace bill is dead, remember how quickly the House version was brought back to life in a far worse form and passed.

Do not let up.  So far, Senator Portman has not supported the bill, not necessarily for the right reasons, but he has opposed the bill.  Our job is to make sure that he continues to oppose the bill.
Toledo activists are using Senator Portman's own statement to remind him to oppose the bill: 
"I am committed to creating a better health care system that lowers the cost of coverage, provides access to quality care, and protects the most vulnerable in our society." Senator Rob Portman,
website https://www.portman.senate.gov/ - June 30, 2017

It is important that we recognize that Portman has opposed the bill so far.  To that end, Toledo activists sent him a thank you, including this quote and reminding him to continue his opposition.  Using his statement, you can also include information on how a single payer Medicare for All system would do just what he says he is committed to doing.

In fact, Medicare's Birthday is at the end of the month.  Why don't we all contact Senator Portman's office and ask him, as a way to celebrate that anniversary, that he help pass an Improved Medicare for All Act. 

Contact information for Senator Portman is below. 

Columbus, OH: 37 West Broad Street, Room 300, Columbus, OH 43215, Phone: 614-469-6774, Toll-Free: 1-800-205-6446 (OHIO)
Cincinnati, OH"312 Walnut Street, Room 3425, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, Phone: 513-684-3265
Cleveland, OH: 1240 East 9th Street, Room 3061, Cleveland, OH 44199, Phone: 216-522-7095
Toledo, OH: 420 Madison Avenue, Room 1210, Toledo, OH 43604, Phone: 419-259-3895
Washington, DC: 448 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510, Phone: 202-224-3353

Medicaid in Ohio

Many of you were on the State House grounds on July 5th to let your elected representatives know how you felt about the Governor's veto of their draconian Medicaid provisions in the budget.  Your willingness to be so responsive over a holiday (hmm, was the timing on purpose?) did make a difference. 

But, just as with the US Senate, remain vigilant and don't give up the watch because they decided not to override the veto
at this time.  As soon as they think we aren't watching, they might just go ahead and do it.

Medicaid is an extremely important program. The article, Cutting health care: Who gets Medicaid, gives a great overview of the program, explains who gets it and where the money goes. 

To leave a telephone message for any representative or senator, call the Ohio Legislative Information Hotline at 1-800-282-0253. Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
You can find your state representative here.
Voter Suppression

Voter suppression, voting roll purges and other actions taken to "prevent voter fraud" are simply measures to keep the people from having true power.   We cannot make any headway on social justice issues if we allow the right to vote to be compromised. 

Gerrymandering is a form of voter suppression.  Fair Districts Ohio is working to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot to change the way districts are drawn in Ohio and make them fairer and more representative of the people of Ohio.  You can help and it will advance the cause of healthcare justice!

Senate Single Payer Bill

The latest word we have is that Senator Sanders plans to introduce his single payer bill in the Senate on July 24th.   He wanted to wait until the healthcare situation had played out in the Senate, so this date is still fluid.  But, we say, introduce it already!

SPAN State Council Meeting:

The next SPAN State Council meeting is September 16th at 10:00 a.m.at the First UU Church of Columbus, 93 W Weisheimer Rd, Columbus, OH..   All are welcome to attend.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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