U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Saturday, June 24, 2017

[mpen-dayton] Greater Miami Valley Events & News

FYI.   Best, Munsup

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  • FW: Introducing the Real Change Dayton Initiative
  • (June 26) FW: Dayton Unit NAACP Press Release – Health
  • (June 28) FW: Join us (NCCJ) for our next workshop!
  • (July 1) FW: [DaytoniansAgainstWarNow] Demo
  • (July 2) FW: Hope you can come to join a Resistance Summer Community Cook-out!
  • FW: Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided with Naloxone)-NARCAN Training
  • FW: DDN Article: Congress should do more to fight drug epidemic, written by Senator Portman
  • FW: Welcome Dayton UPDATE - June 2017


From: Sandy Gudorf; President, Downtown Dayton Partnership
Subject: Introducing the Real Change Dayton Initiative

June 21, 2017

To our downtown businesses, property owners, and supporters:

Greetings, and thank you for your continued support of downtown Dayton. We at the Downtown Dayton Partnership hope you're enjoying the warm weather and everything downtown has to offer this summer.

I wanted to take a minute to let you know about an initiative we're spearheading to address panhandling issues. I know this has been a concern not only in our downtown community, but across the region and cities nationwide. We have been working with the United Way of Greater Dayton, the City of Dayton, Montgomery County (Health and Human Services), and several other supporting agencies to create a comprehensive campaign that will educate the public about the services these organizations provide, and encourages donations to these agencies, rather than individuals.

Real Change Dayton is a collaborative awareness program that educates the public that there's a better way to give if they truly want to help those in need, and to help ensure those in need receive emergency and long-term services. We realize this is A solution and not THE solution to address the larger issues behind panhandling. We want to reinforce the idea that our community's generosity better serves those who are truly in need when directed to social service agencies in our community.

On Wednesday, June 21, we will publicly introduce the Real Change Dayton campaign. Components of the campaign include marketing materials and options for channeling donations to more appropriate avenues.

  • Posters, business-sized cards, and brochures will be distributed with information about Real Change Dayton to help spread the word. One set of cards includes information on ways to donate to Real Change Dayton. The other set can be given directly to those in need; it includes the United Way's HelpLine and other information on obtaining services. We plan to distribute these materials to our downtown businesses (in particular our first-floor and consumer-based businesses) for them to share with their staff and customers. Let us know if you would like this information for display or distribution.
  • A new website, www.RealChangeDayton.org, will be the hub for information, highlighting local nonprofit and social service organizations and the services they provide to those in need.
  • Vibrantly wrapped retired parking meters will serve as collection sites for those who wish to make a monetary donation. Look for them in heavy pedestrian-traveled areas downtown.
  • A new text-to-give method provides a way to make mobile donations. All donations collected via meters and digital campaigns will be directed to United Way of the Greater Dayton Area and invested in program that focus on financial stability, positive health outcomes, and emergency services.

If you have any questions at all, please give me a call. Thank you once again for your support of downtown!

Real Change Dayton



From: Derrick L. Forward; President, Dayton Unit NAACP
Subject: Dayton Unit NAACP Press Release – Health

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE on June 19, 2017, CONTACT: Derrick L. Foward, M.C.E, (937) 222-2172

Dayton Unit NAACP Town Hall
“Identifying Mental Health Issues in Today’s Youth…HOW CAN I HELP?”

DAYTON, OHIO - JUNE 19, 2017 - The Dayton Unit of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) will host a Town Hall titled, “Identifying Mental Health Issues in Today’s Youth…HOW CAN I HELP?” The event will be held on Monday, June 26, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Dayton Boys Preparatory Academy located at 1923 W. Third St. The distinguished panelist will be Carol A. Prewitt, President of Prewitt Consulting, LLC, Matt Turner, RYT, Instructor at Dayton Yoga Club and Murel Suttles, MSW, LS, Eastway Corporation / Trotwood Middle School. The moderator will be Felicia A. Hill, BSN, RN, Chair of the Dayton Unit NAACP Health Committee.

“The life of a young adult is like riding “The Beast” rollercoaster at Kings Island for more than an hour, said Derrick L. Foward, President of the Dayton Unit NAACP.  The emotional ups and downs, followed by twist and turns, can have a lasting impact on our Nation’s most venerable Citizens. Depression, anxiety, eating disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are all common signs of mental health disorders. When attempting to assist young adults through their adolescence years, let’s be mindful of these symptoms,” said Foward. “To heal our families, communities, nation and world, we must heal our mental health,” said Hill.   Mental Health Matters!

Founded in 1915, the Dayton Unit of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is the city’s oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. Its members throughout the Dayton Region and Montgomery County are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities. Their core goals are to Inform, Educate and Empower the Citizenry as they pursue justice and equality for all Americans.

For more information on the Dayton Unit NAACP, please call (937) 222-2172 or visit



From: NCCJ of Greater Dayton
Subject: Join us for our next workshop!

PRESENTING: Big Ideas for a Diverse Future

JUNE 28,  8-9:30 a.m.  $15



Is your business or organization successfully leveraging diversity as a key ingredient to growing a strong and inclusive team? This abbreviated session will explore the value of background differences, thinking styles, perspectives and interpretations, and help you to gain confidence in utilizing strategies/resources to support the success of a diverse client base.

Provided in conjunction with Sinclair College Workforce Development  http://files.constantcontact.com/f904821c001/8d10da82-82b5-43f6-89cc-f23056dd70cd.png



From: Hilary Lerman
Subject: [DaytoniansAgainstWarNow] Demo

Hi friends of the Peace and Anti-War Movements,

Surprise, DAWN! is sponsoring another demonstration on Saturday July 1 at 1pm at the corner of Salem and Siebethaler.

A leader of DAWN! and formerly September 11 Coalition, Jim Lucas passed away recently. He was a true veteran for peace. This Saturday, June 17, there will be a funeral service  and get together in Cincinnati for Jim. If any one is interested I and Tim are driving down and we can send you more detailed information.

There is an old Movement saying, :A lucha continua -- the struggle continues.

Yes, we mourn Jim this job still remains to end the military adventures of the United States.



From: Munsup Seoh
Subject: Hope you can come!

I'm attending an event as part of MoveOn.org's "" campaign.  It's at Detroit St (Shawnee Park) in Xenia, OH on Sunday, July 2 at 1:30 PM.

RSVP here to join me: http://act.moveon.org/event/cookout_attend/11986/?source=taf&aktmid=tm4065533.aVtg-7&t=1&referring_akid=.1195276.1ZS1Qm



From: Chris Percy, MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Thank you for RSVPing to a Resistance Summer Community Cook-out

Munsup, Thank you for signing up to attend a Resistance Summer Community Cook-out!
Here are the details of the event you signed up for:

Shawnee Park
Detroit St
Xenia 45385
Sunday, July 2, 1:30 PM

To access details about the event you signed up for and to invite friends to join you, find your event here:

Please remember to take photos at the event and share them with MoveOn by emailing them to photos@moveon.org.

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?   Donate monthly  or  make a one-time gift
Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. This email was sent to Munsup Seoh on June 20th, 2017.



From: Cheryl Scroggins
Subject: FW: Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided with Naloxone)-NARCAN Training

Please see links for additional information--there are three training sites in Montgomery County.

List of Sites and Training Times -Open to agencies and community:

Samaritan Behavioral Health  (Training every Wednesday at 1pm)
601 S. Edwin C. Moses Blvd. Dayton, OH 45417
937-224 -4646



From: David K. Greer
Subject: FW: DDN Article: Congress should do more to fight drug epidemic, written by Senator Portman



From: Melissa Bertolo
Subject: Welcome Dayton UPDATE - June 2017

Thank you Dayton for making the One City event a success



Thank you to everyone who supported the One City: Many People, Many Voices Fundraiser. We were able to raise more than $25,000 because of your generosity. Proceeds will support vital services for immigrants and refugees in the Greater Dayton area, including a legal defense fund and immigrant integration efforts. If you were unable to attend the event and would like to make a financial contribution, you can visit onecity.ablelaw.org to donate. Check out additional photos from the event in our Facebook photo album

Resource of the Month: Dayton Train to Sew



Dayton Train to Sew provides a free training for manufacturing sewing jobs with ESOL tutoring. The self-paced training program will teach basic skills to prepare for pre-employment testing required by most employers. The next session begins July 6. For more information contact: daytontrain2sew@gmail.com or call 937-388-5100.

In the News

Elizabeth Koproski recently spoke at Pecha Kucha about how Welcome Dayton's Voices events have created new and unexpected friendships. Read Elizabeth's story here. We hope you'll be inspired to host a Voices event and can learn more about what it takes to host here

Upcoming Events

Click the event names for more info. See our full calendar of events at welcomedayton.org/calendarIf you're out and about at one of these events, don't forget to use #WelcomeDayton when sharing your videos and photos on social media!

Community Reads at Washington-Centerville Library
 - Special readings focused on the refugee experience. June 29July 5July 18 and July 20. 111 W. Spring Valley Pk.

African Community Family Gathering - July 8, 11 a.m.-7 p.m., Triangle Park. The Greater Dayton African Coalition is hosting a picnic to network and build relationships in the community.

Citizenship Clinic - July 15, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Dayton Metro Library, 120 S. Patterson Blvd. If you are ready to take the oath of citizenship, don't miss out on this opportunity to receive a free eligibility screening and assistance completing the naturalization application.

Welcome Dayton is a community initiative supported by the Dayton Human Relations Council


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