[mpen-dayton] (Part I) FW: "Health care in trouble" & "State of emergency" & "CITIZENS UNITED OVERTURNED?? " & "INVESTORS REVOLT AGAINST MYLAN" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: NYT Today's Headlines: Secrecy Surrounding Senate Health Bill Raises Alarms in Both Parties
- FW: Health care in trouble
- FW: Commit to peace in North Korea today
- FW: State of emergency
- FW: NYTimes: Religious Liberals Sat Out of Politics for 40 Years. Now They Want in the Game.
- FW: Battle against excessive drug prices continues in Ohio--Senator Brown
- FW: Betsy DeVos will not stop lunch shaming, but Congress can (sign this)
- FW: Appalling and Detestable liar Jeff Sessions
- FW: Top Republican among wounded as anti-Trump gunman fires on U.S. lawmakers
Subject: Today's Headlines: Secrecy Surrounding Senate Health Bill Raises Alarms in Both Parties
Secrecy Surrounding Senate Health Bill Raises Alarms in Both Parties
Senate leaders are writing legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act without a single hearing on the bill and without an open drafting session.
Mueller, Known for Being Above the Fray, Is Now in the Thick of It
His appointment as special counsel has thrown him into a political brawl, especially since his early hires include several prosecutors who have donated to Democrats.
THe Upshot
How We Became Bitter Political Enemies
Members of the two parties are more likely today to describe each other unfavorably, as selfish, as threats, even as unsuitable marriage material.
From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Emma, PaKou, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, and Pam, the UltraViolet PAC team
Subject: Health care in trouble
The Senate is trying to rush through a health care repeal bill and we need to act now if we're going to stop it.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is fast tracking the legislative process by invoking a Senate rule that allows the bill to go straight to the floor with NO committee hearings and NO debate.
The bill is expected to come up for a vote before the end of the month, which means we have a very small window of time to defeat it.
23 million people are at risk of losing health coverage if the bill passes -- so UltraViolet Action is flying members to Washington, D.C., to speak directly with their senators about what repealing the Affordable Care Act would mean for them.
Will you chip in $5 right now to UltraViolet PAC? This is important.
UltraViolet has always been about putting the voices of our members at the center of the debate on the issues we care about. Since the Senate GOP refuses to hold its own debate on a sweeping health care measure with horrible consequences, it's up to us to make our voices heard.
Republicans are working around the clock to try to get this passed. If we are going to stop this bill and protect health coverage for 23 million, we need to match their effort with our own. Are you in?
Chip in $5 to UltraViolet PAC today.
Republicans are moving quickly to take away health care -- so we need to act fast. Thank you for stepping up today.
Want to support our work? UltraViolet PAC is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
Paid for by UltraViolet PAC. www.ultravioletpac.org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
From: Kerri Kennedy; Associate General Secretary for International Programs American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Subject: Commit to peace in North Korea today
Tensions between the U.S. and North Korea have reached dangerous heights. Here at the American Friends Service Committee, we see an opportunity to make a real difference, by promoting peace and diplomacy and de-escalating tensions. So far, the Administration and Congress have shown interest in our proposals on these issues, and now is the time to build on this momentum.
Will you give today to support AFSC’s peace-building work in North Korea and beyond? You can sustain our momentum! Your gift will help us reach our goal of $20,000 by June 16.
AFSC was the first U.S. group to enter North Korea in 1980. Since then, we’ve been dedicated to peaceful solutions to heightened conflict in the region. We’re working with other pro-peace, pro-engagement groups to educate policy makers on what we’ve learned over the years. Addressing shared concerns between the U.S. and North Korea, such as repatriating the remains of U.S. servicemen following the Korean War or reuniting Koreans with their families in the U.S., provides a viable path toward alleviating tensions.
Help us continue this critical work moving forward. Contribute to AFSC’s peace building work in the U.S. and across the globe and help us reach our goal of $20,000 by June 16.
We know the situation on the Korean Peninsula might seem daunting to you, but we see clear opportunities to make a difference and alleviate tensions. We’ve been working in the region for decades, and we’re committed to staying the course.
We hope you’ll join us today in supporting our common vision of peace and shared security.
From: JinJa CALES
Subject: Fw: State of emergency
I have followed DR. Robert Reich, a former Labor Secretary under President Clinton, current professor at UC at Berkely. He truly cares about our country and future. I sure hope you to support him and his concerns!!!
To say our democracy is in a state of emergency may be an understatement.
- Fired FBI Director James Comey’s testimony painted a picture of a President who thinks the rules don’t apply to him -- who we now know is under investigation for obstruction of justice.
- Meanwhile, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other members of Trump's administration are stonewalling.
- And even after this week’s shocking revelation that Russia hacked voting systems in 39 states, Congressional leadership seems utterly uninterested in finding the truth about this attack on our democracy.
I believe our democracy will emerge stronger from these trials -- but only if We The People take a stand. That’s why I’m writing to ask you to make a special emergency contribution to help us bolster Common Cause’s powerful grassroots response to Donald Trump’s attacks on our values.
Everything we do -- every march, every lawsuit, every act of resistance -- depends on the generosity of Common Cause members like you. I hope you will make an emergency donation today.
There’s no doubt that we’re in a chaotic and challenging moment right now. But no matter how worried you are about the future of our democracy -- and I am too -- we must not give into despair.
In fact, this president’s recklessness is motivating millions to speak out for the rule of law. With your help we can channel this motivation into the persistent, sustainable momentum we need to prevail, beyond Donald Trump, and build a democracy that truly works for all of us.
Americans answered the Watergate crisis with a massive outpouring of people power. Common Cause was there -- and when that dark period ended we worked to translate the public’s outcry into concrete reforms on ethics, campaign finance, and transparency.
So even though this moment looks bleak, I believe we're on the cusp of another great wave of reform. There is a democracy movement growing in America right now, gaining speed and power at the grassroots level. And you are a critical part of it.
That’s why I’m asking for your support -- so that together, we can meet the challenge of this moment. Can you please make an emergency donation today?
Thank you for your immediate response,
Robert Reich, Board Chair and the team at Common Cause
From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: NYTimes: Religious Liberals Sat Out of Politics for 40 Years. Now They Want in the Game.
Religious Liberals Sat Out of Politics for 40 Years. Now They Want in the Game. https://nyti.ms/2s7tUrT
From: AlterNet
The following sponsored email was sent to you by AlterNet on behalf of Fight for Reform:
This. Is. HUGE:
Nevada just became the 19th state to pass a resolution that would support a Constitutional Amendment to OVERTURN Citizens United.
It only takes 38 states to ratify a Constitutional Amendment -- so we’re halfway towards the support we need to END Citizens United!!
If we can get more states to join in, we could finally get Big Money out of politics!
But that won’t happen without your help. Sign your name to DEMAND more states fight to OVERTURN Citizens United:
In 2O1O, radical Conservatives on the Supreme Court passed the disastrous Citizens United ruling.
Since then, billionaires and corporate special interests have been given a free hand to flood our elections with unlimited, undisclosed money.
If we want to take our Democracy back, we need to strike at the heart of the issue: that means passing an amendment to overturn Citizens United.
If you’re with us, sign your name to demand your state support a resolution to OVERTURN Citizens United:
http:// go.fightforreform.org/Demand-A-Resolution
Now is not the time for silence,
Paid for by Fight For Reform - Missouri, Sean Soendker Nicholson, Treasurer. |
From: David P. Little, Public Policy Communications Consultant, Southern Regional Director of Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices
Subject: Battle against excessive drug prices continues in Ohio--Senator Brown
David P. Little, Public Policy Communications Consultant, Southern Regional Director of Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices
From: David P. Little, Public Policy Communications Consultant, Southern Regional Director of Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices
For Immediate Release, June 14, 2017
Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices Says ‘Mylan Board has to Go’
Columbus– The Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices campaign today called for the ouster of the board of Mylan, Inc. The controversial EpiPen maker is under heavy attack from institutional investors and shareholder advisors after the board awarded its former CEO Robert J. Coury a $98 million pay package even as Mylan was being rocked by bad press and sinking share prices.
“We would urge any Ohio state government retirement funds that own Mylan stock to consider joining this effort to oust Mylan’s board,” said Dennis Willard, spokesperson for Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices. “Ohio’s representatives on these pension boards should be using their votes to say it’s time to punish Mylan for its irresponsible business practices.”
“Ohioans have every right to be mad if their tax dollars are being invested in Mylan and making its executives rich while the same company rips off Ohio consumers with its outrageously overpriced Epipens,” said Willard.
“But Mylan is just the tip of the iceberg. If Ohio voters really want to send a message of resistance to sky-high drug prices, they should vote for our initiative on the November ballot. It will send a message and put the brakes on the drug industry price gouging that is seriously hurting Ohio taxpayers and consumers.”
Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices is sponsoring the Vote Yes campaign for the Ohio Drug Price Relief Act. If approved, the Ohio Drug Price Relief Act will significantly control the prices the state’s government agencies pay for the prescription drugs they buy for 4 million Ohio residents, including 164,000 children and Medicaid recipients and current and retired state employees.
The latest blow to Mylan came this week as Institutional Shareholder Services, a shareholder advisory firm, urged Mylan investors to vote to oust all of the company’s board members, including CEO Heather Bresch. Glass Lewis, another advisory firm, last Friday urged that the three board members on Mylan’s compensation committee be ousted for approving the “colossal pay package” for Coury and gave the board an “F” rating.
These startlingly strong recommendations come on the heels of a campaign launched a week ago by giant pension funds in California and New York to purge Mylan’s board and to reject a proposal – now before Mylan stockholders - to ratify Coury’s pay package.
June 22 is D-Day for the growing shareholder revolt. That’s the annual Mylan shareholder meeting where the election of six board members and a vote on Coury’s pay are on the ballot.
Mylan made huge headlines late last year when it jacked up the price of its Epipens by 500 percent, to $609 for a package of two disposal pens. The “pens” are actually devices to be used to provide a quick dose of a drug to persons going into potentially lethal anaphylactic shock because of a food allergy or bee sting.
Epipens are widely used to protect children.
The uproar about Mylan’s price hike stirred up a hornet’s nest of enraged mothers nationwide and spurred congressional hearings where Mylan CEO Bresch was sharply criticized for the price hike.
Contact: Dennis Willard, 614 209-8945, dennis@precisionnewmedia.com
Paid for by Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices
From: Josh Nelson; Deputy Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Betsy DeVos will not stop lunch shaming, but Congress can (sign this)
From: Rashad Robinson, and the rest of the Color of Change Team
Subject: Appalling and Detestable liar Jeff Sessions
On Tuesday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee. He rambled and stumbled through his answers, and was even defiant. He clearly looked uncomfortable. At one point during the testimony, Sessions said: “It is an appalling and detestable lie that I would collude with Russian officials.” 1 But Jeff Sessions is an appalling and detestable liar.
Jeff Sessions lies aren't limited to Russia either. While he's covering up for rich and powerful friends like Trump he is straight up lying about his reasons for cruel decisions that could have devastating impacts on Black people--decisions like reinstating private prisons at the federal level to pay off Trump's friends in the industry.
So far over 38,000 Color of Change members have joined in to demand the FEC expose the corruption between Trump and private prison company GEO Group. Meme, your name is missing, will you sign the petition? During the 2016 presidential election, GEO Group illegally donated to a Trump PAC and then immediately started seeing benefits after Trump's election. But the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has yet to hold the large, profitable private prison company accountable. Meanwhile, Sessions continues to push for harsh and cruel punishments to fuel GEO Group profits with the suffering of Black communities. Something doesn't add up here, and it’s time to connect ALL dots.
Sign the petition
Let’s #StopGEO,
P.S. Check out the original email we sent below:
- "Attorney General Sessions calls allegations of collusion with Russia an 'appalling and detestable lie'," VICE, 12-20-2016 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/8043?t=6&akid=7594.239715.2tGZBB
GEO Group -- one of the country’s largest and most profitable private prison companies -- had a big plan this election season. Step 1: Pay big money to get Trump elected. Step 2: Make private prisons rich again. It all started during the 2016 presidential campaign when GEO Group illegally donated more than $225,000 to a Trump PAC, Rebuild America NOW.1 Then as soon as he was sworn in, Jeff Sessions lifted the ban on the federal use of private prisons. And just last week, Sessions ordered 94 U.S. Attorneys to seek the harshest punishment for drug offenses. This is all music to GEO Group’s ears. The company knew by bankrolling Trump’s move into the White House, they would see their profits rise with each prison bed.
This all happened right in front of the eyes of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) -- the group that is responsible for overseeing campaign finance laws and ensuring electoral and democratic integrity. It is against the law for companies that receive government contracts to donate to political campaigns. The Campaign Legal Center has led the fight in exposing the profiteers and filed a complaint against GEO Group with the FEC but the FEC has failed to do its job. It is time for the Commission to step up immediately and hold GEO Group accountable.
GEO Group and the Trump administration’s cozy relationship is dangerous and threatens our communities. Demand FEC holds GEO Group accountable for illegally scheming to make money off the presidential election.
There is no reason for private prisons to exists -- these institutions do not serve the public’s best interest nor does it increase public safety. For decades, the cruel and money-hungry system has contributed to mass incarceration and the U.S. having the world’s largest prison population. After years of activism and community mobilization, The Obama administration was finally making the effort and took action to create prison reform. In August 2016, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates announced that the Obama administration would begin phasing out private prisons.2 After the announcement, GEO Group’s stock took a deep nosedive. But they kept banking on Trump to crawl their way back into big profits.
There is clear, research-based evidence that private prisons do not work. Jeff Sessions still reversed the ban on federal private prisons. Sessions said the ban on private prisons hurt the prison system’s ability to meet the future needs for housing.”3 This, of course, is all code for increasing the imprisonment of people for profit. And it’s time to connect the dots. As soon as Sessions ended the Obama administration’s ban on federal private prisons, GEO Group became the first for-profit company to receive contracts to operate private detention centers under the Trump era.4 The payoff is HUGE. Two former aides of Jeff Sessions now work as lobbyists at GEO Group to help drive their influence. They even lobbied for and wrote legislation in Texas that would increase jail time for immigrant children and end safety regulations at the detention centers where these children are locked up.5 Since 1989, companies like GEO Group have spent over $35 MILLION lobbying and supporting political campaigns to keep Black people in jail. They’ve lobbied for longer sentences, “three-strikes” rules, and anti-immigration legislation like Arizona’s notorious racial profiling law. And they will keep giving the most money to any politician who will boost their agenda.
The private prison system isn’t meant to reduce crime. It is just an excuse to keep GEO Group’s bottom line intact. Demand an investigation.
For decades, the private prison industry has fueled mass incarceration, disproportionately affecting Black people. Over the years, too many neighborhoods and communities of color have been demolished and decimated by the “War on Drugs,” over policing and militarizing streets. We’ve seen these devastating effects in cities like New York, where the “Rockefeller” drug laws which set an automatic life in prison sentence for drug addicts and even those carrying just small amounts drugs. And even in Los Angeles, where in the 1980’s and 1990’s under the leadership of Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, homes were raided, and people were rounded up and shot and killed by police. The War on Drugs ruined lives all because of some “tough on crime” stance by greedy politicians to help the prison industrial complex grow and remain strong.
The private prison industry’s stronghold on profits takes away real funding and investment in safe, affordable housing, education, jobs, and community defense for Black people. Harsh and extreme drug and sentencing policies benefit the pockets of private prison companies. As of 2014, Black and Brown people made up roughly 60% of the prison population.6 This is what GEO Group wants. The more Black people who are jailed in their unsafe and poorly operated facilities, the more money they will have in their bank accounts.
Tell FEC: Investigate GEO Group’s “pay to play” arrangement with the Trump administration.
The Federal Elections Commissions has the opportunity to hold this private prison company accountable. By stepping up to investigate the wrongdoing of the GEO Group it will be a major force in exposing the corrupt nature of an industry that locks up Black people and stalls Jeff Sessions new "War on Drugs" effort and other racist policies. The FEC should not turn a blind eye to this pay to play scheme that is fundamentally hurting the lives of Black people and other vulnerable communities. A real investigation needs to happen NOW.
Sign the petition.
Until justice is real,
Rashad, Arisha, Scott, Anay, Clarise, Enchanta, Malaya, Katrese, and the rest of the Color Of Change team
- "Pay to Play: The giant private prison operator GEO Group may have illegally funded a Donald Trump super PAC," VICE, 12-20-2016 https://act.colorofchange.org/go/7971?t=14&akid=7594.239715.2tGZBB
- "PRIVATE PRISON COMPANY GEO GROUP GAVE GENEROUSLY TO TRUMP AND NOW HAS LUCRATIVE CONTRACT," Newsweek, 05-11-2017 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/7972?t=16&akid=7594.239715.2tGZBB
- "Justice Department Keeps For-Profit Prisons, Scrapping an Obama Plan," New York Times, 02-23-2016 https://act.colorofchange.org/go/7973?t=18&akid=7594.239715.2tGZBB
- "FOLLOWING SUPER PAC SUPPORT, PRIVATE PRISON COMPANY WINS TRUMP ADMIN CONTRACT," Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, 04-11-2017 https://act.colorofchange.org/go/7974?t=20&akid=7594.239715.2tGZBB
- "PRIVATE PRISON CORPORATION WROTE TEXAS BILL EXTENDING HOW LONG IMMIGRANT CHILDREN CAN BE DETAINED," The Intercept, 05-02-2017 https://act.colorofchange.org/go/7975?t=22&akid=7594.239715.2tGZBB
- "Study: More People of Color Sentenced to Private Prisons Than Whites," Huffington Post, 04-23-2014 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/7976?t=24&akid=7594.239715.2tGZBB
Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change.
Help keep our movement strong.
From: CLG_News
Subject: Top Republican among wounded as anti-Trump gunman fires on U.S. lawmakers
News Updates from CLG on 14 June 2017, http://www.legitgov.org/
All links are here: http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news
Steve Scalise is in CRITICAL condition: House majority whip's condition is downgraded after surgery following baseball shooting | 14 June 2017 | House majority whip Steve Scalise's condition was downgraded to critical on Wednesday afternoon after he was shot by a Trump-hating gunman who opened fire on Republican congressional baseball practice. The Louisiana congressman was shot in the hip as he stood on second base at the field in Alexandria, Virginia this morning and had been described by his staff as being 'stable'. But the Medstar Hospital in Washington DC said on Wednesday afternoon that Scalise was in critical condition after having surgery. He was among five injured when James T. Hodgkinson, 66, opened fire on the Republicans with an assault rifle from the third base dugout at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park in Alexandria, Virginia, as the group practiced batting at around 7.00am.
Top Republican among wounded as anti-Trump gunman fires on U.S. lawmakers | 14 June 2017 | Congressman Steve Scalise, the No. 3 Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, was in critical condition on Wednesday night after he and three others were shot as they practiced for a charity baseball game. The gunman, who had posted angry messages against President Donald Trump and other Republicans on social media, opened fire on a group of Republican lawmakers and colleagues at a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington. He was wounded in a gunfight with Capitol Hill police at the scene and later died.
Congress baseball gunman was a Trump-hating Bernie supporter: Illinois man opened fire on Republican lawmakers on the President's birthday, leaving five injured --The police officers were injured as they returned fire with their pistols while the congressmen and their aides dove for cover | 14 June 2017 | The gunman was killed by cops after opening fire on a Republican congressional baseball practice on Wednesday, the president's 71st birthday, was a Trump-hating Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter. Sixty-six-year-old James T. Hodgkinson from Belleville, Illinois, was killed by Capitol Police after firing up to 100 rounds from an assault rifle at a baseball park in Alexandria, Virginia, leaving five injured including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise...The union tradesman, who ran a home inspection business, threatened to 'destroy' the president and his administration on social media but was not known to Secret Service. He was shot by two Capitol Police officers who were accompanying Scalise to Eugene Simpson Stadium Park for the scheduled baseball practice ahead of Thursday night's charity game.
Suspected congressional baseball practice shooter was a fierce Trump opponent who called him a 'traitor' | 14 June 2017 | James Hodgkinson, the man suspected of opening fire on congressmen and staffers at a GOP baseball practice Wednesday morning, was a fierce opponent of President Donald Trump, according to initial accounts and a review of his social media. The 66-year-old Belleville, Illinois, man owned a home inspection business and appeared to be a fervent supporter of progressive politics and a Trump critic... "Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co.," Hodgkinson wrote in a March 22 post.
Trump gives U.S. military authority to set Afghan troop levels: U.S. official | 13 June 2017 | U.S. President Donald Trump has given Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to set troop levels in Afghanistan, a U.S. official told Reuters on Tuesday, opening the door for future troop increases requested by the U.S. commander. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said no immediate decision had been made about the troop levels, which are now set at about 8,400...Current and former U.S. officials say discussions revolve around adding 3,000 to 5,000 troops.
'Up to 15 tons of depleted uranium used in 1999 Serbia bombing' - lead lawyer in suit against NATO | 13 Jan 2017 | An international legal team is preparing a lawsuit against NATO over the alliance's alleged use of depleted uranium munitions during its bombing of Yugoslavia. These have allegedly caused a rise in cancer-related illnesses across the region over the years. "The NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 used between 10 and 15 tons of depleted uranium, which caused a major environmental disaster," said Srdjan Aleksic, a Serbian lawyer who leads the legal team, which includes lawyers from the EU, Russia, China and India. "In Serbia, 33,000 people fall sick because of this every year," he claimed.
4 Syrian Brothers Face Terrorism Charges in Germany | 12 June 2017 | German authorities arrested four Syrian brothers on terrorism charges Monday for allegedly fighting for an extremist group in their homeland five years ago. Mustafa K., 41, Abdullah K., 39, Sultan K., 44, and Ahmed K., 51, whose last name wasn't released because of privacy regulations, are accused of membership in a terrorist organization for fighting for the Nusra Front in the northern Syrian city Ras al-Ayn starting in late 2012. Federal prosecutors said the men were allegedly involved in the group's fight against Syrian government troops and Kurdish defense forces.
Shooting erupts at San Francisco UPS facility; police urge neighbors to shelter in place | 14 June 2017 | San Francisco police are responding to a shooting at a United Parcel Service facility in the Potrero Hill neighborhood. At about 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, San Francisco police said they were conducting a search of the building and asked people in the area to continue to shelter in place...At least two drivers were involved in the shooting at the facility, said Steven Gaut, a UPS spokesman.
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say | 14 June 2017 | The special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russia’s [alleged] role in the 2016 election is interviewing senior intelligence officials as part of a widening probe that now includes an examination of whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice, officials [aka Jeff Bezos's five Deep State dirt-bags who wish to remain anonymous] said. The move by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Trump's conduct marks a major turning point in the nearly year-old FBI investigation, which until recently focused on [alleged] Russian meddling during the presidential campaign and on whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Investigators have also been looking for any evidence of possible fin-ncial crimes among Trump associates, officials said.
Jeff Sessions Denies Collusion, Deploring 'Detestable Lie' in Senate Testimony | 13 June 2017 | Attorney General Jeff Sessions offered an indignant defense on Tuesday against what he called "an appalling and detestable lie" that he may have colluded with the Russian effort to interfere in the 2016 election, but he declined during an often contentious Senate hearing to answer central questions about his or President Trump’s conduct. Sounding by turns wounded and defiant, Mr. Sessions, a former senator from Alabama, often infused his testimony with more emotion than specifics as he showcased his loyalty to Mr. Trump. He insisted repeatedly that discussing his private conversations with the president, however relevant they might be, would be "inappropriate," visibly frustrating senators who have been conducting one of several inquiries into Russia's [alleged] election meddling.
Left-wing Twitter users celebrate GOP baseball shooting | 14 June 2017 | In the aftermath of Wednesday's shooting at a congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, which left House Majority Whip Steven Scalise and several other people injured, left-wing Twitter users are being called out for mocking and "celebrating" the attack. "Alexandra is the direct result of Scalise's votes and teab-gging beliefs. Love karma. This is what you vote for trumpsters [sic], No Whining," Twitter user @1976StEtienne wrote. Others online used the attack as a chance to criticize Scalise's stance on health care.
CNN's Fareed Zakaria hails Trump assassination play as 'masterpiece;' his employer sponsors it | 12 June 2017 | CNN serial plagiarist Fareed Zakaria went to see a production of Julius Caesar in New York's Central Park, a play that we now know depicts the gruesome assassination of President Trump. Nothing wrong with that. Zakaria might not have known what he was in for. But after it was over, Zakaria so enjoyed the bloody spectacle, was so enthused, he declared the play a "masterpiece" and publicly recommended it to others. "If you're in NYC, go see Julius Caesar, free in Central Park," Zakaria tweeted 13 days ago, "brilliantly interpreted for Trump era. A masterpiece[.]"
LGBT Pride Parade Turns Away Gay Trump Supporters | 09 June 2017 | LGBT leaders' opposition to President Donald Trump has made the parades more political. In at least one case, parade organizers have rejected a float. Even though Brian Talbert is gay, the organizers of Charlotte, North Carolina's pride event, have told him he can't participate with a float touting his support for Trump.
Trump Loses Travel Ban Ruling in Appeals Court | 12 June 2017 | A second federal appeals court on Monday ruled against President Trump's revised travel ban. The decision, from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco, was the latest in a string of court rulings rejecting the administration’s efforts to limit travel from several predominantly Muslim countries. The administration has already sought a Supreme Court review of a similar decision issued last month by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, in Richmond, Va. The new ruling affirmed a March decision from Judge Derrick K. Watson, of the Federal District Court in Hawaii. Judge Watson blocked major parts of the revised order, saying they violated the Constitution's ban on a government establishment of religion [but, in actuality, enforcing the prime directive: US corporations must continue have access to a pool of cheap labor, subsidized at taxpayers' expense].
California congressman tells AP that a mistaken report of a shooting led to Air Force base lockdown | 14 June 2017 | (Solano County, CA) Travis Air Force Base in California was on lockdown Wednesday afternoon after they reported a "real-world security incident." Officials later confirmed an active shooter incident, but a California congressman told the Associated Press that a false report led to the incident.
Travis Air Force Base reports 'real world security incident' | 14 June 2017 | (Solano County, CA) Travis Air Force Base is under a security alert due to a "real world security incident," the base said in a Facebook post. The Air Force base had a training exercise planned for Wednesday and Thursday, but this is not related to it, CBS Sacramento reports...A shelter in place warning was sent out by the base in a Twitter post.
UPS shooting leaves four dead, including gunman, in San Francisco | 14 June 2017 | A UPS driver armed with a handgun opened fire at a United Parcel Service Inc package-sorting center in San Francisco on Wednesday, killing three people before fatally shooting himself as officers closed in. The victims, like the gunman, were also company drivers, said Steve Gaut, head of investor relations at UPS...Two other people were taken to an area hospital with gunshot wounds, San Francisco police said.
Fire engulfs London tower block, at least 12 dead, dozens injured | 14 June 2017 | A blaze engulfed a 24-story housing block in central London on Wednesday, trapping residents as they slept and killing at least 12 people in an inferno that the fire brigade said was unprecedented in its scale and speed. More than 200 firefighters, backed up by 40 fire engines, fought for hours to try to control the blaze, London's deadliest for a generation. The Grenfell Tower apartment block was home to about 600 people.
Study Finds Polar Bears Have to Keep Up With Faster Ice Drift | 12 June 2017 | The U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Wyoming have published a new study showing that polar bears are having to expend more energy to keep up with faster drifting sea ice. The study, titled "Increased Arctic sea ice drift alters polar bear movements and energetics," came out in the June 5 issue of Global Change Biology. UW Zoology and Physiology professor Merav Ben-David is one of the authors of the report.
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CLG News Managing Editor: Lori Price. Copyright © 2017, Citizens for Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved.
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