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Friday, June 23, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: URGENT: Let's kill Senate Bill

FYI.   Best, Munsup

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From: The New York Times
Subject: NYT's Headline: Senate Health Care Bill Includes Deep Cuts to Medicaid

Senate Health Care Bill Includes Deep Cuts to Medicaid


Senate Republican leaders released their bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, even as enough senators to block it declared their opposition



From: Bernie Sanders
Subject: Join me Sunday in Columbus: Stop Trumpcare

Time is running out to stop Republican efforts to kick 23 million people off of health insurance in order to give tax breaks to the rich and multinational corporations. There could be a vote in less than one week.

But you are in a position to do something important about it. Your senator—Rob Portman—is a potential swing vote on the legislation.

So I'm coming to Columbus on Sunday to share the real stories of people who would be hurt by this bill and how we can take action to stop it from becoming law.

I'd love to see you there. Here are the event details:

**Don't Take Our Health Care Rally in Columbus**

Date: Sunday, June 25

Time: Doors open at 10 a.m., event starts at 11:30 a.m.

Location: Express Live

405 Neil Avenue in Columbus

The event is free, but space is limited. While RSVPing does not guarantee a seat, it helps us to know that you're coming, so please RSVP by clicking here.

Stopping this bill will require people from all backgrounds and walks of life in all communities across the country to come together, stand up, and make their voices heard.

Please join me in that fight.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

P.S. Can you volunteer at this event to help make it a success? If so, click here.

Want to support MoveOn's work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it MoveOn needs your support, now more than ever. Will you stand with MoveOn? 


Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.



From: Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos

I hope you got my colleague Irna Landrum's message this morning (see message below.)

The Senate version of Trumpcare is out, and it's as terrible as we feared. The long-term cuts to Medicaid are even worse than the House version, just to give tax breaks to America's 400 richest families. It is obscene.

Call Senator Rob Portman at (202) 224-3353. When you reach an aide or voicemail, leave them this message:

Hello, my name is ______ calling from ___________. I am angry that the Trumpcare bill has deeper long-term cuts to Medicaid than the House version, all to give tax breaks to America's 400 richest families. I am your constituent, and am demanding you oppose this bill.


Can't call? Getting a busy signal? Sign and send a letter to your senator(s) urging them to STOP TRUMPCARE today!

It may never matter more to call ever again than it does right now. It's literally a matter of life and death for millions of Americans, and all we need is three Republican Senators to stand strong and say "NO" to this.

Read my colleague Irna Landrum's message from this morning.

Senate Republicans are set to release their Trumpcare bill TODAY. Mitch McConnell will start pushing for a vote as soon as possible, despite the utter lack of public hearings or debate. We don't have much time to stop this travesty.

GOP senators have made a great show of complaining about Mitch McConnell's secret process to draft the bill and the outlandish cuts to Medicaid, but they have not done one damn thing to stop him. If three Senate Republicans actually walked the walk, this cruel dash to destroy healthcare would be over.

Call Senator Rob Portman at (202) 224-3353. Tell them it's time to show some integrity for a change. Stop Trumpcare TODAY. Here's a sample script:

Hello, my name is _______ calling from ________. I'm urging you to reject Trumpcare. You cannot support a bill that will devastate families and end lives, and that's been kept frighteningly secret. Stop Trumpcare TODAY.


Can't call? Getting a busy signal? Sign and send a letter to your senator(s) urging them to STOP TRUMPCARE today!


Let's jam up the lines, tie up their staff, and make their mornings miserable. We need to send a strong and swift message that we will not reward their secrecy. We demand an end to Trumpcare!





From: Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organization (AAPCHO)
Subject: AAPCHO Urges Congress to Maintain Essential Medicaid Funding and Oppose Senate Health Care Repeal Bill

Contact: Beverly Quintana, (510) 272-9536 x112, bquintana@aapcho.org

AAPCHO Urges Congress to Maintain Essential Medicaid Funding and Oppose Senate Health Care Repeal Bill

WASHINGTON – The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) today released the following statement in response to the Senate health care repeal bill. Proposed cuts to Medicaid and the health care system as a whole would severely impact millions of Americans, including Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (AA&NHPIs) and other vulnerable communities served at health centers: 

"As an organization representing health centers and their patients, AAPCHO calls on Congress to maintain a stable and compassionate health care system for all Americans. We urge Congress to stand up for patients and health centers by maintaining funding for Medicaid and Medicaid expansion, keeping the health care exchanges stable, and opposing the Senate health care repeal bill.

Medicaid is essential for health centers, providing the largest source of revenue. Medicaid allows health centers to serve vulnerable communities, with culturally and linguistically appropriate care, and in an affordable and accessible manner. We stand with our members in urging the Senate to protect Medicaid and oppose efforts to dramatically cut federal funding and shift the costs to states. All children and families deserve access to effective and appropriate care regardless of where they live.

AAPCHO is a nonpartisan, national not-for-profit organization that represents health centers serving nearly 500,000 AA&NHPIs and other underserved communities. With our members, AAPCHO fights for a system of care that works for everyone and one that takes into account the diverse needs of all communities. AA&NHPIs are the fastest growing racial and ethnic group in the United States. AA&NHPI communities contribute to the economic well-being of their cities through small businesses, taxable revenue and employment opportunities, partly through the health center system. Medicaid allows AA&NHPIs to give back to their communities in tangible and meaningful ways. We urge the Senate to continue to support the crucial access for these and so many communities who would not be served otherwise.
A recent AAPCHO study found that AA&NHPI-serving health centers relied even more on Medicaid than other health centers. Because of Medicaid, health centers are able to provide care to around 3 million health center patients. Converting Medicaid funding into per-capita caps or block grants, and imposing large cuts in federal financing, would limit health centers' ability to meet low-income health needs. We urge the Senate to maintain this critical funding source that is so important to the health and health care outcomes of AA&NHPI communities, and to oppose this bill."

AAPCHO is a national association of community health organizations dedicated to promoting advocacy, collaboration and leadership that improves the health status and access of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. For more information on AAPCHO, please visit www.aapcho.org.


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