[mpen-dayton] FW: "Sen. Sherrod Brown Townhall on Healthcare" & "Peace in Korea" & "Resistance Cookout" & "Rsistence Handbook" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: [Info] June 19, 1964 - Civil Rights Act approved
- FW: 'Everything Pharmaceutical Companies Hate' Thursday, June 22, Sen. Sherrod Brown Townhall on Healthcare
- FW: Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided with Naloxone)-NARCAN Training
- FW: BREAKING: Democrats slowing down Senate over Trumpcare. Tell them you have their back!
- FW: I just added my named to this campaign about peace in Korea
- FW: Peace in Korea
- FW: They're passing Trumpcare in private
- FW: RSVP for a Resistance Summer Community Cookout near you!
- FW: The Resistance Handbook
- FW: VIDEO: Protect All People with Sanctuary Everywhere
- FW: Voices
- Choe Sang-Hun, "South Korea's New President, Moon Jae-in, Promises New Approach to North," The New York Times, May 10, 2017.
- Brad Lendon, "North Korea stages 3rd missile test in 3 weeks," CNN, May 29, 2017.
- Gerry Mullany, "Trump Warns That 'Major, Major Conflict' With North Korea Is Possible," The New York Times, April 27, 2017.
From: carl bunin
Subject: [Info] June 19, 1964 - Civil Rights Act approved
Subject: FW: 'Everything Pharmaceutical Companies Hate' Thursday, June 22, Sen. Sherrod Brown Townhall on Healthcare
On Tuesday, June 20, 2017 3:01 PM, Senator Sherrod Brown <Senator_Brown@Brown.Senate.Gov> wrote:
'Everything Pharmaceutical Companies Hate'
Earlier this year, my work to lower drug prices for Ohio families was described as combining "every policy idea drug lobbyists hate." And that's something I'm pretty proud of.
So I continued those efforts last week by introducing the Stop Price Gouging Act, which would require drug companies to report and justify increases in drug prices.
If there's a shortage in one of the chemicals you need to make a drug or a sudden increase in demand, raising the price a little bit may make sense. But jacking up prices for no reason other than padding corporate bottom lines at the expense of sick Americans is just plain price gouging. In that case, the drug corporation would pay a fine proportional to the price hike. Any revenues collected through the bill would be reinvested in future drug research and development at the National Institutes of Health.
Prescription drug prices are too high. It's past time Washington did something about it.
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, we have made some progress in lowering costs — we're on track to close the Medicare Part D "donut hole" by 2020. Yet, even with these efforts, too many Ohioans still struggle to afford the medicine they need.
And price gouging by big pharmaceutical corporations is often the culprit. Companies raise the price of drugs year after year, even while production costs remain the same.
Nearly 28 million Americans reported that they personally experienced a spike in the price of their prescription medications over the past year. The price of insulin, which has been around for decades, has increased, along with the price of the EpiPen, which has increased in price from $100 in 2007 to $500 in 2016.
Pharmaceutical corporations are also buying the rights to existing drugs, then hiking prices by massive amounts and expecting patients, hospitals, and taxpayers to pick up the tab. One company went so far as hiking the price of a drug more than 5,000 percent overnight, just to increase its profits.
This makes drugs to treat everything from cancer to diabetes to opioid addiction unaffordable.
We've seen price spikes in naloxone, which Ohio first responders need to save lives when responding to overdoses, and Vivitrol, which helps Ohioans overcome their addiction.
Ohio taxpayers help to fund the research and development that goes into creating new treatments and cures. And that's what prescription drugs should do: provide treatments and cures to allow Ohioans to live longer, healthier lives – not help to line the pockets of Big Pharma executives. I will continue working to make sure all Ohioans can afford the prescription drugs they need.
PS: Have questions about healthcare? Join me for my Facebook Live town hall this Thursday, June 22nd at 12:05pm EST, where I'll talk about healthcare and answer your questions. Submit your questions by commenting here or emailing townhall@brown.senate.gov.
From: David P. Little
For Immediate Release
June 19, 2017
Columbus – Five Ohio public employees and Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices today urged Ohio top pension officials to join a growing investor revolt against senior management at Mylan Inc., the controversial drug company and maker of the EpiPen anti-allergy device whose name is now synonymous with "price gouging."
In a letter, the group called on the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS), as a major Mylan shareholder, to vote its shares to oust Mylan's current Board of Directors and to oppose a decision to award a $98 million pay package to former Mylan CEO Robert J. Coury.
OPERS owns $11 million in Mylan stock – or about 300,000 shares. "The Mylan board has made a series of terrible management decisions and Mylan's stock price has suffered as a result," said Theresa Kauble, one of the five employees. "It's time to kick the current Mylan board out of office, and Ohio's own OPERS trustees can help make that happen."
"Mylan needs to be punished for business practices that have ripped off Ohio consumers and taxpayers," added Ohio Taxpayers spokesman Dennis Willard. "The question now is whether the trustees of $90 billion of Ohio pension money are ready to stand up to drug companies like Mylan and stop their reckless greed."
Ohio Taxpayers is sponsoring the upcoming November ballot issue to lower the prices that Ohio state government agencies pay for drugs so that they are in line with what the U.S. Department of Veterans Administration pays for the same drugs. A half-dozen Ohio agencies, including Medicaid and state employee health plans, buy drugs for 4 million Ohio residents. By lowering drug prices, the ballot measure – the Ohio Drug Price Relief Act – would save Ohio taxpayers $400 million a year.
Mylan has been wracked by controversy over the last year. The company's decision to hike the price of the EpiPen (a drug device often used to protect children with dangerous allergies) to more than $600 caused an uproar among parents nationwide and prompted congressional hearings in Washington, D.C. where Mylan's current CEO, Heather Bresch, was sharply attacked for "price gouging."
In addition, the U.S. Department of Justice has alleged that Mylan overcharged state Medicaid programs by possibly as much as $1.2 billion. The recent announcement of Coury's huge pay package was the last straw for many Mylan investors who saw the price of the company's stock shrink by 36 percent during months of bad publicity.
In the past two weeks, public employee pension boards in California and New York – as holders of millions of shares of Mylan stock - have announced that at Mylan's annual shareholder meeting this Thursday they will vote against the Coury pay deal and seek the ouster of at least three Mylan board members who are up for reelection. Two investor advisory firms are also urging their clients to join this revolt.
"OPERS should join with other pension boards that are calling for a shakeup of Mylan's board," said Kauble. OPERS will be meeting this coming Tuesday and Wednesday in Columbus, and its 11 member Board of Trustees could conceivably take an emergency action in support of the investor revolt at that time.
"OPERS trustees need to send a message that the hard-earned dollars of Ohio's taxpayers and consumers should not be used to fabulously enrich Coury – who is partly responsible for the notorious business practices that have tarnished Mylan's reputation and contributed to a 36 percent loss in the value of Mylan's stock over the last nine months," added Patrick Harris, another public employee who signed the letter.
For More Information: Contact Dennis Willard; dennis@precisionnewmedia.com, 614 209-8945
Copy of Letter Attached (click here to view).
From: TyAnn Stewart
Subject: Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided with Naloxone)-NARCAN Training
Please see links for additional information: https://www.odh.ohio.gov/health/vipp/drug/ProjectDAWN.aspx
List of Sites and Training Times -Open to agencies and community:
From: Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos
Subject: BREAKING: Democrats slowing down Senate over Trumpcare. Tell them you have their back!
Have you heard the great news?
Senate Democrats are fighting back against Republican efforts to pass Trumpcare in secrecy by grinding Senate business to a halt. This starts TODAY when the Senate is back in session, and will continue all night.
Munsup, write a letter to Senator Sherrod Brown, thank them for their leadership and urge them to keep going.
Republicans are hell-bent on passing a bill to repeal Obamacare in secret. No one has seen the bill, and there will be no public hearings—but what we know about it is terrible. Mitch McConnell will ram the bill through when they have the votes, which is getting closer every day.
In response to this unpredented secrecy, Democrats must take unprecedented action. Democrats can deny unanimous consent on all procedures, grinding Senate business to a screeching halt. And that is what they have promised to do today.
We must tell Senate Democrats we have their back, and insist that they keep on fighting.
Please contact Senator Sherrod Brown, and tell them you have their back.
Send a letter now
From: Munsup @SISCOM
Subject: I just added my named to this campaign about peace in Korea
I just signed on to let President Moon that the American public supports his commitment to peace through diplomacy with North Korea.
Will you sign too?
From: Tessa Levine; Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Peace in Korea
From: Brandi, Arisha, Rashad, Anika, Jade, Evan, Corina, the rest of the Color Of Change team
Subject: They're passing Trumpcare in private.
They're trying to pass Trumpcare without showing it to the American people.
After House Republicans quickly and quietly passed Donald Trump's disastrous healthcare replacement, which will give a $600 billion tax cut to the rich and force 23 million people to lose health insurance; the Senate made a big show of saying they would take their time with crafting a new healthcare bill.1 They insisted they were not satisfied with the bills' cutting of Medicaid expansion, and some Republicans even said the Senate was creating another bill entirely.2 But in reality, they're meeting in private, refusing to answer questions from reporters, and have the bill on a swift track to be passed by July 4--all without showing it to the public.3
Tell Senate Republicans to show us the bill and open the process up for public comment now.
Passing a bill without showing it to the public is a grave violation of cherished American values of transparency and democracy. And believe it or not, even Democrat Senators don't know what's inside the bill.4 Because the Republican-controlled Senate doesn't need them to pass the bill, the bill is on track to passing without our Senators even glimpsing it.
This is ridiculous--Americans don't vote Senators in so that they can secretly write and pass legislation. And when Republicans try to pass a bill without showing us, they're making a choice to drown out the voices of their constituents to pass their own agendas--regardless of what the American people want. After all, Trumpcare, has an incredibly low approval rating of 25%.5 It couldn't be any clearer--the majority of Americans, Republican and Democrat alike, do not want Trumpcare to be the law of the land. Black folks, particularly, have a lot to lose if Trumpcare passes. More than 3 million of us gained coverage under Obamacare--now that's in jeopardy.6 And if Republican Senators are able to write and pass dangerous bills like this while shrouded in secrecy, it could have serious implications for our health, our homes, and our Constitution-guaranteed freedoms.
Tell Senate Republicans to show us the bill now!
It's clear that even Republicans who have lambasted Trump for his racism, misogyny, and half-baked policies don't plan to put up any resistance to this fraud of a President. And we can't afford to wait any longer to see if they will do right by us. It's clear they don't care who they have to lie to or manipulate to keep their vice grip on the American people. This isn't just about party politics, 43,000 Americans a year will actually die if the Affordable Care Act gets repealed.7 In this political reality, where Trump and like-minded Republicans have reign over the executive office, House, and Senate; there are no sidelines. Our elected officials must stand with us--ready to protect Americans and their right to healthcare, or face the consequences in the 2018 Midterm elections.
1. "Republicans' health bill takes $600 billion out of health care to cut taxes for the rich." Vox, 4 May 2017. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/8067?t=8&akid=7618.239715.aiSAlp
2. "GOP senators: We're doing our own healthcare bill." The Hill, 4 May 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/8068?t=10&akid=7618.239715.aiSAlp
3. "The Senate's Big Secret." Slate, 12 June 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/8069?t=12&akid=7618.239715.aiSAlp
4. "Claire McCaskill blasts Republicans for secret, back door Trumpcare bill." Daily Kos, 9 June 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/8070?t=14&akid=7618.239715.aiSAlp
5. "Americans overwhelmingly like Obamacare more than Trumpcare." Business Insider, 16 May 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/8071?t=16&akid=7618.239715.aiSAlp
6. "African American uninsured rate dropped by more than a third under Affordable Healthcare Act." Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 1 June 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/8072?t=18&akid=7618.239715.aiSAlp
7. "Repealing the Affordable Care Act will kill more than 43,000 annually." The Washington Post, 23 January 2017. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/8073?t=20&akid=7618.239715.aiSAlp
Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.
From: Chris, Anna, Gabby, Michael, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: RSVP for a Resistance Summer Community Cookout near you!
It's summertime and the Resistance is on the move. We have marched, protested, called, written, and peacefully resisted the alarming acts of the Trump administration and the complicit Republican Party. The Trump era is a marathon, not a sprint. That's why we have to take the time we need to recharge and make sure we have the energy we need to be effective in the coming weeks and months around campaigns like the fight to save health care for millions of Americans.
That means taking time to connect with each other—over food, fellowship, and even a little fun. It's time to take a moment to celebrate what we've achieved—and recharge for the work ahead—with a summer social gathering: a Resistance Summer Community Cookout!
On June 24–25 and July 1–3, MoveOn in partnership with Indivisible, Action Group Network, Wall of Us, and other partner organizations will launch more than 400 Resistance Summer Community Cookouts in 49 states and Washington, D.C.
Click here to RSVP for a Resistance Summer Community Cookout near you on the weekends of June 24–25 and/or July 1–3!
Excitement for these cookouts is palpable. There are hundreds already scheduled around the country. If this nearest cookout doesn't work for you, or if you'd like to host your own, you can just click here to find the one closest to you or create your own. Cookouts can be picnics, potlucks, BBQs, ice cream socials, or coffee gatherings.
These cookouts are an opportunity to
· come together with friends old and new,
· build relationships,
· build momentum for the campaigns in the months ahead,
· recharge our self-care batteries, and
· celebrate the diversity that makes the Resistance strong and resilient.
These events will also be a kickoff to Resistance Summer, during which MoveOn will host monthly national events to rebuild progressive power and fight the Trump Republican agenda. Through this program, we'll train and support 1,000 mobilizers across the country and gear up for the big August congressional recess. It's a lot of work! And we'll do that work if we take a moment to get to know each other, take a step back to relax, and enjoy a Community Cookout as summer heats up.
Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?
Donate monthly or make a one-time gift
Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
From: Markos Moulitsas; Founder and Publisher, Daily Kos Daily Kos
Subject: The Resistance Handbook
The Resistance Handbook: 45 Ways to Fight Trump answers the number one question I've received since the election: "What more can I do to fight Trump?" Turns out, there's quite a lot we can do.
Donald Trump may have lost the popular vote, he may suck at getting actual legislation signed, and he's so incompetent that he can't even nominate people for open executive-branch positions. But he's still a clear and present danger to our planet, our country, our culture, and the issues we care about the most. The Resistance has stymied many of his efforts, like the Muslim Ban, and has driven his disapproval ratings to record highs (in the 60s!). But he's not quitting, and neither can we. In fact, we have to be smarter, sharper, and more efficient.
The Resistance Handbook will be a critical tool in that effort, giving individuals and resistance groups a virtual menu of actions to take, as well as connecting them to some of the best traditional and new progressive organizations fighting the good fight digitally and on the ground.
The book is split into four sections:
· The nuts and bolts of resisting
· How to protect our culture from Trump's misogyny, racism, xenophobia, bullying, and religious intolerance
· How to protect the issues we care about
· And how to build the infrastructure to help us win elections from city council to the White House—not just the next cycle or two, but long into the future.
So please pick up a copy today!
P.S. If you'd prefer to buy your copy from Independent Booksellers instead of Amazon, you can do so here.
From: Hector M. Cortez; Deputy General Secretary, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Subject: VIDEO: Protect All People with Sanctuary Everywhere
From: Jedith
Subject: Voices
Voices, The Peoples News on Tues. June 20, 2017
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Published Since March 2000
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# Indigenous / Aboriginal
Shortage of Native American physicians creates concerns, elicits calls for action. Of the nearly 19,000 graduates of medical school last year in the U.S., only 31 were Native American. https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2017/05/31/experts-shortage-of-american-indian-physicians-creates-concerns-elicits-calls-for-action/
Mont. Board Urges 9th Circ. To Revive Irrigation Project Row. Control urged the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday to revive its lawsuit disputing the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs' control of an irrigation project in Montana https://www.law360.com/articles/929760/mont-board-urges-9th-circ-to-revive-irrigation-project-row
Arizona State University course helps grow community of Native changemakers https://asunow.asu.edu/20170531-asu-course-helps-grow-community-native-changemakers
Reservations, riddled by meth problem, are mired in a law enforcement conflict http://www.thepublicopinion.com/news/local_news/reservations-riddled-by-meth-problem-are-mired-in-a-law/article_9868c512-4648-11e7-beee-bbaa33754735.html
Tribes gear up for major legal battle with Trump over Bears Ears National Monument https://thinkprogress.org/tribes-gear-up-for-major-legal-battle-with-trump-over-bears-ears-national-monument-f13373856882
National Congress of American Indians & Change the Mascot Respond to Supreme Court Trademark Decision http://nativenewsonline.net/currents/national-congress-american-indians-change-mascot-respond-supreme-court-trademark-decision/
# Archaeology
Students unearth rare 900-year-old jewelry collection in Modiin excavation http://www.topix.com/science/archaeology/2017/06/students-unearth-rare-900-year-old-jewelry-collection-in-modiin-excavation
New Humanoid Species from Nazca https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/new-humanoid-species-from-nazca/
# Children / Schools / Education
White kids are bullying minority students using Trump's words. This is Trump's America: kids are mimicking the president in rhetoric and action http://www.salon.com/2017/06/17/white-kids-are-bullying-minority-students-using-trumps-words_partner
The American Academy of Pediatrics released a study Monday that lists South Carolina as one of the states with the highest rates of firearm homicide among children. http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/latest-news/article157134249.html # storylink=cpy
# Environment / Climate
Breakneck construction has unearthed a toxic legacy, coating playgrounds and backyards with dangerous levels of lead dust.
Study of oil and gas drilling finds pollution and connections to earthquakes. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/Study-of-oil-and-gas-drilling-finds-pollution-and-11229156.php
High levels of 1,4-dioxane at the Ringwood Superfund site are a potential threat to the nearby Wanaque Reservoir, the major source of drinking water for the region. http://www.northjersey.com/story/news/environment/2017/06/19/report-contamination-ringwood-could-threaten-wanaque-reservoir/399749001/
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has abruptly removed 640 miles of streams, rivers and ditches from its inventory of public water. http://kstp.com/news/minnesota-dnr-strips-public-status-640-miles-waterways-mcea-argues-pollution/4516407/
Louisiana Is Sinking More Rapidly Than Anyone Thought Due To Climate Change http://www.iflscience.com/environment/louisiana-is-sinking-more-rapidly-than-anyone-thought-due-to-climate-change/
# Food / GMO / Recalls
CRISPR-induced Mutations – What do they Mean for Food Safety? They found that the genomes of two independent gene therapy recipients had sustained more than 1,500 single-nucleotide mutations and more than 100 larger deletions and insertions. http://healthimpactnews.com/2017/crispr-induced-mutations-what-do-they-mean-for-food-safety/
Foodborne illness outbreaks have been attributed to specific zones in a food processing facility. This infographic shows where some well-known cases originated http://bit.ly/2pTEduM
# General News
US student freed by North Korea in a coma has died at 22 http://www.wlox.com/story/35699063/us-student-freed-by-north-korea-in-a-coma-has-died-at-22
What killed Otto Warmbier? Maybe an infection or blood clot: What doctors at the University of Cincinnati hospital did find was extensive brain damage that looked like it could have been caused by a long period of oxygen deprivation – the kind caused when something stops someone's heart. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/06/20/what-killed-otto-warmbier-maybe-an-infection-or-blood-clot/22491358/?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00001392
An Ohio coroner says that opioid deaths are a "mass casualty event" that could see 10,000 overdoses in his area alone by the end of this year. http://nbcnews.to/2shTdqR
Has Donald Trump's presidency emboldened racial violence? A brutal double murder in Portland, a stabbing in California, and the hit-and-run death of a Native American man – all within a few days – are dark signs https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/31/portland-train-stabbing-racial-violence-trump-america
# Global News
Top North Korea Nuclear Negotiator Secretly Met With U.S. Diplomats https://www.wsj.com/articles/top-north-korean-nuclear-negotiator-secretly-met-with-u-s-diplomats-1497783603?mod=fox_australian
South Korea's Moon Sends Aide To U.S. To Quell Fears Over Anti-Missile System http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-idUSKBN18S3R9
Turkey Says Us Arming Syrian Kurdish Militia 'Extremely Dangerous' http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/turkey-says-us-arming-syrian-kurdish-militia--extremely-dangerous--8899936
North Korea accuses U.S. of 'mugging' its diplomats in New York https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/18/world/asia/north-korea-accuses-us-of-mugging-its-diplomats-in-new-york.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&mtrref=structurecms.com
North Korea: US officials seized diplomatic package at JFK. North Korea claimed Sunday that U.S. officials forcibly seized a diplomatic package from one of their delegations at John F. Kennedy Airport, calling it an "illegal and heinous http://www.topix.com/world/2017/06/north-korea-us-officials-seized-diplomatic-package-at-jfk
Syria's Euphrates valley is becoming a minefield where the risks of a wider war grow daily http://www.militarytimes.com/articles/russia-deconfliction-airdefense-isis-euphrates-syria
At least seven dead in Somalia capital car bomb attack, police say http://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news.php?id=91816
# Gov / Politics
Naomi Klein: Youth-Led Grassroots Progressive Insurgencies Have Pushed Leaders Like Corbyn and Sanders into National Politics http://www.alternet.org/activism/naomi-klein-youth-led-grassroots-progressive-insurgencies-have-pushed-leaders-corbyn-and?akid=15759.2542549.5uXLD3&rd=1&src=newsletter1078521&t=6
WATCH LIVE: Democrats Hold the Floor to Stop Republican 'Health Care' Bill From Moving Forward. Democrats Working to Protect 23 Million Americans From Losing Health Care, Millions More From Losing Key Protections http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/davidbadash/watch_live_democrats_hold_the_floor_to_stop_republican_health_care_bill_from_moving_forward?utm_campaign=td_06_19_17&utm_medium=email&utm_source=thenewcivilrightsmovement
Birth of the Biggest Lie: From The New York Times Opinion Section: "Individuals who were associated with the president of the United States' winning campaign are under criminal investigation. That is an extraordinary sentence and one that no American can allow to be swallowed up by other news or dismissed by ideologues." https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/23/opinion/birth-of-the-biggest-lie.html?mc=aud_dev&mcid=keywee&mccr=domdesk&kwp_0=372148&kwp_4=1600507&kwp_1=691684
'The Daily': Comey Under Oath: He said it under oath. Mr. Comey's agency is investigating the Trump campaign's ties to Russia, and will pursue it "no matter how long that takes." We talk with Matt Apuzzo, who covers the F.B.I. for The New York Times and was watching Monday's hearings. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/21/podcasts/the-daily/the-daily-comey-under-oath.html?mc=aud_dev&mcid=keywee&mccr=domdesk&kwp_0=399923&kwp_4=1473625&kwp_1=644239
JFK's Great Nephew Just Became President Trump's New Public Enemy # 1 http://theproudliberal.org/jfks-great-nephew-just-became-president-trumps-new-public-enemy-1/
# Medical / Health
Medical Doctor who Escaped Vietnam as a Child in the 1970s Explains Why He no Longer Vaccinates http://healthimpactnews.com/2017/medical-doctor-who-escaped-vietnam-as-a-child-in-the-1970s-explains-why-he-no-longer-vaccinates/
In the last decade and a half, thousands of previously protein-loving Americans have developed a dangerous allergy to meat. And they all have one thing in common: the lone star tick https://www.wired.com/story/lone-star-tick-that-gives-people-meat-allergies-may-be-spreading/
Why you need to know about mice, ticks, warm temperatures and Lyme disease. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/why-you-need-to-know-about-mice-ticks-warm-temperatures-and-lyme-disease/2017/06/16/cd7a4ab8-4aef-11e7-9669-250d0b15f83b_story.html?utm_term=.ac02a772d74d
Why An Award Winning Oncologist Is Choosing a Hospital In Mexico Over America http://chipsahospital.org/chipsa-former-md-anderson-oncologist-dr-stephen-iacoboni/
# Military / Defense / Security
White House officials push for widening war in Syria over Pentagon objections http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/06/16/white-house-officials-push-for-widening-war-in-syria-over-pentagon-objections/
Trump's 'total authorization' to military gives some 'deep concerns' http://www.rollcall.com/news/politics/trumps-total-authorization-military-gives-deep-concerns
NATO might trigger Article 5 for certain cyberattacks http://www.defensenews.com/articles/nato-might-trigger-article-5-for-certain-cyberattacks
Russia Threatens to Target US-Led Coalition Planes in Syria: US-backed Kurds are reported to be preparing to storm two ISIS positions in Syria. NATO-ally Turkey is horrified by the US backing of the Kurds. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/russia-threatens-to-target-us-led-coalition-planes-in-syria/
Pentagon brass work to get more U.S. fighters in allies' hands https://www.defensetech.org/2017/06/19/pentagon-brass-work-get-us-fighters-allies-hands/
# Nuclear News
A near-disaster at a federal nuclear weapons laboratory takes a hidden toll on America's arsenal https://apps.publicintegrity.org/nuclear-negligence/near-disaster/
# Pipelines / Spills
Judge announces Trump won't be defendant in pipeline lawsuit http://www.newson6.com/story/35707158/judge-announces-trump-wont-be-defendant-in-pipeline-lawsuit
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