U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Sunday, July 16, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: "McConnell delays action on healthcare after McCain surgery" & "UN Adopts Historic Nuclear Weapons Ban over US-Led Opposition" and more


FYI. Best, Munsup

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  • FW: McConnell delays action on healthcare after McCain surgery
  • FW: Today's Headlines: McCain's Surgery Will Delay Senate Votes on Health Care Bill
  • FW: Signatures needed: HELL NO TO TRUMPCARE
  • FW: Phil Donahue warns it's 'too dangerous' for GOP to impeach Trump
  • FW: UN Adopts Historic Nuclear Weapons Ban over US-Led Opposition
  • FW: Sign the petition: Not one more penny in tax cuts for super wealthy


McConnell delays action on healthcare after McCain surgery

Brooke Seipel - The Hill - Saturday, July 15, 2017

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced Saturday night that Senate consideration of legislation repealing and replacing ObamaCare will be delayed while Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) recovers from surgery.

McCain had announced earlier on Saturday that he would not be in the Senate next week, depriving Republicans of a key vote.

Without McCain, Senate Republicans likely would not have had the 50 votes necessary to advance the legislation.

"Elaine and I, along with the entire Senate family, wish John the very best and wish him a speedy recovery," McConnell said in a statement that referred to his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao.

"While John is recovering, the Senate will continue our work on legislative items and nominations and will defer consideration of the Better Care Act."

McCain underwent a procedure to remove a blood clot from his eye on Friday, according to statements from his office and the Mayo Clinic. He is recovering at home in Arizona.

Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) have already said they would oppose a procedural vote to advance to the new Senate GOP healthcare legislation, which was unveiled this past week. With all Democrats voting no, that would leave Republicans with just 49 votes, given McCain's absence.

The further delay in the schedule is a problem for McConnell, as opponents of the legislation could use the extra time to pressure wavering GOP centrists to vote against it.

The healthcare bill was already on rocky ground even with McCain, as many speculated whether McConnell could pull together 50 votes.

This is the second time McConnell has had to put off Senate consideration of ObamaCare repeal.

Work was also postponed in late June after it became clear McConnell lacked the support to carry the bill through the Senate.

That prompted a rewriting of the legislation, which won over Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a key conservative.

A number of centrist Republicans, however, remain on the fence as McConnell awaits a Congressional Budget Office analysis and score of the legislation, which is expected on Monday.

McCain, 80, underwent surgery at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix following an annual physical.

"Senator McCain received excellent treatment at Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, and appreciates the tremendous professionalism and care by its doctors and staff," a statement from his office said.



From: The New York Times
Subject: Today's Headlines: McCain's Surgery Will Delay Senate Votes on Health Care Bill

McCain's Surgery Will Delay Senate Votes on Health Care Bill


With John McCain's absence, Republicans would have only 49 votes to move ahead with the legislation; all Democrats and the two independent senators oppose it.



From: Chris Bowers; Executive Campaign Director, Daily Kos
Subject: Signatures needed: HELL NO TO TRUMPCARE

BREAKING NEWS: McConnell has delayed the health care vote for another week. This email was written before this news became known. Please keep piling on the pressure, and don't let up until they stop trying to pass Trumpcare.

We need just ONE more Republican Senator to oppose Trumpcare, and we stop the bill. The vote is NEXT WEEK.

Sign and send a petition directly to your Republican U.S. Senator(s): Oppose Trumpcare.


Imagine what stopping Trumpcare that will mean:

  • Planned Parenthood, saved.
  • Medicaid, saved.
  • Rural hospitals, saved
  • People with pre-existing conditions, saved.
  • Health insurance for 22 million Americans, saved.
  • 29,000 lives a year, saved

We need just ONE MORE Republican Senator to stop Trumpcare and pull this off. ONE.

Sign and send a petition directly to your Republican U.S. Senator(s): Oppose Trumpcare.




From: Eric Kramer
Subject: FW: Phil Donahue warns it's 'too dangerous' for GOP to impeach Trump




From: Daytonians Against War Now (DAWN) On Behalf Of Logan Martinez
Subject: [DAWN] UN Adopts Historic Nuclear Weapons Ban over US-Led Opposition

UN Adopts Historic Nuclear Weapons Ban over US-Led Opposition

The so-called liberal media - PBS and Hayes and Maddow on MSNBC - and none dared report on this unprecedented treaty approved by 122 countries banning nuclear weapons. All 9 nuclear powers boycotted the UN meetings, including the US - starting with Obama (the change we could believe in). PBS and MSNBC are part of the "fake news." Thanks to independents like Democracy Now and the Real News for making the information available.




From: Murshed Zaheed; Political Director, CREDO Action from Working AssetsCREDO Action
Subject: Sign the petition: Not one more penny in tax cuts for super wealthy

Tell Congressional Republicans: No more tax handouts for Wall Street and corporations

Petition to Senate Finance Committee Chair Orrin Hatch and all members of Congress:
"Oppose the current Trump Republican tax plan to give huge tax breaks to millionaires and wealthy corporations, paid for by cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, medical research, Meals on Wheels and road repairs. We need real tax reform to make sure the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share. "

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


Main st not Wall st

When Donald Trump and Republicans talk about "tax reform," it's code for slashing taxes on the wealthy while defunding health care, the social safety net, education, medical research and more.1

Sen. Orrin Hatch is the Republican point person in Congress tasked with making this nightmare a reality. As chair of the Senate Finance Committee, he has just asked for "feedback from industry groups on tax reform."2

Hatch and Trump clearly expect comments only from big tax-dodging corporations and wealthy Wall Street speculators. But already, thousands of comments are flooding in from Main Street Americans opposing the Republican tax plan and demanding not one penny in tax cuts for the super-wealthy and big corporations.3 We need to pour it on, and we only have until July 17 to respond.

Sign the petition: No more tax handouts for Wall Street and corporations. Click here to sign the petition.

CREDO is joining with our friends at Americans for Tax Fairness and the progressive community to say that we will fiercely oppose any tax legislation unless it follows these basic principles:

  • No more tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations. They should pay their fair share of taxes – a lot more than they pay now.
  • Invest those tax dollars in our country's future – in public roads and transit systems; quality and affordable early childhood education; public schools and higher education; researching new medical cures; and ensuring a secure retirement for all of us by strengthening Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Eliminate all tax breaks that encourage multinational corporations to shift jobs and profits offshore.
  • Require corporations pay the $750 billion they owe on their $2.6 trillion in offshore profits.4 Use the funds to rebuild roads and bridges, improve schools and create millions of good-paying jobs.

Half of the Trump tax cuts would go to the richest 1%, while big corporations holding profits offshore would get a huge tax cut.5 Instead, we need to insist that any tax legislation includes "not one penny" in tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations and instead makes them pay their fair share.

Sign the petition: No more tax handouts for Wall Street and corporations. Click here to sign the petition.

CREDO's position is that Congress must not take up tax legislation until Trump reveals his tax returns and Americans have a chance to see how he would profit from the toxic plans Republicans are pushing.

But with Hatch scheming up a plan to give tax cuts to the super wealthy and big corporations, we need to make sure he knows what kind of opposition he will face – and what Americans really want.

Sign the petition: No more tax handouts for Wall Street and corporations. Click the link below to sign the petition.


Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


  1. Americans for Tax Fairness, "Talking Points on Donald Trump's Tax Plan," April 5, 2017.
  2. Naomi Jagoda, "GOP chairman seeks tax reform recommendations," The Hill, June 16, 2017.
  3. Naomi Jagoda, "Progressive groups launch 'Email Orrin' campaign on tax reform," The Hill, June 29, 2017.
  4. Americans for Tax Fairness, "Talking Points on Donald Trump's Tax Plan."
  5. Ibid.


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