[mpen-dayton] FW: "Zombie is dead now" & "No war with North Korea" & "Hearing on bills to protect Special Prosecutor" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: VICTORY! (Zombie Trumpcare is dead for now; we'll stay vigilant.)
- FW: Victory over Trumpcare -- AGAIN!
- FW: Trumplandia - Autumnal Equinox Edition
- FW: "Sadly, North Korea's Pursuit of Nukes and ICBMs Makes Sense"
- FW: Tell Congress to speak out: No war with North Korea
- FW: Protest Etiquette; The Star Spangled Banner; Mike Tomlin; US Sports are on FIRE
- FW: Stand with Black athletes
- FW: Hearing on bills to protect Special Prosecutor today -- make a call!
- FW: Noah's Ark
From: Ben, Manny, Iram, Anne, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: VICTORY! (Zombie Trumpcare is dead for now; we'll stay vigilant.)
Living in America in the Trump era feels like living in a horror movie. But even in horror movies, the monster can be defeated.
Today, Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP conceded that they don't have the votes to pass the Graham-Cassidy bill, the latest and most deadly incarnation of Trumpcare.1 Make no mistake: This victory was due to the the massive and relentless uprising by MoveOn members and our many allies across the country. Tens of millions of American families will be safer and healthier thanks to our collective efforts.
But horror movies have sequels, and monsters come back to life. This one's likely to be no different. Republicans failed at this particular attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but they can still try again. The truth is that the danger of repeal won't fade until Republicans no longer control Congress and the White House. We can't let our guard down—and we have to keep the pressure on.
To make sure that you're ready for the next set of fights—on health care or whatever else comes our way—click here to sign up for text message updates from MoveOn.
(And if you're already signed up for text alerts—invite a friend to sign up through that link!)
While we can't rest in the long run, it's worth taking a moment to express gratitude.
Gratitude to the millions of people who made phone calls, protested at lawmakers' offices, donated and marched and spread the word—the millions of people who fueled this movement.
Gratitude to the people with disabilities who put their bodies on the line, protesting at the Senate hearing this Monday. Gratitude to the enormous, united coalition—Planned Parenthood and Indivisible, ADAPT and the Little Lobbyists, the SEIU and the Center for Popular Democracy, UltraViolet and so many other groups—plus every major health care organization and every single Democrat and Independent in Congress who redoubled their efforts every time Republicans came again for our health care.
Gratitude to Susan Collins and John McCain for doing the right thing. Gratitude to the Democratic and independent senators who said no to repeal again and again and didn't waver—and to the 16 senators who joined together to call for Medicare for All last week to push us toward a truly constructive conversation on how to strengthen health care for all Americans.
Our movement will never rest. Our movement will always #resist. Our movement will keep fighting for something better: for a health care system—and a country—that has a place of honor and dignity in it for everyone.
P.S. One communication channel has become increasingly vital in this fight: text messages. Many rapid-response protests and waves of phone calls have been organized primarily through MoveOn's text message platform. If you'd like to take your activism up a level and get occasional messages with urgent, breaking opportunities for action, just click here to sign up for MoveOn text messages. (Already signed up for MoveOn text alerts? Forward this message to a friend invite a friend to sign up too!)
- "Senate won't vote on GOP health care bill," CNN, September 26, 2017
Want to support our work? The GOP attempt to rip coverage away from millions of Americans has once again crumbled in the face of furious opposition. But it's now clear that health care repeal will remain a threat until Republicans no longer control Congress and the White House. Will you support our work to build an electoral landslide that destroys the GOP's political power in 2018, starting with the House of Representatives?
Donate monthly or make a one-time gift
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
From: O'Connell Katie; Digital Communications Coordinator, People For the American Way
Subject: Victory over Trumpcare -- AGAIN!
THANK YOU for the actions you took and the role you played in this amazing victory. Trumpcare has gone down in flames each time Trump and Congressional Republicans have tried to pass it because of powerful resistance from PFAW members like you. This victory wouldn't have been possible with out your time and effort -- signing petitions, making calls, turning out to events, and more.
We know Republicans won't give up -- on this or any of their other attacks on the American Way.
Please continue to speak out, stay vigilant, follow updates from PFAW, and support our work over the many important fights to come.
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Trumplandia - Autumnal Equinox Edition; Mark Godsey; Progressive Fight
- Frank Rich: Donald Trump's 'Independence' Is a Complete Farce
- Failing Charter Schools Have a Reincarnation Plan — ProPublica
- Blaming 'Bad Dudes' Masks the Role of Women in the History of White Nationalism
- take a knee
- Trump Goes After NFL Players Harder Than White Supremacists or Putin
Mark Godsey is an American superhero: He gets innocent people out of prison
Onetime "prosecutor's prosecutor" on his conversion experience, and how he became a crusader for the voiceless
Addressing white supremacy can't be a losing fight for progressives
It's time to be intentional about fighting against all forms of inequality in our country
DIALLO BROOKS09.24.2017•8:00 AM
"Now our struggle is for genuine equality, which means economic equality. For we know now, that it isn't enough to integrate lunch counters. What does it profit a man to be able to eat at an integrated lunch counter if he doesn't have enough money to buy a hamburger…What does it profit one to be able to attend an integrated school, when he doesn't earn enough money to buy his children school clothes?" — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Subject: US Sports are on FIRE
So far as I can tell, all the ass't coaches named in the investigation are black.
- What you need to know about the FBI's NCAA basketball investigation
- Opinion | Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee
- Black Lives or Bottom Line? Activists Ask What N.F.L. Protests Are All About
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: "Sadly, North Korea's Pursuit of Nukes and ICBMs Makes Sense" – WhoWhatWhy
[Damn straight!!]
From: Benjamin Armbruster
Subject: Tell Congress to speak out: No war with North Korea
Donald Trump is recklessly tweeting the United States toward a catastrophic war with North Korea.
This isn't a joke and it's not hyperbole.
With each rogue speech or unhinged tweet Trump makes about blowing up the reclusive regime, North Korean officials fire back with greater intensity. Just yesterday, following the flight of U.S. bombers near North Korea, their foreign minister threatened to shoot down American warplanes.
We need to take a giant step back from the brink of nuclear war. Write to your Members of Congress and demand that they speak out against war with North Korea.
Experts from across the political spectrum are becoming increasingly worried that the United States is headed toward an entirely preventable war on the Korean peninsula. This is precisely the situation former U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry was warning about when he said,"[t]he danger is that we would blunder in a nuclear war by ... a conventional military conflict and a conventional war escalating into that."
Think about that: We're racing towards nuclear war.
It's clear that Donald Trump thinks he can "win" this crisis by making one threat after another, but so far, his actions are only making a bad situation dramatically worse. Thankfully, Donald Trump isn't the only elected leader we have. We need Congress to speak up and immediately work towards a diplomatic intervention that would ease tensions with North Korea, begin talks to find an actual solution to the crisis, and speak out against Trump's reckless rhetoric that's driving us to war.
Email your Representative and Senator today and ask them to promote diplomacy with North Korea.
We've got our work cut out for us. Some members of Congress are defending Trump's dangerous behavior while others are openly calling on the United States to attack North Korea without provocation.
Experts warn it's possible that the North Koreans view Trump's bluster as a precursor to a U.S.-led attack, provoking them to strike first. In fact, the North Korean foreign minister said as much yesterday, calling Trump's speech at the United Nations, "a declaration of war."
We are in a very dangerous situation and we cannot let Trump's warmongering go unanswered.
Please take a few minutes to email your members of Congress and ask them to denounce Trump's reckless rhetoric.
P.S. Hurricane Maria became yet the latest hurricane to ravage the Atlantic recently, devastating our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico particularly hard. Please consider supporting the Hurricane Maria Community Relief Fund by clicking here to make a donation today. Every dollar raised will go towards immediate relief, recovery, and equitable rebuilding in Puerto Rico for frontline communities hit hardest by the storm. Donate
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Protest Etiquette; The Star Spangled Banner; Mike Tomlin
'The Star-Spangled Banner' and Slavery
Star-Spangled Bigotry: The Hidden Racist History of the National Anthem
Pennsylvania fire chief calls Steelers coach Mike Tomlin a 'no-good n*gger' over NFL protests
How to Protest Without Offending White People
From: Brandi Collins, Color Of Change
Subject: Stand with Black athletes
Once again, 45 has proven that Black people are nothing more than property to him. In response, athletes and individuals around the league and our country united to fight back. Now, we're calling on owners to reject Trump's words by doing more than linking arms with players but actually working to protect their safety, rights, and freedoms both on and off the field.
Tell the NFL: Support Player's Platform & Plan for Racial Equality
On Friday night in Alabama, Donald Trump reaffirmed his disdain for Black people by referring to any NFL player who peacefully protests racial inequality during the pregame national anthem as a "son of a bitch" who should be forced off the field. During his rambling speech, Trump also took the time to criticize the NFL for implementing rules to promote player safety because those efforts impact his personal entertainment. This came about a week after Trump went after sports journalist Jemele Hill and tried to publicly strongarm ESPN into firing her for comments made on her personal social media.
Perhaps he was feeling emboldened by NFL buddies like Dan Snyder (Washington), Shad Khan (Jaguars), Bob McNair (Texans), Robert Kraft (Patriots), Woody Johnson (Jets) and Stan Kroenke (Rams), all of whom each contributed $1 Million to his inauguration. Kraft even gave him a Super Bowl ring. Or perhaps he had the consent of the league itself, as their marketing department contributed $100,000. Either way, Trump feels way too comfortable demanding the NFL be nothing more than a league of modern day gladiators whose sole purpose is to destroy their bodies for entertainment. Now it's time for Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFL owners to choose which side they're on.
The NFL can't have it both ways: either support the people who are the reason the league exists or continue to cower to a bigot.
Earlier this year, a group of players and a former player, Malcolm Jenkins, Michael Bennett, Torrey Smith and Anquan Boldin, met with Goodell and NFL officers to discuss the Player's Coalition's activism in their local communities. They delivered a recently publicized memo calling on the NFL to declare November a month of social activism to advance racial justice causes, including criminal justice reform, to elevate the issue in the same way the NFL does with Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. The request is detailed and includes an ask for owners and league officials to attend player-led visits to local prisons and meetings with formerly incarcerated people and their family. It also makes clear that the request is not for permission but financial support and genuine collaboration.
Demand the NFL listen to players and designate November an official month for racial justice activism.
After Trump's Friday night tirade, several NFL owners rushed to release statements condemning his words.1 But we need action- not more words. To this day Colin Kaepernick remains blackballed by league owners, despite public acknowledgment from elite quarterbacks around the league from Cam Newton to Tom Brady that Kaepernick is more talented that numerous QBs who have jobs today. Equivocation and calls for unity from the league are no longer acceptable.
Now that several NFL owners claim to support of their players' rights, it is time for Commissioner Goodell to declare November a "month of unity." NFL rosters are 70% black, and the league owes it to its players to recognize the heroes who have stood up to racial intolerance in America.2 Soccer leagues around the world are working to stand up to racism;3 it is past time for the NFL to do the same. As DeMaurice Smith, the president of the players' union, said on Saturday, "We will never back down. We no longer can afford to stick to sports."4
Tell the NFL: Support Player's Platform & Plan for Racial Equality
- "NFL Owners Are Closing Ranks Against Trump — Here's What They're Saying," Fortune, 24 September 2017. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/9019?t=10&akid=7939%2E239715%2EGG9J4j
- "White House doubles down on ESPN attacks, cites previous 'suspension' as reason Jemele Hill should be fired," The Undefeated, 26 April 2017. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/9020?t=12&akid=7939%2E239715%2EGG9J4j
- "FIFA is finally stepping up its anti-racism measures in soccer," Quartz, 15 June 2017. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/9021?t=14&akid=7939%2E239715%2EGG9J4j
- DeMaurice Smith, 23 September 2017. https://act.colorofchange.org/go/9022?t=16&akid=7939%2E239715%2EGG9J4j
Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.
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From: Katie O'Connell, Digital Communications Coordinator, People For the American Way
Subject: Hearing on bills to protect Special Prosecutor today -- make a call!
Senators are hearing testimony on two bills today that seek to protect Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and his investigation from the wrath of Donald Trump. Each bill would use a different method but the result would be the same -- Trump would not be able to fire Mueller easily, just because he is angry about the Russia investigation.
You already let your senators know where you stand by signing a petition. Now, it's crucial that Senators hear from you, on the day of this hearing, that you support measures to protect Mueller from being fired by Trump.
Please call your Senators now and urge them to support legislation that would protect Special Prosecutor Mueller and his critical work from being derailed by Trump.
Mueller's investigation is getting deeper and deeper -- he's allegedly looking into Trump's financial history -- and it's incredibly important that Congress take action to protect the investigation before it's too late.
Make a call now to let your Senators know that you care about the Mueller investigation and that it is crucial for it to be protected.
The Mueller investigation is one of the best chances to get to the bottom of the Trump campaign's potential collusion with Russia, and the best chance to make sure that there is accountability for any wrongdoing that occurred in the 2016 election.
As always -- thank you for taking the time to make calls about this critical issue.
P.S. We just published a piece about the importance of protecting the special counsel investigation -- please take a moment to read it on our blog and then share it!
From: David K. Greer
Subject: FW: Noah's ark
In the year 2017, the Lord came unto Noah,
who was now living in America and said:
"Once again, the earth has become wicked and over
-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me."
"Build another ark and save 2 of every living thing
along with a few good humans."
He gave Noah the blueprints, saying:
"You have 6 months to build the ark before I will
start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights."
Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah
weeping in his yard - but no ark.
"Noah!," He roared, "I'm about to start the rain!
Where is the ark?"
"Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed."
"I needed a building permit."
"I've been arguing with the boat inspector
about the need for a sprinkler system."
"My neighbors claim that I've violated the
neighborhood by-laws by building the ark in my
back yard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to
go to the local Planning Committee for a decision."
"Then the local Council and the electric company demanded
a shed load of money for the future costs of moving power
lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the
passage for the ark's move to the sea. I told them
that the sea would be coming to us, but they would
hear none of it."
"Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban
on cutting local trees in order to save the Greater Spotted Barn Owl."
"I tried to convince the environmentalists that I
needed the wood to save the owls - but no go!"
"When I started gathering the animals the ASPCA took me to court.
They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They
argued the accommodations were too restrictive and
it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in
a confined space."
"Then the Environmental Protection Agency
ruled that I couldn't build the ark until they'd conducted an
environmental impact study on your proposed flood."
"I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the
Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I'm
supposed to hire for my building crew."
"The Immigration Dept. is checking the
visa status of most of the people who want to work."
"The trade unions say I can't use my sons. They
insist I have to hire only Union workers with
ark-building experience."
"To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming I'm
trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species."
"So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10
years for me to finish this ark."
"Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine,
and a rainbow stretched across the sky."
Noah looked up in wonder and asked,
"You mean you're not going to destroy the world?" ;
"No," said the Lord.
"The Government beat me to it."
End of Minority People's Email Network (MPEN) e-Newsletter
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