U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

[mpen-dayton4] FW: "How we transform the Democratic Party" & "America under threat - WaPo" & "Demand Trump disclose his tax returns! " and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with ‘unsubscribe’ on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.
P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine

·         FW How we transform the Democratic Party

·         FW: "Sanders rejects deal on Puerto Rico, offers alternative" | Reuters

·         FW: TODAY: Elizabeth Warren’s big announcement


·         FW: America under threat – WaPo

·         FW: speak up for kids in military detention?

·         FW: [DAWN] Nakba Day: Thousands of Irish People Lie on Streets in Solidarity with Palestinians

·         FW: Special offer: Join a special group of SPLC supporters

·         FW: Demand Trump disclose his tax returns! (your signature needed now)


From: Bernie Sanders

Subject: BernieSanders.com | How we transform the Democratic Party beginning with these 7 Progressive Candidates

Bernie Sanders for President

When we talk about a political revolution, we don't just mean the presidency.

Today I'm proud to announce that I am endorsing seven progressive candidates for state legislatures across this country. These seven candidates – activists, civil rights attorneys, and the children of immigrants – will help lead progressive policy in the states, and some will be a part of one of the most important political powers: re-drawing Congressional districts after the 2020 elections.

For decades, Republicans have been very good at winning elections at the state level, meaning conservative control of state laws and of Congressional districts, as well as a deep bench of Republican legislators who eventually run for Congress, governor, or even president. Democrats haven't been as effective. We need that to change, starting with these seven progressives.

Split a $2.70 contribution between Bernie 2016 and eight progressive candidates running in state legislative races who need your help, and we can bring our political revolution all across the country.

Justin Bamberg is a state representative from South Carolina who was an early endorser of Hillary Clinton’s campaign but switched his endorsement before the primary because of Bernie’s work for "racial, social, and economic justice." Justin won his last election by ONLY 113 votes and needs our support in what’s sure to be another close race this November.

David Bowen is the son of Jamaican immigrants who is running for his second term in the Wisconsin State Legislature. He fought for and won a living wage for Milwaukee city employees and is a progressive champion Wisconsin needs.

Clara Hart is a refugee from Mozambique whose family fled from violence when she was just 8 years old. Now she's running for the South Dakota House, where she hopes to continue her work for immigrant families.

Terry Alexander is a representative in the South Carolina legislature who supports raising the minimum wage, expanding health care, and protecting the right to vote. He is a courageous legislator who I'm proud to support.

Carol Ammons became the first African-American woman to win election in her district of the Illinois State Legislature, scoring an upset election victory against a well-funded establishment opponent. She's fighting for progressive issues and candidates and deserves our support.

Chris Pearson is running for the Vermont State Senate after spending four terms in the Vermont House of Representatives. He is a champion on the issues of livable wages, strong labor union advocacy, climate change, and voting rights. This year he was able to pass a bill into law for automatic voter registration. Chris is a good friend of working people and of mine.

Jane Kim is the first Korean American to win election in San Francisco, and she's running to become a California state senator. The daughter of immigrants, Jane is a civil rights attorney who's fought for affordable housing and fair wages in her city.

Joe Salazar is a representative to Colorado's state house who is a tireless advocate for stopping fracking, protecting civil rights, and advancing criminal justice reform. He won his last election by just 221 votes, and your support will go a long way to helping him win this year.

Can you split a $2.70 contribution to our campaign and these candidates as a way of saying we are going to fight to transform our country, and the Democratic Party, from top to bottom?

What this moment also requires is people in the streets fighting for change and legislatures across the country willing to stand with them.

That is the political revolution, and that’s why splitting your contribution to Bernie 2016 and these candidates' campaigns is so important.

Paid for by Bernie 2016
(not the billionaires)



From: Judy Burnette
Subject: "Sanders rejects deal on Puerto Rico, offers alternative" | Reuters




From: Moonyoung Ko, Courage Campaign
Subject: TODAY: Elizabeth Warren’s big announcement

For years we’ve watched big banks and greedy corporate interests erode our democracy with gigantic https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.couragecampaign.org/images/Banks_Elizabeth_Warren_Wall_Street_Email_Graphic.pngsacks of money. They buy out our legislators and their votes in the process. But today could be the beginning of the end of this rigged system.  

We’re thrilled to announce that we launched a HUGE campaign with U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and over 20 labor and leading progressive organizations moments ago at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. telling Congress, Wall Street, and special interest groups that we’ve had enough.(1) And we’re fighting to put our democracy back where it belongs: in the hands of people like you and me.

JOIN Courage Campaign, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, and 20 organizations for the launch of our exciting campaign to take on Wall Street!

No one rigs our political system more than Wall Street. To make sure they remain “too big to fail,” financial firms basically set up camp in the Capitol to lobby legislators. They work around-the-clock to get enormous tax breaks, provide hefty rewards for their wealthy clients, and give their CEOs and executives multi-million dollar bonuses. And in the end, the rest of us get squeezed.

Thanks to a loophole Congress granted them, millionaire and billionaire private equity managers pay a lower tax rate than teachers, firefighters and nurses!(2) IT’S SUCH NONSENSE. And it’s time we fight back. JOIN US!

Our vision is to have an economy that works for EVERYONE, not just Wall Street millionaires and billionaires. That’s why we’re calling on our representatives to bring fairness to our financial system by:

  • Closing the “carried interest loophole” that lets billionaire Wall Street money managers pay lower tax rates than nurses or construction workers;
  • Creating a Wall Street speculation tax that would create billions in new revenue to make college affordable, invest in our infrastructure, and create jobs in our cities;
  • Ending "Too Big To Fail" by breaking up the big banks and making them smaller, simpler, and safer;
  • Stopping the subsidization of million dollar CEO bonuses by ending the CEO pay tax loophole;
  • And, ending predatory lending and expanding access to fair consumer banking services through public banking services such as postal banking.

Stand with Elizabeth Warren: Tell your elected officials in Washington to end tax loopholes for Wall Street CEOs and rewrite the rules of the economy to benefit working families, not just millionaires and billionaires.

Big banks and billionaires will fight us every step of the way. They'll spend millions on lobbyists and political donations to keep their sweetheart deals with Congress. It’s going to be an uphill battle. But when we stand united with courageous people like you by our side, Munsup, we have the power to take on Wall Street and the wealthy individuals and special interest groups who’ve rigged our economy, and win!

Join us to tell Congress: “Stop placing the needs of greedy Wall Street brokers and bankers over working-class Americans!”

Yours in the fight,

Moonyoung, along with Annie, Eddie, Emma, Ernesto, Kelsey, Laura, Lindsay, Scottie, and Tim (the Courage team)

1. https://couragecampaign.actionkit.com/go/3253?t=7&akid=2797.790590.TT4cfZ
2. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/3251?t=9&akid=2797.790590.TT4cfZ and http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/3252?t=11&akid=2797.790590.TT4cfZ



From: James Lucas; Member, Veterans for Peace

Once upon a time during the Cold War America’s military budget and foreign policy were based on a fear of communism that was inculcated into our nation’s collective psyche. Times have changed, and today people fear terrorism based on what they learn through the media.

However, to get a balanced picture, we need to examine, on the other hand, the reasons for the fear of our nation by hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people around the world. Why do they hate our government so much? Below  is a one page flier that will help fill that void.

If you  wish to have a better formatted version please send me an email at jaimelucas100@gmail.com



AFGHANISTAN              1-1.8 million      The U.S. recruited young Islamic men to fight the Soviet invaders
                                                                                          and now those recruits are among the terrorists we fight.
ANGOLA                               300,000 - 750,000             U.S. gave aid to help overthrow the government.

CHAD                                     40,000                         CIA helped bring to power a leader responsible for killings.
COLOMBIA                          87,000                                                      U.S. supported Colombian state terrorism.
CONGO (formerly Zaire)     5 million                  U.S. helped to assassinate Patrice Lumumba and provided
                                                                                            millions of dollars in arms to all sides.
EAST TIMOR                      200,000         U.S. approved use of its arms in Indonesian invasion of East Timor.
EL SALVADOR             75,000            $6 billion was given by the U.S. to crush a social justice movement. 
GUATEMALA                   200,000       CIA orchestrated a coup to stop the redistribution of land to peasants.
HAITI                               30,000 - 100,000    U.S. sent millions of dollars to Duvalier to suppress his opponents.
INDOCHINA (VIETNAM, CAMBODIA, LAOS) 3 - 7 million        U.S. blocked a required election to unify North and South Vietnam.
INDONESIA                     .5 - 3 million                CIA provided names to Indonesian death squads.
IRAN-IRAQ WAR      (Iran: 262,000 and Iraq: 105,000)            U.S. supported both nations at different times.
IRAQ                               350,000 (1st war vs. U.S.);  1,455,000 (2nd war vs. U.S.)    U.S. violated international law.
ISRAEL vs. PALESTINE  100,000 - 200,000       U.S. provides billions of dollars each year in aid to Israel.
KOREA                         1.8 - 4.5 million               U.S. paranoia about communism was the cause of this war.
LIBYA                        100,000               Muammar Gaddafi was assassinated by rebels in 2011. The U.S.
                                                                                  had tried to assassinate him 25 years earlier.
PHILIPPINES                100,000               U.S. helped Philippine government repress indigenous movements.
SUDAN                      2 million                 Human Rights groups said U.S. helped to topple the government.
SYRIA                        250,000 – 450,000              U.S. wants to control oil and the route of a future pipeline.
U.S.                                    80,000-120,000    Deaths due mainly to  Korean, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
YUGOSLAVIA              100,000 - 300,000                        U.S. used coercive methods to promote privatization.


Operation Condor: The U.S. facilitated communication against political opponents in a joint effort with ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, CHILE, PARAGUAY and URUGUAY resulting in 13,000 deaths.

INDIVIDUAL NATIONS: BOLIVIA:  400 - Hugo Banzer, an oppressive leader, was trained in the U.S.;   CHILE:  3,000 - CIA plot led to the death of President Salvador Allende;   CUBA:  1,800 - 4,000 - U.S. organized the failed invasion of Cuba to oust Castro;    DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 3,000 - Juan Bosch, advocate of land reform, was deposed by a CIA coup; GEORGIA:  US trained Georgian army invaded South Ossetia, killing several hundred people;    GRENADA:  277 – U.S. deposed Maurice Bishop who opposed the quarantine of Cuba;  HONDURAS:  400 – U.S. supported Battalion 316 which kidnapped, killed and tortured citizens; HUNGARY: 3,000 The U.S. Radio Free Europe gave rebels against Soviet rule hope for Western aid, but this did not happen; NICARAGUA:  25,000 - U.S. provided military aid to the Contras to overthrow the government;   NEPAL:  8,000 - 12,000 - U.S. provided arms and advisers to the Nepalese government;  PANAMA: 500 - 4,000U.S. kidnapped Pres. Noriega, leaving devastation behind in Panama; SOUTH AFRICA:  The CIA  was  responsible for the capture of  Mandela and violated the arms embargo against S. Africa. 21,000 deaths during apartheid;  UKRAINE: 8,000 – Activities of the U.S. ambassador led to the war.

Killer  drones: U.S. has used them to kill about 4,700 people in AFGHANISTAN, ALGERIA, IRAN, IRAQ, LIBYA, PAKISTAN, SOMALIA, and YEMEN, in violation of international law.

For sources contact James A. Lucas, member Veterans for Peace: jaimelucas100@gmail.com
Feel free to copy and circulate as needed. (rev 5/16)



From: Thomas Scott
Subject: America under threat – WaPo

Dangerous times are probably going to get worse, no matter what happens in November...










These Americans are preparing for battle...against their...

Armed with shotguns and Constitutions, the ‘Patriot’ movement sees America under threat. They mean to defend their way of life, by any means necessary.

View on www.washingtonpost...

Preview by Yahoo




From: Robert Naiman, MoveOn, on behalf of Robert Naiman; Just Foreign Policy
Subject: speak up for kids in military detention?

If you're like a lot of people, if the topic turns to "Israel-Palestine," you shrug your shoulders or roll your eyes. It's a hopeless disaster, there's nothing useful to do, turn the page, move along.

I will confess: I also sometimes despair of progress on this front. But what I always come back to is this: let's treat this like we'd treat any other issue. Get a bunch of people together, find a plausible ball to try to move, try to move the ball.

That's what a bunch of us are doing right now, together with the American Friends Service Committee, the Friends Committee on National Legislation, and a bunch of other groups: we're trying to rally people in support of Minnesota Democrat Betty McCollum's Congressional letter on protecting the rights of Palestinian kids in military detention.

I just put up a piece about this on Huffington Post. Can you help me get the word out by reading and sharing my piece? You can find it here:


Thanks for all you do to help make U.S. foreign policy more just,

This message was sent to Munsup by Robert Naiman through MoveOn's public petition website. MoveOn Political Action licensed and paid for this service, but does not endorse contents of this message.
Want to make a donation? MoveOn is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way.
Chip in here.



From: Daytonians Against War Now (DAWN) On Behalf Of Logan Martinez
Subject: [DAWN] Nakba Day: Thousands of Irish People Lie on Streets in Solidarity with Palestinians

Nakba Day: Thousands of Irish People Lie on Streets in Solidarity with Palestinians

By Instituto Manquehue on May 17, 2016
Manquehue Institute for Strategic Studies

Thousands of people took to the street across Ireland today calling for an end to violence in Gaza.

A crowd of about 3000 marched from the Spire in O’ Connell Street, Dublin to the Israeli embassy.

Demonstrations were held in more than 16 locations across the country including Derry, Limerick, Cork, and Waterford.
Freda Hughes, spokeswoman for Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign who are hosting the protests, said Ireland’s decision to abstsain from a United Nations vote to investigate allegation of Israeli war crimes in Gaza was “shameful”.

“People across the globe are disgusted and appalled by what they are witnessing in Gaza,” she said.

“It is a war on the whole people of Gaza; men, women, children, hospitals, schools and neighbourhoods.”

Similar protests were echoed across Europe with more than 45,000 people showed up to protest against the conflict in London.
Pro-Palestinian protesters clashed with police in central Paris today when hundreds of marchers defied a ban by French authorities to rally against Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip.

French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve warned organisers in a television address that they would be held responsible for any clashes and could be prosecuted for ignoring a ban that was confirmed by the country’s top administrative court.

TV footage showed a minority of demonstrators wearing balaclavas and traditional Arab keffiyeh headdresses throwing projectiles at riot officers. Paris police said they had made 40 arrests.

French authorities have refused to permit several pro-Palestinian protests because they feared violence.

Marchers clashed with riot police in and around Paris in recent weeks, with some targeting synagogues and Jewish shops.
“Anti-Semitic violence exists: we must face it head on,” Mr Cazeneuve said.

Some protesters, NGOs and even ruling Socialist politicians have criticised the bans on the rallies as counter-productive.
Mr Cazeneuve noted that over the last two weeks, five marches had been banned, out of about 300 such protests across the country.

“Freedom of protest was thus the rule, and bans the exception,” he said.

According to the interior ministry, some 2,000 police were sent to the Place de la Republique to surround the demonstrators, which Reuters photographers estimated numbered between 800 and 900.

The photographers saw one police officer slightly injured, the front windows of the Crowne Plaza hotel smashed and a bus shelter wrecked.

Organizers denied accusations of anti-Semitism. “Our goal is not to attack the Jews, it is to condemn the policies of a government,” Tarek Ben Hiba, a local politician and head of one of the 20 associations organizing the protest said.

Protesters were seen waiving Palestinian flags, chanting “We are all Palestinians” and carrying placards reading: “Zionists, terrorists”.

At least one Israeli flag was burned, a Reuter’s photographer said.

In the Mediterranean port city of Marseilles, some 2,000 people marched peacefully today in an authorized demonstration.

France has both the largest Jewish and Muslim populations in Europe and flare-ups in the Middle East have often in the past added to tensions between the two communities.

Israel began its offensive earlier this month, citing a surge in rocket attacks launched from Hamas militants in Gaza.
The Palestinian death toll in the Gaza Strip on Saturday climbed to 1,000, most of them civilians. Thirty-five Israeli soldiers and three civilians have also died.

[The Manquehue Institute for Strategic Studies is a civic organization that pursues both the development of strategic views on main topics related to Latin American countries aimed at the local people, and projecting a faithful image of this region to the world.]



From: Morris Dees; Founder, Southern Poverty Law Center
Subject: Special offer: Join a special group of SPLC supporters

Thank you for your recent donation to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Your support makes a real difference in the struggle for equal justice and opportunity, but did you know there’s a way to aid our work even more?

I’d like to extend a special invitation to join a select group of supporters I call the Friends of the Center.

By becoming a Friend of the Center, you can help us:

  1. Take on more costly cases and campaigns. If we can more accurately project how much money we will raise each year, we can adjust our case load and make better staffing decisions.
  2. Cut the cost of our fundraising. We do not mail solicitations to monthly donors, which puts more of their money to work fighting hate and injustice.

By doing so, you’ll receive a special “insider” view of our work without additional requests for donations. And, you can cancel your monthly gift anytime.

I know that monthly giving isn’t right for everyone — and I deeply appreciate however you choose to support the SPLC. But please consider becoming a Friend of the Center with a monthly gift today.

Become a Friend of the Center ButtonHatewatch Blog

Send an eCardBecome a Partner for the Future Button


From: Alex Hart, People For the American Way
Subject: Demand Trump disclose his tax returns! (your signature needed now)

Demand Trump disclose his tax returns.

For the past 40 years, it has been tradition that presidential nominees of both major parties release multiple years of their tax returns. They do this in part to ensure the public that there are no conflicts of interest.

Donald Trump is refusing to release his tax returns, hiding behind a phony excuse that he can’t until the IRS finishes auditing him.

Please join PFAW and our allies in demanding that -- like his predecessors -- Donald Trump release multiple years of his tax returns. That way the American people can get the truth about his business dealings, claims of extreme wealth, how he truly makes his money, what tax loopholes he is using to dodge taxes, the tax rate he actually pays -- and how his tax plan would benefit him personally.

Sign the petition demanding that Donald Trump release multiple years of his tax returns>>

We will deliver the signatures to Trump Tower in New York City.

Demand that Trump releases his tax returns

-- Your allies at People For the American Way


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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