[mpen-dayton4] FW: "The New War On Moms" & "Why Bernie's and our political revolution is succeeding" & "Tell Amazon to dump Trump" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
· FW: The New War On Moms
· FW: Update: Bipartisan effort to lift CDC research ban
· FW: FBI to Interrogate Clinton Over Email Scandal — Possibly Before California Primary
· FW: NEOLIBERALISM and the 2016 Presidential Election
· FW: Why Bernie's and our political revolution is succeeding
· FW: The cornerstone of democracy
· FW: SPLC lawsuit: Voting rights denied in Louisiana
BREAKING: Alabama Chief Justice faces possible removal from bench after SPLC ethics complaints
· FW: We need a Christian response to Trump
· FW: Add your name: Tell Amazon to dump Trump
· FW: Conversation w/Palestinian Filmmaker Annemarie Jacir!
· FW: Elizabeth Warren vs. David Duke
From: JinJa CALES
Subject: FW: The New War On Moms
War is no longer the largest taker of young American lives.
Guns are.
And it's not because we haven't been at war constantly for the last several decades (sadly, we have).
Even with this reality, there have been more gun-related deaths since 1968 than all cumulative war deaths since the American Revolution.1
And that's one of the reasons we made Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, & the NRA.
As we go into Mother's Day weekend - a holiday that was originally founded for mourning women to remember fallen soldiers and work for peace - we ask you to share this video and arrange a free screening of Making a Killing at your local school, church, or organizational meeting.2
None of us should have to live in a country where sending our loved ones to church, a movie, or school is as dangerous as sending them to war. Our daily lives should not be battlefields.
Together, we can fight this war-for-profit that is happening on our very own soil. But only if more people learn about who is to blame, the role of profit and greed - and what can be done to make real change in our lifetime.
As a father and grandfather, I have a lot of great moms in my life. Do this for them – and all of the great moms in your life.
Thanks for your action,
P.S. Please donate $3 to help us educate more people on this issue.
1. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/aug/27/nicholas-kristof/more-americans-killed-guns-1968-all-wars-says-colu/,Tampa Bay Times, August 27th, 2015
2. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/05/140508-mothers-day-nation-gifts-facts-culture-moms/, National Geographic, May 9th, 2014
From: David Berman, DO; Co-Leader of the DFA Gun Violence Prevention Campaign Doctors for America
Subject: Update: Bipartisan effort to lift CDC research banThanks to your calls and emails, the letter being circulated by House members now has bipartisan support with the addition of Rep. Bob Dold.
This is the time to make your voice heard with your member of Congress on the importance of ending the ban on gun violence research. Act now before this letter closes in just a few days.
Take two minutes to contact your member of Congress today about this bipartisan effort.
Please support this effort by asking your member of Congress to sign onto the letter being circulated by Reps. Price, Kelly, Quigley, Lowey and DeLauro to end the ban on federal gun research.
Contact your member of Congress right now.
We have come a long way in this push. We can't let up now.
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: FBI to Interrogate Clinton Over Email Scandal — Possibly Before California Primary
From: albert baca
Subject: FW: NEOLIBERALISM and the 2016 Presidential Election
I see where the Cruzer and the illustrious governor of this great state (Ohio) have decided to hang it up, which leaves one, "The Trumpenstein Monster", to be the GOP presidential nominee against HRC. Is this ever going to be an interesting election? My guess is yes. Those of you who bother to read my messages know I don't think much about HRC but I will sure vote for her over the Trumpenstein Monster. That said, I am pasting something for you to read.
If, after reading what I am pasting you want to read some more on the subject of neoliberalism, I am attaching a more difficult read which I put into American English from British English for easier reading.
I am attaching a second paper dealing with Single Payer medical in a neoliberal world. One of the papers that Dr. McCanne is commenting about was co-authored by a UNM Prof who teaches both Sociology and Medicine and practices medicine in rural NM. Sounds like a decent fellow to me.
Finally, I am attaching a much older paper by one of my favorite economists, Joseph Stiglitz of Columbia University.
-------BEGIN PASTE JOB------
Well, well, well,
I see where the fit has hit the shan. TV is reporting that Carrier is moving about 1400 jobs from Indy to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Naturally the politicians, even the Donald, are making political hay out of it. Do a Google and see for yourself. When I did a Google on the Donald and the Carrier move, I had 715K hits.
Monterrey is the third largest metropolitan area in Mexico. Nuevo Leon is an inland state, not touching the Gulf of Mexico. But it does touch the Rio Grande River for about 9 miles.
Being a long time student of economics, history, politics and finance, I am here to state that it is important in this country that money comes first, then people; not people coming first then money as it should be.
How many of you remember that when Tricky Dicky was elected, he and Henry K. de-stabilized the Middle East and it has been destabilized ever since? No this is not about the Saudi Arabia thing but yet it is. Many others have also played roles in the destabilized Middle East including Bibi and the Likud.
How many of you know what "The New American Century signifies? What is a neo-con?
One thing that bothers me about HRC is her neo-conservative tendencies. Then it occurred to me that I didn't know much about neo-liberalism so I went looking. I found this:
The link does an adequate job of explaining neo-liberalism. If you will bother to read the link, which I am attaching after converting it to American English, you will understand why the US and the UK have steadily gone downhill since St. Ronnie and Mag the Hag came into power in 1980. Trickle down was not really trickle down. What was supposed to have trickled down was really shoveled up. The wealthy became wealthier as wealth was re-distributed to the wealthy. That meant that the middle class and the poor had to become poorer. That is simple arithmetic. Any democrats disagree? Republicans don't have to answer that question. That is why you are a Republican. Keep shoveling it up. That is supposedly great for the American economy, macroeconomically speaking. Talk about Male Bovine Excrement. Or is it Male Equine Excrement? You decide. I report.
If the study of "Welfare Economics" wasn't so damn hard, I would recommend that all Republicans study it. What is welfare economics? As simply as I can state it, it is using the microeconomics of the firm (what is best for the firm) to maximize the macroeconomics (GDP) of the country.
From: Matt, Corinne, Bobby, Tzyh, and the rest of the MoveOn for Bernie team, MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: Why Bernie's and our political revolution is succeeding
Bernie won the Indiana Primary on Tuesday, and he's likely to win even more states before the final votes are cast in June.
But lost in all the debates over who's winning delegates and super delegates are some of the other major victories we've already won along the way.
Here's are some of the ways that Bernie and MoveOn are already winning the Democratic Primary.
Showing the widespread support behind big, bold progressive ideas.
- Debt free college for all. ✔
- Opposing unjust trade deals like the TPP. ✔
- Guaranteed health care as a basic right. ✔
- An end to mass deportations and a path to citizenship. ✔
- A $15 minimum wage. ✔
- Ending fracking and transitioning from fossil fuels. ✔
- Overturning Citizens United and getting big money out of politics. ✔
- Fixing a broken criminal justice system and confronting systemic racism. ✔
Bernie's campaign, together with powerful organizing by vibrant and energized grassroots movements, has put these bold progressive ideas at the center of the Democratic Party and the national political conversation, proving that big ideas previously written off as "too ambitious" now have widespread popular support.
Energizing Democratic voters with a competitive primary
Primary challenges matter—we've been saying it ever since we launched our "Run Warren Run" campaign to draft Elizabeth Warren into the presidential race in late 2014. Exit polls in every state are showing two-thirds of Democratic voters think that the primary has "energized the party" (while the majority of Republicans say that their primary has divided them).1 Just last week the New York Times called Bernie's campaign "A gift to the Democratic Party".2
Supporting progressive Congressional candidates.
Bernie's campaign has been taking the political revolution local by supporting bold, progressive Congressional candidates. A few weeks ago he helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for these three MoveOn-endorsed progressive women running in tough primaries of their own.3
Inspiring young voters.
Young voters—the future of our country—are overwhelmingly Feeling the Bern, many getting involved in politics for the first time. Researchers behind a Harvard University study of millennials said that "there is no question that there is a significant part of the electorate that [Sanders] has woken up and is organizing."4 It's hard not to be inspired about the future when you look at these faces.
And it's not just about Bernie, it's about us.
Whatever happens next, this energy isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It will be young and old. It will be diverse. It will be powerful.
While Bernie may have sparked this political revolution, it's each one of us—the MoveOn members, the volunteers making the calls and knocking on doors, the seasoned and new organizers alike—who are helping make it happen.
Since MoveOn members overwhelmingly voted to endorse Bernie's campaign in early January, together we've shaken up the foundation of our political system and shown what's possible when we dream big and fight for what we believe in.
While Bernie's path to the nomination may be narrow, MoveOn members are continuing to mobilize to help him win every vote still to be cast (even as we also launch a major campaign to defeat Donald Trump and the forces of hatred he's unleashed).5
This primary is going to end in just over a month, but the political revolution it's sparked will continue for a long time. And with every state Bernie wins we're showing that big progressive ideas, bold progressive candidates, and grassroots powered campaigns are the future of the Democratic Party.
The next victory we can win for this movement is in West Virginia on Tuesday—with 11 more contests to follow in the coming weeks.
Will you sign up to volunteer this weekend to help Bernie win more victories, and keep pushing this political revolution forward?
Yes—show me how I can volunteer for Bernie this weekend.
I can't—but I'll pitch in $27 to MoveOn and Bernie to power this movement.
1) "Exit Polls from Indiana: Democrats Are Excited, Republicans Are Divided," Associated Press, May 3, 2016
2) http://act.moveon.org/go/3565?t=9&akid=164815.1195276._4RWMG
3) "Bernie Sanders's Gift to His Party," New York Times, May 3, 2016
4) "Bernie Sanders Reaches Down Ballot To Expand His Political Revolution," Huffington Post, April 13, 2016
5) "Bernie Sanders is profoundly changing how millennials think about politics, poll shows," Washington Post, April 25, 2016
6) "MoveOn Announces Campaign to Keep Presumptive Republican Nominee Trump Out of White House," MoveOn.org, May 3, 2016
Want to support our work? We're going all out to help Bernie Sanders win the Democratic nomination and change the Democratic Party. But we can't do it without small-dollar donations from people like you. Click here to chip in.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
From: Mike Honda
Subject: The cornerstone of democracy
Today we commemorate the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1960.
Drafted in response to Southern states' continued discrimination against African Americans in civic and public life and a series of violent attacks against Black churches and schools, the passage of the 1960 Civil Rights Act acts as a reminder that achieving equality is an incremental process that takes dedication and commitment to achieve.
After the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, black voters in the South were still effectively disenfranchised by means of violent suppression, poll taxes and literacy tests. The Civil Rights Act established the federal inspection of voter registration polls and instituted penalties for voter registration obstruction, but it was later strengthened by the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968.
The right to vote is the cornerstone of democratic government, and despite our progress in some areas, voter suppression is not a thing of the past. Unduly burdensome voter ID laws currently represent one of the nation's most important civil rights issues, as they've been found to create egregious barriers to minority participation in our elections. That's why I co-authored the Election Weekend Act in an effort to make it easier for voters to make it to the polls and exercise their Constitutional right to vote; I'm also one of the original cosponsors of the Voting Rights Amendment Act, which updates and modernizes the provisions of the VRA that were struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder case.
In the wake of national tragedies like the Charleston church shooting, the crisis in Flint, Michigan, and the evolution of our national conversation about civil rights and police brutality, driven by grassroots organizers in the Black Lives Matter movement, it is meet and right for us to reflect with gratitude and solemnity on the long struggle undertaken by thousands of Americans toward full equality before the law, regardless of their of their race, color, religion, or national origin.
Seventy years ago, my family was forcibly removed from our home and sent to an internment camp. The current political climate, especially the rhetoric of the presumptive Republican nominee for President, has made me worry that our nation is heading down the same path of panic and xenophobia that led to my family's internment during World War II.
Now more than ever, it is important that we have progressive champions in Congress that will stand up for everyone in this country regardless or race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. I am dedicated to continuing to promote the dialogue and legislation required to guarantee justice, dignity and access to opportunity for Americans across the country.
Paid For By Mike Honda for Congress |
From: Southern Poverty Law Center
Subject: SPLC lawsuit: Voting rights denied in Louisiana
SPLC sues to protect naturalized citizens from discrimination when registering to vote |
BREAKING: Alabama Chief Justice faces possible removal from bench after SPLC ethics complaints
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore could once again be removed from the bench as the result of judicial ethics complaints filed by the Southern Poverty Law Center after he instructed state court judges to defy a federal court order and enforce the state's unconstitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
Ruling on the SPLC complaints, the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission (JIC) announced late yesterday that it has filed ethics charges against Moore, setting up a trial in the Alabama Court of the Judiciary.
"Moore has disgraced his office for far too long," said SPLC President Richard Cohen. "He's such a religious zealot, such an egomaniac that he thinks he doesn't have to follow federal court rulings he disagrees with. For the good of the state, he should be kicked out of office."
Read Richard Cohen's full statement.
The court removed Moore from the bench once before, in 2003, in response to an SPLC ethics complaint after he refused to comply with a federal court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument that he installed in the state judicial building. He was re-elected to the post in 2012.
From: Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Subject: We need a Christian response to Trump
Donald Trump's nomination is a moment of political crisis for America, but it's also a spiritual crisis for the church.
Millions of self-described Christians have flocked to an authoritarian leader preaching violence, hatred, and fear.
The time has come for Christian leaders to break their cowardly silence and forcefully condemn Trump's vision for America as fundamentally incompatible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We've spent the last few weeks preparing for the likely possibility that Trump will be the Republican nominee. Now it's time to get started on an emergency campaign mobilizing widespread Christian opposition and resistance.
That means raising at least $10,000 immediately. Can you chip in? Donate to Faithful America.
Here's what we're planning:
1) Organize a grassroots groundswell of local Christians and churches speaking out against Trump's xenophobic and racist platform. Imagine hundreds of sermons, prayer services, and other local events.
2) Hold Christian leaders like Jerry Falwell, Jr. accountable for endorsing Trump. No one who enables Trump's campaign of hate should continue to hold a leadership position in any Christian church, school, or organization.
3) Demand that Catholic bishops choose Pope Francis over Donald Trump. In the past, too many bishops have all but endorsed the Republican nominee - this time, we can't let that happen.
It's an ambitious plan, and there are no billionaires, political parties, or even churches ready to fund a campaign like this. That means we need hundreds of grassroots donors to step up right now.
Donate to Faithful America.
From: Nita Chaudhary, UltraViolet Action
Subject: Add your name: Tell Amazon to dump Trump
Now that Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, businesses like Coca-Cola and Microsoft are backing away from him and his brand.1
So why is the online behemoth Amazon continuing to sell Trump's line of menswear—even though companies like Macy's bailed on Trump's brand of hate last year? Sign the petition today demanding Amazon stop legitimizing Trump by selling his products. Tell Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos:
Reject Trump's sexism, racism, and xenophobia. Stop selling Trump products.
Sign Nita's petition
Trump is inciting violence at his rallies and spewing vitriol that white supremacists like David Duke love. So why is Amazon continuing to support the Trump empire?
Many of us use Amazon, and the company has responded to our pressure before over the selling of sexist products. It's time for Amazon to reject Trump's brand of misogyny. Will you add your name now?
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
1. "Corporations Grow Nervous About Participating in Republican Convention," The New York Times, March 30, 2016
You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on MoveOn.org, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.
Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
From: Samantha Brotman; Membership Coordinator, Jewish Voice for Peace
Subject: Conversation w/Palestinian Filmmaker Annemarie Jacir!
I wanted to make sure you all heard about this amazing opportunity we have later this month.
On Thursday, May 26th at 9am PT/noon ET, we'll get to hear from and talk to Palestinian filmmaker, Annemarie Jacir, about her groundbreaking film "Salt of This Sea," which is the first feature film from Palestine by a female director. Jacir was named one of Filmmaker magazine's 25 New Faces of Independent Cinema and part of Variety's "Arab New Wave." Two of her films have premiered as Official Selections at the Cannes Film Festival, one in Venice and one in Berlin.
You can rent Salt of This Sea here for just $5!
Register for the event by clicking on the link below!
Palestinian Film: "Salt of This Sea"
A Conversation with Director Annemarie Jacir
Thursday, May 26th at 9am west/noon east
Co-Sponsored by Facing the Nakba
We'll also hear from Lubnah Shomali of Badil on this call. This is really a unique and exciting opportunity for JVP members. I hope to see you all there!
From: Stop Trump
Subject: Elizabeth Warren vs. David Duke
-- People For the American Way
Sen. Warren's full statement:
Donald Trump is now the leader of the Republican Party. It's real -- he is one step away from the White House. Here's what else is real:
Trump has built his campaign on racism, sexism, and xenophobia. There's more enthusiasm for him among leaders of the KKK than leaders of the political party he now controls.
He incites supporters to violence, praises Putin, and, according to a columnist who recently interviewed him, is "cool with being called an authoritarian" and doesn't mind associations with history's worst dictators.
He attacks veterans like John McCain who were captured and puts our servicemembers at risk by cheerleading illegal torture. In a world with ISIS militants and leaders like North Korean strongman Kim Jong-Un conducting nuclear tests, he surrounds himself with a foreign policy team that has been called a "collection of charlatans," and puts out contradictory and nonsensical national security ideas one expert recently called "incoherent" and "truly bizarre."
What happens next will test the character for all of us -- Republican, Democrat, and Independent. It will determine whether we move forward as one nation or splinter at the hands of one man's narcissism and divisiveness. I know which side I'm on, and I'm going to fight my heart out to make sure Donald Trump's toxic stew of hatred and insecurity never reaches the White House.
Agree? Please support our work to stop Trump with a donation today>>
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