U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Sunday, July 24, 2016

[mpen-dayton] Greater Miami Valley Events & News

FYI.   Best, Munsup

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·         (July 28) FW: History in the making. Will we see you Thursday?

·         (July 29 – Oct. 1) FW: Weekend Hanger Talks Featuring the Replica 1911 Wright Model B

·         (July 30) FW: Enjoy Belgian Ale Fest

·         (July 30) FW: American Solar Challenge Stops in Dayton

·         (Aug. 2) FW: Racism Taskforce Meeting Updates

·         (Aug. 5&6) FW: Junior Ranger Camp

·         FW: Homefull Happenings

·         FW: 2017 Minority Health Month RFP Re-Release

·         FW: DDN Articles about WSU Debate


From: Mary Ollen; Organizer, Ohio Together Campaign, mollen@ohvictory2016.org, (774) 563-9515
Subject: History in the making. Will we see you Thursday?

Join local Democrats at a home in Beavercreek on Thursday, July 28th from 8 - 11pm as we watch Hillary Clinton make history at the Democratic National Convention. We are gathering to watch Secretary Clinton's acceptance speech, get to know each other, and have a chance at winning some door prizes! We look forward to seeing you there!

RSVP here and bring a friend!
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. Thank you!



From: Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
Subject: Weekend Hanger Talks Featuring the Replica 1911 Wright Model B Starting July 29


Beginning July 29, 2016, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park will launch a series of hangar talks featuring the replica 1911 Wright B Flyer at the Huffman Prairie Flying Field on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

by Tom and Nancy Valentine, this functioning prop was featured in the 1978 television movie The Winds of Kitty Hawk. The plane, also known as the Valentine Flyer and the Yellow Bird, was eventually purchased by non-profit organization Wright B Flyer, Inc., of Springboro, Ohio, and is on temporary loan to Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park throughout the summer. The Wright B Flyer is one of many park attractions and events planned in recognition of the National Park Service's 100th anniversary on August 25, 2016.

learn more about the Wright B Flyer, meet the rangers at the replica hangar between the hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. on Fridays and Saturdays, July 29 through October 1. The Huffman Prairie Flying Field is located at Gate 16A, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. These programs are free and require no reservations (though large groups are encouraged to contact the park in advance). Hangar talks will be cancelled in the event of inclement weather.

additional information about this or other events at Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, please contact Jewel Harris (jewel_harris@nps.gov), visit: www.nps.gov/daav, or call: 937-225-7705.

Read the full press release by clicking this link.



From: David K. Greer

Subject: FW: Enjoy Belgian Ale Fest

Enjoy Belgian Ale & Food Fest

July 30, 4 pm-7 pm

Miami Valley Golf Club, 3311 Salem Ave.

Enjoy any of 26 Belgian ales and gourmet Belgian cuisine at the Belgian Ale and Food Festival on July 30 at the Miami Valley Golf Club. For tickets ($50 per person, or $35 for non-drinkers), see www.DAYTONBAFF.com

All proceeds will benefit the Salem Avenue Peace Corridor.

To volunteer: The Salem Avenue Business Association is sponsoring a table.

If you'd like to volunteer to serve ale and food at the SABA table, contact Larry Ramey at larrydramey54@yahoo.com.



From: Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
Subject: American Solar Challenge Stops in Dayton

Solar Cars Coming Soon to
Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
during the American Solar Challenge

1,975-mile solar car rally to visit 9 National Park Service sites in celebration of the agency's centennial

Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park is proud to support science innovation and celebrate the National Park Service Centennial by hosting a stop on the American Solar Challenge.  University teams from around the world designed and built solar-powered cars that will go through a series of tests on a closed track. Teams that qualify will drive their cars 1,975 miles on the open road during an 8-day rally, stopping at 9 different National Park Service sites in 7 states.

Solar cars competing in the 2016 American Solar Challenge will race to Carillon Historical Park in partnership with Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park.  Depending on traffic, weather, and energy management decisions made by each of the teams, the solar cars are expected to arrive between 1:30-6:00 pm at Carillon Historical Park. Each solar car will stay on display at the checkpoint for 45-minutes before continuing on the route.  Visitors are invited to see the cars and enjoy the other activities, including discovering how climate change impacts the Midwest, making sun-heated s'mores, and finding out how solar energy works by creating solar cars, planes, and other solar powered devices. The event is free and open to the public.

Read the full press release by clicking this link.



From: Crystal Walker; Executive Director, Greater Dayton Christian Connections
Subject: Racism Taskforce Meeting Updates

The local Catholic Racism Taskforce has shown a documentary film "Slavery by Another Name" with discussion afterwards. They are looking for additional venues for this film. Also Dr. Colette Harrison is looking for venues to show the documentary film "Racial Taboo". Both are excellent films and generate deep discussion.

Please keep the dates of November 11-13th open for the Planning/Lock-In event. It will be held at the Best Western Plus Northwest, hotel rates for single or double occupancy rooms are $69.99 per night; conference registration fee will be $75.00 which will include (2) dinners, (1) lunch and materials. Free parking and Free hot breakfast included. Registration limited to the first 40 people. Conference will begin at 7pm Friday evening and end at 9:00am Sunday. Hotel stay is required as the conference will go late in the evening/early morning with limited breaks. Be prepared to come up with a solid plan for the Dayton area. If interested, please send an initial RSVP to Crystal Walker drcrystal1@yahoo.com .

Any further updates will be shared at the Tuesday, August 2nd meeting. Please bring copies with you then to share with the group

See everyone that can make it on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 11:30am. Summit Christian Church, 4021 Denlinger Ave, Dayton, Ohio



From: Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
Subject: Junior Ranger Camp August 5th & 6th



From: Homefull
Subject: Homefull Happenings in July 2016

Homefull is hosting its first conference on Mon. Aug. 1st and Tue., Aug. 2nd.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Former UN Ambassador and US Congressman from Ohio, Tony Hall - "The Hall Hunger Initiative"

The theme is housing, employment, healthcare and food.
All workshops will have a particular focus on access, management, social enterprise and community development.
Thank you to all of the event sponsors, Signature - Midwest Clinical Research and Majors - Fifth Third Bank, TriCom B2B, Kettering Health Network, Rieck Services, CareSource, and Horenstein, Nicholson and Blumenthal!

Learn more!



Business Breakfast Announced

Would you like to learn more about Homefull and the impact we make on our community through our many programs?
Attend the next Business Breakfast on Tuesday, September 13th from 8:00 - 9:00am and see what we do!

For more information or to RSVP, send an email to Clayton Genth or call (937)293-1945 ext. 181

We continue to be very busy as the summer is now upon us. Our landscaping, farm and maintenance crews for Homefull Solutions are working hard every day.  We are providing programs for the children who live in our housing sites.  And, we just completed another successful golf outing where we had fun in the sun with a lot of great friends!

We are also proud of the recognition that Homefull receives as we were most recently named the recipient of the Dayton Business Journal's "Innovation Index Award" for the way we look at combating homelessness in an "out of the box" way.


I am so grateful for each of you and for what you provide to Homefull.  We continue to assist a population with significant needs and it is through your support that this is possible.

Tina M. Patterson; CEO

Homefull Wins Dayton Business Journal Innovation Index Award

Homefull is excited to announce that we were recently named a winner of the Innovation Index Award in the Service to Society category by the Dayton Business Journal!

This award recognizes the top innovative leaders in the Dayton region. Homefull was honored for its contributions in best practices such as: Coordinated Entry, Rapid Re-housing, and Social Enterprise.
The DBJ formed a partnership with the Dayton Development Coalition for these awards, designed to highlight the best individuals, teams and companies who discovered innovative approaches and solutions to fuel the region's economic engine.

"We are so excited to be recognized for our work. It is with that same Dayton spirit of Innovation that we continue to develop programs and services that will move us closer to our vision of a community where there is no homelessness," said Homefull CEO Tina Patterson.


Hole in One for Homefull Golf Outing a Success

Homefull hosted our annual Hole in One for Homefull Golf Outing at Heatherwoode Golf Club recently.  With beautiful weather, it was a great day to raise awareness for Homefull's mission to work to end homelessness by providing housing, services, advocacy and education.

A special thank you to all of our sponsors, including Signature Sponsor - Midwest Clinical Research and Major Sponsors: Kettering Health Network, Fifth Third Bank, TriComB2B, Rieck Services, Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal, and the Walsh Family for making this event a huge success!

Quartitia's Story

Quartitia and her two children are all smiles after moving out of the Apple Street Emergency Shelter and into permanent housing.  After months of struggling with financial and housing instability, Quartitia and her children started working with their Homefull case manager, Emily Hawes at the Shelter.

Emily was able to help them transition out of homelessness and into housing.  Now, with the help of a Homefull community-based case manager, Quartitia and her family can focus on their new goals to continue their success.  Quartitia plans to search for full-time employment and is grateful for the employment tips and advice she received from Homefull. Quartitia's children are now more stable with school, as they are able to study in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

"My Homefull case manager, Emily, really helped me and my family when we needed it most.  We are now back on track and know we couldn't have done it without Homefull," says Quaritita.

Volunteer Focus: Veolia Water Technologies 

Veolia Water Technologies volunteers help out at the micro-farm with mulching raised beds.

Homefull recently hosted three great volunteers from Veolia Water Technologies in Vandalia at the Homefull Micro-Farm in West Dayton.  The volunteers joined Homefull staff for some hard work and fun for their corporate-sponsored service day.

Activities included: clearing and mulching raised reds, harvesting produce to be sold at local Farmer's Markets including Second Street Market and Wright Stop Plaza in Downtown Dayton, and unloading hay bales and other supplies.  A productive day was had by all!

Veolia employee and volunteer Veronica Moore says "I was inspired by Homefull.  It was a great experience working on the micro-farm right in the heart of the community."

Estate Planning and IRA Changes

Have you ever considered a gift to Homefull in your estate planning process?  There are many different ways to make a legacy gift while still making sure that your family and heirs are taken care of.  Many of these are quite simple to do and can include significant tax benefits, too.

Planned Gift opportunities such as setting up charitable lead and remainder trusts, simple bequests and even including Homefull as a small percentage beneficiary of a life insurance policy are something that you can do.

http://files.ctctcdn.com/65f9a80f101/c956302e-5944-453b-9d53-4da11fa04c53.jpgIn addition, for those over 70 1/2 years old, what had been a renewed tax benefit for many years is now a permanent allowable tax benefit.  Individuals who are required to make minimum distribution each year can give up to $100,000 from their IRA directly to a qualifying charitable organization and receive significant tax benefits as well as have it count toward their annual distribution.

It's an easy way to make a significant impact on an organization.  To do so, contact your financial planner or tax accountant.

For more information or to let Homefull know that we are already in your estate plans, please email John Patterson or call him at (937) 293-1945 ext. 535.



From: Cheryl Scroggins
FW: 2017 Minority Health Month RFP Re-Release

The Commission will be re-releasing our 2017 Minority Health Month RFP on August 1, 2016. Please share the announcement below with your agency’s partners. Especially your advisory panel members!  Thank you!     - Ms. Reina


The Ohio Commission on Minority Health announces the re-release of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Minority Health Month 2017. The RFP outlining grant requirements and access to existing technical assistance sessions will be available on our website on August 1, 2016 at
www.mih.ohio.gov or contact the Ohio Commission on Minority Health in person  at 77 South High Street, 18th Floor in Columbus, Ohio  43215 or by calling (614) 466-4000.

PLEASE NOTE:  Grant applicants can now charge 15% to personnel costs and 15% to administrative costs.

The deadline for submission is 5:00 pm on August 26, 2016.

Reina M. Sims, MSA; Program Manager, Ohio Commission on Minority Health
614.466.4000 Office & Reina.Sims@mih.ohio.gov



From: James
Subject: DDN Articles about WSU-Debate Debacle

Debate decision followed a year of tumult at Wright State

Giving up debate is a ‘blow to region’

No debate for Wright State — community reacts

Many factors broke Wright State’s debate dream


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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