U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Friday, February 17, 2017

[mpen-dayton] Greater Miami Valley Events & News

FYI.   Best, Munsup

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  • (Feb. 17, 21, 24, 28 & Mar 10, 17, 24) FW: Film series on immigrants' rights
  • (Feb. 19) FW: The Oneness of Humanity
  • (Feb. 22) FW: Meeting of the Dayton Area Machine Learning Group
  • (Feb. 26) FW: Perception of God
  • (Mar. 1) FW: Peace Dayton Kickoff Meeting & News
  • (Mar. 3) FW: Readiness Summit - Register now!
  • (Apr. 7) FW: Citylinks Neighborhood Leadership Conference
  • (Apr. 8) Annual Ohio Mathematics Contest – For more details visit http://iis.stat.wright.edu/OMC
  • (Apr. 22) FW: The Main Event  ---  New Main Library in downtown Dayton
  • FW: Community Gardening Winter 2017 Newsletter


From: Theo Majka
Subject: FW: Film series on immigrants' rights

Below is the "final" information on the film series on immigrants and refugees "Films Without Borders" to be shown at several locations at the University of Dayton during the rest of February and March. Please publicized. These events are open to the public. Welcome Dayton is one of the sponsors and will be so listed on a revision of the attached flyer.

Here is a description of most of the films. Many are documentaries. I am a discussant for maybe the only one that is a movie - A Better Life on March 17.

  • Friday, Feb 17, Art Street, Studio B
    Amreeka (2009 feature film, 96 minutes) – a family drama with plenty of humor about a Palestinian single mother and teenage son who get green cards and move to a small town in Indiana.  Does a good job debunking myths about Palestine and Palestinians.
  • Tuesday, Feb 21, Kennedy Union, room 331
    Which Way Home (2009 documentary, 90 minutes) – Depicts Central American youth riding the trains north through Mexico in an attempt to reach the US.  They represent the beginnings of what has now become a border crisis of unaccompanied minors fleeing Central America and coming across the southern border.
  • Friday, Feb 24, Art Street, Studio B
    Shenandoah (2012 documentary, 97 minutes) – Depicts the aftermath of the assault and murder of an undocumented Latino man living in a small town in Pennsylvania.  Presented without narration, the documentary presents responses from local white and Latino residents as well as showing how law enforcement responded and the trial unfolded.
  • Tuesday, Feb 28, Kennedy Union, room 222
    Who Is Dayani Cristal?  -  Heightened security in California and Texas has pushed unauthorized border-crossers into the treacherous Arizona desert in unprecedented numbers. While most are Mexican men in search of work, increasingly the border-crossers are women and children seeking to reunite with their husbands and fathers. This influx of migrants crossing through Arizona and the attendant rising death toll have elicited complicated feelings about human rights, culture, class, labor and national security.
  • Friday, March 10, Art Street, Studio B
    The Letter: An American Town and the Somali ‘Invasion’ (2003 documentary, 76 minutes) – The predominately white town of Lewiston, Maine receieved over a thousand Somali refugees in a short period of time. The film shows the aftermath of the Lewiston mayor’s public letter asking no more Somalis to come to the town: first, a white supremacist group organizes a rally, and then local groups organize a counter-demonstration calling for peace and a warm welcome for refugees.
  • Friday, March 17, Art Street, Studio B
    A Better Life (2011 feature film). An undocumented gardener in East L.A. struggles to keep his 15-year-old U.S.-born son in high school and away from gangs, and  trying to give him the opportunities he never had. However, the son is embarrassed by his father and, although he does not wish to follow in his footsteps, has a hard time committing himself to his education. To complicate matters, the son is dating the niece of a local gang leader. Rev. Gregory Boyle of Homeboy Industries (run by former gang members) who spoke at UD a year or two ago helped the director and crew find locations and make the film as authentic as possible.
  • Tuesday, March 21, Sears Recital Hall, 1st floor in the Humanities Building
    14: Dred Scott, Wong Kim Ark and Vanessa Lopez (2015 documentary, 67 minutes) – This film explores the meaning of the 14th amendment and the importance of birthright citizenship through telling the stories of Dred Scott, Wong Kim Ark and Rosario and Vanessa Lopez, all of whom had cases that went to the Supreme Court and shaped current citizenship law.



From: Colette Harrison
Subject: The Oneness of Humanity

This coming Sunday, February 19, we will gather to discuss, and attempt to beter understand, this all-important concept of the oneness of humanity. This seems especially pressing in this time of uncertainly and divisiveness, which further highlights racial and religious strife.

This interfaith gathering (2:30 - 4:30pm) was initially Baha'i-inspired and is being hosted by the Ahmadiyya Mosque at 637 Randolph St in Dayton (near Rte 35 & James H. McGee Blvd). This said, the readings provided - stemming from many different sources - are meant to spark frank and honest dialogue and welcomes all faith (and non-faith) ideas and perspectives. Please also feel free to bring any additional readings to share that are relevant to our theme for this session of the Oneness of Humanity

For those of you who came to an openng session which was held on February 5 and meant to introduce the series, this one will be somewhat different in both content and format. We want to give everyone in attendance the opportunity to share with all of us some of their hopes, vision, and even fears, about how we move our greater Dayton area multi-cultural, multi-faith community forward in ways that support all of us living in harmony with each other.

Please feel free to distribute this far and wide! Should you have any questions, please contact me at 937-949-7949 or 937-232-8313 or by email at itscmh@sbcglobal.net or GreaterDaytonUnites@gmail.com



From: Jason Knapp
Subject: Meeting of the Dayton Area Machine Learning Group

This is a reminder that our upcoming meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, the 22th, at 11:30 in room 101 of Wright State’s NEC building.
The title and abstract of Dr. Steve Roger’s talk can be found below. Please feel free to inform anyone you think might be interested in attending.

“Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Where are we?  How did we get here?  Where do we go?” – Steven “Cap” Rogers, AF Senior Scientist for Autonomy

This discussion starts with examples that illustrate where we are in AI/ML (commercial successes in the medical area of early detection of breast and lung cancer as well as in breakthroughs in gaming as demonstrated by the recent success of the Google DeepMind AlphaGo system).  Then we will provide a brief look back on how we got here – both by looking at the waves of work in AI/ML, the neurophysiological insights culminating in the Dogma surrounding current Deep learning successes.   That leads to a discussion on what is different this time versus prior waves of AI/ML.  During this part of the discussion we will remind people of the ideas of stages of technical engineering maturity (Shaw) and technical debt (Cunningham) as key concepts that people in the AI/ML community must keep in mind.  We will conclude with a look at the limitations of current approaches and how addressing the really important question of machine consciousness from an engineering characteristics perspective might bring value.   The final points of the discussion will include some summary statements on how to make a career in AI/ML and what are careers in this area really like and whether they fit your personal goals.



From: Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton
Subject: Perception of God

You are warmly invited to the first of a series of programs addressing the Perception of God from different faith perspectives. The presentation on Sunday, February 26, from 3:00-5:00 P.M. will feature a Muslim speaker and a Native American speaker. The program will take place in Foster Hall on the third floor of Christ United Methodist Church, 3440 Shroyer Road in Kettering.

Programs are free and open to the public so we invite you to share this invitation with friends and family who may be interested in an interfaith gathering.

If you would like to bring a side dish to share, please exclude pork or shellfish. Please bring a list of ingredients in your homemade food for the benefit of those with dietary restrictions. We will place this list in front of the food you brought to share.



From: J. Fred Arment
Subject: Peace Dayton Kickoff Meeting & News



Please attend! First meeting at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 1st
New place: The Dayton Mediation Center, 371 W 2nd St #300, Free Parking

"Let us resolve to put peace first."

- Incoming Secreatry-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, January 2017

In this time of polarization, unity is the power that can overcome division. 
For International Day of Peace, 2017, the Miami Valley will once again stand together in unity.
Now is the time to begin planning a September peace event for your members!

Dayton is a true city of peace builders.
From our civic leaders to our service organizations, faith-based groups, artists and educators, 
along with those involved in wellness, environmental action, security, recreation, and business -- 
WE are a town of neighbors that values safety, prosperity and quality of life for ALL.

For the fifth year, Miami Valley organizations will leverage the U.N.'s International Day of Peace. 
The Peace Dayton Collaborative Group now has over 100 organizations involved!
This year each organization will host an event during September to reject polarization,
and to let our children and the world know that WE choose the power of unity over division.

The Official International Day of Peace is Thursday, September 21st, 2017. 
Our official local celebration of Peace Month runs from Friday, September 6th through Sunday, September 24th
Please plan your peace-building event between these days and join this community-wide celebration 
that has exceeded the Dayton border and now includes many surrounding towns in the Miami Valley.


• The third annual Peacebuilders Walk will be on September 9th in coordination with 
WYSO and other organizations to create a Peacebuilders Village at Riverscape.
This event will also kickoff Peace Dayton's community-wide celebration.

• An exhibit featuring Dayton: City of Peace will soon be at the Dayton International Peace Museum.

• We have already heard from Miami Valley groups beginning to plan their 2017 September events 
including the Dayton Mediation Center, the Five Rivers Chautauqua, the Dayton Jobs Corp, 
the Interfaith Forum, Greater Dayton Christian Connection, and many other stellar organizations.

Send a quick email to your appreciative facilitator and let us know if you intend to plan an event: 
No need for confirmed details; just a heads-up on your intention.
Send to Fred Arment: arment@fredarment.com

Here's last year's video featured just a few of the nearly 40 events during Peace Weeks Dayton:


Celebrate the peace we have; Contemplate the work to be done.

Thanks to everyone and all the peace-building organizations involved.
Onward and upward!

PHOTO BELOW: The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals was the Peace Day theme for 2016.
The 2017 theme has yet to be approved by the new U.N. Secretary General. 
Your facilitator will be part of the discussion at the United Nations in New York on February 16th.
Details to be shared at our Dayton meeting on March 1st.


From: Robyn Lightcap
Subject: Readiness Summit: Knows the Gap, Close the Gap

Click to register and join us for the March 3 Readiness Summit.

We look forward to seeing you at the 8th Annual Readiness Summit in March! As a community, we have made great progress in aligning around fostering kindergarten readiness and improving 3rd-grade reading scores. But too many children still are not coming to school ready to learn or reading well enough at the end of 3rd grade.

So this year, we will be diving deeper into data and examining where focus is needed.

https://gallery.mailchimp.com/cc9e73417f2599d235ade3a14/images/22023d1b-a813-48ee-89e0-26cb006063d7.jpgWe’re thrilled that Yale University’s Walter S. Gilliam will be speaking. He and his colleagues at Yale’s Edward Zigler Center in Child Development and Social Policy recently have been in the news for their groundbreaking work on implicit bias in early childhood education.

Please join us as we learn more about ensuring equity and helping all children realize their potential.

7:30-10:30 a.m.  > Morning Session Featuring Guest Speaker Walter Gilliam    
10:45 a.m.-3:00 p.m. > Breakout Sessions and Lunch

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Community Leaders. Elected Officials. Non-Profit Leaders. Childcare, After-School and Summer Providers. Preschool Teachers. K-12 Principals and Administrators. Prenatal-Age 3 Professionals.


Instead of paying to attend the Summit, we invite you to donate a book that will be
given to a low-income child between the ages of birth to 3rd grade.
For suggested titles, see this

The Readiness Summit is almost here! Register to join us Friday, March 3.

Questions? Please contact Kelly.Berlin@LearntoEarnDayton.org or 937.236.9965



From: Ken Marcellus
Subject: Citylinks Neighborhood Leadership Conference

Please share with all you believe would have an interest.

The Department of Planning and Community Development will cover $10.00 of the $25.00 registration fee, but registration forms along with the $15.00 payment must be turned into our office by Friday, March 17th to take advantage of the discount opportunity.  Please contact Ms. Verletta Jackson -333-3288 or Verletta.jackson@daytonohio.gov  or myself (Ken.Marcellus@daytonohio.gov) with any questions or need for more information.



From: Kjirsten Frank Hoppe, AICP; MVRPC
Subject: The Main Event --- New Main Library in downtown Dayton

People from all corners of the community are invited to The Main Event, Saturday, April 22, 2017 from 7-11 pm, at your new Main Library in downtown Dayton.

Look for exciting performances, unexpected intrigue, hands on activities, fabulous food, expertly crafted drinks, and unparalleled fun. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime celebration the whole community is buzzing about. Tickets benefit the Dayton Metro Library Foundation. Learn More and purchase tickets at DaytonMetroLibrary.org/TheMainEvent.



From: Five Rivers MetroParks
Subject: Community Gardening Winter 2017 Newsletter

Learn about this season's community gardening news. View this email as a web page if it isn't displaying correctly.

Volunteer News

Winter Update


Interested in serving your community? Can you start by the end of February and work through July 29? We are now accepting applications for the Green Schoolyards AmeriCorps position. Applicants should have a strong interest or skill in gardening, capacity for planning and networking, and experience in teaching adults or children. More details available at Notre Dame Mission Volunteers AmeriCorps website; look for the Possum Creek MetroPark listing.

Seed Swap and Community Gardeners' Dinner

Stop by the 2nd Street Market on Thursday Feb. 23, anytime between 5:30 to 7:30 PM for Meet Your CSA Farmer, Share Your Seeds. Talk with local farmers about buying directly from the farm. If you grow any of your own fruits and veggies, this is also an opportunity to share seeds. Swap, trade, give away or take some home! Learn more.

If you coordinate a community garden, please join us Thursday, March 23, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at Wegerzyn Gardens MetroPark for our annual Garden Coordinator's dinner and seed giveaway. Learn about Central State's Extension, agriculture offerings, and upcoming conference. Enjoy dinner and meet fellow community gardeners. Food is provided; send up to two representatives from your community garden.

RSVP by Thursday, March 16 to Luci Beachdell or call 937-276-7053.

Education and Gardener Networking

Registration for the February 2017 Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) conference has now closed, but the conference will return to Dayton for the next two years. This regional conference offers a wealth of information and networking opportunities for new and experienced farmers and gardeners.

The Miami Valley Leave No Child Inside Summit, held March 11 at Wegerzyn Gardens MetroPark, will include a "Create a Green Schoolyard" training. Schools that have hosted or sent representatives to a Green Schoolyard training may apply for Five Rivers MetroParks' Seedling School status for the 2017-2018 school year. We will be accepting letters of interest through March 31, 2017. Please contact Vicky Benko for details.

City Beets, Five Rivers MetroParks summer youth gardening program, is accepting applications through March 10. Youth ages 12 to 15 learn to garden using organic methods, learn about the food system and cooking, and sell produce at the 2nd Street Market June through July. Application due March 15, 2017. Learn More.

Discover Animals for Small Acreage opens our series of programing on small livestock. This free, introductory class at Possum Creek MetroPark takes place Thursday Feb. 9, from 6 to 7:30 PM. Look for additional classes about chickens and goats in the upcoming months.
Franklin Park Conservatory hosts their spring
We Dig Ohio conference in Columbus on March 25. This program features community garden and urban agriculture representatives from around the state.

Central State University will host the second annual Minority, Women and Small Farmers Conference in Wilberforce on April 8. This conferece is part of the Central State University Extension, and a networking opportunity for existing and aspiring farmers and gardeners. Check the conference's website for updates.

Local Community Garden Spotlight

tilled and ready

John Huston teaches and coordinates the garden at the Nicholas Residential Treatment Center (NRTC). Their garden is tilled and ready to go for 2017 - well, maybe it will have to be tilled again in the spring... Here's what John has to say about their garden:

"We broke ground on our garden in the spring of 2015 and you could call it a work in progress. The partnership with Five Rivers MetroParks gave us many great ideas regarding what to plant, when to plant, and soil test results for soil fertility. We have some grow lights in the classroom so that we can start our own plants and all of the work is done by our students. We were a little early in 2016 and hit hard by the late frost but were able to replant and had a successful year.

Our students learn about food and where it comes from (originally they were all disappointed that we couldn't grow pickles). The vegetables were utilized in the school and some were sent home with our students to share with their families. Initially, our students were disturbed at the thought of being in the garden and getting dirt on their hands and shoes. However, by the end of summer we had a hard time keeping them out of the garden."

Gardening Updates

Yours for the asking!

Please let us know if you are interested in t-posts, a rain barrel (with spigot), 55 gallon food grade barrels, or 5 gallon food grade buckets! We have these resources available to share with community gardeners, as long as supplies last.

Use your EBT/food stamps benefits for seeds and seedlings!

Don't forget that you can use your EBT/food stamps benefits to purchase fruit and vegetable seeds and seedlings to plant in your garden! Use this online tool to find which local shops accept EBT. Downtown Dayton's 2nd Street Market now also accepts EBT.

Extra Seedlings this spring?

Interested in donating seedlings to the Five Rivers MetroParks community gardening program this spring? We will share them with community gardeners throughout Montgomery County! Email Luci Beachdell or call 937-276-7053 for more details.

Thank you!

Thank you to every volunteer coordinating a garden and every volunteer assisting with tours, classes, animal handling and gardening!

Another resounding thank you to the organizations that have helped the community gardening program with donations and time: Calumet, Carriage Hill MetroPark Riding Center, City of Dayton, City of Huber Heights, City of Kettering, Homefull Gateway Micro-Farm, Montessori of Dayton, Montgomery County Fairgrounds and the STOP team.  

Local Grants of Note

The Dayton Metro Library Dayton Grant Website has an extensive list of funding available in our region.

The Iddings Foundation accepts grant proposals quarterly, funding small projects for up to $2,000 and capital improvements of up to $50,000. Speak with the administrator before applying. Deadlines: March 1 and Nov 1.

The Keep Montgomery County Beautiful Beautification Grant offers up to $1000 for beautification projects — including food gardens — in Montgomery County. Deadline: March 17.

Dayton Public School teachers: Grants details coming soon! These will be available to help your class have a field trip, plant a garden and other hands-on activities. Visit the website to access Dayton Public Schools' Foundation grant forms and announcements in March!

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife offers Wild School Sites grants to local schools and government agencies, totaling $500 per grant. Deadline: May 31.

The Thomas Reuters Foundation and Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition are calling all journalists, bloggers, freelancers, and individuals covering a variety of food issues to enter for a chance to win nearly US$11,000, an all-expenses paid media training program, and access to an audience one billion strong. Deadline: May 31

The Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF)was created by the General Assembly in 1990 to enhance Ohio citizens' awareness and understanding of environmental issues. It is administered by the Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) and provides approximately $1 million annually in grants to support environmental education efforts within the state of Ohio. General and mini grants available. Deadline: July 15.

The City of Dayton Urban Agriculture grant supports gardens and urban agriculture in the city that are using storm water best management practices. Available support includes infrastructure installation and water use charges. Contact Verletta Jackson at Verletta.jackson@daytonohio.gov or 937-333-3288 to access the application or for general inquiries. This grant has a rolling deadline.

Montgomery County Solid Waste District Grant Programs promote recycling, composting and the use of recycled content material. Grants are open to non-profits and public schools.  

Since 1994, ServeOhio has supported hundreds of community-based organizations that are engaging local citizens to address their most pressing needs. ServeOhio administers the Ohio AmeriCorps programs and awards grants for national days of service.

National Grants Information

Download our list of upcoming events, grants and resources.

Help with Grant-Seeking and Grant Writing

For help with grant-seeking and grant writing, please visit the Dayton Metro Library's Grants Information Center. The library offers classes, a blog, and access to the Foundation Center's online databases.

Community Calendar

Ongoing: garden programs at Dayton Cooks, Dayton Metro Library classes, OSU Extension nutrition classes, OSU Extension Master Gardener program, and Cincinnati Civic Garden Center programs.

Unless otherwise noted, events happen in the Dayton area

Feb. 9: Discover Animals for Small Acreage
Feb. 16: Seed Starting Workshop, Cincinnati
Feb. 23: Meet your CSA Farmer, Share Your Seeds
Feb. 24-25: Healthy Soil Symposium, Yellow Springs
Feb. 24-25: OSU Hops Conference, Piketon
Feb. 25: Women Grow Ohio: How can I make a living at what I love to do?, Zanesville
March 11: Leave No Child Inside Summit
March 15: City Beets applications due
March 23: Community Garden Coordinators Spring Dinner
March 24: Malting Barley Conference and Trade Show, Xenia
March 25: We Dig Ohio Urban Ag and Community Gardening Conference, Columbus
April 8: Central State University Minority, Women and Small Farmers Conference, Wilberforce
April 19-May 3: Compost Kitchen
April 22: Tree Seedling Giveaway
May 11: Worm Composting Workshop
May 4: Start a New Community Garden
May 6-7: Mayfair Plant Sale  

Helpful Community Gardening Links

Check out Five Rivers MetroParks community gardening webpage and MetroParks' community gardening Facebook page.

Search a map of community gardens in Montgomery County that are affiliated with Five Rivers MetroParks.

Need to find space for your community garden or urban agriculture project? The Montgomery County Land Bank is rebuilding vibrant communities one property at a time. Visit its website to acquire or donate property, and more. Click here to access the Land Bank's search tool, and here to access the city of Dayton's search tool. Both web-based tools allow you to search a map for tax delinquent properties which can be purchased at a discounted rate. To find the owner of a property by address, use the Montgomery County Auditor's website.

Community gardeners can visit the American Community Gardening Association's (ACGA) forum and searchable archives. The ACGA offers a wealth of information for anyone involved with community gardens, from information about getting your garden insured and sample paperwork, to research. The forum allows you to share your questions with the online community gardening world, and the searchable archives host decades of peoples' questions and answers!

Check out the Montgomery County Food Summit's November 2016 presentations.

Find smartphone apps for gardeners. Look up pests, diseases and weeds from your very own phone. Click here for fruit apps.

OSU weekly e-newsletters

Buckeye Yard and Garden Online – A great resource for plants, bugs, disease and other garden news of interest around the state of Ohio. Through the growing season.

Ohio Vegetable and Fruit Newsletter – This newsletter is more focused on commercial production with news from around the state of Ohio.

Five Rivers MetroParks Logo

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