[mpen-dayton] FW: "AAPIs need to be counted!" & "Fox needs to fire this O'Reilly accomplice" & "Trump DEFEATED" & "Support peace on Korean Peninsula" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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- FW: AAPIs need to be counted! PLEASE ACT TODAY
- FW: Say no to funding for Trump's deportation force and border wall
- FW:STUNNING victory!
- FW: Fox needs to fire this O'Reilly accomplice
- FW: "Nooooooo" by Daily-Kos
- FW: DFA's Weekly Round Up - April 28
- FW: Stop Republicans from STEALING the Special Election [please sign!]
- FW: Imagine this scenario.... & How Government works under the SCROTUS
- FW: Fuel To The Fire
- FW: CREDO Mobile Supports the People's Climate March
- FW: Give TODAY to support peace on Korean Peninsula
From: Michael Byun
Subject: AAPIs need to be counted! PLEASE ACT TODAY
I need your help.
This Sunday is the last day that the Office of Management and Budget will accept public comments regarding proposed rules on data collection.
As a former President's commissioner this particular topic is near and dear to me.
For one, had we recognized the importance of granular data by ethnicity we would have had a decade or more lead in understanding the disapporptionate impact of Hepatitis B on our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities and eliminated the premature death.
I have heard on two separate occasions from people I know where a father or an uncle passed away early from liver cancer. If better data was available they would've been identified as high risk, tested and treated. They would most likely be alive today.
ACTION 1: I want better data, and so should you. Please take 3 to 5 MINUTES.
CLICK BELOW and you'll reach a pre-filled comment form where you can make your edits to submit.
In efforts like this volume counts. The more we flood OMB with submissions, the better we can drown out those who strongly oppose our efforts to be counted.
ACTION 2: Forward this email to THREE other people today and personally ask them to submit a comment by Sunday.
ACTION 3 (optional): Please forward to your distribution list.
If everyone works together our actions alone will result in nearly 200 more additional submissions!
From: Annie J. Wang; Staff Attorney, AALDEF [mailto:info@aaldef.org]
Subject: Say no to funding for Trump's deportation force and border wall
We were disturbed by recent reports of the first known deportation of a beneficiary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Juan Manuel Montes, who was brought to the U.S. at the age of nine. We call for justice for undocumented youth like Montes, and we oppose the administration's massive build-up of its immigration enforcement infrastructure and funds for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. This increased enforcement, which now appears to target all undocumented individuals, has created fear and uncertainty among immigrant communities.
In recent weeks, AALDEF provided emergency assistance to two South Asian families in Queens who were contacted by ICE agents in unannounced early morning visits at their homes. When one parent opened the door, the ICE agents asked for documentation relating to the status of the mother of two children, an undocumented student and a younger U.S. citizen sibling. After AALDEF was contacted and asked to help this family, we filed an initial DACA request for the teenage child on an expedited basis.
The new administration's request for billions of dollars to fund its massive deportation force and a border wall are a waste of resources and have resulted in distrust of local law enforcement in the immigrant communities it is supposed to serve. Subjecting undocumented immigrants without criminal convictions to ramped-up enforcement does not protect public safety; it has the opposite effect by deterring immigrants from reporting crimes or testifying against their perpetrators. This is especially true where ICE is targeting immigrants, with the cooperation of court and police officers, at courthouses in New York and other states. Based on our history of representing Asian immigrant clients, AALDEF opposes policies and actions that adversely affect the safety and well-being of all community members and the lasting negative impact of these immigration actions on Asian American communities.
Will you join us and stand against the inhumane treatment of immigrant families and young people under these policies? Please contact your Senator and member of Congress and ask them to oppose the administration's $3 billion request for a massive enforcement and deportation plan. Let them know that:
- Immigration enforcement against all undocumented individuals does not protect our borders, wastes limited resources, and will not enhance public safety or national security;
- Family separation is contrary to American values and flies in the face of decades of U.S. immigration policy in which family unification has been its cornerstone.
AALDEF will continue to advocate for the rights of all immigrants, whether documented or undocumented, and to provide free legal services, including screenings for and representation of DACA-eligible individuals, and legal clinics in collaboration with community organizations. Please donate to AALDEF today so that we can continue to protect the rights of immigrants.
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), founded in 1974, is a national organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans. By combining litigation, advocacy, education, and organizing, AALDEF works with Asian American communities across the country to secure human rights for all. Donate today to help protect freedom, justice, and equality for all.
From: Impeachment Update (via BOLD Democrats)
Subject: STUNNING victory!
We're on the verge of an UNBELIEVABLE milestone:
This is AMAZING!!
Please help us reach $2 MILLION before Trump wraps up his first 100 days in office.
WE. ARE. MAKING. HISTORY! Chip in $5 to help us reach this incredible goal before Saturday:
If we succeed, it will be a STUNNING victory for the Resistance -- and an EMBARRASSING defeat for Trump.
Donate immediately:
- BOLD Democrats
From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Emma, PaKou, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, and Pam, the UltraViolet team
Subject: Fox needs to fire this O'Reilly accomplice
Thanks in part to UltraViolet members like you, Fox News fired sexual predator Bill O'Reilly!
But the executives who created that toxic culture of harassment are still at the helm--Fox News co-President, Bill Shine, was a key player in covering up years of abuse by O'Reilly and former CEO Roger Ailes.1 If we're going force Fox to clean up their culture of rampant sexual harassment and discrimination, he needs to go too.
Can you call 21st Century Fox and demand they fire Bill Shine?
Make sure to leave a voicemail if you don't reach someone:
Fox VP of Communications, Nathaniel Brown: 212-852-7746
It's always best to speak in your own words, but here are some points to guide you:
- Firing Ailes and O'Reilly is a huge first step, but Bill Shine, the Fox executive who helped cover up their harassment for decades is still running Fox News. Your culture of harassment won't change with their accomplice at the helm.
- If Fox is serious about ending sexual harassment you need to launch a full public investigation and fire those in leadership who helped cover up the problem like Bill Shine.
- Advertisers and viewers won't trust Fox News until you do.
Call now and let us know how it went.
1. Days after O'Reilly's ouster, it's fear and loathing at Fox News, Vanity Fair, April 21, 2017
Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
From: Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos Stop Trump
Subject: Nooooooo (please read)
House GOP leadership announced late last night that—despite heavy pressure from Trump—they're NOT going to vote on Trumpcare this week, and instead kick the can to next week.
Why the sudden change in tune? Republicans in swing districts are running away from the bill so fast that the GOP doesn't think it has the votes to pass. Again.
But we can't let up now. This new Trumpcare bill is even more extreme than the one that failed last month. In order to appease the most extreme right-wing members of the Republican Party, GOP leaders rewrote Trumpcare to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions in addition to taking health insurance from 24 million people and giving hundreds of billions in tax cuts to the super wealthy.
GOP leaders say they'll come back to Trumpcare next week, giving us time to continue working against this bill—and maybe kill it once and for all.
Call Representative Michael R. Turner at (202) 225-6465. Tell your member of Congress in no uncertain terms that you oppose ANY effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and will vote them out of office if they vote yes.
Hi, my name is Munsup Seoh from 45431 in Beavercreek. I'm calling to let my Representative know that I oppose any efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and will vote them out of office if they go along with the new, amended repeal bill. Thank you for your time.
Once you've placed the call, please click here to tell us how it went.
Busy signal? Sign and send a petition to your Republican member of Congress: Vote NO on Trumpcare.
From: Shalini Pammal, Doctors for America
Subject: Weekly Round Up - April 28
Doctors for America is circulating a news round-up to help keep you updated on the latest activity around the ACA, Medicaid and beyond. For more information on how to take action, please visit the DFA ACA resource page.
DFA Weekly Round Up - April 28, 2017
- Call your Representative via the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and urge that they oppose the American Health Care Act, and any proposal that that strips healthcare from millions of Americans, guts protections for people with pre-existing conditions and ends Medicaid expansion.
- Refer to this toolkit from our partners at the Center for American Progress Action Fund to make calls and send tweets to a targeted list of representatives who are currently undecided or have yet to publicly oppose the bill.
As the government works to avoid a federal shutdown, Republicans introduced a new amendment to their Obamacare replacement bill, breathing life into the American Health Care Act (AHCA) that was previously pulled from the House floor, and suggesting that another vote may be scheduled soon. An amendment drafted by New Jersey congressman Tom MacArthur keeps much of the AHCA in place, but allows states to eliminate major insurance regulations established by Obamacare— a provision that won endorsement from the conservative House Freedom Caucus. Along with waivers for the ban on insurers charging premiums based on consumer health, and the requirement that insurers' cover essential health benefits, the GOP amendment exempts members of Congress and their staffs to ensure that they will still be protected by such provisions.
Though the MacArthur amendment language has helped garner support from some conservatives, many moderate Republicans and leading healthcare and advocacy groups remain opposed to the bill, including the American Hospital Association (AHA), the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). The Kaiser Family Foundation also published poll findings that a majority of the public believes Trump and Republicans should work together to make the ACA work while its legislative future remains uncertain.
The White House also affirmed this past week that it will continue cost-sharing subsidies which are critical to the success of the Affordable Care Act marketplaces. However, it is unclear how long the White House plans to fund the cost-sharing reduction payments, leaving many insurers without the assurance necessary for their continued participation in the marketplace. Blue Cross Blue Shield insurer Anthem, among other insurers like Molina and Centene, had been pressing Congress to guarantee this crucial subsidy to help with out-of-pocket costs for low-income customers on the federal exchanges. Given the ongoing uncertainty, states are also making moves to bolster their own insurance markets, in an effort to curb big rate increases and pullbacks by insurers. Idaho, Oklahoma and Minnesota have all passed bills that allow insurers to unload some of the expense for costly consumers onto state program, using a version of reinsurance.
Health Affairs Blog: The MacArthur Amendment Language, Race in the Federal Exchange, and Risk Adjustment Coefficients
Reuters: Study says that government costs could rise $2.3 billion without Obamacare payments
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Amendment to House ACA repeal bill guts protections for people with pre-existing conditions
Vox: What the huge AHCA concession to the Freedom Caucus would actually do
From: AlterNet
Subject: Stop Republicans from STEALING the Special Election [please sign!]
The following sponsored email was sent to you by AlterNet on behalf of Rob Quist
BREAKING: Montana Republican Legislature tries to
STOP Democrats from voting in Special Election
Please pay attention -- this is important:
Republicans in Montana's state legislature just blocked mail-in voting for the Special Election because they believed it favored "Democratic voters."
They know that when voter turnout is high, Democrats win! We can't allow them to STEAL the Special Election.
With less than ONE MONTH left, we're launching an emergency petition to denounce this blatant voter suppression. If you're with us, please sign your name right now:
Montana GOP Chairman isn't even trying to hide his intentions! He told his fellow Republicans that the mail-in elections would "give the Democrats an inherent advantage."
It's DESPICABLE that the GOP legislature is putting partisan politics over Democracy.
We've had enough of it. Please sign our emergency petition to denounce Montana Republicans' voter suppression efforts:
http:// go.robquist.org/Stop-Voter-Suppression
Paid for by Rob Quist for Montana
Subject: Trump DEFEATED
From: Eric Kramer
Subject: Imagine this scenario.... & How Government works under the SCROTUS
Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president. It's learned that she has deep ties to Putin. She puts utterly unqualifed billionaires in cabinet posts. She puts her daughter, Chelsea, in a position of influence in the West Wing, and Chelsea's husband is her chief advisor. She refuses to release her prior tax returns, she blocks access to the visitor logs in the White House, and Bill refuses to live in the White House, so our tax dollars are being spent keeping him safe and secure in Chappaqua. Hillary spends almost every weekend lounging in a resort, and playing golf. Meanwhile, in an interview, she names the wrong country she bombed, while bragging about the chocolate cake she was eating at time that she'd ordered the said bombing.
I could go on and on. The point is that the outrage, the outcries, the screaming by Republicans would be heard around the world, and impeachment proceedings would already be underway.
Happy 100 Days! America certainly is looking greater, by the minute, eh??? - 🤔
From: Andrew J. Tierman
Subject: Fw: Fuel To The Fire
Little consimer protection for air passengers, except for upper-class. - Andrew Tierman
Fuel To The Fire
For the past few weeks, FlyersRights has been hounded by the media for comments on Bumpgate, Leggingsgate, Strollergate and Delta's recent weather meltdown.
It's as if normal customer service rules don't apply to the airlines. The industry seems immune to normal corporate pressures that influence any other customer service business.
This is an industry that has transformed the customer experience into one that most people hate. No one is happy about boarding a domestic flight in North America.
So, what are you buying when you purchase a ticket? You're agreeing to a one-sided contract called the Contract of Carriage. Known in the law as a contract of adhesion. You either take it or don't fly.
A panoply of punishment for passengers over the past month, involving; forcible removal from plane (United), a crew member vs. passenger blowup (American), compulsory wardrobe change from leggings (United) and Delta's cancellation of 4000 flights in Atlanta due to severe weather. |
The airlines can pretty much say or do whatever they want in these contracts.
Recently they've gone above and beyond the normal things and redefining what were always normal terms, like "Force Mejeure" or "Act of God", which traditionally referred to the weather or war.
Now, airlines are saying "Act of God" includes the lack of equipment or personnel - something that used to be their responsibility.
The airlines write these one-sided contracts and get to enforce them at will. They have the protection at every level of government to do basically whatever they want. This isn't a good thing for consumers.
The airlines are now over-consolidated corporations. It's an industry with very high barriers to entry. You don't see someone casually deciding they want to start a new airline in the United States. That's why we've ended up with just three large network domestic carriers - plus the smaller Southwest, Alaska-Virgin and JetBlue. Ironically, people prefer to fly on the smaller carriers. It shouldn't be this way.
But, cracks are emerging. Years of bottled up resentment has resulted in the blowups we're seeing now. The public's frustrated at how awful Economy Class has become, and fueled by how much better Business Class and First are, that they shuffle past on the way to the rear of the plane.
The passengers on Dr. Dao's flight saw United's Polaris branding all over the terminals at Chicago O'Hare. Images of incredible Business Class seats with glamorous crew members, all smiles, beckoning you to take a nap. This Polaris product marketing seems to be everywhere, in every airport around the world. So, everyone is aware. What a difference!
Your shuffle past First Class is intentional too, of course. Just like making everything miserable in the back of the plane is a carefully calculated strategy. It's like two planes in one, catering to two different markets . The front is the posh, private jet, and in the back is a low-cost, discount carrier. This is a problem.
Passengers should expect to be treated with the same level of respect as they'd get in a hotel or restaurant, but instead, the experience in Economy Class on US domestic carriers does not match that.
Next time you're on a LA to New York flight, Listen to the international passengers' conversations, who've just gotten off their transpacific flights on Cathay or Qantas. Hear their dismay at the quality of the travel experience on US airlines by comparison.
The general American spirit of friendliness does not exist in the airline industry.
A Message From our President:
The lopsided power of airlines, however, goes far beyond one sided contracts of carriage. Airlines have in the Patriot Act a draconian statute making it a federal felony to disobey a flight attendant's instructions (interference with flight crew) punishable by up to 20 years in prison plus a fine.
Hundreds of passengers have been charged under this law since 2002 for minor infractions including declining to desist from overly amorous conduct and breast feeding a baby. Things that used to be punished by a fine or misdemeanor charge. In the United-Dr. Dao case, but for passenger video on YouTube, the report by the Chicago Airport Police stating they only used "minimal necessary force" and blamed the passenger.
Then there is the exemption of airlines from all state and local consumer protection laws and most tort law, recently confirmed by the US Supreme Court in Ginsberg vs. Northwest Airlines.
Airlines also have the right to transfer any case in state or local court to US District Court where litigation costs far exceed any normal passenger claim, other than those involving death or serious physical injury.
Couple these laws with exemption from antitrust laws granted by the US DOT for most international airline joint ventures (aka alliances), exemption of airport authorities from antitrust laws, prohibitions on most foreign competition or foreign investment in US airlines, FAA regulations making new airport construction by private entities virtually impossible, approval of nearly all airline mergers by the Justice Department, and we have in US air travel the worst of all worlds: Lack of both reasonable regulation and competition, allowing airline abuses to fester and passengers to suffer under a regime of tyranny not tolerated for any other industry.
Paul Hudson; president, FlyersRights.org
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From: CREDO Mobile
Subject: CREDO Mobile Supports the People's Climate March
On April 29, hundreds of thousands of people will march as part of the People's Climate March to stand up for climate justice in Washington and across the country.
Every day it seems like there's a new, dangerous attack on the environment by the Trump administration. And we know these are just the tip of the iceberg. Trump has pledged to dismantle decades of long-standing regulations that keep our air and water clean and our food safe.
We can fight back. CREDO is proud to be a partner organization supporting the People's Climate March.
Join the resistance against Trump's hate. Show that our climate movement is bigger than ever before with these posters for the People's Climate March.
From: Lucy Roberts; Asia Regional Director, American Friends Service Committee
Subject: Give TODAY to support peace on Korean Peninsula
Today, the entire Senate meets at the White House to discuss the rapidly escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Here at the American Friends Service Committee, we are deeply concerned and saddened by the administration's harsh rhetoric. We urge the Trump Administration to choose diplomacy over military action.
Will you give today to support AFSC and promote diplomatic relations over military action? Now more than ever, your support can create real change, and we hope you'll join us in this critical moment to support nonviolent action and peacebuilding work in North Korea and across the globe.
Over the almost 20 years that AFSC has been working directly with local cooperative farms in North Korea to improve food production, we have built long and lasting partnerships and a deep knowledge of the country. We understand how vital it is to pursue a diplomatic resolution to the conflict, and we have seen ourselves that constructive engagement pays off.
We also engage in advocacy work in the U.S., to coordinate peacebuilding efforts with other pro-peace, pro-engagement groups. Together, we urge the Trump Administration to address shared human needs in the region as a path to alleviate tension—such as working toward repatriating the remains of U.S. servicemen left in North Korea following the Korean War and reuniting Korean-Americans with their families in the country.
Today, many of us are concerned about what tomorrow may bring. No matter what happens next, there is one thing I can promise you: today is an opportunity for you to make a difference.
I ask that you give to ASFC today and commit to a common vision of peace and shared security, in North Korea and beyond. Please send your most generous gift to support AFSC's peacebuilding work.
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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