U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Sunday, November 26, 2017

[mpen-dayton] FW: One More Phone Call; NYT Today's Headlines; NAACP Opposes FCC Plan; Making Sense of the Trump-Russia Story and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with ‘unsubscribe’ added to the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.


  • FW: One More Phone Call
  • FW: Millennials face massive wealth gap
  • FW: HUGE loss for Trump tax giveaway
  • FW: : [Info] Alcatraz Occupied; Peoples' Peace Treaty; Hollywood Ten blacklisted
  • FW: NYT Today's Headlines
  • FW: NAACP Opposes FCC Plan to Repeal Net Neutrality
  • FW: Why No One Can Stay Neutral on Net Neutrality
  • FW: Robert Reich's video about MoveOn
  • FW: Making Sense of the Trump-Russia Story; Trump Supporters Claim That ‘Blacks’ And Other Minorities Have
               ‘Too Many Rights’; Taking harassment seriously also requires making serious distinctions - LA Times;
               Franken demanded an investigation for good reason; Deserving to be shared
  • FW: Sign this, please?
  • FW: Live from Times Square: IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP


From: SPAN Ohio
Subject: One More Phone Call

Let’s Make One More Phone Call

Ok, maybe two

We are about to set a record for the number of co-sponsors of our bill in the Ohio House. We currently have 17 co-sponsors:

Nickie Antonio, Dan Ramos, Dave Leland, Michele Lepore-Hagan, Janine Boyd, John Patterson, Stephanie Howse, Thomas West, Adam Miller, Glenn Holmes, Tavia Galonski, Emilia Strong-Sykes, Jack Cera, Catherine Ingram, Brigid Kelly, Mike Sheehy, and Alicia Reece.

If you haven’t already, call their offices and tell them thank you. You can find contact information here.

Now, what about setting a record? Let’s make this year the one with the most co-sponsors ever! Can we get 3 more? How about 5? Do I hear 10? If your representative hasn’t signed on yet, make that first call. Again, contact information can be found here.

The Second Call

Rob Portman is again in need of your counsel. Call his office and tell him strongly that he needs to vote no on the tax bill. It is estimated that in order to fund the tax cuts for the already wealthy, it will be necessary to cut $25 billion from Medicare. This is not acceptable. You can call Rob at the following numbers:

Washington, DC 202-224-3353; Cleveland 216-522-7095; Cincinnati 216-522-7095; Toledo 419-259-3895; Columbus 614-469-6774
Toll-Free: 1-800-205-6446

Thank you for your support!



From: LinkedIn
Subject: Millennials face massive wealth gap

Millennials face massive wealth gap



From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon,
                   Emma, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, Lindsay, Pam, and Ryan, the UltraViolet Action team
Subject: Re: HUGE loss for Trump tax giveaway

The list of Republican senators expressing doubts about Trump's giant tax scam keeps growing, with conservatives Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and James Lankford now on the fence.1 Will you chip in $5 to help keep the pressure on?

We're. So. Close.

First, Senator Ron Johnson, an arch-conservative from Wisconsin, came out against the Republican Party's misguided plan to cut taxes for the wealthy and sabotage Obamacare.2 Then, 13 Republicans voted against the House tax bill.

Now, Republican Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski seem to be leaning our way, and a new analysis shows the Senate tax plan will actually RAISE taxes on the poor and the middle class--a huge political blow to the bill's chances.3,4

If Sens. Collins, Murkowski, and Johnson vote no, the bill is dead. That's why we're making Senate phones ring off the hook in Washington, D.C., and organizing our members in key states to tell their stories about what this tax DEFORM plan would mean for them.

Will you chip in $5 to UltraViolet Action to help kill the Trump tax giveaway?

Desperate for a win, Senator Mitch McConnell and Trump are pushing to pass their rich-person giveaway when they come back after Thanksgiving. That means we've got just one week to raise hell in Maine, Arizona, Nevada, and Alaska--the same kind of organizing that helped us kill Trumpcare earlier this year.

But just like this summer, we have to keep the pressure on senators from these states. We've got the cold hard facts: 13 million will lose their health insurance.5 Americans earning less than $75,000 a year will see their taxes INCREASE.6

We have to back up those facts with the stories of real people, real voters, who can't afford for this dangerous tax plan to become law.

And we certainly won't be silent about who would benefit from this tax bill: the super-rich. Trump, the Mercers, the Kochs--these are the special interests who'll get even richer off the backs of the poor and the sick if the Senate tax plan becomes law. 

Yes, I'll chip in $5 to UltraViolet Action.


  1. https://act.weareultraviolet.org/go/18285?t=6&akid=16953%2E1268948%2Eb2ef--
  2. GOP tax plan in trouble after Republican senator says he won’t back it, The Washington Post, November 15, 2017
  3. Why Republicans may have lost Susan Collins in their tax reform fight, Bangor Daily News, November 16, 2017
  4. Murkowski Tax Vote Contingent on Stabilizing Individual Health Insurance Market, Roll Call, November 17, 2017
  5. Repealing the Individual Health Insurance Mandate: An Updated Estimate, Congressional Budget Office, November 8, 2017
  6. $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut Passed by House in Mostly Party-Line Vote, The New York Times, November 16, 2017

Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.



From: carl bunin
Subject: [Info] Alcatraz Occupied; Peoples' Peace Treaty; Hollywood Ten blacklisted


November 20, 1969

November 24, 1970

November 25, 1947

Eighty-nine American Indians seized Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay, offering to buy the island from the federal government for $24 worth of beads (the alleged price paid to the Canarsee Delaware Indians for Manhattan Island; it was actually 60 Dutch guilders).

Their numbers swelled into the at times hundreds; the General Services Administration, which had responsibility for the site of the former federal prison, and Coast Guard gave them the opportunity to leave the island peacefully.

They were reclaiming it as Indian land by right of discovery, and demanding fairness and respect for native peoples.

The occupation lasted for more than a year. Said Richard Oakes, a Mohawk from New York, "We hold The Rock."


A new entrance to Alcatraz

LaNada Boyer (formerly Means) on site

Fourteen American students

met with Vietnamese

in Hanoi to plan the

"Peoples' Peace Treaty"

between the peoples of the

United States, South Vietnam

and North Vietnam.


It begins,

"Be it known that the

American people and

the Vietnamese people

are not enemies.

The war is carried out

in the names of the people

of the United States and

South Vietnam,

but without our consent.


It destroys the

land and people

of Vietnam.

It drains America

of its resources,

its youth, and its honor."


The treaty was

ultimately endorsed

by millions.



Film industry executives, meeting in New York, announced that the “Hollywood Ten” directors, producers, and writers who had refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) would be fired or suspended, and not hired in the future, thus “blacklisted.”





From: The New York Times
Subject: Today's Headlines

A Split From Trump Indicates That Flynn Is Moving to Cooperate With Mueller

Lawyers for Michael T. Flynn, President Trump's former national security adviser, are said to have terminated an information-sharing agreement with the president's legal team.

Mladic Conviction Closes Dark Chapter in Europe, but New Era of Uncertainty Looms

Ratko Mladic received a life sentence for his role in one of the worst atrocities in 20th-century Europe. But nationalist passions are once again on the rise.

F.C.C. Plans Net Neutrality Repeal in a Victory for Telecoms

A rollback of net neutrality regulations would represent a significant victory for companies like AT&T and Comcast and would amount to a strike against consumers.



From: Dr. Jerome Reide, Regional Field Director, NAACP




NOVEMBER 21, 2017

Baltimore, MD (November 21, 2017) – The NAACP, the nation’s premier civil rights organization, staunchly opposes the Federal Communication Commission’s plans to eliminate critical safeguards ensuring an accessible internet.

Under the Obama administration, the country made essential steps towards protecting net neutrality, but the FCC’s new proposal announced by Chairman Ajit Pai calls for a set of repeals that would dismantle that progress. The plan would roll back the regulations implemented in 2015 and effectively exempt high-speed broadband internet service from the prohibition against unreasonable discrimination in Title II of the Communications Act. In sum, the plan ignores the importance of high-speed internet service to the well-being and advancement of the nation and puts the interests of wealthy corporations far above American citizens.

“The NAACP resolutely supports an open internet and opposes the FCC’s new plan,” said Derrick Johnson, NAACP president and CEO. “The internet is fundamental to economic opportunity, social action, and innovation in the modern age. It has the power to democratize information, it allows us to communicate instantly and effectively, and in recent years, it has facilitated innovation and been the catalyst for social justice movements. Throughout our 108 year history, the NAACP has fought against discrimination and for justice and equal opportunity for all. We see the fight for net neutrality as an extension of that mission.”

The FCC’s commissioners will vote to formally approve the plan on December 14. The NAACP calls upon the FCC leadership – and the telecom companies whom the plan would effect – to understand net neutrality as a social justice issue and respect the regulations already in place.

About the NAACP: Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities. You can read more about the NAACP’s work and our six “Game Changer” issue areas here!



From: Andrew J. Tierman
Subject: FW: Why No One Can Stay Neutral on Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is akin to freedom of the press. See NCAC explanation of why Americans need to oppose DT's FCA on this matter. {Dump Ajit Pai; Dumpf Drumpf!}   - Andrew

Keep the Internet Free and Open:
Net Neutrality Under Attack (Again)

How Net Neutrality Shapes Your Freedom to Use the Internet

By Nora Pelizzari, November 17, 2017

Net neutrality activists, including NCAC, are urging supporters to make their voices heard in demanding that the Internet remain free and open as the FCC prepares to roll back regulations.



From: Robert Reich
Subject: Robert Reich's video about MoveOn

I've just released a new video, and I hope that you'll click here and take a moment to watch it.

Robert Reich: Five Reasons to Support MoveOn

This video is a little bit different from the videos that I normally make—this video is actually about MoveOn.

I wanted to make a video about MoveOn because I've been a proud MoveOn member for many years, and I'm also proud to have partnered with them on videos and other projects.

MoveOn's work has a huge impact. And as we battle a trillion-dollar redistribution of wealth to the rich, we need MoveOn now more than ever.

Click here to watch my new video, "Five reasons why I support MoveOn," and learn how you can keep MoveOn strong in the months and years ahead.

We'll need MoveOn—as part of a powerful, broad-based social movement—to stop the immoral, shameful, and disastrous tax giveaway to corporations and the ultra wealthy that was just passed in the House, to protect the Affordable Care Act from going into a death spiral, to save 800,000 Dreamers from deportation, to continue pushing for investigations and the impeachment of Donald Trump, and to run an all-hands-on-deck campaign to get our country back on track in 2018.

Click here to watch my latest video, "Five reasons why I support MoveOn," and find out how you can help MoveOn continue its critical work.

Want to support MoveOn's work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?

Donate monthly or make a one-time gift

Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. This email was sent to Munsup Seoh on November 21st, 2017.



From: Eric Kramer
Subject: Making Sense of the Trump-Russia Story; Trump Supporters Claim That ‘Blacks’ And Other Minorities Have
                  ‘Too Many Rights’; Taking harassment seriously also requires making serious distinctions - LA Times;
                  Franken demanded an investigation for good reason; Deserving to be shared



From: Munsup @SISCOM Seoh
Subject: Sign this, please?

Tech giant IBM has already shown interest in designing the advanced computer system that will help Trump spy on, target and terrorize immigrants.

I just signed a petition demanding that IBM live up to its commitment to supporting immigrants, publicly reject Trump’s hate and refuse to build his racist machine – I think you should, too: https://act.credoaction.com/sign/ibm-trump?sp_ref=354725175.4.184467.e.591571.2&referring_akid=26096.1004336.PfDiwa&source=mailto_sp



From: Tom Steyer -- Need to Impeach
Subject: Live from Times Square: IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP

If you happened to be walking around Times Square today, like countless Americans do every day, you may have noticed something:

A brand new Need To Impeach digital billboard, featuring a map and a running count of the 2.5 million Americans (and growing by the second!) who have already signed our petition to impeach Donald Trump.

We launched this billboard in Times Square for a simple reason: The American people, Congress, and President Trump himself need to see the nationwide strength of our movement.

So we're making a splash that millions of people will see -- and we hope you'll share it far and wide, so folks who aren't walking around Times Square can see it, too.


Donald Trump continues to taunt rogue nuclear powers, attempt to cut taxes for wealthy corporations, and undermine our nation's healthcare system. He's a clear and present danger to the United States.

Enough is enough. Americans across the country are declaring that this president is unfit for office and must be removed.

Paid for by Tom Steyer


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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