[mpen-dayton4] Greater Miami Valley Local Events & Newson
FYI. Best, Munsup
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P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
· (Sept. 18) FW: Hispanic Heritage Month: Latino Explosion
· (Sept. 19) FW: Orientation for Computer-Science Classes at WSU by GMVMC
· (Sept. 20) FW: Korean War Veterans Memorial Peace Day Event
· (Sept. 20) FW: Reminder --- Interfaith Forum Program
· (Sept. 22) FW: Lead a prayer vigil for the pope in Dayton?
· (Sept. 24) FW: 2015 Xenia Job Fair/OHIOMEANSJOBS Greene County/ Xenia Area Chamber of Commerce
· (Sept. 26) RE: Free Event for Youth : Dinner and a Movie
· (Sept. 29) FW: Miracle Clubhouse Ribbon Cutting & Open House
Save the Dates:
· (Oct. 7) FW: Dayton City Schools Candidates Forum for Board of Education --- Racial Justice NOW! & West Dayton Youth Task Force
· (Oct. 17) FW: Rep. Conyers Visit to Dayton
· (Nov. 19-21) FW: Dayton Peace Accords at 20 Events
· (Nov. 21) AMC 8 Test at Wright State University
From: Human-Resources, WSU
Subject: Hispanic Heritage Month: Latino Explosion
Hispanic Heritage Month:
Latino Explosion
The Office of Latino Affairs welcomes Margarita De León, Vice President of the Kaleidoscope Group, to teach on the realities of the growing Latino population in the United States. For those interested in developing good connections with Latino constituents, you are invited to attend this powerful and insightful session to get ready for the future of our population. The US Census Bureau estimates that by 2050 one-in-three Americans will be of Latino descent.
Discussions during the workshop will address the following:
· Growth of the Latino population
· Cultural uniqueness of the Latino community
· Impact of the Latino community
· Sustainable relationships with the Latino community
· Aida Montes Peifer, Program Coordinator, Office of Latino Affairs.
· Margarita De León, Vice President of the Kaleidoscope Group, a 30 years professional with experience in inclusion and diversity matters.
Come join us and enjoy this after lunch session on Friday, September 18, from 1:00pm-3:00pm in the Endeavor Room- 156 Student Union. FREE Admission. To register, please visit www.wright.edu/hr then Professional Development.
For more information, contact Aida Montes Peifer at aida.montespeifer@wright.edu
Sorry for This Short Notice!!!
If you want to come to this Saturday's meeting, please email me
at munsup.seoh@wright.edu since the number of seats are limited!!!
The Greater Miami Valley Math Circle (GMVMC) is now running three (Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced) classes on 2nd and 4th Saturdays in every month to students who are enthusiastic in learning mathematical skills and developing creative thinking through mathematics.
Some passionate teachers and parents of the Circle, augmented by computer-science 'experts', now want to organize Computer-Science classes as follows. The classes will be offered bi-monthly, for 10:30 am – noon on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month in the MM building at WSU.
We will begin the 2015-2016 academic year with Student/Parent Orientation this Saturday of September 19th at WSU. All instructors are going to be at the orientation. A survey will be given to the students about their computer levels. Prior knowledge of computer programming would be helpful, but is not required.
The parents and students will have a chance to meet their instructors and discuss the teaching plans with them for the upcoming year. The instructors are computer-science professors and IT professionals from several area universities, along with government and private industry (Wright State University, Cedarville University, Riverain Technologies, General Electric and Wright Patterson Air Force Base).
Please see the attached announcement flyer for more details.
Lining Qi, Chair of the CSC Board
We still need more volunteer teachers to have this endeavor become successful!!!
If you are interested in volunteering to help us, please email to:
Board Chair (qiln@yahoo.com) or Munsup Seoh (munsup.seoh@wright.edu)
From: J. Fred Arment
Subject: Korean War Veterans Memorial Peace Day Event
The annual HONORING OUR VETERANS event to commemorate International Day of Peace will be held on Sunday, September 20th at the Korean War Veterans Memorial, 130 Riverside Drive in Dayton, Ohio from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The event will feature speakers from the civilian, military and Korean communities as well as a Presentation of Colors, a Flag Ceremony and Laying of the Wreath. Speakers will include Colonel David Kretz, 88th Communications Group Commander at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Kee Hee Lee, President of the Dayton Area Korean Association as well as Korean War veterans and local dignitaries.
Veterans are encouraged to stop and speak with the Veteran's Voices Project Team from Wright State University. Attendees are invited to join in a Peace Feast afterward at VFW 5434, Brown and Small Post, 116 N. Main Street Union, OH 45322.
In Celebration of International Day of peace
Sunday, September 20, 2015
At the Korean War Veterans Memorial
130 Riverside Dr., Dayton, Ohio
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Special Guests and Speakers:
• To The Color - Larry DuPree
• Presenting Colors - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Color Guard
• Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Angela Swartz, VFW Post 5434 Chaplain
• A Prayer for Peace in the World - Angela Swartz, VFW Post 5434 Chaplain
• Commissioner Debbie Lieberman, Montgomery County
• Colonel David Kretz, 88th Air Wing, WPAFB
• James W. Synder, Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired
• Kee Hee Lee, President, Dayton Area Korean Assn.
• Laying of the Peace Wreath – by James W. Synder,
• Sergeant Major, USMC, Ret. & Kee Hee Lee, President, Dayton Area Korean Association
• A Moment of Silence
• Marianne Plummer, District 3 VFW Commander
• Dr. James Thomas Hardy, Chief of Staff, Dayton VA Hospital
• Mayor Nan Whaley, City of Dayton
• Post Colors with Gun Salute – VA National Cemetery Honor Guard & WPAFB Color Guar
• Taps to Conclude – Larry DePree
With over 70 local organizations mounting forty community-wide events, the Annual Peace Week Celebration in Dayton, Ohio will be held from September 12-29 at multiple times and venues.
International Day of Peace, September 21st of each year, was created by a United Nations Resolution in the 1980s. Peace Day has grown to become a time for global celebration, education, and reflection on peacebuilding in local communities and throughout the world.
The Dayton Region has a special role due to the Dayton Peace Accords, which commemorates its 20th Anniversary this year. As a result of that historic event in 1995, Dayton has come to mean "peace" in many places around the world. In addition, the growth of many grassroots and civic peacebuilding organizations has led to Dayton being recognized globally as a city of peace.
To encourage all peacebuilding organizations to participate, peace is defined as the consensus values of increased safety, prosperity, and quality of life. All sectors of the Dayton community participate, including the arts, wellness, civic, faith-based, academic, commerce, safety & security, sports and recreation, service, and environmental groups.
Peace Week in Dayton is sponsored by the Montgomery County Commission as well as many local groups and individuals.
For more information, contact Angela Swartz, VFW Post 5434 Chaplain at swartza@mcohio.org.
From: Nick Clayson
Subject: [ifgd] Interfaith Forum Program Reminder - September 20, 2015
The interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton would like to invite you to attend the presentation titled: Forum On Prayers for Peace in a Violent World
Date: 20 September 2015
Time: 3 – 5 pm
Location: Christ United Methodist Church
3440 Shroyer Rd. Kettering, OH
Dayton, Ohio 45429 Map
Foster Hall (3rd floor - there is an elevator)
Dr. Malarkey, Chair of the Humanities and General Education Program at Antioch University Midwest, and Rev. Dr. Rod Kennedy, lead pastor of First Baptist Church in downtown Dayton will speak to the need for and power of prayer when it comes to our efforts to overcome a world of violence. This call to come together in peace is in support of the United Nations Peace Day on Sept 21 and of the week long celebration of Dayton: "City of Peace".
If you would like to bring food to share, please do not bring any pork or shellfish products. It is a kindness to have a sheet with ingredients to alert other participants to potential allergens.
Mark your calendars now to attend our fall programs: more information to be announced.
25 October 2015: What is prayer and how effective is it?
15 November 2015: Prayers from your faith tradition
10 December 2015: Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton Social
From: Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Subject: Lead a prayer vigil for the pope in Dayton?
Next week, Pope Francis is coming to the United States for the first time, where he'll be speaking before Congress and the United Nations General Assembly.
To coincide with the pope's arrival on Tuesday, September 22, we're organizing prayer vigils in communities across the country -- to show our political leaders how many Christians are rallying to support Pope Francis's prophetic challenge to tackle the climate crisis and growing economic inequality.
We're still looking for volunteers to help organize a vigil in or near Dayton. You can host a vigil at your church or another public space -- it's as simple as gathering together, offering a few prayers, and talking with fellow Christians about why climate and inequality matter to all of you.
We'll give you everything you need to make it a success -- including inviting nearby Faithful America members to attend and inviting the media to cover the story.
Click here to let us know you're interested in having a Pope Francis prayer vigil in your community.
Subject: 2015 Xenia Job Fair / OHIOMEANSJOBS Greene County/ Xenia Area Chamber of Commerce
2015 Xenia Job Fair, set for 10 am to 3 pm, September 24, 2015, at the Greene County Media Room, 571 Ledbetter Road, Xenia, Ohio.
The City, in partnership with OhioMeansJobs Greene County and the Xenia Area Chamber of Commerce, has teamed up to showcase companies with open positions, and at the same time, to give job seekers an opportunity to meet with a variety of companies from different industry segments.
From: West Dayton Youth Task Force
Subject: Free Event for Youth: Dinner and a Movie
Youth Cultural Movie Night
Saturday September 26, 2015 6pm- 8pm
Every month the West Dayton Youth Task Force hosts a movie night for our youth. We provide dinner, a safe environment on a weekend night, and a movie that is relevant to our own history and culture. We always engage our young people in dialogue. We make it a priority to give youth the opportunity to be heard and to say what is on their mind. We want them to know that they have a voice and their voice matters.
We hope that you will join us! Bring a son, daughter, niece, nephew, or neighbor. We must teach our youth their history. They won't learn it in school, so we must take charge.
Here are the details:
· Free Event
· dinner and a movie
· Saturday September 26, 2015 6pm- 8pm
· 4541 Hoover Ave Dayton, OH 45417
· All ages welcome
For more info: hajabar@gmail.com, 937-319-1671 facebook.com/wdytf
This month we will be viewing The Million Man March: the Untold Story.
Many stories have been told about the Million Man March, attended by more than two million men from all over the world. But what is the untold story? Witness as we hear from the man through whom the March was called, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. The documentary answers questions like, what inspired the call and what caused two million black men to respond? What role did religion play? Why only men? What happened to the money? Why a journey to the Middle East and Africa after the March? Should a follow-up March be held? Finally, the answers to these and other questions are revealed in this documentary.
From: Kathy Trick
Subject: Miracle Clubhouse Ribbon Cutting & Open House 9/29/15 3pm-6pm
Join us as we celebrate the opening of our new Clubhouse building!
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be at 3:30pm.
From: Zakiya Sankara-Jabar
Subject: Dayton City Schools Candidates Forum for Board of Education --- Racial Justice NOW! & West Dayton Youth Task Force
You do not want to miss this forum, come out and have an opportunity to ask questions about the future of education in the City of Dayton, achievement, and any other concerns you may have. Please invite parents, and other concerned community members to this important event.
From: Cheryl Scroggins
Subject: FW: Rep. Conyers Visit to Dayton
Town Hall Meeting with Rep. John Conyers
Saturday October 17, 2015 at 2:00pm
Corinthian Baptist Church
700 S. James McGee Blvd
Dayton, Ohio
U.S. Congressman John Conyers is coming to Ohio in conjunction with the Jobs for All National 2015/16 Tour. The Town Hall meetings will feature testimony on the impact of long-term unemployment and poverty on the Dayton community. There will be presentations on job creation, raising the minimum wage, health care and other important issues. The primary goal is to elevate the jobs issue to national prominence.
The visit offers a great opportunity for our community. Rep. Conyers is the longest serving member of the U.S. Congress, and the first African American to serve in this capacity. He represents the Detroit, Michigan area and has been a strong voice for progressive ideas including job creation with his introduction of HR 1000 and health care with HR 676. He is also co-chair of the Full Employment Caucus of the U.S.
Sponsored By:
Community Action Partnership of the Greater Dayton Area
Dayton-Miami Valley AFL-CIO
Dr. P. E. Henderson Jr., Corinthian Baptist Church
Greater Dayton Move to Amend
Miami Valley Full Employment Council
National Jobs for All Coalition
SPAN (Single Payer Action Network) Ohio
From: Dayton Peace Accords at 20
Subject: Dayton Peace Accords at 20 Events Save-The-Date
The Organizing Committee of the 20th Anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords has formalized the agenda for events commemorating the historic event that occurred in 1995.
They include:
Thursday and Friday, November 19th and 20th, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., University of Dayton River Campus: Past, Present, and Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Thursday, November 19th, Time TBD, Nutter Center of Wright State University: 20th Anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords Black Tie Gala and the Awarding of the
2015 Dayton Peace Prize
Friday, November 20th, 6-10 p.m., Dayton Art Institute: Reception and Screening of the Documentary on the late Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke, The Diplomat, introduced by David Holbrooke, his oldest son and the film's producer and cinematographer.
Saturday, November 21, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Hope Hotel and Richard C. Holbrooke Conference Center: 20th Anniversary Closing Brunch with keynote speakers and wreath-laying at the Peace Walk Memorial
Event Registration Opens October 1st at:
Contact us by email for information or sponsorship opportunities:
AMC 8 Test on Saturday, November 21 at WSU
The Greater Miami Valley Math Circle(GMVMC) offered the AMC 8 Test successfully, but only to Circle students last year. This year we now plan to expand the event so that all students in the Greater Miami Valley can participate. The test will begin with registrations at 10:30 am on November 21, 2015 at the Mathematics and Microbiology (MM) building at Wright State University (WSU). There will be $5.00 test fee for each student and more details for pre-registration will be followed ASAP by email announcements as well as posting them on the GMVMC website:
Please feel free to email me at munsup.seoh@wright.edu if you have any questions about this event until the details are formally announced.
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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