[mpen-dayton4] Greater Miami Valley Local Events & News
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P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine
* FW: Peace and Blessings
* FW: Thankful for YOU!
* FW: Tehran, Iran: How the American Educational System Turns Black
Children into Prisoners
* FW: Will Dayton, Ohio Welcome Syrian Refugees?
* FW: Healing Through an Inclusive Heritage
* (Dec. 1) FW: Global Education Program on Recycling and
* (Dec. 2) FW: JCOWA Youth Forum
* (Dec. 5) FW: Rep. Conyers' Town Hall Meeting
* (Dec. 5) FW: Celebrate: LIVING THE VISION 2015
From: Lillie Jackson & inder chandra
Subject: Peace and Blessings
We wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving.
May you all be blessed with Good Health & Happiness
and may there be Peace in the world. Love you all.
From: Mary E. Tyler; Executive Director, NCCJ of Greater Dayton
Subject: Thankful for YOU!
We are thankful for YOU!
While the community and nation have faced some disturbing instances of
racism, bigotry and discrimination, you have chosen to embrace NCCJ's
message of inclusion and diversity. Thank you for making a difference.
The world doesn't change without continuous effort! At NCCJ, we work year
round to make a difference too!
2015 Highlights:
Anytown Youth Leadership Institute For one week each summer, 40 high school
students come together to learn how to becomes leaders in ending
discrimination. This
pg> intensive, life-changing week is one way NCCJ develops leaders who
embrace diversity.
Police and Youth Together camp NCCJ hosts a one week summer camp where
police officers mentor young
pg> people from around the community. It's fun and educational while
building relationships that will create inclusive, peaceful communities.
This was our biggest year ever, with 57 youngsters participating.
School programs Starting young is a great way to end the cycle of
discrimination. We provide age-appropriate education from second grade
through high school. Opening the hearts and minds of these students is an
important way NCCJ encourages today's young people to become tomorrow's
Diversity workshops for businesses Our community is becoming more diverse
and we need business leaders
pg> who understand the changing face of their customers and employees.
NCCJ's workshops give participants the tools and confidence to create an
inclusive workplace.
World Refugee Day The Dayton area is a national leader in welcoming
immigrants. NCCJ works to continue this tradition with special events such
as World
pg> Refugee Day along with year round advocacy.
Peace Heroes Walk More than 700 people came together at RiverScape,
carrying banners for young heroes such as Nobel Peace Prize Winner Malala
Yousafzai, as well as local leaders such as Margaret Peters and John Moore.
It's important to lift up stories of everyday people doing amazing things!
We are thankful for you and the many others who live the message of
acceptance and inclusion. Thank you for all you do to make the world a
little better place. Together with you and the many others who share your
values, we can create a community free of discrimination, bias and bigotry!
P.S. May I ask you a favor? Please forward this email to a few friends,
family or co-workers and help spread our message. Thank you!
From: Prof. Vernellia Randall
Subject: [SchooltoPrisonPipeline] Tehran, Iran: How the American
Educational System Turns Black Children into Prisoners
This is a presentation by Professor Vernellia Randall on "How the American
Educational System Turns Black Children into Prisoners" at the New Horizon
Conference: On the Brink, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 29, 2015:
<http://bit.ly/1LiVFvQ> http://bit.ly/1LiVFvQ
From: Melissa Bertolo; Welcome Dayton Program Coordinator
Subject: Will Dayton, Ohio Welcome Syrian Refugees?
Will Dayton, Ohio Welcome Syrian Refugees?
We are deeply saddened by the tragic events in Paris and Beirut, and our
thoughts are with those affected by the attacks. We all want to make sure
that our nation and community are safe places of freedom and opportunity.
Many of the Syrian refugees are fleeing the same senseless violence that
occurred last week. America can welcome refugees desperately seeking safety
and ensure our own security; these are not mutually exclusive goals.
The United States maintains one of the world's strictest systems for
checking the backgrounds of refugees. It typically takes 18 to 24 months for
a Syrian refugee to be considered and checked before being admitted to the
United States. For more information on the security screening and refugee
resettlement process as it relates to Dayton, read our recently updated blog
post, "
7RJtw==> Will Dayton, Ohio Welcome Syrian Refugees?"
In the midst of this tragedy, we are also deeply heartened by declarations
of welcome coming from all corners of the community toward Syrian refugees.
Each call of support and inquiry about ways to welcome newcomers
demonstrates what we have always known: Dayton is a welcoming and inclusive
Please continue to make your voice heard and consider taking the following
* Take a selfie with Welcoming America's "I'm A Welcomer" sign and
show your support for welcoming immigrants to Dayton. Use the hashtags
#RefugeesWelcome and #WelcomeDayton
* Share your
A==&ch=oqX-fnZTLcUkjJpAB1r7Xtloj7EEmGgJTwzhl9ICgdvj8_VTo7RJtw==> welcoming
story with us
1r7Xtloj7EEmGgJTwzhl9ICgdvj8_VTo7RJtw==> in an email or on our
7EEmGgJTwzhl9ICgdvj8_VTo7RJtw==> Facebook page.
* Become a
A==&ch=oqX-fnZTLcUkjJpAB1r7Xtloj7EEmGgJTwzhl9ICgdvj8_VTo7RJtw==> Welcome
Dayton Ambassador.
* Volunteer with the
A==&ch=oqX-fnZTLcUkjJpAB1r7Xtloj7EEmGgJTwzhl9ICgdvj8_VTo7RJtw==> local
refugee resettlement agency.
Thank you for doing your part in making Dayton a welcoming city!
By the Numbers
(From whitehouse.gov)
The number of Syrian refugees UNHCR has referred to the U.S. Refugees
Admission Program.
The number of Syrians the Department of Homeland Security has interviewed
since 2011.
The number of Syrian refugees who have been admitted to the U.S. since
The number of Syrian refugees resettled in the U.S. that have been arrested
or removed on terrorism charges.
From: Larry Hamilton
Subject: Healing Through an Inclusive Heritage
Healing Through an Inclusive Heritage
In January of 2005 I experienced an epiphany that evolved into what I
called the RIGHT concept which became the basis for a Resolution passed by
the City Commission as well as the foundation of a personal visionary
offering to the City of Piqua that I outlined in a YouTube video which can
be viewed at <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fNxlo7y86k>
Over the summer I learned that the Native American tribe for which our
county was named (Miami) was expelled and forcefully relocated to Kansas and
Oklahoma in 1846. They were being invited back to share their story and
exhibit their artifacts at the Indian Museum at the Johnston Farm. This
action is a part of what I consider as "Doing the RIGHT Thing".
However, you may not know that in the same year of 1846 the arrival of the
Randolph Freedmen to the Upper Miami Valley occurs and theirs is a similar
experience. They were violently and forcefully removed from taking
ownership of their land. Just a few weeks ago I discovered a new source by
way of Google Books that better documented the Randolph story than any other
previously encountered material. But, in reading the article linked below
in the Mississippi Valley Historical Society (now the OAH-Organization of
American Historians), I kept wondering about the responsiveness to this
blatant unjust and immoral behavior that had to have been known by many not
directly involved in the acts of hostility but who apparently chose to
remain a part of "the silent majority".
(The Randolph article starts on p. 39) [The Piqua Daily Call and parent
companies should reprint this article in a series for all of the Western
Ohio based communities that they serve.]
This Randolph Story is very much a part of the peoples history of the Upper
Miami Valley, that provides a glimpse into the outcomes of the Black Laws
enacted through the actions of politicians in the State of Ohio and a light
unto the darkness of widespread 'miseducation' of students in our schools
and a culture of divisiveness that permeates our society.
John Boehner, in his retirement could come home after failing to overcome
the woes of our national political divide by making a commitment to honor
and memorialize William Moore McCulloch in promoting a different kind of
political model of leadership moving forward. And our current governor,
John Kasich, with presidential aspirations who has no problems invoking his
personal Christian discipleship would be well served in issuing a call for
an ecumenical Think Tank, chaired by Bishop T.D. Jakes, to be held here in
Piqua, and that will address our societal ills from a diverse Christian and
religious perspective. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEflaaOh4I8>
But is there any good reason TODAY why the Christian community in general
or my Catholic brothers and sisters in particular, would not be interested
in paying further homage to the historical legacy of the Emlen Institute,
the Randolph Freedmen and our RIGHT relationship to one another as "Children
of the LIGHT" made in the image of an "all-inclusive GOD?
We are ALL born to illuminate the Glory of GOD and it's about time
specifically for Black people in particular to understand who we are and
WHOSE we are so that we can walk in HIS LIGHT and allow for our destiny to
provide a pathway to liberation for others.
The time is always right to do what is RIGHT. (MLK)
And as for you, brothers and sisters never tire of doing what is good. 2
Thessalonians 3:13 (NIV)
Larry Hamilton-1104 Maplewood Dr. Piqua, OH 45356
From: Karen Tracy
Subject: Fw: Global Education Program on Recycling and Sustainability
Scheduled for December 1 6:30 Shouvelin Center
Looks like new information to me! Please send around. Thank you!
Refreshments will be provided, yay!
Contact: Nancy Flinchbaugh November 20, 2015
(937) 324-7696 PRESS RELEASE
"Sustainability: Recycling and Beyond"
The Global Education and Peace Network would like to invite you to join
them for a program on "Sustainability: Recycling and Beyond" with Steve
Schlather, program coordinator of the Clark County Solid Waste District, on
Tuesday, December 1, at 6:30 p.m. in Room 105, Shouvlin Center of Wittenberg
University. The program will discuss sustainable materials management,
which takes a life cycle approach to conserving resources. "To achieve
sustainability, we must look at every stage of a product's life cycle:
extraction, manufacture, distribution, consumption, and disposal," Schlather
said. "Thinking in this way helps individuals, organizations, and
communities discern the most effective approaches to conserve resources."
Refreshments will be offered, with compostable and reusable materials to
make the evening a Zero Waste event.
Steve Schlather has been program coordinator for the Solid Waste District
since 2008. He organizes campaigns and education programs aimed at reducing
waste, increasing recycling, and preventing litter. Thousands of Clark
County children have learned the 3R's – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – from his
performances as the Wizard of Waste.
The evening will include a display of recycled art works by individuals
served at TAC Enterprises. Among the services provided by TAC is a vibrant
art program conducted by visiting artists of all art media. All the art in
the display was made by re-using materials, such as bottle caps, labels,
plastic bottles, etc. TAC Enterprises is a nonprofit organization that
provides life skills, meaningful employment, and housing connections to
enhance the lives of people with disabilities.
The Global Education and Peace Network began with City led Study Circles in
October, 2001, after the September 11 tragedy. With a goal of building
global awareness in Springfield and Clark County, in the past fourteen
years, the group has created 57,000 Global Education calendars and held over
156 monthly programs educating about local and global cultures. Those who
attend will receive a free 2015-2016 Global Education calendar featuring the
series and other community events. For more information, contact Nancy
Flinchbaugh (937) 324-7696.
From: Kevin Lydy; U.S. History & Economics Teacher, Dayton Regional STEM
Subject: JCOWA Youth Forum
Hello! I was hoping this can be put out to the listserv as we are in need
of someone to speak at the December 2nd Youth Forum for the Junior Council
on World Affairs. In particular, we are looking for speakers on the Refugee
Crisis and Cuba. Please see the following for more details.
The JCOWA Youth Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, December 2. The forum is
held at Wright State University in the student center building.
The forum will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 1:00 p.m. The presentations
will be held in two shifts: 9:45 to 10:30 and 10:45 to 11:30. The students
then will have lunch and discuss the various policies' choices. Speakers may
stay for lunch and listen to the students' debates if they wish but it is
not necessary.
Each topic presentation should be about 25-30 minutes and then 15 minutes
for questions. If you are able, please create four U.S. policy options for
your topic for the students to consider. For example if the topic was
immigration the US policy options could be:
1. The U.S. should give complete pardon to the existing illegal
immigrants in the U.S.
2. The U.S. should raise the number of legal immigration to the US.
3. The U.S. should deport all illegal immigrants.
4. The U.S. should build a wall to prevent any illegal immigrants in
the future.
The students will then spend some time deliberating on the option of their
If you are interested, please email Bridget Federspiel at
<mailto:BFedersp@dps.k12.oh.us> BFedersp@dps.k12.oh.us.
From: Logan Martinez
Subject: Rep. Conyers' Town Hall Meeting Sat. Dec. 5, 2015
Rep. Conyers' Jobs for All Town Hall Meeting
Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 10 AM
UTS Center for Urban Ministry
1516 Salem Ave., Dayton, OH 45406
U.S. Rep. John Conyers Jr. is the Dean of the US Congress, the first
African American to serve in this capacity. He represents Detroit and has
been a strong voice for progressive ideas including job creation with his
introduction of HR 1000 and health care with HR 676. He is also co-chair of
the Full Employment Caucus of the US House of Representatives.
Rep. Conyers is planning to visit Ohio to participate in the Jobs for All
Town Hall Meeting. The meeting will feature testimony on the impact of
long-term unemployment and poverty on the Dayton community. There will be
presentations on job creation, raising the minimum wage, health care and
other important issues with the goal of elevating the jobs issue to national
* Community Action Partnership of the Greater Dayton Area
* Dayton-Miami Valley AFL-CIO Labor Council
* Miami Valley Full Employment Council
* Advocacy and Education Committee of the Community Action
* SPAN Ohio (Single Payer Action Network of Ohio)
* Greater Dayton Move To Amend
* Dr. P. E. Henderson Jr., Corinthian Baptist Church
* Rev. Robert E. Jones, United Theological Seminary
* Dayton Unit NAACP
* Organize!Ohio
* Pastor Jerome McCorry
* National Jobs For All Coalition
From: Karen D. Brame El-Amin, M.A., M.A.
Subject: Celebrate: LIVING THE VISION 2015
Honoring the Life of Dr. Carter G. Woodson Author, Founder, Historian,
Journalist, Publisher, Scholar and "Father of Black History"
Saturday, December 5, 2015 11am-1pm
Dayton Cultural and RTA Transit Center
Paul Laurence Dunbar Branch, Association for the Study of African American
Life and History (ASALH)
"Philosophers have long conceded, however, that every man has two
educators: that which is given to him, and the other that which he gives
himself. Of the two kinds the latter is by far the more desirable. Indeed
all that is most worthy in man he must work out and conquer for himself. It
is that which constitutes our real and best nourishment. What we are merely
taught seldom nourishes the mind like that which we teach ourselves."
- Dr. Carter G. Woodson
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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