U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

[mpen-dayton4] FW: "Stop corporations from using our tax dollars to buy elections" & "Big news out of Mississippi" & "Planned Parenthood RAIDED" and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with ‘unsubscribe’ added on the subject line if you no longer want to receive
          my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons.
P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine

·         FW: Dayton Rally for Reproductive Rights

·         FW: Ohio-NAACP Position on Issue 3 (about Marijuana)


·         FW: Marijuana Facts and Resources

·         FW: SIGN THE PETITION: Stop corporations from using our tax dollars to buy elections

·         FW: New York Times: A New Low in Dark Money

·         FW: Stories on NPR (about Processed Meats & Mississippi State Flag)

·         FW: Big news out of Mississippi

·         FW: BREAKING: Planned Parenthood RAIDED

·         FW: SIGN THE PETITION: this is domestic terrorism


From: Joy Schwab
Subject: Dayton Rally for Reproductive Rights No


Rally Sunday, November 1, 1:00 pm*
at Courthouse Square in Dayton

Tell Ohio politicians we oppose the orders to close the only clinics providing abortion in S.W. Ohio
& their proposed defunding  of Planned Parenthood services in Ohio.

More information: daytonwomen@yahoo.com
or Dayton Women's Rights Alliance on Facebook


*daylight savings time ends Nov 1--fall back one hour --  not 50 years!

We are asking organizations and individuals who are concerned about what will happen to women in our community if these services are lost to rally with us November 1. If you would like to help with the rally, or if you have a story to tell about how PP helped you or why access to safe, legal abortion is important, please contact daytonwomen@yahoo.com  (you name will not be used if you would rather not share it) We must stand together and speak out at this critical time in the fight for women's health and the right to control our own reproduction.

closing of the the Dayton Women's Med Center and the PPSWO Clinic in Cincinnati-- the only two clinics that perform abortion in SW Ohio - means we would become the largest metropolitan area in the U.S. without access to abortion. The only reason the clinics are still open is because a Federal judge granted a Temporary Restraining Order so they could operate while undergoing judicial appeal. Ironically, Planned Parenthood,  the organization that has done more to prevent unwanted pregnancy and abortion by providing birth control to millions of women is being threatened with loss of funding by members of the Ohio and Federal Legislature.

The  Dayton Women's Rights Alliance and the Dayton Chapter of National Organization for Women are sponsoring these events. 
If you or your organization would like to be involved, please get in touch with daytonwomen@yahoo.com



From: Sybil McNabb; Ohio Conference NAACP President
Subject: Ohio-NAACP Position on Issue 3

(Munsup’s Note: Ohio-NAACP has positions also on Issues 1 & 2 as Yes & No.)

Here is the Issue Three Position Statement:



From: Norman Edwards; President, American Center for Economic Equality


As Colorado has seen, there will be increased marijuana usage by all ages, leading to an increase in traffic accidents/fatalities involving marijuana, driving while impaired, public consumption/display citations, investigations into marijuana being shipped out of state, illegal grow sites, referral from schools, and more individuals having their probation revoked for positive drug tests sending them to jail. There will be an increase in crime related to the newly established marijuana businesses such as robbery, burglary, and violent crime, including domestic violence.  Finally, the "black market" will not go away; dealers will still be pushing heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and supplying marijuana, especially to those who are under 21 years of age.



From: Bruce Barcelo
Subject: FW: Marijuana Facts and Resources


With the increased focus on marijuana in Ohio and nationally, it is important for community members to have access to educational facts about marijuana, including known risks to health and safety.

In response to this need, the Marijuana Workgroup of the Montgomery County Prevention Coalition has created the attached fact sheets and a one-stop website with links to key research findings and additional educational resources.

Here is how you can help!

·        Forward this message with the attachments to your networks of clients, colleagues, professional networks, family, friends, and neighbors..

·        Print and distribute the Fact Sheets at meetings, in waiting rooms, and anywhere you can.

·        Use the Quick Facts to post social media messages

·        Go to the KnowB4Uvote Facebook page, scrolling through the posts and sharing those you think your networks need to see.

·        Visit the KnowB4Uvote.org website for additional information and resources.


Knowledge Is Power!
Please help to educate our community on the facts about marijuana:

Quick Facts

At 13% THC, the strength of weed today is 4x more potent than the weed from the late 70s.
And that is just the plant material. New forms such as dabs, budder, shatter, and earwax concentrate the THC and can be as potent as 40 – 90% THC.

Today’s weed is not the weed of the past.

(The University of Mississippi Potency Monitoring Project; and Rocky Mountain HIDTA)

As potency of marijuana has gone up, addiction has gone up. And marijuana IS addictive.


New, high potency forms of marijuana have been linked to 3x greater risk of psychosis. Read the study at:

Marijuana edibles come in many forms, including cookies, cupcakes, soda pops, and candies.


Legalizing marijuana increases access to youth and decreases their perception of harm from the drug. This has resulted in higher rates of use.

Google Image provides a good sense of these high potency snacks. Take a moment to click and scroll.


In Colorado, the number of young children poisoned by marijuana is much higher than national.

(Note: 2006-2009 Colorado had limited medical access; 2010-2012 commercialized medical access; 2013 – 2014 legalized personal use.)

What does the term MEDICAL mean?


Did you know . . .
In Ohio, you have to be in possession of over 100 grams of marijuana (that’s over 200 joints!) before you would see jail time.
That is NOT minor possession.

Marijuana edibles come in many forms, including cookies, cupcakes, soda pops, and candies.


Marijuana related traffic deaths in Colorado were approximately 20% of all traffic deaths in 2014 compared to half that (10%) just five years ago.
(Source: Rocky Mountain High Intensity Trafficking Area September 2015)

In 2014, when retail marijuana businesses began operating in Colorado, there was a 32% increase in marijuana-related traffic deaths in just one year from 2013.
(Source: Rocky Mountain High Intensity Trafficking Area September 2015)

Colorado expanded access to marijuana for medical use in 2009, and then legalized it for personal use in 2013. Colorado marijuana-related traffic deaths increased 92% from 2010 – 2014. During the same time period all traffic deaths only increased 8%.
(Source: Rocky Mountain High Intensity Trafficking Area September 2015)



From: Moonyoung Ko
Subject: SIGN THE PETITION: Stop corporations from using our tax dollars to buy elections

You know by now that we have a crippling problem of money in politics in this country. This could help change that, but we must act fast.

Corporations that receive government contracts are secretly funneling untold sums of our TAXPAYER dollars into elections to help elect and re-elect the very same lawmakers who award those contracts. It’s a corrupt revolving-door system on steroids!

These corporations have Washington in their back pocket, and their corporate-backed members of Congress refuse to hold them accountable. Quid pro quo at its best! The good news is President Barack Obama has the power to require many of these corporate contractors to disclose their political spending RIGHT NOW and make sure voters know the truth about who funds the candidates elected to represent them. But time is running out for President Obama to take action.

Join Courage Campaign and 18 organizations to tell President Obama to sign an executive order to require federal contractors to disclose their political spending.

In 2014, the federal government spent approximately $460 BILLION of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars on private sector contractors, almost 40% of which went to just 25 companies.(1) The top five recipients were Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman.(2) On top of that, the Koch Brothers -- the infamous billionaires known for bankrolling conservative candidates -- received over $100 MILLION from federal contracts.(3) 

Right now, these corporations are spending MILLIONS to influence the upcoming presidential election to ensure that they put someone in office who will continue to grant them federal contracts. It's time to nip this cyclical practice of corporations receiving favors from their friends in Congress in the bud.

The President has the support of 130 lawmakers -- 26 U.S. Senators and 104 members of the House of Representatives -- but he must hear from you, Munsup!(4)

The first step to getting money out of politics is making sure voters know the truth about who is funding our candidates. Since Congress refuses to hold their corporate buddies accountable, transparency begins with an executive order to require federal contractors to disclose their political spending. This information would make it easier for Americans to vote corporate-backed politicians out of office, and help ensure that they never are elected in the first place.

President Obama is still on the fence about taking executive action. That’s why he needs to hear from courageous individuals like YOU before it's too late.

Tell President Obama to sign an executive order RIGHT NOW requiring companies that receive taxpayer money from federal contracts to disclose their political spending.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision unleashed a tsunami of secret spending and gave corporations the powers to practically buy elections. In his 2015 State of the Union speech, President Obama agreed and said:

"A better politics is one where we spend less time drowning in dark money for ads that pull us into the gutter, and spend more time lifting young people up, with a sense of purpose and possibility, and asking them to join in the great mission of building America.”(5)

It is time for President Obama to live up to his words and stand up to dark money by issuing an executive order to make federal contractors’ spending open to the public. 

SIGN THE PETITION to tell President Obama that you have his back on this. Help give him the courage to stand up to corporations and hold our elected officials accountable.

Thank you for fighting to get money out of politics,

Moonyoung, along with Annie, Eddie, Emma, Kelsey, Laura, Lindsay, Paul, Scottie, and Tim (the Courage team)

1. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2114?t=7&akid=2195.790590.9wH798
http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2116?t=15&akid=2195.790590.9wH798 and http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2117?t=17&akid=2195.790590.9wH798



From: Michael Keegan, President,
Subject: New York Times: A New Low in Dark Money

Help Us Get Money OUT

Right up front: this IS a request for funding. But please give me a moment and continue reading.

From today’s New York Times: “One corner of the world of ‘dark money’ just got a little brighter, and it doesn’t bode well for the 2016 election.”

A tax filing by a North Carolina dark money group called Carolina Rising shows that in 2014 the group spent $4.7 million on ads supporting now-Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) -- who then was speaker of the North Carolina House and a candidate for U.S. Senate.1

The paltry disclosure requirements for groups like Carolina Rising mean that we can’t know who was behind all of its spending, but we do know that 98.7% of the group’s money came from a single donor!

As of August, right-wing groups had already spent $13.3 million on 2016 Senate races -- SEVEN TIMES MORE than they had spent at the same point in the last cycle.2

Super PACs for the presidential candidates are raising hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Koch brothers have pledged to spend nearly A BILLION in next year's elections and one of their front groups is already up with a major six-figure ad blitz for next week's state elections in the critical swing state of Virginia.

Big money in politics is the biggest internal threat of our generation to the American Way. It’s the barrier to progress on countless issues and it’s created a growing chasm between the will of the People and the policies passed by our supposed representatives.

A full 85% of Americans agree and favor major campaign finance reform, like overturning Citizens United and the other cases that have opened the floodgates for all this big money.3

And that’s no accident. It’s because of your work and your support that our movement to get big money OUT and restore Government By the PEOPLE continues to grow.

Please donate to support our campaign to fight Big Money and restore Government By the People --here’s just some of the work your donation will go towards:

Getting more states officially on record supporting a constitutional amendment to OVERTURN CITIZENS UNITED and related cases...

  • Right now, 16 states -- and more than 650 counties and cities -- have officially called for an amendment, either by resolution, legislative sign-on letter, or ballot initiative.
  • We are JUST ONE OR TWO SIGNATURES AWAY from having a majority of legislators on sign-on letters in both New York and Washington State.
  • We are fighting hard for a a vote on a resolution in New Hampshire, where we have helped pass local resolutions and have gotten closer to a statewide one every year -- with your help, victory is within reach.
  • Arkansas is shaping up to be the battleground for a fight to pass a statewide ballot initiative calling for an amendment in 2016.

We also just helped launch an innovative new Democracy For All video contest (with real prize money), to tap the creativity of the grassroots in creating a treasure trove of multimedia content that will help get the word out about the movement to get big money out of elections AND get people taking action in support of real solutions. It’s literally just days old, but it’s already snowballing and we can tell the contest is going to be big.4

AND we’re working with movement allies to get candidates for elected office -- starting with presidential and other federal candidates -- to commit to a Fighting Big Money agenda, which includes several critical principles essential to reclaiming our democracy. We've already had tremendous success making this a major campaign issue in the Democratic presidential primary.

This work is happening thanks to you, but in order for it to keep going and be as effective as possible, it needs your continued support.

Will you dig deep once again and support PFAW’s campaign to restore Government By the People with a much-needed donation>>

P.S. With your gift to PFAW today, you'll be automatically entered to win a trip to LA for ouf affiliate PFAW Foundation's Spirit of Liberty Awards!

It will be an amazing night, where PFAW Foundation will honor progressive champions including Sen. Elizabeth Warren. All donations until midnight, October 31 will count one entry.


1.     NYTimes: A New Low in Campaign Finance

2.     Republicans Dramatically Boost Spending on Senate Races

3.     Poll Shows Americans Favor Overhaul of Campaign Financing

4.     Democracy For All Video Contest

Re: the Spirit of Liberty sweepstakes drawing:
No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by midnight on 10/31/15. Enter by contributing here, or click here to enter without contributing. One (1) winner will receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and one guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to Los Angeles, CA; one (1) nights hotel accommodations for winner and one guest; the opportunity for winner and winner’s guest to attend PFAW's affiliate PFAW Foundation's Spirit of Liberty Awards Gala (approximate retail value of all prizes $3,300). Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 21 or older. Promotion subject to Official Rules and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: People For the American Way, 1101 15th Street NW, Ste. 600, Washington, DC 20005.



From: khalfani718
Subject: Stories on NPR: (about Processed Meats & Mississippi State Flag)

I found the following stories on NPR

Bad Day For Bacon: Processed Meats Cause Cancer, WHO Says
by Allison Aubrey
(NPR - October 26, 2015)

The World Health Organization has deemed that processed meats — such as bacon, sausages and hot dogs — cause cancer....

University Of Mississippi Orders State Flag Removed
by Alexandra Starr
(NPR - October 26, 2015)

The University of Mississippi took down the state flag at the Oxford campus on Monday, days after students and faculty called for removal of the banner — which displays the Confederate battle emblem....




From: tbacane
Subject: FW: Big news out of Mississippi

On Monday morning, the Mississippi state flag stopped flying over the campus of Ole Miss, the state's flagship university. Students voted overwhelmingly to bring it down, citing the flag's Confederate battle emblem, a symbol that's been increasingly recognized for representing hate and racism.

Ole Miss's decision was a big deal—but there's still more work to be done to get the state's flag changed completely.

You signed the petition below from Mississippi native and MoveOn member Jennifer Gunter already. Now, will you share it with friends?

Tell friends on FacebookShare with your Twitter followers

Even if you've already shared it once, spreading the word again, with an update about the news from Ole Miss, could convince more people to sign.

Jennifer started her petition after this summer's murders in Charleston, and she'll be continuing the campaign as the state legislature gets underway this winter.



From: Kathleen Turner & Alex Hart, Online Team, PFAW
Subject: BREAKING: Planned Parenthood RAIDED

This is disturbing to say the least.

On Friday, Texas authorities RAIDED multiple Planned Parenthood locations looking for patient records!

Texas had already moved to defund Planned Parenthood by cancelling all Medicaid contracts with the healthcare provider. The CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas called the raid an "excuse to take healthcare away from thousands of women and men who rely on Planned Parenthood for preventive care."

This action by Texas is clearly the continuation of the overzealous "response" by Republican politicians to the falsified Planned Parenthood "sting" videos that have been widely debunked, again and again, and is all the more outrageous considering that every investigation so far (and there have been many) in the Planned Parenthood witch hunt -- both in Congress and in the states -- has turned up NO evidence of wrongdoing by any Planned Parenthood affiliates or clinics.

The attacks are not stopping.
It's never been more important: Let us know you stand with Planned Parenthood now>>

I also thought it worth sharing the previous message from Kathleen Turner to PFAW members about these attacks (see below).


I wanted to make sure you saw Michael’s message. I’ve been standing with Planned Parenthood for years, both as an activist and as a Chair of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America Board of Advocates, so this action -- defending an absolutely necessary service provider -- strikes a particularly resonant chord with me.

But, as you know, what this latest attack is really about is what it’s always about: the anti-choice Right’s continued degradation of women… Because without choice, there is no equality. And without adequate access to health care, women -- and especially low-income women -- pay the incredibly steep price of being shut out of countless opportunities.

Please, add your name to this petition now to support Planned Parenthood and stand strong against the latest right-wing attack on women>>

Thank you for all you do.


Kathleen Turner; PFAW Supporter and PFAW Foundation Board Member

From: Michael Keegan, People For the American Way
To: Kathleen Turner
Re: Stand with Planned Parenthood!

SIGN NOW: Tell Congress: "I Stand With Planned Parenthood!"

Stand with Planned Parenthood

Add My Name


Republicans in Congress are launching an investigation into Planned Parenthood following the release of a highly edited, completely misleading undercover “sting” video by a right-wing anti-choice group.[1]

Make no mistake -- anti-choice Republicans aren’t interested in the truth. They’re exploiting this totally bogus attack to try to do something they’ve wanted to do for a long time: completely defund Planned Parenthood.

You don’t have to stand for it!

Sign the petition:
Say you stand with Planned Parenthood and OPPOSE efforts by Republicans to smear and defund the institution>>

The video in question, released by the radical anti-choice Center for Medical Progress, purports to show a Planned Parenthood physician admitting that the group illegally profits off the sale of fetal tissue after abortions. It is an outright lie … an outrageous distortion of a wholly legal and ethical practice of donating tissue for research.

Eric Ferrero, vice president of communications at Planned Parenthood, sets the record straight:

"Women and families who make the decision to donate fetal tissue for lifesaving scientific research should be honored, not attacked and demeaned. Our medical practices and guidelines in this area are clear, and we do this important work just like other high-quality health care providers -- with full, appropriate consent from patients, under the highest ethical and legal standards, and with no financial benefit for the patient or Planned Parenthood."

Republicans will resort to any lie they can get away with in their relentless war on women.

So we can’t let them get away with it.

Add your name:
Stand with Planned Parenthood against these latest attacks>>

After you sign, please ask five friends to add their names as well.

Planned Parenthood is a life-saving organization -- one of the largest providers of health care to low-income women, and the nation’s number one provider of sex education.

But this is not the first time Republicans have gone after Planned Parenthood in this exact same way. House Republicans previously launched a similar investigation in 2011, after the anti-choice group Live Action released a heavily edited video that they said showed Planned Parenthood employees aiding sex traffickers.

It’s actually becoming a very popular piece of the Right’s playbook: obtain secret video of an organization they don’t like, edit it to twist the words of the people filmed to create a completely false perception of what actually happened, and then have Republicans in Congress use the power of the federal government to go after that organization.

The same thing happened to ACORN -- a community organization that did tremendous good in increasing civic engagement in economically disadvantage communities. Now, ACORN’s just a memory, after a smear campaign, by right-wing activists and congressional Republicans, that was based on lies and involved similar “sting” videos.

Please add your voice right now to this important effort to STAND UP to the Right’s war on women and stand with Planned Parenthood>>

Thank you for taking a stand against right-wing extremism and the war on women.

Michael Keegan, President

1.       Huffington Post: Congress Launches Planned Parenthood Investigation After Sting Video



From: Laura Leavitt
Subject: SIGN THE PETITION: this is domestic terrorism

Stand with Courage Campaign, women, and Planned Parenthood to demand the recent violent attacks on healthcare clinics be investigated as domestic terrorism.

In just three months, there have been five terrorist attacks on American soil. The attacks are against an institution whose sole purpose is to help those in need, and the federal government has done little to NOTHING about it. Which institution? Planned Parenthood. The #1 women's health care provider in the United States.

Let's be clear, these recent attacks are not random. They are clearly targeted assaults against women's health clinics --  intended to threaten women, make us fearful, and harm our well-being by decreasing our access to healthcare. They are politically motivated acts of violence. In a word, terrorism.

As of now, these attacks are being investigated as isolated crimes of arson and vandalism. But frankly, investigating and charging these hateful crimes as anything less than terrorism -- which would significantly increase the scope of the investigations and the penalties -- is a huge slap in the face and a danger to us all.

SIGN THE PETITION: Demand that the Department of Justice investigate these attacks on Planned Parenthood clinics and classify them as what they are: domestic terrorist attacks.

In July, anti-choice extremists launched a highly coordinated smear campaign against Planned Parenthood, while several states moved to defund the organization and a dozen more launched witch-hunt-style investigations.(1) Shortly following, right-wing extremists began attacking clinics to intimidate women, promote their extremist agenda, and make it harder for those in need to receive timely treatment. The attacks started in Pullman, Washington and have spread across the country, with similar attacks in California, Louisiana, Illinois and New Hampshire.

Anti-women Republicans in Congress had no trouble launching a federal investigation into Planned Parenthood after they watched FAKE videos. Now it’s time we launch an investigation into these very REAL terrorist attacks.

It's time to stand up for the organization that has done, and continues to do, so much for the health and reproductive rights of women and men across the country --  gay, lesbian, transgender, and heterosexual people alike. They've been there for us -- now more than ever, we need to stand with them.

JOIN US in urging the Department of Justice to investigate the recent attacks on Planned Parenthood as domestic terrorism so that the perpetrators of these attacks will face the justice they deserve.

Anti-abortion violence, which threatens women and healthcare professionals, has a long history in this country, and it often turns deadly. These recent, violent attacks against Planned Parenthood must be stopped before another clinic is forced to shut its doors or innocent civilians are harmed or killed.

But, Munsup, all hope is not lost. The Department of Justice recently created a Domestic Terrorism Division to combat violent, homegrown extremism.(2) And they must hear from citizens like you right now so they will open an immediate investigation into these hateful attacks.

Tell the Department of Justice: “We cannot stand by and allow anti-women extremists to intimidate us and burn this beloved institution to the ground. Hold the perpetrators accountable to the full extent of the law and investigate the Planned Parenthood attacks for what they truly are: domestic terrorism.”

In solidarity,

Laura, along with Annie, Eddie, Emma, Kelsey, Lindsay, Moonyoung, Paul, Scottie, and Tim (the Courage team)

1.      http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/1991?t=7&akid=2219.790590.U00IMj

2.      http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/2152?t=9&akid=2219.790590.U00IMj

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