U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, October 22, 2015

[mpen-dayton4] FW: "About Issues" & "Colleges Are Spending 7 Times More ..." & "OCA Condemns Federal Ruling That ..." & "American Tragedy" & "Recent Palestinian attacks" and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with ‘unsubscribe’ added on the subject line if you no longer want to receive
          my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons.
P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine

·         FW: VOTE NO: ON ISSUE #3

·         FW: Issue 3 - More than you think!

·         FW: About Ohio Issues 3

·         FW: YES on Issue 1

·         FW: Smoking gun emails reveal 'deal in blood' George Bush and Tony Blair made as they secretly plotted Iraq War

·         FW: Colleges Are Spending 7 Times More on Athletics Than They Are on Academics | The Nation

·         FW: Thank you for signing

·         FW: OCA Condemns Federal Ruling That Denies Birth Certificates to US Citizens

·         FW: Four facts about immigration in under three minutes

·         FW: American Tragedy

·         FW: The New York Times

·         FW: Recent Palestinian attacks

·         FW: Give Everyone the Chance to Thrive By Becoming a Global Citizen

·         FW: Charter Schools Fuel Inequality and Hinder Reform

·         FW: returning troops


From: Norman Edwards
Subject: VOTE NO: ON ISSUE #3


After many hours of gathering research I will not bore you with all the details regarding the legalization of marijuana in Ohio but our answer is:


Issue #3 would only increase the high crime rate in our black communities i.e. burglary, robbery, teenage murder, drug dealing and violence.

Issue #3 would only increase the horrific unemployment numbers in our black communities by further enhancing the inability of our youth to pass substance abuse test for employment.

We find it offensive and unconscionable to try and add legalization of marijuana usage to our already fragile black communities.

The black community can not afford one more crime because one person started off on marijuana and then moved on to use harsher drugs like cocaine and heroin.

The black community needs more jobs not more dope (marijuana) houses.



From: Christine Link; Executive Director, ACLU Ohio
Subject: Issue 3 - More than you think!

“Will this mean fewer black people will be sent to jail for trumped up crimes?”

There has been a lot of response about our positions on ballot issues next month, and I’d like to address the elephant in the room: Issue 3. The board and staff of the ACLU spent a good deal of time debating Issue 3 and it came down to three important factors. I can’t recount all of those discussions for you but will try to give you a fair representation of the salient points that brought us to our decisions.

1.    The War on Drugs has been a total failure, militarized our country, and corrupted police, resulting in

a.     Increased racial profiling

b.    Abuses through stop and frisk tactics, and

c.     Rendered many thousands of Americans unable to vote, hold a job, live in public housing or receive college scholarships.

2.    It is already very difficult to get an issue on the ballot in Ohio. This chance won’t come along again soon. Various groups have tried and failed for 18 years to get to this point. Partner Issue 2, will make it just about impossible for any citizen’s group to put forth an issue.

3.    Finally, one of our board members said, “Will this mean fewer black people will be sent to jail for trumped up crimes?”
Yes. It. Will

Don’t be fooled. The monopoly issue was devised by legislators to split the pro-legalization vote. With ten grow sites and the ability to add additional sites, this is less a monopoly than your cable or internet, your grocery store, and your pharmaceutical company. Marijuana production and distribution will be a multi-million dollar business. This won’t be executed by family farms selling product at roadside stands.

If politicians were at all concerned about the concentration of capital in the hands of a few and the sanctity of the Ohio Constitution, they would have never introduced Issue 2.

ACLU has long supported marijuana legalization, and a win here in Ohio will profoundly change the debate across the country.

I urge you to vote “Yes, No, Yes.” Yes on 1, No on 2, Yes on 3. Vote to preserve our democracy, vote to keep our children out of jail.



From: lpriceassoc@aol.com
Subject: FW: About Ohio Issues 3

Newswise — BOWLING GREEN, O.—Ohio could be the largest state in the country, and the first in the Midwest, to legalize marijuana when voters go to the polls on Nov. 3. But according to a new Bowling Green State University statewide poll of likely voters, the issue is too close to call.

The BGSU Poll, conducted by Zogby Analytics, surveyed 804 likely Ohio voters in the 2016 general election (249 Republican, 306 Democrat, 249 Independent). The poll was conducted Oct. 16 and 17 and the results have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Issue 3 would create a monopoly for the commercial sale of marijuana in the Buckeye State. When 782 likely November 2015 voters were asked their views, 44.4 percent said they support it, 42.9 percent oppose it, and 12.7 percent are undecided. Issue 3 remains too close to call when the sample is limited to “definite” November voters: 46 percent support legalization, 45 percent are opposed and 9 percent are unsure.

Issue 2 is closely related to Issue 3 and may determine its fate. Issue 2 would prohibit any person or group from creating a monopoly, oligopoly, or cartel for their exclusive financial benefit, and it looks to be headed for approval. Among likely November voters, 55.8 percent support it, while 30.4 percent are opposed and 13.7 percent are undecided.

“Issue 3 looks like it’s going to be a nail-biter,” said Dr. David J. Jackson, professor of political science at BGSU. “Voters are ambivalent about marijuana legalization, but certain they don’t like monopolies. If the marijuana legalization referendum fails and the monopoly prohibition passes, that would indicate supporters of legalization made a significant strategic error pushing for legalization through the form of a monopoly.”

Religion is a key differentiator on Issue 3. Voters who identified as born-again Christians are most strongly opposed to Issue 3— 57.2 percent oppose the ballot measure, compared with 46.4 percent of Protestants and 41.7 percent of Catholics.

Age also differentiates opinions on Issue 3. Likely voters in the 18-24 year old bracket support marijuana legalization at 55.4 percent compared with 44.4 percent in the 55-69 year old bracket.

In terms of race, there are also key differences. Forty-three percent of Whites support the legalization of marijuana, versus 58 percent of African-Americans.

Interestingly, voters’ music preferences matter as well. Fans of hip-hop and classic rock are most supportive of legalization at 66.7 percent and 48.1 percent, respectively. Fans of pop and country music are less supportive at 43.5 percent and 41.5 percent.

“While demographic characteristics clearly play into one’s choice of favorite music, such a choice is also a decision about one’s identity and lifestyle, and can play an independent role in how someone views the world,” said Jackson.

Issue 1 is also on the November ballot. It would end the partisan process for drawing Ohio House and Senate districts and replace it with a bipartisan process. The ballot measure draws strong support among likely voters in November’s election. Fifty-four percent support the referendum, while 13.9 percent oppose it and 32.2 percent are not sure.

Women Candidates, Jewish Candidates, Muslim Candidates and Socialist Candidates

Likely 2016 general election Ohio voters were also asked if they would vote for a qualified woman, Jewish, Muslim or socialist candidate. Respondents were more likely to vote for a qualified woman and least likely to vote for a qualified Socialist candidate. Slightly less than 87 percent said they would vote for a qualified woman candidate, 76 percent said they were vote for a Jewish candidate, 36 percent for a Muslim candidate, and just 31.5 percent for a qualified Socialist.

“That only 31.5 percent of likely 2016 general election voters in Ohio say they would vote for a socialist is bad news for Bernie Sanders,” Jackson said. “On the other hand, while 42 percent say they would not vote for a socialist, 26.5 percent are not sure. Sanders could persuade these undecided voters that being a socialist isn’t such a bad thing, but it would be an uphill climb for Sanders in the general election.”

The BGSU poll explores attitudes on critical issues facing the citizens of Ohio and supports the research interests of the University’s faculty and students. The first set of results that break down candidate traits and who leads Ohio among primary voters can be found here.



From: AAUP - Ohio Conference
Subject: YES on Issue 1

OCAAUP Board Endorses Issue 1

The Ohio Conference AAUP Board has joined Fair Districts for Ohio by endorsing State Issue 1, which will reform the process of drawing state legislative districts.

Fair Districts for Ohio, co-chaired by former State Reps. Vernon Sykes (D-Akron) and Matt Huffman (R-Lima), is a bipartisan coalition that is pushing much-needed improvements to the reapportionment process so that districts are fairer and more competitive.


The current system of extreme gerrymandering has allowed lawmakers to choose their voters instead of voters being able to choose their lawmakers. If Issue 1 passes, it will encourage bipartisan legislative district map-making and help protect against gerrymandering.

The OCAAUP Board chose to endorse a Yes on Issue 1 because state government directly impacts Ohio faculty. If we have fair elections, we are more likely to have fair-minded and less ideologically-driven state representatives and senators.

Here are some of the highlights of Issue 1:


ü Creates a new seven-member bipartisan panel called the "Ohio Redistricting Commission."
ü The commission must have at least two members from the minority party.
ü Requires the commission to be co-chaired by two members, one chosen by each party.
ü Requires at least two votes from each party in order to approve a plan, otherwise a temporary plan is put in place and the commission must reconvene to redraw it.

ü Requires all commission meetings be open to the public and broadcast by electronic means of transmission using a medium readily accessible by the general public.
ü The commission must hold a minimum of three public hearings.
ü Before voting on a district plan, the commission is required to present the proposal to the public and to seek public input.
ü Requires the commission to submit a statement to the public explaining their process.

ü Protects against gerrymandering by prohibiting any district from primarily favoring one political party.
ü Requires districts to closely follow the statewide preferences of the voters.

ü Creates a process for the Ohio Supreme court to order the commission to redraw the map if the plan favors one political party.

Protects Communities
ü Keeps our communities together by requiring a district plan to split as few counties, municipal corporations, and townships as possible.

Issue 1 will not reform congressional redistricting (something the Republicans would not agree to), but the OCAAUP Board still believes that this is a big step in the right direction for state legislative elections.

For more information and to read the official ballot language, visit the Fair Districts for Ohio website.



From: Lori Price; CLG Editor-in-Chief CLG_News
Subject: Smoking gun emails reveal 'deal in blood' George Bush and Tony Blair made as they secretly plotted Iraq War

News Updates from CLG on 19 October 2015

All links are here: http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news

Smoking gun emails reveal 'deal in blood' George Bush and Tony Blair made as they secretly plotted the Iraq War behind closed doors a YEAR before the invasion had even started --New light was shed on Bush-Blair relations by material disclosed by Hillary Clinton at the order of the U.S. courts | 17 Oct 2015 | A bombshell White House memo has revealed for the first time details of the 'deal in blood' forged by George Bush and Tony Blair over the Iraq War. The damning memo, from secretary of state Colin Powell to president [sic] George Bush, was written on March 28, 2002, a week before Bush's famous summit with Blair at his Crawford ranch in Texas. The Powell document, headed 'Secret... Memorandum for the President', lifts the lid on how Blair and Bush secretly plotted the war behind closed doors at Crawford. In it, Powell tells Bush that Blair 'will be with us' on military action. Powell assures the president: 'The UK will follow our lead'.


German human rights group files suit against CIA 'Queen of Torture' | 19 Oct 12015 | A German human rights group has filed a criminal complaint against Alfreda Frances Bikowsky, a CIA official who allegedly authorized torture of suspected al Qaeda militants. The complaint, submitted in federal court on Monday, presents proof of Bikowsky's involvement in the torture of German citizen Khaled El Masri and asks that she be prosecuted in Germany. It also puts Bikowsky, nicknamed the "Queen of Torture," in the spotlight of European efforts to hold CIA officials accountable for allegations of abuse. [See also: CLG Exclusive: CIA Torture Queen Bought $825K House While Torturing Her Way to the Top By CLG staff writer 20 Dec 2014.]


The Drone Papers | 15 Oct 2015 | The Intercept has obtained a cache of secret documents detailing the inner workings of the U.S. military's assassination program in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia. The documents, provided by a whistleblower, offer an unprecedented glimpse into Obama's drone wars.


Read More here: http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news



From: nupedoc
Subject: Colleges Are Spending 7 Times More on Athletics Than They Are on Academics | The Nation



Colleges Are Spending 7 Times More on Athletics Than They Are on Academics
It’s time to stop and ask where your money is going—and why.

By Brave New FilmsTwitter
OCTOBER 15, 2015

More often than not, tucked away in your or your child’s college tuition bill are massive fees for the college’s athletic department. Higher education has been placing that burden on students, closing academic programs left and right, yet still maintaining and funding athletics. Those funds should be going towards the academic departments, but instead, colleges today are spending 7 times more on average on athletics than they are on academics, and show no signs of stopping.

Watch more from this Brave New Films series here.


From: Brave New Films
Subject: Thank you for signing

Thank you for signing. Please forward this email on to others who may want to sign.

Here's the petition:

Tell students and the public where tuition dollars are going!
Colleges and universities need to tell students how much of their tuition is being spent on athletics – because it’s a ton.

Obtaining a college degree has become financially daunting. Every year the cost of tuition increases. While student and families go into debt to finance a degree, colleges are cutting classes and educational costs by hiring more part-time and contingent faculty while paying them poverty wages. All the while they are asking students to foot the bill for athletic programs like football.

This is ridiculous!

We demand schools tell students and the public where tuition dollars are going.

Sign here: http://www.bravenewfilms.org/cfsf_petition?recruiter_id=1778530



From: Wendy
Subject: Fwd: OCA Condemns Federal Ruling That Denies Birth Certificates to US Citizens


OCA Condemns Federal Ruling That Denies Birth Certificates to US Citizens

WASHINGTON, D.C. - OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates condemns a federal court ruling that would allow Texas to continue to deny birth certificates to US citizens.

On Friday, a federal district court in Austin, Texas declined a preliminary injunction that would have stopped Texas from continuing to deny birth certificates to the US born children of undocumented immigrants despite "grave concerns" by the Judge. Although the Fourteenth Amendment establishes the right to citizenship to all individuals born in the United States, the state of Texas has argued that this egregious policy change is "safeguarding Texans' most sensitive information and vital documents". The case was filed by La Union del Pueblo Eterno, Inc. (LUPE) on behalf of undocumented Latin American mothers whose children had been denied birth certificates.

"The failure of the court to stop this practice of denying birth certificates will cause undue harm and discrimination against the innocent children of undocumented immigrants because of their parents' national origin," said Ken Lee, OCA's Chief Executive Officer. "As Asian Pacific American advocates, this practice strikes close to home since laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act denied the rights and privileges of citizenship guaranteed to all Americans by the Fourteenth Amendment. This ruling will perpetuate heinous discrimination and ultimately result in unwarranted harm to innocent children brought to this country by no fault of their own."

"We treat efforts to undermine equal citizenship rights with the utmost concern because we value the rights and privileges of citizenship in the highest regard. Through our work with the New Americans Campaign we help aspiring citizens become citizens because we know how much it impacts their livelihood and the value it brings to their family," said Cecil Fong, OCA - Greater Houston Chapter President. "Upholding this policy change is an unconstitutional obstacle because it discriminates based on the heritage and national origin of a child's parents. A birth certificate is a critical document for something as simple as enrolling a child in school and will continue to make it difficult for them down the road to obtain a driver's license, passport, or other essential documents necessary to fully participate in society."

OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates is a national organization of community advocates dedicated to improving the social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans (APAs).



From: Robert Reich via MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: Four facts about immigration in under three minutes

Donald Trump has opened the floodgates to lies about immigration.

A New York Daily News columnist rightly called the combination of Trump's polling surge in early primary states and his anti-immigration rhetoric both appalling and terribly frightening.

Here's my latest video, featuring four plain facts that debunk dangerous lies about immigration. Please watch and share it now.

Reich facts about immigration

Trump and his ilk want to blame the economic problems of poor and middle-class Americans on immigrants. But the real problem is that our economy is rigged in favor of a handful at the top—who are doing all the rigging.

We need to pass comprehensive immigration reform, providing those who are undocumented in the United States a path to citizenship. Scapegoating them is shameful, and it's just plain wrong.

That's why I'm hoping you'll watch and share The Facts About Immigration right now.

In case you haven't seen it, please check out this terrific campaign by MoveOn members and our friends at America's Voice. They're calling on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" to cancel the November appearance of Donald Trump, because racism is not funny.


1.     "Shaun King: Trump's immigration policy resembles Nazi Germany—and we should be terrified," New York Daily News, October 15, 2015

Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.



From: sang kang
Subject: FW: American Tragedy




From: Mohammad Ahmad Khalil
Subject: FW: The New York Times

Hi Munsup, Please include the below petition/information about The New York Times bias reporting on the Israel/Palestine conflict in your newsletter.

Home • Jewish Voice for Peace

Jewish Voice for Peace is a national member-driven organization dedicated to a U.S. foreign policy
based on peace, human rights, and international law. Join us.

Tell the New York Times: we need accurate reporting on Israel and Palestine!
Take Action!

No media organization is more influential in shaping the way American policymakers and news outlets think about Israel and Palestine than the New York Times.

But with some notable exceptions, the Times has done a shamefully poor job of including the historical and political context readers need to understand the roots of the current uprising.

Over the last 2 weeks, over 2,000 Palestinians have been injured and over 41 killed, including at least 8 children. Eight Jewish Israelis have been killed, and one asylum seeker from Eritrea. Though it can be difficult to make sense of these difficult days, the message from Palestinians is clear: they want freedom, justice, and dignity.

Yet, the Times’ headlines consistently frame Israel as the victim, completely misrepresenting an uprising which is a response to decades of displacement, occupation and repression.

Unless we put pressure on the New York Times to accurately report what is happening, the story of Palestinians struggling for freedom will be obscured in the paper of record.
Can you sign our petition to the Public Editor of the NYT now?

Click here: www.TellTheNYT.org

Over the past week I’ve asked a number of our Palestinian and Israeli colleagues what JVP can do during this difficult time and I’ve heard over and over again, “You need to change the media narrative, they’re not telling the whole story.”

And we can.

A year ago, the fair-minded NYT Public Editor Margaret Sullivan made a number of recommendations for more accurate coverage of Israel and Palestine. [1] 

If we can get Sullivan to insist that the NYT editors follow those recommendations — it could not only change NYT coverage, but other news outlets as well.  And ultimately, U.S. policy.

Click here: www.TellTheNYT.org

Our analysis of over 30 New York Times stories over the last few weeks shows clearly that the New York Times still values Israeli lives more than Palestinian ones.

Even though the vast majority of those killed and injured are Palestinian, and Palestinians are facing extreme collective punishment, Israeli violence against Palestinians doesn’t make the news:

  • Over 50% of headlines depicted Palestinians as the instigators of violence, while no headlines depicted Israelis as aggressors.
  • No headlines referenced racist mobs that have roamed the streets of Jerusalem shouting “Death to Arabs.”
  • Palestinians were referred to as terrorists 41 times, while the term was used four times (including quotes from Palestinians) to refer to violent Israeli actions intended to terrorize Palestinians.
  • The terms “violent” or “violence” were used 36 times to refer to Palestinians, and 2 times to refer to Israelis.
  • The terms “attack(s)” or “attackers” were used 110 times to describe Palestinian actions and people, and 17 times to describe Israelis.

Here’s some of what the New York Times didn’t say:

  • The root causes of the current uprising are Israel's ongoing policies of occupation, displacement and oppression.
  • Over the last year, from the Negev to East Jerusalem, Israel has demolished an average of 1.7 homes each day and allowed increasing numbers of Jewish settlers to take over homes in Palestinian neighborhoods.
  • Settlers, the police, and racist mobs attacking Palestinians are a frequent occurrence in Palestinian neighborhoods.

Real journalism -- the kind we expect from the Times -- isn’t just reporting the views of whoever has the most power. Real journalism is giving context and background, and reporting on ALL the facts. The context to what’s happening is clear: Palestinians are rising up because the status quo is unsustainable, and it is now reaching its breaking point.

Please, take a moment to sign the petition and share this link,
www.TellTheNYT.org, with your friends.

We can’t let the New York Times off the hook, not now. We need fair and factual reporting.

Thank you,
Cecilie Surasky; Jewish Voice for Peace

[1] "The Conflict and the Coverage", Margaret Sullivan, New York Times, November 22, 2014.

Donate Now!


From: Brian Shankman, AIPAC
Subject: Recent Palestinian attacks


Timeline of Violence

Palestinian terrorists have violently attacked Israeli citizens in recent weeks, leaving seven dead and dozens more wounded. Below is a partial timeline of some of the attacks.

Oct. 16: A Palestinian disguised in a ‘PRESS’ vest – stabbed an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier near Hebron.

Oct. 14: A Palestinian man stabbed a 70-year old Jewish woman at a bus station. In a separate incident, a stabbing attack on a security guard was foiled near Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate.

Oct. 13: Four separate terror attacks killed three Israelis and wounded over 25. In one attack, a man rammed his car into a group at bus stop and then further attacked the injured with a meat cleaver.

Oct. 12: Three separate Palestinian stabbing attacks occurred in Jerusalem, wounding six. One of three victims from one attack was a 13-year-old Israeli boy riding his bike.

Oct. 3: Two Israeli men were killed by a Palestinian in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem. The wife and two-year old child of one of the victims were also wounded.

Oct. 1: Palestinian terrorists shot and killed two Israelis driving in the West Bank as their four children sat in the back seat.

As you watch the daily reports of stabbings, shootings and other acts of terror now plaguing Israel, you no doubt wonder when this wave of Palestinian violence will end.

One thing is clear: The violence will not end as long as Palestinian leaders incite calls for further violence.

Today, a bipartisan letter is circulating in the House that calls on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to take immediate action to end the incitement and stop the escalating violence.

Please click here to email your representative and urge him/her to sign this important letter today.

Sponsored by Representatives Ed Royce (R-CA) and Eliot Engel (D-NY), this bipartisan letter to President Abbas states:

"There have been some efforts to curb the violence and protect the peace. But statements made by you, other political figures, clerics and official PA media have undoubtedly served to inflame the current situation."

The letter further notes:

"Now is the time for the PA to take concrete steps to avoid further violence. This starts with a sustained effort to publicly and officially repudiate these attacks, ending the unacceptable incitement to violence."

The letter concludes with a call to unconditionally renew direct bilateral peace negotiations with Israel.

Please help us advance this letter in Congress without delay. Click here to email your representative and urge his/her support.

Thank You,

Brian Shankman
Director of Regional Affairs & Development




From: AlterNet on Behalf of Thomas Blake; Global Poverty Project
Subject: Give Everyone the Chance to Thrive By Becoming a Global Citizen

The following sponsored email was sent to you by AlterNet on behalf of Global Citizen:

One billion people living in extreme poverty is unfair and unjust. Take action now because actions matter and standing by means giving up.

We are not a generation of bystanders. We have real power to change the world.

For the first time in history, we have the right tools to fight devastating issues such as extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.

True, undeniable change happens only when we come together. Let's raise our voices and use the power of technology to do it.

Become a Global Citizen and show your support for the Global Goals. Add your name and help end some of the biggest issues facing humanity today.

Take the first step and join a community that directly affects the policy decisions our leaders make.

Everyone should be able to not just survive but also thrive. Take action and add your name to prove that we are not a generation of bystanders and that you are a Global Citizen.



From: Jimmy Franco
Subject: "Charter Schools Fuel Inequality and Hinder Reform"

Charter Schools Fuel Inequality and Hinder Reform

The abandonment of our traditional public schools to charter schools by many high achieving students and active parents is widening the gap in educational    inequality. This situation makes the reform of our public schools much harder.  
Continue reading...

Moderator: Jimmy Franco Sr.




From: James Lucas
Subject: returning troops

April 17, 2014; TomDispatch; By Ann Jones

After an argument about a leave denied, Specialist Ivan Lopez pulled out a .45-caliber Smith & Wesson handgun and began a shooting spree at Fort Hood, America’s biggest stateside base, that left three soldiers dead and 16 wounded.  When he did so, he also pulled America’s fading wars out of the closet.  This time, a Fort Hood mass killing, the second in four and a half years, was committed by a man who was neither a religious nor a political “extremist.”  He seems to have been merely one of America’s injured and troubled veterans who now number in the hundreds of thousands.



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