U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Friday, October 02, 2015

[mpen-dayton4] FW: "Here's who invited Kim Davis to meet the pope" & "Ohio Issues 1, 2 and 3" & "Terrell J. Starr on Putin and Syria" and more

FYI.     Best, Munsup

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P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine

·         FW: Corruption of the Concept of Religious Freedom: Pope's Support of Kim Davis

·         FW: Here's who invited Kim Davis to meet the pope

·         FW: I just signed this petition to ban private for-profit prisons -- will you?

·         FW: Ohio Issues 1, 2 and 3

·         FW: Check Out Our "Three-Step Guide To Voting" for the 2015 Election

·         FW: MoveOn members endorse Ted Strickland for Senate!

·         FW: Tell Senator Portman: Don't defund Planned Parenthood!

·         FW: This is our chance to ban fracking

·         FW: Republican Leadership Trumped Again

·         FW: The most important speech of 2015?

·         FW: Terrell J. Starr on Putin and Syria


From: Judy Burnette
Subject: BuzzFlash | "Corruption of the Concept of Religious Freedom: Pope's Support of Kim Davis" by Bill Berkowitz




From: Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Subject: Here's who invited Kim Davis to meet the pope

After days of speculation, the truth has finally come out: Pope Francis did not hold a private meeting to express his support for Kim Davis's efforts to block gay marriage licenses.

According to an official Vatican statement, Kim Davis was among "several dozen persons" attending a reception at the Vatican embassy, "the pope did not enter into the details of the situation," and "his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support."

Moreover, it seems that the pope did not request Kim Davis be invited.

According to press reports, one man was likely responsible for Davis's invitation: Carlo Maria Vigano, a conservative church official who was appointed by Pope Benedict as Vatican ambassador to the United States (formally called the "apostolic nuncio").

Having created an opportunity for right-wing evangelicals to dishonestly hijack the message of the pope's visit to the United States, Vigano must now resign.

Tell Vatican ambassador: Letting Kim Davis hijack the pope's visit was wrong. Resign for the good of the church.

Many of us were upset and confused when the news broke that Pope Francis had met with Kim Davis -- especially given how she and her lawyers misrepresented what actually happened at the Vatican embassy.

While Pope Francis has continued to promote conservative teachings on marriage and family, he has also advocated for a more compassionate and welcoming church that advocates for the poor and socially marginalized.

But the Catholic Church is a complex and global institution, and not all decisions are made by the pope. Pope Francis has replaced a number of conservative officials -- many of them American -- who have undermined his leadership and vision for the church, but it wouldn't be reasonable for him to remove everyone appointed by previous popes.

Carlo Maria Vigano was appointed apostolic nuncio by Pope Benedict, and there have been indications before that he and Pope Francis are not on the same page. For example, earlier this year Francis forced Kansas City Bishop Robert Finn to resign after Finn was convicted of covering up clergy sexual abuse. Despite this, Vigano allowed Finn to continue ordaining priests until a new bishop was appointed.

Vigano was almost certainly involved in inviting Kim Davis to the Vatican embassy reception where she met with Pope Francis, and he may even have acted alone. Either way, he has no business continuing to serve as Francis's official representative to the United States.

Tell Vatican ambassador to resign.

For more information:
"Pope Francis' Meeting Wasn't an Endorsement of Kim Davis's Views, Vatican Says," The New York Times, October 2, 2015



Subject: I just signed this petition to ban private for-profit prisons -- will you?

I just signed a petition calling on Congress to ban private, corporate-run, for-profit prisons. These prisons create a perverse incentive for corporations to lobby for increased incarcerations, longer sentences, and worse conditions for inmates. Putting people in prison and keeping them for as long as possible should not be a business.

Join me and sign this petition:



From: Theresa Lee
Subject: Ohio Issues 1,2 and 3

I am not sure if you have reviewed and considered Issues 1,2, and 3, which we have to vote on in November.
Here is the analysis of one of my trusted friends and I agree with her.     - Theresa


short analysis for me is this:

·         Issue 1 - this provides for a bipartisan solution to redistricting and potentially an end to districts that are not competitive for D's or R's thereby creating gridlock as we currently have.
I will vote YES.

·         Issue 2 - this really is a reaction to Issue 3. This one does not allow the constitution to be used for issues like legalizing casinos (as was done several years ago) or legalizing marijuana (Issue 3, below).
I'm inclined to vote YES.

·         Issue 3 - creating the opportunity for a set of known investors to have 10 growing sites enshrined in our constitution for medical and recreational marijuana. The investor groups will sell to any retail establishment that sets up legally zoned store to sell the proscribed investor groups' products. It does seem to create a monopoly, as did the casino issue.  Investors have lots to gain should this pass.   Whoever is pushing this could have used a model similar to what any one of twenty plus states have done to legalize, yet they did not. They chose constitutional amendment route.  Not good, from what I know.
This Issue is a NO for me.



From: ACLU of Ohio
Subject: Check Out Our "Three-Step Guide To Voting" for the 2015 Election

ACLU of Ohio Information




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Are you registered to vote?

It's as Easy as One, Two, Three

Ohio's voter registration deadline for the November election is fast approaching on October 5. With three statewide ballot initiatives, local ballot measures, and school board and local offices to decide, it's important you know what to do to make your vote count.

That's why the ACLU created its "Three-Step Guide to Voting" to help you to cast your ballot for the 2015 general election. From registering to vote and what types of ID are accepted to when you can cast your ballot, this useful resource will guide you through the ins and outs of voting in our state.

When Can You Vote?

Early voting starts October 6. You can request an absentee ballot form from your county board of elections and mail it in, or you can vote in person at your local board of elections. Check out the ACLU's Vote Center for more information on 2015 early voting opportunities.

Stay on Top of Your Rights!
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From: Matt, Jadzia, Brian, Ilya, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: MoveOn members endorse Ted Strickland for Senate!

The results are in, and MoveOn members in Ohio have voted overwhelmingly to endorse Ted Strickland for U.S. Senate!
As a member of Congress in 2002, Ted Strickland cast a courageous vote against invading Iraq. At the time his Republican opponent called it "a vote for Saddam Hussein."1
Last month he again stood strong for peace by supporting diplomacy with Iran. And already, well-funded warmongers are airing ads in Ohio attacking him for supporting diplomacy instead of a path to a near-certain war.2
If we want to take back the Senate next year and turn the tide for good on George W. Bush's foreign policy, we'll need to ensure that Ted Strickland gets elected. Can you sign up to join his campaign today? 
Click here to join Ted Strickland's campaign.
Here's what MoveOn members had to say about why they're supporting Ted Strickland for Senate. 

"Ted Strickland was one of the few who voted against the Iraq War. In Congress, he was a champion for health care reform and advancing our nation's family leave policies. As Governor, he ushered in a new age of renewable energy industries and energy efficiency standards while focusing on investing and improving public education and college affordability." Brian H. from Hamilton, OH 

"He was a very good Governor of the state of Ohio and he would make a great Senator. He understands the problems of this country and he would be such a benefit to all the people and the country in solving problems and issues of this country and the world." Marilyn A. from Dayton, OH

"Mr Strickland is a good man, a progressive and experienced in the workings of government. He will work for us just as Sherrod Brown works for us. It would be awesome to have Ohio represented by these two great progressive leaders." Margaret A. from Loveland, OH

With an overwhelming 79% of the votes cast, Ted Strickland has earned the support of the more than 278,000 MoveOn members in Ohio.

Click here to join Ted Strickland's campaign.


1.     "Rep. Strickland votes against Iraq war resolution," The Athens News, October 14, 2002 http://www.moveon.org/r/?r=307534&id=132824-1195276-EQq_uKx&t=1

2.     "Portman campaign attacks Strickland for supporting Iran deal," The Hill, September 10, 2015 http://www.moveon.org/r/?r=307535&id=132824-1195276-EQq_uKx&t=2

Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.



From: Courtney L.
Subject: Tell Senator Portman: Don't defund Planned Parenthood!

I'm Courtney L., a MoveOn member in Ohio, and I started a petition to Senator Rob Portman and Representative Brad Wenstrup, which says:

Support women's health care. Don't defund Planned Parenthood!
Sign Courtney's petition

Senator Portman and other Ohio Republicans in Congress continue to play politics with women's health. Now, they have chosen to support the discredited "Center for Medical Progress" (CMP) videos instead of their constituents.1

Not only should women of any socioeconomic background be able to access abortion counseling and care (as is their right after Roe v. Wade), but they should also have access to contraception, well-woman exams, cancer screenings, and STD testing.

Planned Parenthood cannot be replaced in providing this care, as crisis pregnancy centers are not required to (and do not) provide medically accurate information. Furthermore, these crisis pregnancy centers fail to employ certified health care providers (doctors, nurses, physician assistants, etc.) to safely and honestly treat their patients.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.


1. "GOP Sen.: Fund Clinics With 'Legitimate' Care, Not Planned Parenthood (VIDEO)," TalkingPointsMemo, September 30, 2015 http://www.moveon.org/r/?r=307633&id=132975-1195276-FsZLA7x&t=1

You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on MoveOn.org, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here. http://www.moveon.org/r/?r=306934&id=132975-1195276-FsZLA7x&t=2

Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.



From: Kassie Rohrbach; Senior Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace USA
Subject: This is our chance to ban fracking


Keep our public land safe from pollution and destruction.

Frack here! What could go wrong?

Tell Congress to protect communities and our climate by banning fracking on public land.

Oil and gas companies already have the rights to frack on some 30 million acres of public land in the United States. Now they want even more.

More than 200 million additional acres of public lands are being targeted for fracking, including areas that surround America's National Parks and monuments. In the last year alone, 177,000 acres of the George Washington National Forest — the country's largest national forest and home to ten different threatened and endangered species — have been opened to fracking. 

It's insane. But now we have a chance to do something about it. 

Congress is currently debating a bill that would put a stop to all future fracking on public land. It's essential that they hear from their constituents — people like you — about how important this issue is before voting next month.

Tell Congress: save our public lands from the destruction of fracking.

Fracking is more expensive, more polluting and more dangerous than renewable energy. In a world where we can have clean, affordable energy from the wind and the sun, why would we even pursue fracking in the first place?

Not only is it wrong for the climate, but fracking has been linked to major air pollution and water contamination. Communities near some fracking sites have even reported being able to light the water coming out of their kitchen sinks on fire due to gas contamination. 

This is not the energy future we need. 

Make sure Congress protects communities, the environment and our climate. Sign the petition today.

Instead of investing billions of dollars in dirty, polluting energy, it's time to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Like Arctic oil drilling or coal mining, fracking is the wrong call for our health and our climate. 

We're partnering with other progressive organizations to make sure our elected representatives get the message loud and clear. We're using a shared site to collect signatures for a petition we'll deliver to Congress next month. 

This bill is a huge opportunity, but we know Congress won't pass it unless they hear from people like you. 

The more people that sign, the closer we are to putting an end to the destruction of our public land. Add your voice today.

Together, we can protect our most precious natural treasures for future generations to enjoy and realize a clean energy future. In a week where Shell has announced it is ending its Arctic drilling project, Congress should take the hint. It's time to keep all fossil fuels in the ground. 



From: Raynard Jackson
Subject: Republican Leadership Trumped Again

Republican Leadership Trumped Again

September 28, 2015
By Raynard Jackson, Columnist

The political story of the year by far is the sudden resignation of House Speaker, John Boehner.  His announcement last Friday sent tectonic shock waves throughout the body politic.

Boehner's resignation was a direct result of Donald Trump's presidential candidacy; not Trump the person, but rather what Trump represents.

In many ways, as a candidate, Trump is very flawed; but what he represents is very much real.

Trump's unconventional approach to campaigning and his theatrics are wearing very thin on the voters.  He must now begin to address the American people with substantive policy initiatives.  We know he is  very wealthy, we know he loves Mexicans and they love him too, and we know his hair is real, etc.

But now Trump has to convince the electorate that he has a plan to deal with ISIS, that he has a plan to reduce government spending, and that he has a plan to create jobs in this anemic economy, etc.

That's Trump the candidate.  Trump the symbol is totally different.

Trump is the vessel the Republican base has chosen to represent their anger and disillusionment with the party.  The party establishment refused to listen to the base when they quietly voiced their dissatisfaction.  They were simply told to write a check, vote for them, and just shut the hell up.

Many in the party no longer know what we stand for as Republicans; other than Trump (illegal immigration), can you name the signature issue of any other candidates for president?  The world is falling apart right in front of us, both domestically and internationally and Republicans are not putting forth any solutions; just caving in to Obama at every chance.

I think it is extremely condescending for some to attempt to chide the base of the party for having "unrealistic" expectations from the Republican Congress.  Well, if this be true, the fault clearly falls on these same people for raising the expectations thusly. 

The base was told last year that if they voted for Republicans, they would stop Obama's amnesty; repeal Obamacare, and cut spending.  Congress has not done nor attempted to do any of these things. 

The base doesn't need lecturing and condescension; they are fully aware that Obama has the power of the veto.  The base doesn't mind losing a vote, but they at least want to see Congress put up a fight for the principles that they claim to believe in.  Make Obama veto a border bill or make Obama veto a spending bill. 

The base will respect and support loses when the leadership stands by their (and our) principles.

The unwillingness of our leaders to fight for our values has led to the creation of Donald Trump.  Trump would have no raison d'etre for his candidacy if Republicans had fought against Obama's liberal agenda.

So, replacing Boehner with someone who is going to continue the status quo is not the solution.  Republicans should pick up to three issues that they are going to focus on like a laser beam for the rest of the year.  I would choose national security, a border bill, and decreasing spending as the three priorities for the rest of this year.  Force Obama to come our way on these issues or use the power of the purse to force his hand and use the nuclear option in the senate.

Even if the party's establishment is successful at getting rid of Trump, who will address the issues that he represents?  The American people don't want amnesty, yet it seems the Republican Party's leadership is hell-bent on giving it to those in the country illegally. 

The American people want us to take a tougher stand on China's hacking and espionage; but instead they get a state dinner.

Again, Trump is not the problem, so take him down if you must; but then what?  To be very candid, several of our guys running in the presidential primary could legitimately be running in the Democratic primary based on where they stand on the issues.

We know we can't count on the mainstream media to fairly portray the Republican message.  But there are over two hundred Black newspapers begging the Republican leadership to engage with them.  There are many Black reporters who can't get Republican leaders or their staffs to return their calls.

The Black media is not hostile to Republicans; they don't know Republicans.  How many Republican presidential candidates have engaged with the Black media?  When has the House/Senate leadership ever engaged with the Black media? 

When oil companies have depleted the oil from their known reserves; they begin to engage in "exploratory" drilling to find that new source of reserves.

To my Republican Party, the Black community is that new source of oil.  You have thoroughly depleted your proven reserves (the White, male vote).  When will you start drilling for "Black gold" (pun intended)?

If you don't want to engage with the Black community because it's the smart thing to do; at least do it for political survival.  Please, don't get trumped again by your ego.

Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC is an internationally recognized political consulting, government affairs, and PR firm based in Washington, DC.  Jackson is an internationally recognized radio talk show host and TV commentator.  He has coined the phrase "straticist."  As a straticist, he has merged strategic planning with public relations.  Visit his website at:  www.raynardjackson.com.



From: Mark Crain, MoveOn.org Civic Action
Subject: The most important speech of 2015?

Elizabeth Warren just gave one of the most important speeches by any politician in 2015. You have to see this video.

"That's a speech I really wanted to give!"

That's what Elizabeth Warren said after the standing ovation finally subsided for her speech on racial injustice in America.

A couple days ago, in a riveting 30 minutes, Senator Warren spoke about the historical violence, voter suppression, and economic injustices that have been used to stifle the lives of Black Americans—the "tools of oppression," as she called them.

After acknowledging the victories of the civil rights movement, Sen. Warren explained how much farther we have to go today—politically and legislatively—to make clear that "Black lives matter, Black citizens matter, and Black families matter."

You have to see this speech—it's rare that you'll hear a politician talk like this today.
Click here to watch and share the refreshingly honest and compelling remarks.

Senator Elizabeth Warren remarks at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate

Since the murder of Trayvon Martin, the growing movement for Black lives—today's continuation of America's historic civil rights struggle—has changed the political discourse in our country. It's brought racism—and its systemic, material effects—front and center in our national conversation.

In her speech, Sen. Warren provided a direct rebuttal to those who argue that confronting economic injustice alone will be enough to challenge and dismantle society's entrenched race problem. Here's some of what Sen. Warren said:

Economic justice is not—and has never been—sufficient to ensure racial justice. Owning a home won't stop someone from burning a cross on the front lawn. Admission to a school won't prevent a beating on the sidewalk outside ... The tools of oppression were woven together, and the civil rights struggle was fought against that oppression wherever it was found—against violence, against the denial of voting rights, and against economic injustice.

We should help as many people as possible to see Sen. Warren's important speech—from other elected officials who need an example, to grassroots activists, to just plain folk. 

Click here to watch and then share Sen. Warren's remarks with your friends.

Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.



From: khalfani718
Subject: FW: Terrell J. Starr on Putin and Syria

On Putin, the GOP presidential candidates' tough talk is empty rhetoric http://wpo.st/zyad0

I heard this young man on Karen Hunter's show today on Sirius XM.  He gave an explanation on the options the U.S. has in Syria that gave me a light bulb moment.  I don't know that I, or anyone else, has the answer to how we should move forward, but I do know that what we have tried in the past (the Dick Cheney, John McCain, Lindsey Graham approach) is not the answer.  Check out Mr. Starr's background (he was a Fulbright scholar and speaks Russian and has lived in the Ukraine and Russia); and read the article he published in the 9/30/2015 Washington Post:

Terrell J. Starr

Terrell J. Starr; @Russian_Starr
Journalist. RPCV Georgia, Fulbright Ukraine, HBCU alum.
I cover world news and all things Black | New Yorker via Detroit | Contact: tjstarr2@gmail.com


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