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Saturday, November 07, 2015

[mpen-dayton4] Greater Miami Valley Local Events & News: AMC 8 Test, a Seminar and Army Special Operations Semi at WSU

FYI.     Best, Munsup

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P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine


AMC 8 Test, a Seminar and Army Special Operations Semi

Save the Date for the annual Ohio Mathematics Contest: Saturday, April 9th, 2016

Soliciting volunteers to augment manpower on running Greater Miami Valley Computer Science Circle

·           (Nov. 12) FW: Central State University Hosts Outreach Event for Military Personnel and their Families

·           (Nov. 21) FW: Invitation to Commemoration

·           (Nov. 21) FW: India Club presents Diwali 2015


AMC 8 Test & Seminar & Army Special Operations Semi

on Saturday, November 21
at Wright State University

Last year, the Greater Miami Valley Math Circle (GMVMC) offered the American Mathematics Contest (AMC) 8th Grade Test from the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) only to the students enrolled in our GMVMC. This year, we want to offer the opportunity to every (8th-grade and under) student in the Greater Miami Valley area.

The test will be given on Saturday, November 21 at 10:30am in the Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences (MM) building. Check-in will begin at 9:30am. There will be a $5.00 test fee for each student. Due to the organizer’s requirement to submit ordering the number of exam packets by November 2nd, the formal registration is now closed. But for late comers, we have ordered extra Test packets. If you missed to register but are interested in having your children to take the test, please register online at http://iis.stat.wright.edu/GMVMC.High/Events/default.html. After registering online, to complete the registration, you must mail ASAP $5.00 check, payable to GMVMC, to this address:

Dr. Munsup Seoh
3702 Somerset Dr.
Dayton, OH 45431

This late application will be accepted by first-come-first-served basis on your registration records on the website.

Since a serious shortage in manpower in STEM fields in Ohio (even in the Greater Miami Valley), WSU Army ROTC (AROTC) is supporting our efforts of hosting AMC 8 Test this November and the Ohio Mathematics Contest (OMC) in April 9th in 2016 as well as the Executive Director of the Advanced Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) will give a seminar to parents. Especially, the AROTC will bring its
semitrailer (see its picture below) with modern STEM technology information in it.

Seminar Presented by Cassie Barlow, Executive Director of ATIC
(Free and Open to the Public)

STEM Careers in Ohio

10:30 – 11:20 am

152 MM building at Wright State University

Dr. Cassie Barlow will discuss the importance of STEM careers in the State of Ohio and the Miami Valley.

She will also discuss the many pathways to STEM Careers and will talk about the demand
for the STEM workforce currently and in the future.



Soliciting volunteers to augment manpower on running Greater Miami Valley Computer Science Circle

As is known by the blurb copied above, the Greater Miami Valley Math Circle is running very well with three different levels of classes since it was founded in September 2014. Beyond this success, we kicked off last September the Greater Miami Valley Computer Science Circle with only one class of students in high schools and upper-level middle schools. On announcing its organizational meeting in September and the first class held on October 3rd (see its flyer copied below), there are more than 30 students registered in its Circle now. But they are coming from wide ranges of grade levels and with various computing knowledge and skills. This causes much difficulty in running the classes smooth and in appropriate levels and forces us to think splitting the class into at least two groups of different levels in the Spring Semester. We are however facing deep shortage in manpower for doing so. If each volunteer gives two lectures in their own special areas and then we need at least EIGHT instructors in each semester. Currently there are four volunteer instructors. We thus are looking for more volunteers.

Please email me(mseoh@siscom.net) if you are interested in becoming volunteer instructors and then I (or other Board members) will communicate with you personally to find out what could be done.



From: Lesa Devond [mailto:ldevond@centralstate.edu]
Subject: FW: Central State University Hosts Outreach Event for Military Personnel and their Families



From: Islom Shakhbandarov; President, Ahiska Turkish American Community Center
Subject: Invitation to Commemoration

On behalf of the Ahiska Turkish American Community Center (ATACC), I would like to invite you to the annual commemoration of the Ahiska Turkish Deportation Day and the Ahiska Turkish Community Photo Exhibit on Saturday, November 21, 2015, from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm in 1306 E Fifth St, Dayton, Ohio.

14, 1944 - the day Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin ordered the deportation of all Ahiska Turks from their ancestral lands in the Ahiska (Meskheti) region of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic into Central Asia - is a day we will never forget. During the deportation, 40 percent of the entire Ahiska Turkish nation perished. The legacy of the deportation continues to affect the Ahiska Turkish community around the world. Sadly, virtually none of those who were deported were able to return to their ancestral lands.

Members of the State of Ohio House of Representatives and Senate, the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Dayton, and local community leaders will come to show a support on this memorable day.

We are grateful for the opportunities provided for us to rebuild our lives in this great nation, the United States of America, and I welcome you to join us in honoring the history of the Ahiska Turkish community on Saturday, November 21, 2015. 

Please RSVP at: info@ataccdayton.org.
We look forward to seeing you.



From: Aditi Aggarwal
Subject: India Club presents Diwali 2015

DIWALI 2015 hosted by the famous Rajiv Satyal

WHEN: Saturday, November 21, 2015
            5pm - 8pm (Dinner)
            6pm - 9:30pm (Cultural Program)
WHERE: Northmont High School
TICKETS: Online ONLY at www.indiaclubdayton.org
                 Children 6 and under enter for FREE
                 Discounted tickets until November 15, 2015 = $16 per person
                 November 16, 2015 - November 20, 2015 = $20 per person
                 November 21, 2015 (At the Gate) = $25 per person


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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