U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, January 21, 2016

[mpen-dayton4] Greater Miami Valley Local Events News

FYI.   Best, Munsup

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P.P.S. "He who dares not offend cannot be honest" - Thomas Paine


·         (Jan. 23) FW: A special program by SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice)

·         (Jan. 25) FW: Dayton-NAACP's Town Hall Meeting: Deciding When To Use Less-Lethal Devices

·         (Jan. 24, …) FW: Aullwood's 2016 Winter Speakers Series Programs

·         (Faeb. 11, …) FW: Welcome Dayton: Apply for NLI, Tax Assistance, & Upcoming Events

·         FW: New Dietary Guidelines for Americans

·         FW: An Op-Ed piece in the Dayton Daily News today celebrating MLK and ACA


From: Colette Harrison
Subject: A special program by SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice)

In case you haven't seen this ... it's an opportunity not to be missed! ... and a great transition between the MLK offerings  and the Season for Non-Violence.

This Saturday, January 23, there is a wonderful opportunity to participate in a special program being offered by SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) 1:00 - 3:00pm at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 8690 Yankee St, Dayton 45458.

I plan to be there; will you be there as well?

Carmen Culotta, PhD. will share information on "Implicit Bias: What Is It? and How Do We Get Past It?" There will be time for questions and discussion, as well as participatory activities.

You can get additional information at:
and http://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/



From: Derrick L. Foward
Subject: Dayton-NAACP's Town Hall Meeting: Deciding When To Use Less-Lethal Devices

   Derrick L. Foward, M.C.E.
January 20, 2016; (937) 222-2172

Dayton Unit NAACP Host Town Hall
"Deciding When To Use Less-Lethal Devices"

- The Dayton Unit of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) will host a Town Hall entitled "Deciding When To Use Less-Lethal Devices." The event will be held on Monday, January 25, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the Dayton Boys Preparatory Academy located at 1923 W. Third St. The distinguished guest panelists will include Chief Richard Biehl, Dayton Police Department; Sheriff Phil Plummer, Montgomery County Sheriff's Department; Assistant Chief Eric Wilson, Trotwood Police Department; and Amaha Sellassie, Human Relations Council. The moderator will be Rev. Dr. David I. Fox, Chair of the Dayton Unit NAACP Criminal Justice Committee.

"We will continue to hold the Police Departments and the Sheriff's Department accountable for their actions, but we need your assistance with holding your own loved ones accountable for their actions," said Derrick L. Foward, President of the Dayton Unit NAACP. If you have lost a loved one or know someone who died at the hands of the police, please come and share your thoughts and opinions on this topic.






























From: David K. Greer
Subject: FW: Aullwood's 2016 Winter Speakers Series Programs

For further information contact:
Laurie K. Cothran, Marketing and Development Manager.
Email at lcothran@audubon.org or call 937-890-7360


WHAT: Aullwood's 2016 Winter Speakers Series Programs

WHEN: January 24, 31 and February 7, 14, 21, 28, 2016

WHERE: Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm, 1000 Aullwood Road, Dayton, OH 45414-1129

Aullwood's 2016 Winter Speakers Series Programs


·         January 24 - Wood-Warblers: The Rest of the Story, Jim McCormac – Avian Specialist, ODNR – Division of Wildlife, 2:30 p.m. (Center)

·         January 31 - Nature's People: The Intriguing Story Connecting Emily Dickinson to the Hog Island Audubon Camp in Maine, Tom Schaefer – Author, Educator, 2:30 p.m. (Center)

·         February 7 - Using Mapping Technology to Save and Enjoy Birds, Doreen Whitley – Geospatial Information Officer at The National Audubon Society, 2:30 p.m. (Center)

·         February 14 - The Secret Love Life of Birds, John Schaust, Chief Naturalist, Wild Birds Unlimited, Inc., 2:30 p.m. (Center)

·         February 21 - Where Have the All-You-Can-Eat Buffets Gone?, Dr. David Russell – Professor and Senior Lecturer, Miami University, 2:30 p.m. (Center)

·         February 28 - A Tale of a Tail: The Story of a Red-tailed Hawk Family, Ray Mueller – Nature Photographer, 2:30 p.m. (Center)

Winter Speaker Series Program – All About Birds: Conservation, Education and Recreation
Aullwood's 2016 Winter Speaker Series, All About Birds: Conservation, Education and Recreation, will feature programs that focus on our native birds and why and how we protect them, learn more about them and go outdoors to watch them.  These informative Sunday afternoon programs will be presented by a variety of interesting speakers.  Mark your calendars now for the following Sunday afternoons, January 24, 31 and February 7, 14, 21, and 28.    Programs will begin at 2:30 p.m. (Center).  Admission is $5.00/adult and $3.00 child, Friends of Aullwood and National Audubon Society members are admitted free. Call (937) 890-7360 for more information. Read more on our website www.aullwood.org.

January 24, 2016 - Wood-Warblers: The Rest of the Story
This Winter Speakers Series Program will be held on Sunday, January 24, at 2:30 p.m. with Jim McCormac – Avian Education Specialist, ODNR – Division of Wildlife. (Center)
In a spectacular and unrivaled migratory tidal wave, hundreds of millions of warblers temporarily colonize North America each year. These colorful sprites winter in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Thirty-eight species breed east of the Mississippi, and most of them are intricately linked to the ecology of the vast eastern deciduous forest. Native plants spawn food chains that are essential to the survival of warblers and most other songbirds. This program will explore the big picture of warblers, and their effect on people.
Jim has spent most of his career, up until 2004, as a botanist with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and currently works for the Ohio Division of Wildlife. He was inaugural president of the Ohio Ornithological Society, and was the 2009 recipient of the Ludlow Griscom award, given annually by the American Birding Association to individuals who have made significant regional contributions to ornithology. He is author of Birds of Ohio (Lone Pine 2004); The Great Lakes Nature Guide (Lone Pine 2009); and Wild Ohio: The Best of Our Natural Heritage (Kent State University Press 2009). The latter won the 2010 Ohioana Book award. He is author of the newly released (2014) Lake Erie Birding Trail Guidebook, and is a co-author of the Breeding Bird Atlas II. Jim writes a column, Nature, for the Columbus Dispatch, and has authored or co-authored hundreds of scientific and popular articles in a variety of publications. He is at work on a book about wood-warblers.

January 31, 2016 - Nature's PeopleThe Intriguing Story Connecting Emily Dickinson to the Hog Island Audubon Camp in Maine
This Winter Speakers Series Program will be held on Sunday, January 31, at 2:30 p.m. with Tom Schaefer – Author, Educator. (Center)

Though Emily Dickinson knew nothing of Hog Island at the time of her death in 1886, the woman who would become first editor of the Dickinson poetry, Mabel Loomis Todd, surely would.  A decade after successful publication of three editions of Emily's poetry, Mrs. Todd and her husband bought a majority share of a wilderness island in Maine for a family summer retreat that would eventually become the Hog Island Audubon Camp.  Join Tom Schaefer as he retells fascinating elements of the story tangentially connecting Emily Dickinson to Hog Island, the home of Audubon's first summer camp devoted to teaching key elements of nature study and ecology.
Tom first went to Hog Island on a Dayton Audubon Scholarship and completed his Master of Humanities at Wright State on the founding of the Audubon Nature Camp for Adult Leaders in 1936.  He has been a student of Hog Island history ever since.  Today he serves on the Friends of Hog Island board of directors and volunteers annually at the camp.
At home here in Dayton, Tom is completing work on his book Nature's People: The Hog Island story from Mabel Loomis Todd to Audubon.  Key parts of that narrative will be shared along with a series of classic Hog Island photographs from the family archive housed at Yale University.  Copies of Tom's book of poetry regarding Hog Island history, A Forest of Ferns: Reflections on Hog Island will be available for purchase and author signing.

February 7, 2016 – Using Mapping Technology to Save and Enjoy Birds
This Winter Speakers Series Program will be held on Sunday, February 7, at 2:30 p.m. with Doreen Whitley – Geospatial Information Officer at The National Audubon Society. (Center)
Birds and the electronic age are coming together.  Learn how the National Audubon Society and other bird conservation groups around the world are using mapping technology to support bird conservation work and even bird watching. A history of mapping technologies and birds along with current available technologies will be discussed. Feel free to bring a laptop or mobile device to join in the fun and take some technologies for a test drive.
Doreen Whitley has worked for the National Audubon Society for over 10 years in various roles. She holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science from Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, Florida, a technical degree in GIS and computer networking from Columbus State Community College, and a Master's of Business Administration from Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

February 14, 2016 – The Secret Love Life of Birds

This Winter Speakers Series Program will be held on Sunday, February 14, at 2:30 p.m. with John Schaust, Chief Naturalist, Wild Birds Unlimited, Inc. (Center)
What better day than February 14th for an eye opening exposé about the real love life of birds. Polygamy? Infidelity? Promiscuity?  These words are not ones typically associated with the mating behavior of birds. But the amorous avian world is much more intricate than our naturalist forefathers would have ever believed. Recent research reveals that when it comes to rivalry, competition, deception, fidelity and cheating…birds can make people look tame by comparison!
As Chief Naturalist for Wild Birds Unlimited Inc., John has spent the past 11 years supporting almost 300 WBU stores in encouraging their customers to be active backyard bird watchers and knowledgeable stewards of the environment. Prior to joining Wild Birds Unlimited in 2004, John spent 26 years as a professional Interpretive Naturalist with various federal, state and local park agencies. He is an avid birder and has been a licensed bird bander for over 30 years.

February 21, 2016 – Where Have the All-You-Can-Eat Buffets Gone?
This Winter Speakers Series Program will be held on Sunday, February 21, at 2:30 p.m. with Dr. David Russell – Professor and Senior Lecturer, Miami University. (Center)
Natural areas, parks and landscaped neighborhoods, long considered part of the foundation for the survivorship of today's migrant birds, are evaluated as rest stops for these declining species. We'll use a decade of bird banding data to illustrate the conundrum faced by today's migrants-it's green and full of plants, so it must be a good place to stop-- why do I feel so distressed? We'll have a fun, free-wheeling exploration of bugs and berries and the birds that rely on them.
Dr. David E. Russell received his BS in Entomology from University of California /Davis and his Masters and Doctorate in Molecular Systematics from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.  A Senior
Lecturer of Intro and Environmental Biology at Miami University, he teaches a number of courses including Biology, Environmental Biology, Ornithology and Methods in Field Ornithology.

February 28, 2016 – A Tale of a Tail: The Story of a Red-tailed Hawk Family
This Winter Speakers Series Program will be held on Sunday, February 28, at 2:30 p.m. with Ray Mueller – Nature Photographer. (Center)

Adult Red-Tailed Hawks are beautiful birds with a bright, rusty red tail and are often seen soaring high over the Ohio landscape.  This bird is one of Ohio's most common birds of prey.  Ray Mueller,
a local nature photographer, recently worked with his 93 year old mother Zoe Mueller to write and photographically illustrate a new book titled A Tale of a Tail.  In this exciting program Ray will share his fascinating story about observing and photographing a family of Red-tailed Hawks who took up residence in a Black Locust tree in his neighborhood.  He will illustrate his program with many beautiful images from his observations of the family and how his enthusiasm led him to work with his mother to create his book.
From an early age Ray Mueller began developing a deep appreciation for the intrinsic beauty and value of nature. Shortly after settling in Dayton, Ohio in 1991 after a military transfer, Ray attended an adult education class on photography.  Ray has found a way to express his inner self and his love for the natural world through his photography.
Ray's book, A Tale of a Tail, has 250 photographs, 2 illustrations, and over 110 pages that weaves an enchanting story that is educational and delightful.  Ray will have his book available for sale after his program.


Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm, an Audubon Center for environmental education and sustainable agriculture, provides activities that increase understanding and preservation of the planet by children and adults through education, research and recreation. 



From: Melissa Bertolo
Subject: Welcome Dayton: Apply for NLI, Tax Assistance, & Upcoming Events

Become a Neighborhood Leader

Creating a welcoming and inclusive city requires much more than the work of organizations like Welcome Dayton and our partners--we need individuals like YOU! In 2016, become a leader and set a welcoming example in your neighborhood by enrolling in the City of Dayton's Neighborhood Leadership Institute (NLI).

NLI is an annual 12-week program that trains Dayton residents for current or future leadership opportunities in city communities. NLI offers the opportunity to meet and talk with government officials and other decision-makers. It encourages participants to develop a citywide perspective and establish a network of activists across the City.

Learn more and apply for NLI 2016

Resource of the Month: Free Tax Assistance

During tax-filing season, income-eligible Dayton residents can take advantage of the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit as ways to boost refunds on federal tax returns. IRS-trained volunteers will be at multiple sites to assist eligible workers to complete and submit tax forms at no charge.

Learn tax credit qualifications, find VITA sites (including a Spanish-speaking site), and discover more on the City of Dayton's website: daytonohio.gov/EITC

Welcoming Faces: Amelia Rodriguez

Venturing to America from her native Peru, Amelia Rodriguez often helped her family adapt to their new surroundings by translating phone calls and other interactions.

It's from those experiences the Dayton entrepreneur founded Vocalink, a language service provider with more than 300 employees and a major international perspective.

Read Amelia's interview with the Dayton Business Journal.

Upcoming Events

Click the dates for more info. See our full calendar of events at welcomedayton.org/calendar.

VOICES at Sinclair - Welcome Dayton's "Voices of the Immigrant Experience" community event series continues with a special partnership with Sinclair Community College. Sinclair ESOL students will be sharing their experiences with culture shock, expectations and opportunities in Dayton.

February 11, February 25, March 3

2016 Ohio Latino Education Summit - Educators, administrators, non-profit leaders, parents, students and policymakers discuss prevailing issues regarding the education of Ohio's Hispanic students.

March 11

Citizenship Clinics - Mark your calendars for our next installments of our citizenship clinics. Legal professionals will be available to offer free assistance to prepare naturalization applications.

March 19June 4

WE Global Network 4th Annual Convening - Save the date! Following the 2015 conference here in Dayton, our team will be convening with other Midwest welcoming programs in Philadelphia this Fall to network and share best practices.

October 20


From: Barcelo, Bruce
Subject: New Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Last week the U.S. government's new Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limits on added sugars, suggest limits on sugary sodas, and urged overall healthy eating patterns rich in fruits and vegetables.  Add 1- hour of physical activity and 2- Spend less than 2 hours of leisure screen time each day and you have the GetUp message!

Here is a link to a segment done on Ch. 2: http://wdtn.com/2016/01/07/government-urges-americans-to-limit-sugar-intake/


[2] Definitions for each food group and subgroup are provided throughout the chapter and are compiled in Appendix 3. USDA Food Patterns: Healthy U.S.-Style Eating Pattern.

[3] The recommendation to limit intake of calories from added sugars to less than 10 percent per day is a target based on food pattern modeling and national data on intakes of calories from added sugars that demonstrate the public health need to limit calories from added sugars to meet food group and nutrient needs within calorie limits. The limit on calories from added sugars is not a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) set by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). For most calorie levels, there are not enough calories available after meeting food group needs to consume 10 percent of calories from added sugars and 10 percent of calories from saturated fats and still stay within calorie limits.

[4] The recommendation to limit intake of calories from saturated fats to less than 10 percent per day is a target based on evidence that replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. The limit on calories from saturated fats is not a UL set by the IOM. For most calorie levels, there are not enough calories available after meeting food group needs to consume 10 percent of calories from added sugars and 10 percent of calories from saturated fats and still stay within calorie limits.

[5] The recommendation to limit intake of sodium to less than 2,300 mg per day is the UL for individuals ages 14 years and older set by the IOM. The recommendations for children younger than 14 years of age are the IOM age- and sex-appropriate ULs (see Appendix 7. Nutritional Goals for Age-Sex Groups Based on Dietary Reference Intakes and Dietary Guidelines Recommendations).

[6] It is not recommended that individuals begin drinking or drink more for any reason. The amount of alcohol and calories in beverages varies and should be accounted for within the limits of healthy eating patterns. Alcohol should be consumed only by adults of legal drinking age. There are many circumstances in which individuals should not drink, such as during pregnancy. See Appendix 9. Alcohol for additional information.



From: Donald Nguyen, MD, FAAP, Doctors for America; "Patients over politics, therefore I am a health care pragmatist!"
Subject: My Op-Ed piece in the Dayton Daily News today celebrating MLK and ACA

    In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 's Day, my Op-Ed piece was published in the Dayton Daily News today. Ron Rollins, the DDN Editor also has asked the readership to weigh in on this topic of "What Dr. King would think of the ACA today if he were alive". So,
please, write him and tell him what you think. His email is rrollings@coxohio.com. Enjoy, and Happy New Year to all.

Don Nguyen: What would Dr. King think of Affordable Care Act?









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