[mpen-dayton] FW: "How Donald Trump Bankrupted ..." & "BREAKING: Citizens United" & "THE CROSS AND THE FLAG" & "FW: The Stanford rape case making headlines" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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· FW: Today's Headlines: How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions
· FW: BREAKING: Citizens United
· FW: SSW testifies before the Democratic Platform Committee
· FW: Internet service could get worse with these sneaky tricks
· FW: Are you on this team?
· FW: Tell the DNC: Adopt Bernie's platform
· FW: "The Secret History of Superdelegates" [or: How you lost your right to equal representation...!! - Judy B.]
· FW: No, Christians should not ask God to kill President Obama
· FW: "Just Take Me to Jail": Remembering Muhammad Ali's Refusal to Fight in Vietnam
· FW: We Now Know the Stakes; Dr. Anderson Sheds Light on Common Core; There's a Huge Problem with Health Insurance
· FW: Sign the petition to Nancy Pelosi: No lame duck vote on TPP
· FW: The Stanford rape case making headlines
· FW: Demand GOP senators REJECT Trump's attack on the judiciary
From: NYTimes.com
Subject: Today's Headlines: How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions
How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions
Mr. Trump boasts of his success at the Jersey Shore resort, but regulatory reviews, court records and security filings indicate otherwise. And others paid the price.
From: Emma, along with Annie, Eddie, Ernesto, Kelsey, Laura, Lindsay, Moonyoung, Scottie, and Tim (the Courage team), Courage Campaign Issues Committee
Subject: BREAKING: Citizens United
We just got news that voters in California will get to vote on overturning Citizens United this November!(1)
Citizens United opened the floodgates for hundreds of millions of dollars in secret, unaccountable corporate money in our elections.(2)
And just yesterday, Gov. Jerry Brown made it official: Citizens United will be on the California ballot this fall.
We helped fight to get this initiative on the ballot, with our partners at Money Out Voter's In, California Clean Money Campaign, Free Speech for People, and more, and now we're launching our campaign to make sure we win in November. Will you chip in?
Yes, I'll chip in. Citizens United must go.
The California initiative will not directly cause Citizens United to be overturned -- only the Supreme Court or a constitutional amendment can do that.
But with the deciding vote on Citizens United up for grabs on the Supreme Court, California -- the world's seventh largest economy -- will have an opportunity to send a powerful message to Washington.
And voters across the political spectrum agree that Citizens United was wrongly decided. The fundamental logic of the case -- that money is speech and corporations are people -- flies in the face of American democracy.
And we've seen the results. Hundreds of millions of dollars flowing into unaccountable Super PACs to pay for some of the most shameful and dishonest negative ads of all time.
Enough is enough. Citizens United must go. Will you chip in? Yes, I'll donate to help end Citizens United.
Thank you for having the courage to fight to get money out of politics,
1. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/3433?t=5&akid=2850.790590.7zlQxw
2. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/3436?t=7&akid=2850.790590.7zlQxw
This fall, California voters will get to vote on whether Citizens United should be overturned.
Will you donate to help us win? I'll donate
Paid for by Courage Campaign Issues Committee. 7119 West Sunset Boulevard, No. 195, Los Angeles, CA 90046
From: Michael Phelan, Social Security Works
Subject: SSW testifies before the Democratic Platform Committee
This past week, Social Security Works Co-founder Nancy Altman testified in front of the Democratic Party Platform Committee on the need to expand Social Security and include expansion in this year's Democratic Party platform.
In her testimony, Altman said:
"Whether to expand or cut Social Security is a question of values … It's a question where the parties starkly disagree….
"Expanding Social Security is a solution. It's a solution to our nation's retirement income crisis, to income and wealth inequality, to the financial squeeze on working families."
Stand with Social Security Works and our Co-founder Nancy Altman in calling on the Democratic Party Platform Committee to include Social Security expansion in this year's party platform.
Social Security expansion is not only good policy, it's good politics. Polling shows that 79% of likely voters – Democrats, Republicans and Independents – support expanding Social Security benefits and paying for it by asking the wealthy to pay their fair share.
And now, with President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Senator Sanders all championing this critical issue of economic justice, it is time that the Democratic Party Platform Committee fully embrace Social Security expansion as a plank in this year's party platform.
Please, sign the petition today and call on the Democratic Party Platform Committee to include Social Security expansion in this year's party platform.
This platform is an agenda for the next president and the next Congress. It is critical that Social Security expansion become an official position of the Democratic Party.
Thank you for your support. Together we are telling the platform committee and our elected officials in Washington where the American people stand: Expand, don't cut Social Security!
From: Rachel Colyer; Daily Kos
Subject: Internet service could get worse with these sneaky tricks
Together we've fought hard to protect a free and open internet—and we've been winning in the net neutrality fight.
Now, the same cable and phone companies who fought against net neutrality are inventing new ways to dodge the FCC's rules.
They are creating questionable ways to prioritize content which violate the principles of net neutrality. Sign and send a message to the FCC: Stop cable and phone companies from undermining net neutrality with new zero-rating schemes.
Here's what's happening:
AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon and Comcast have created special "zero-rating" schemes that exempt certain kinds of content from a customer's data plan.
Telecom companies are advertising this service as a "free" or "special offer," but everything comes with a cost from your telecom company.
With zero-rating schemes in place, ISPs are able to act as gatekeepers to the kind of content their customers consume. While they're not blocking content outright, the ability to make some content free and some content costly gives ISPs the power to massively tilt the playing field to favor their own content or the content of sites and services who pay the ISPs to get the same kind of preferential treatment.
Websites like Daily Kos would be more costly to access than a website like Fox News, which can afford to pay for priority service. This has profound impacts on democratic, political, and free speech.
Zero rating also gives ISPs the power to pick winners or losers online – exactly the problem the net neutrality rules sought to prevent. And if that's not bad enough, zero rating gives the ISPs an incentive to keep data caps low and data prices high.
Zero rating goes against net neutrality, and the FCC must stop this practice. Sign and send a message to the FCC: Stop cable and phone companies from undermining net neutrality with new zero-rating schemes.
From: Hillary for America
Subject: Are you on this team?
Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible. |
From: Maria, Rivkah, Matt, Mark, and the rest of the team, MoveON
Subject: Tell the DNC: Adopt Bernie's platform
Bernie Sanders just added five strong progressives to the 15-member Democratic Platform Committee—the folks responsible for drafting the Democratic Party platform. The committee now includes leaders such as Representative Keith Ellison, environmental activist Bill McKibben, and Native American activist Deborah Parker.1
Having these powerful voices on the committee is a key part to shaping a progressive agenda for the Democratic Party. But they'll need our support to make sure Bernie's ideas are officially adopted as Democratic Party priorities in the platform. That's why it's crucial for us to stand with Bernie Sanders and call on the Democratic National Committee to adopt a progressive platform. Will you sign and share the petition, which says:
It's time for the Democratic Party to listen to the people. Adopt a progressive platform calling for a $15-an-hour minimum wage, an end to our disastrous trade policies, a Medicare-for-all health care system, the break up of Wall Street financial institutions, an end to fracking in our country, free college and university tuition, and a carbon tax to effectively address our human-caused climate crisis.
This platform will have major implications for races at all levels of government across the country—and it's one of our best tools for establishing our shared vision for the policies we push for and secure in the coming years.2
Millions of voters have already joined the growing movement to support Bernie Sanders and his plan for America. Now, we must stand with him and call on the Democratic Party to set a forward-looking, progressive platform that will shape the future our country needs: fair wages, access to health care and higher education for all Americans, protections for our climate, and an end to the rampant corruption on Wall Street.
1. "Sanders names Cornel West, Keith Ellison to DNC platform committee," The Hill, May 23, 2016
2. "What Are Political Party Platforms?" KQED, November 2, 2012
You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on MoveOn.org, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.
Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: FW: "The Secret History of Superdelegates" [ or: How you lost your right to equal representation...!! - Judy B.]
The Secret History of Superdelegates
712 Democratic Officials Will Decide Whether Clinton or Sanders Wins the Nomination. Newly published documents show that's what the party planned all along. COVER STORY | May 16, 2016 Since its launch, a specter has haunted Bernie Sanders' run for the Democratic...Read More
From: albert baca
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.
· Sinclair Lewis
The above is not a direct quote from Sinclair Lewis, but a description of a Sinclair Lewis point about nationalism and religion in It Can't Happen Here
Old Al: The question to be answered is: IS AMERICA A CHRISTIAN NATION? I say no but what do I know?
Read this: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/06/10/gop-senator-david-perdue-jokes-about-praying-for-obama-s-death.html
The freshman senator from Georgia quoted scripture at a right-wing Christian confab to say the president's days should be short.
Re "radical Islam is killing people around the world"
· Adolf Hitler - Roman Catholic
· Joseph Goebbels - Roman Catholic
· Benito Mussolini - Roman Catholic
· Adolf Eichmann - Lutheran
Enough said.
From: Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Subject: No, Christians should not ask God to kill President Obama
Today at a major religious-right conference, Republican Senator David Perdue implied that Christians should pray for President Obama to die.
"We need to be very specific about how we pray" for President Obama, Perdue said. "We should pray like Psalms 109:8 says: 'Let his days be few, and let another have his office.'"
The very next verse of Psalm 109 is: "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."
For years, this passage of scripture has circulated among religious-right extremists who advocate "imprecatory prayer" - asking God to kill President Obama.
Senator Perdue's staff is now backpedaling, claiming that isn't what he meant, but so far he's refusing to apologize for his hateful misuse of the Bible.
Tell Republican senator: Apologize for praying for Obama's death
For more information:
"GOP Senator David Perdue Jokes About Praying for Obama's Death," The Daily Beast, June 10, 2016
From: Logan Martinez
Subject: "Just Take Me to Jail": Remembering Muhammad Ali's Refusal to Fight in Vietnam
"Just Take Me to Jail": Remembering Muhammad Ali's Refusal to Fight in Vietnam
Thousands are expected to gather in Louisville Friday for the funeral of Muhammad Ali, one of the world's most iconic figures of the 20th century. He was considered by many to be the greatest boxer of all time, but he will also be remembered for his activism against racism and war. In 1966, Ali announced his refusal to fight in Vietnam. After his conscientious objector status request was denied in April 1967, he refused induction. Ali's title was taken away from him, and he was sentenced to a five-year prison term. He appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, and in 1971 his conviction was finally reversed.
Democracy Now!
AMY GOODMAN: Thousands are expected to gather in Louisville on Friday for the funeral of Muhammad Ali, one of the world's most iconic figures of the 20th century. He was considered by many to be the greatest boxer of all time, but he will also be remembered for his activism against racism and war. He died Friday in Arizona after suffering for decades from Parkinson's syndrome. Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Clay in Louisville in 1942. He first gained fame in 1960 when he won the gold medal at the Olympic Games in Rome.
NEWSREEL: But the most popular U.S.A. winner was the lighthearted Cassius Marcellus Clay V, in white here, who easily defeated Poland's Zbigniew Pietrzykowski. Clay was by far the best of the U.S.A. boxers.
AMY GOODMAN: After winning the gold medal, the young Cassius Clay returned to the segregated South. In a 1971 interview on the BBC, he described what happened next.
MUHAMMAD ALI: Won the Olympic gold medal in Rome, Italy, Olympic champion—the Russian standing right here, and the Pole right here. Is Poland considered a communist country?
MUHAMMAD ALI: Yeah, I'm defeating America's so-called threats or enemies. And the flag is going don-ton-ton-ton-tonnn, don-ton-ton-ton-ton—I'm standing so proud—don-ton-tonnn, ton-ton-tonnn—because I done whooped the world for America—don-ton-ton-ton-ton-tonnn. I took my gold medal, thought I'd invented something. I said, "Man, I know I'm going to get my people freedom now. I'm the champion of the whole world, the Olympic champion. I know I can eat downtown now."
And I went downtown that day, had my big old medal on and went in a restaurant. See, at that time, like, things weren't integrated; black folks couldn't eat downtown. And I went downtown, I sat down, and I said, "You know, a cup of coffee, a hot dog." He said—the lady said, "We don't serve Negroes." I was so mad, I said, "I don't eat them, either. Just give me a cup of coffee and a hamburger."
You know, and I said, "I'm the Olympic gold medal winner. Three days ago, I fought for this country in Rome. I won the gold medal. And I'm going to eat." The manager—heard her tell the manager, and she says—he said, "Well, I'm not the—I'm not the man—he's got to go out." Anyway, I didn't raise—they put me out. And I had to leave that restaurant, in my home town, where I went to church and served in their Christianity, and fought—my daddy fought in all the wars. Just won the gold medal and couldn't eat downtown. I said, "Something's wrong."
AMY GOODMAN: That was Muhammad Ali describing his return to Louisville, Kentucky, after winning the 1960 Olympic gold medal. Four years later, he became the heavyweight champion of the world, defeating Sonny Liston. After the fight, he declared, "I am the greatest." On the next day, the then-Cassius Clay shocked the sports world and announced he was joining the Nation of Islam and changing his name. After briefly being named Cassius X, Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad renamed him Muhammad Ali. For years, many news outlets refused to refer to the boxer by his new name, instead using what Ali called his slave name. Muhammad Ali grew close to Malcolm X, and he became a vocal critic of U.S. actions at home and abroad. The FBI and National Security Agency soon began monitoring his communication. In 1966, Muhammad Ali filed for conscientious objector status and announced his refusal to fight in Vietnam.
MUHAMMAD ALI: My conscience won't let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people or some poor, hungry people in the mud, for big, powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me nigger. They never lynched me. They didn't put no dogs on me. They didn't rob me of my nationality, and rape and kill my mother and father. Why would I want to—shoot them for what? I got to go shoot them, those little poor little black people, little babies and children, women; how can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.
AMY GOODMAN: After Muhammad Ali's conscientious objector status request was denied in April 1967, he refused induction. Muhammad Ali's title was taken away from him. He was sentenced to a five-year prison term. He appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and in 1971 his conviction was finally reversed. He did not go to prison, but was forced to wait four years before regaining his boxing license. In 1974, Muhammad Ali reclaimed the world heavyweight champion title, defeating George Foreman in what was known as the Rumble in the Jungle, an historic boxing match in Kinshasa, Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This is a clip from the documentary When We Were Kings.
MUHAMMAD ALI: Yeah, I'm in Africa. Yeah, Africa is my home. Damn America and what America thinks. Yeah, I live in America, but Africa is the home of the black man, and I was a slave 400 years ago, and I'm going back home to fight among my brothers.
AMY GOODMAN: In addition to fighting overseas, Muhammad Ali grew increasingly involved in world affairs. During a visit to two Palestinian refugee camps in southern Lebanon, Ali said, quote, "In my name and the name of all Muslims in America, I declare support for the Palestinian struggle to liberate their homeland and oust the Zionist invaders," unquote. In 1990, Muhammad Ali traveled to Baghdad and met with Saddam Hussein against the wishes of the U.S. government. During the trip, he secured the release of 15 Americans being held by the Iraqi government.
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: We Now Know the Stakes; Dr. Anderson Sheds Light on Common Core; There's a Huge Problem with Health Insurance
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We Now Know the Stakes of This Election Thursday's endorsements drew the battle lines. | |||||||
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Dr. Sam Anderson Sheds Light on Common Core and … Mo... Part III By Akosua K. Albritton Dr. Sam Anderson (S.E. Anderson), a veteran activist/educator, is a Senior Editor (NOBO: Journal of African Dialogue), a founding me... | |||||||
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Few people realize this big risk when they go to the hos... There's a huge problem with American health insurance | |||||||
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From: Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos
Subject: Sign the petition to Nancy Pelosi: No lame duck vote on TPP
A dangerous corporate trade deal can squeak through Congress—unless we pressure Democratic leaders to stand up and say "no."
Sign the petition urging Nancy Pelosi to oppose a lame duck vote for the TPP.
The recently-signed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was negotiated behind closed doors with hundreds of corporate advisors. It would make it easier to offshore good jobs, push down our wages, and undermine essential climate policies, affordable medicines, safe food, human rights & an open Internet.
It should not be approved, and certainly not during a "lame duck" session of Congress after the November election—when members are the least politically accountable to constituents.
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have both announced opposition to a lame duck vote on the TPP. But House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi has refused to take a position. Her public position will have enormous influence on how other House Democrats vote.
Sign the petition by Daily Kos, Campaign for America's Future, People Demanding Action, CREDO, Open Media & Corporate Accountability International to Nancy Pelosi: No Lame Duck vote on the TPP!
From: Maria Tchijov
Subject: Fwd: The Stanford rape case making headlines
Nearly 1 million people have already signed petitions calling for the judge who handed down a slap-on-the-wrist sentence to Stanford student Brock Turner, who raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, to resign. On Friday at noon Pacific Time, our allies at UltraViolet will be delivering these petition signatures in San Francisco to the Committee on Judicial Performance demanding that they take action against Judge Aaron Persky. Will you sign the petition now so that they can deliver your name tomorrow? –Maria
Judge Aaron Persky sentenced convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner to just six months in county jail and probation after he was found guilty of raping an unconscious woman outside of a fraternity party on the Stanford campus.1 In his remarks at sentencing, Judge Persky justified this light sentence out of concern for Turner's future and the impact the verdict will have on his life.2
Giving a lenient sentence to a convicted rapist is unacceptable. Women who are raped deserve justice. Will you sign this petition demanding that the Committee on Judicial Performance remove Judge Persky immediately?
Judge Aaron Persky's failure to hold Brock Turner accountable for the rape and his dismissive comments at sentencing show that he cannot be trusted to dispense justice. He must be removed from the bench immediately.
Brock Turner, a Stanford University student, was convicted of raping an unconscious woman on the Stanford campus. Two graduate students found him on top of the woman, behind a dumpster, outside of a fraternity party.
But California Judge Aaron Persky sentenced Turner to just six months in a county jail, saying that prison would have "a severe impact on him." It's worth noting that Turner's father had called on the judge to give him only probation, saying he had already "paid a steep price" for "20 minutes of action."3
As a Stanford graduate, I'm disgusted that this rape occurred and I am outraged by Judge Persky's lenient sentence. Join me in demanding that the Committee on Judicial Performance remove him from the bench immediately.
Rapists must be held accountable for their actions, and judges who refuse to hold them accountable must be removed from the bench.
The Committee on Judicial Performance has the authority to remove a judge. If enough of us speak out and demand justice, we can ensure judges like Judge Persky must value the life of the woman who was raped over the consequences of a just sentence for the rapist.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
1. "Stanford sexual assault: judge facing recall campaign over light sentence," The Guardian, June 6, 2016
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on MoveOn.org, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.
Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.
Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
From: Ben Betz, Online Engagement Director --- Signature needed! (PFAW.org)
Subject: Demand GOP senators REJECT Trump's attack on the judiciary
Republicans are scrambling to figure out how to handle Donald Trump's SHOCKING racism against the judge in his Trump University case, and other would-be judges in cases involving him.
Trump's disgraceful attack on Judge Gonzalo Curiel is an attempt at intimidation and an assault on the separation of powers, the independence of the judiciary, and the rule of law.
Earlier message:
Mitch McConnell echoed many Republicans this week when he said that the main reason he supports Donald Trump for president is the selection of Supreme Court justices -- calling it "the biggest thing the next president will deal with."
It's Trump, after all, who Senate Republicans are hoping to keep the current Supreme Court vacancy open for with their unprecedented obstruction of the Merrick Garland nomination.
But Donald Trump is now suggesting a RACIAL TEST for federal judges. He is attacking the judge presiding over his Trump University court case, involving charges of fraud against Trump, because the judge is "of Mexican heritage," saying the judge has a conflict of interest simply based on his race and heritage!
Saying that someone's race or heritage disqualifies them from being able to carry out the duties of a judge is a shockingly discriminatory racial "test" to apply to assessing a judge's qualifications.
And it suggests that, as president, Trump would be perfectly comfortable using such a test in his selection of Supreme Court justices and other federal judicial nominees.
Sign the petition now: Demand NO racial tests for the selection of judicial nominees, by Trump or ANY president!>>
As PFAW Senior Fellow Ari Rabin-Havt pointed out in a piece on Huffington Post:
During every president's term, numerous cases involving their policies or interpretations of the law are argued before the Supreme Court. If Trump believes a district court judge's heritage creates an unfair bias against him, then one can assume that he thinks this same bias would exist in a judge on the highest court.
Approximately 10 percent of our country's population is of Mexican heritage, and Donald Trump's racial test would exclude every single one of them from the judiciary. Perhaps this explains why the list of potential Supreme Court nominees that Trump released last month was 100% white.
Trump's suggestion that judges' ethnicities instill in them an inherent bias and inability to be impartial carries many implications. For example, would he say that an African American judge should be disqualified from hearing any case about racial discrimination? And it is eerily reminiscent of long-promoted claims by the Religious Right that gay judges shouldn't be allowed to hear cases involving LGBT equality issues.
Certainly no one on the Right is suggesting that Christian judges are categorically unfit to hear religious liberty cases.
Senators -- who share the duty of seating Supreme Court justices and other federal judges -- need to make it clear that they REJECT Trump's unabashedly discriminatory racial test for judges.
Please add your name to the petition now demanding NO racial tests for Court nominees!
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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