[mpen-dayton] FW: "Video of Trump rallies reveals extreme hate and xenophobia" & "We must protect and expand Social Security" & "Obama to GOP: UN-ENDORSE!" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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· (Aug, 7) FW: Miami County for Racial Justice Rally
· FW: Constance Wu and the Great Wall by abagond
· FW: Koch Brothers vs. Russ Feingold
· FW: Russ Feingold: Why am I asking for $5?
· FW: Video of Trump rallies reveals extreme hate and xenophobia
· FW: Robert Reich: "Why the Shake-Up at the Democratic National Committee Is Doomed"
· FW: Sign if you agree: Reinstate Glass-Steagall
· FW: Donald Trump's tax returns
· FW: We must protect and expand Social Security
· FW: Tell Congress to pass the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2016
· FW: What a Revoting Development This Is
· FW: Obama to GOP: UN-ENDORSE!
· FW: Stand against fear and hatred
From: Cameron DeHart
Subject: Miami County for Racial Justice Rally
Miami County for Racial Justice Rally
Troy, Prouty Plaza, Sunday August 7; 2-4pm
This a PUBLIC event to promote racial justice in our community and across the country. We are organizing this rally to raise awareness about the injustices faced by People of Color and other minority groups, including underfunding for services and the recent police shooting deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and too many others. We are asking that people SHOW UP to support racial justice in solidarity with local communities of color. Join the rally, Miami County for Racial Justice, on August 7th on Prouty Plaza in the town square in Troy Ohio. Please invite your friends, family, and neighbors of all races, backgrounds, and identities.
This is a NON-VIOLENT event to raise awareness of local and national issues. Violence, property destruction, and hate are NOT allowed or condoned by event organizers. This event is permitted by the City of Troy and we ask all attendees to please follow traffic and noise laws.
Foremost, we are commemorating the lives of three young black girls who passed away tragically last year: Dionanna Bishop, Dejah Bishop, and Jakia Jones. #SayHerName After their tragic deaths from CO poisoning, the community notably came together to dispense free CO detectors and lend sympathy to the family. But justice has failed these 3 girls, as the community's interest waned, no one was held accountable for negligence, and no steps were taken toward fixing the systemic problems facing communities of color in Miami County. The Lincoln Community Center continues to be underfunded, for example. We must be proactive not reactive.
We are NOT protesting the Troy Ohio Police Department or Miami County Sheriff's Office Troy, Ohio. We believe that our community, like many others in this country, can be improved if the citizens and police hold open and honest dialogue. We hope this event will start some of those important conversations with our local law enforcement. Some of the organizers are the grandchildren of a former Troy officer, and we have the utmost respect our local police.
Directions: Prouty Plaza is in downtown Troy. If you're driving from I-75, follow Main Street (Rt. 41) west toward The Square. Public parking is available on the street, and we encourage people to walk, bike, or carpool to the event.
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Constance Wu and the Great Wall by abagond
Constance Wu and the Great Wall
Mon 1 Aug 2016 by abagond
Constance Wu, who plays the mother in "Fresh Off the Boat" (2015- ), called out Hollywood whitewashing and did it in 453 words – clearly meaning for it to be a guest post on this blog:
"On The Great Wall: We have to stop perpetuating the racist myth that a only white man can save the world. It's not based on actual fact. Our heroes don't look like Matt Damon. They look like Malala. Ghandi. Mandela. Your big sister when she stood up for you to those bullies that one time. Money is the lamest excuse in the history of being human. So is blaming the Chinese investors. (POC's choices can be based on unconscious bias, too.) Remember it's not about blaming individuals, which will only lead to soothing their lame "b-but I had good intentions! but…money!" micro-aggressive excuses. Rather, it's about pointing out the repeatedly implied racist notion that white people are superior to POC and that POC need salvation from our own color via white strength. When you consistently make movies like this, you ARE saying that. YOU ARE. Yes, YOU ARE. YES YOU ARE. Yes dude, you fucking ARE. Whether you intend to or not. We don't need salvation. We like our color and our culture and our own strengths and our own stories. (If we don't, we should.) We don't need you to save us from anything. And we're rrrreally starting to get sick of you telling us, explicitly or implicitly, that we do. Think only a huge movie star can sell a movie? That that has NEVER been a total guarantee. Why not TRY to be better? If white actors are forgiven for having a box office failure once in a while, why can't a POC sometimes have one? And how COOL would it be if you were the movie that took the "risk" to make a POC as your hero, and you sold the shit out of it?! The whole community would be celebrating!! If nothing else, you'd get some mad respect (which is WAY more valuable than money.) So MAKE that choice. I know that overcoming your own bias and doing something differently takes balls… Well don't you WANT balls? Look. I know there are lotsa POC who honestly don't care. Who think I'M being crazy. Well excuse me for caring about the images that little girls see, and what that implies to them about their limitations or possibilities. If you know a kid, you should care too. Because we WERE those kids. Why do you think it was so nice to see a nerdy white kid have a girl fall in love with him? Because you WERE that nerdy white kid who felt unloved. And seeing pictures of it in Hollywood's stories made it feel possible. That's why it moved you, and that's why it was a great story Hollywood is supposed to be about making great stories. So make them."
The trailer for "The Great Wall" (2017):
Black people in medieval Europe? Unrealistic! White people in medieval China? The star of the show!
From: Lizet Ocampo; Manager of Political Campaigns, Take Back the Senate
Subject: Koch Brothers vs. Russ Feingold
BREAKING: Koch brothers jump back into Wisconsin Senate race
Freedom Partners Action Fund, a right-wing group backed by the Koch brothers, just launched a $1 million ad campaign in the Senate race between incumbent Tea Partier Ron Johnson and PFAW Voters Alliance-endorsed Russ Feingold.
Just weeks ago, Republican groups had pulled major spending from the Wisconsin race. But now, citing tightening poll numbers, at least one Koch-funded group is back in this race … to defend one of the worst senators elected in 2010's Tea Party wave.
But Russ Feingold, running to reclaim his old Senate seat, is a progressive champion. He's an iconic leader in the fight for campaign finance reform and was the lone vote in the US Senate against the Patriot Act.
Will you help the PFAW Voters Alliance federal PAC beat the Koch bothers and elect Russ Feingold and more progressives like him?
Yes, I'll make a much-needed PAC contribution now>>
We MUST replace Mitch McConnell's extremism and obstructionism with a progressive majority in the US Senate.
Regardless of who wins the White House, a far-right Senate majority could wreak havoc on the future of the Supreme Court … and we know that McConnell and his Tea Party majority would certainly carry on in slavish service to the NRA, the Koch brothers, and any number of corporate special interests.
WI Sen. Ron Johnson has a record that's definitively anti-choice, anti-gay, and shamelessly anti-science. He's second to none in climate change denialism -- comparing, in an interview on Tuesday, climate change activists to Stalin, and stating, "climate hasn't warmed in quite a few years, that is proven scientifically." Actually, 2015 was the hottest year on record and 2016 is on track to be even hotter.
PFAW's affiliated federal PAC, the PFAW Voters Alliance, is fighting to defeat Ron Johnson, and Tea Party Republicans just like him in the tightest races in the country.
Will you help with a PAC contribution now? We need the funds to fight back before it's too late!
Yes, I'll make a much-needed PAC contribution now>>
The Voters Alliance endorses and fights for candidates, like Russ Feingold, who are among the best progressives running for federal office.
We can take back the Senate and maybe even the House, and, along the way, elect bold progressives who will fight for our values.
Will you support the PFAW Voters Alliance PAC by making a contribution now?
Yes, I'll make a much-needed PAC contribution now>>
From: Russ Feingold (via EndCitizensUnited.org)
Subject: Why am I asking for $5?
I'll be blunt: the Koch network has spent millions of dollars to defeat me.
We can fight back -- and defeat these right-wing billionaires, transform our campaign finance system, and end Citizens United -- but first we need to reach 10,000 donors in the next 24 hours. Can you chip in right now?
There's a reason your $5 and $10 donations count so much.
It's because that's how campaigns should be funded -- by grassroots donors supporting candidates they believe in -- not by billionaires writing massive checks to SuperPACs.
And that's exactly what we're doing in Wisconsin.
Since our Senate campaign launched, tens of thousands of donors have chipped in their hard-earned dollars -- and with your help today we can take on the Koch Brothers, win one of the most competitive races in the country, and get secret money out of politics >>
Fighting for campaign finance reform has always been one of my highest priorities -- so I'm grateful that I received the first endorsement from the End Citizens United community.
Munsup, thank you for fighting for campaign finance reform. Thank you for considering lending your support to my campaign.
Please chip in to help us hit 10,000 individual donations in time:
Subject: Video of Trump rallies reveals extreme hate and xenophobia
SPLC News This Week
Video of hate at Trump rallies — latest Intelligence Report issue— transgender murder rates increase.
New York Times compiles clips of vitriolic comments from Trump supporters
The New York Times has published a compilation of uncensored expressions of hate from Donald Trump supporters at his rallies, including Nazi salutes and racial slurs aimed at immigrants and President Obama. The short video is another reminder of the remarkable level of vitriol that has characterized the presidential campaign (see SPLC's "Hate in the Race" timeline).
SPLC's Intelligence Report: Far-right movement recruits sheriffs
The latest issue of our Intelligence Report explores the growing efforts to recruit law enforcement officers into the antigovernment "Patriot" movement. We also report on the reactionary "White Lives Matter" movement, extremism in the presidential race, and the impact of a 2014 armed standoff between militia extremists and federal agents.
Transgender murder rates climb as 'bathroom bills' proliferate
Violent attacks on transgender people appear to be increasing as the issue of access to public bathrooms becomes increasingly acrimonious. Fourteen transgender people have been murdered so far this year, and more than 1,200 incidents of hate violence have been committed against this community. Transgender women of color are at the greatest risk.
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: Robert Reich: "Why the Shake-Up at the Democratic National Committee Is Doomed" | Truthdig
" ... The Democratic National Committee – like the Republican National Committee – has become little more than a giant machine designed to suck up big money from wealthy individuals, lobbyists bundlers, and corporate and Wall Street PACs.
As long as this is its de facto mission, the DNC won't ever be kindly disposed to a campaign financed by small donations – Bernie's, or any others.
Nor will it support campaign finance reform.
Nor will it be an institutional voice for average working people and the poor.
It won't want to eliminate superdelegates or support open primaries because these reforms would make Democratic candidates vulnerable to non-corporate interests.
What's needed is structural reform ... "
From: Murshed Zaheed; Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Sign if you agree: Reinstate Glass-Steagall
Tell Congressional Republican leadership: Follow your party platform and reinstate Glass-Steagall.
Petition to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and the Republican leadership in Congress:
"Put your money where your mouth is. Follow the 2016 Republican Party platform and schedule an immediate vote on the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, co-sponsored by Sens. John McCain and Elizabeth Warren."
In a shocking move Republicans recently added a plank to their platform calling for the reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall divide between investment and commercial banking.1
For decades, the original Glass-Steagall Act separated general banking – like savings deposits and small business loans – from the kind of high-risk speculative trading done by investment banks that crashed the economy. But ever since banks started chipping away at the law and eventually repealed it in the 1990's, we've seen a resurgence of risky gambles and financial crashes from banks that hold Americans' savings.2
The truth is that Congressional Republican leaders are trying to have it both ways – talking tough, without walking the walk. Congressional Republicans try to blame President Obama for the continued existence of too-big-to-fail banks, while pushing legislation that would give free rein to the fraudsters who crashed our economy.3 Let's demand that Republican leadership in Congress follow their platform and schedule an immediate vote on the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act.
Tell Republican leaders in Congress: Follow your party platform and reinstate Glass-Steagall. Click here to sign the petition.
The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, co-sponsored by Sens. Elizabeth Warren and John McCain, is a modern, updated version of the old law, designed to tackle the complexities of modern banking. Glass-Steagall is fundamentally about setting tough, clear rules and forcing Wall Street to work for Main Street, not the other way around. It would declare that Wall Street mega-banks can engage in high-risk trading all they want – but not if they also take out federally insured deposits.4
This law is needed today more than ever before. The biggest banks continue to balloon in size and control huge portions of our economy.5 Risky trading continues, with high-frequency computer-driven trading adding new risks.6 And nearly five years after Congress passed Wall Street reform, the Federal Reserve continues to delay implementing even a watered-down version the Volcker Rule, a ban on using federally insured funds for risky trades that is considered "Glass-Steagall light."7,8
Republicans are trying to have it both ways. Despite the platform plank, the Trump campaign said it was "not taking a position" on Glass-Steagall.9 The party platform supports reinstating Glass-Steagall, even as it calls for dismantling the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law.10 We need to force Republicans to put their money where their mouth is by scheduling a vote to reinstate Glass-Steagall.
Under Glass-Steagall, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation would insure the money everyday Americans deposited in banks – ensuring middle class economic stability and preventing bank runs – but any bank that took deposits could not engage in risky trades and speculative gambles.11 It worked for decades. But as Sen. Warren describes, "That high wall between high-risk trading and boring banking was punched full of holes until, in the late 1990s, it was knocked down when Glass-Steagall was eventually repealed. And not long after that, the worst crash since the 1930s hit the American economy."12
- Michelle Fox, "Trump campaign still weighing Glass-Steagall," CNBC, May 20, 2016.
- Kevin Cirilli, "Warren, McCain introduce bill to bring back Glass-Steagall," The Hill, July 7, 2015.
- Donna Borak and Andrew Ackerman, "GOP's Jeb Hensarling Takes Aim at Dodd-Frank, Volcker Rule," The Wall Street Journal, June 5, 2016.
- Cirilli, "Warren, McCain introduce bill to bring back Glass-Steagall."
- Jeff Cox, "Too big to fail banks just keep getting bigger," CNBC.com, March 5, 2015.
- Nick Baumann, "Too Fast to Fail: Is High-Speed Trading the Next Wall Street Disaster?" Mother Jones, January 2013.
- Wallace Turbeville, "What is the Volcker Rule?" Demos, December 9, 2013.
- Federal Reserve Board of Governors, "Press Release Dated July 7, 2016," FederalReserve.gov, July 7, 2016.
- Fox, "Trump campaign still weighing Glass-Steagall."
- Jon Marino, "Glass-Steagall: Wall Street is not happy with Donald Trump," CNBC, July 19, 2016.
- The Roosevelt Institute, "Looking Back at the Repeal of Glass-Steagall, or, How the Banks Caught Casino Fever," RooseveltInstitute.org, retrieved July 19, 2015.
- Cirilli, "Warren calls for return of Glass-Steagall."
From: Heidi Hess; Senior Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Re: Donald Trump's tax returns
Re: Trump and Russia: What is Donald hiding in his tax returns?
Tell Donald Trump:
"Release multiple years of your tax returns and level with the American people about your wealth, your business dealings, how you truly make your money, any financial ties to Russia, the tax loopholes you take advantage of, the tax rate you actually pay and how your tax plan would benefit you personally."
Recent reports of Donald Trump's financial ties to Russian oligarchs aligned with Vladimir Putin,1 combined with his encouragement – last week – of the Russian government to spy on the United States, have brought renewed attention to Trump's failure to release his tax returns, and renewed questions about what Trump may be trying to hide.
Since the start of his campaign, Trump has gotten a free pass at every level – from his own party and more importantly from the corporate media that has lavished him with free media and attention around the clock. That free pass has to end now.
Tell Donald Trump: You must release your tax returns. Click here to sign the petition.
Releasing tax returns is something that every presidential candidate has done for the past 40 years, but Trump still refuses to do so. Given his background and history, Trump's wealth and business dealings are the clearest view into his experience and fitness to be president, and now one of the clearest ways to understand if he has relationships or debt with Russian financial interests which could compromise the integrity of a Trump presidency.
Trump continues to hide behind a phony excuse that he can't release his tax returns until the IRS finishes auditing him. Just last week, his campaign manager doubled down on Trump's refusal to release his returns, using that bogus auditing excuse. But that claim has been repudiated by the IRS itself, and nothing is preventing Trump from releasing multiple years of returns.2
Releasing tax returns is a crucial way for a presidential candidate to assure the public that he or she has no conflicts of interest, particularly with foreign governments like Russia. But with Donald Trump, who has made his business experience the central argument for his candidacy, the release of his tax returns are even more crucial. These returns need to be out in the open for Americans to see, and we need to force the issue right now.
Tell Donald Trump: You must release your tax returns. Click here to sign the petition.
Recent financial disclosures made by Trump have already revealed the tremendous profits he has earned from companies whose policies he attacks.3 Trump's tax returns are sure to reveal even more hypocrisy.
Americans need to get the truth about Trump's business dealings, his claims of extreme wealth, how he truly makes his money, what tax loopholes he is using to dodge taxes, the tax rate he actually pays, his ties to Russia, and how his tax plan would benefit him personally.
We can't let Trump get another free pass on his dangerous and destructive path to the presidency.
Tell Donald Trump: You must release your tax returns. Click the link below to sign the petition.
1. Tom Hamburger, Rosalind S. Helderman and Michael Birnbaum, "Inside Trump's financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin," The Washington Post, June 17, 2016, Peter Stone, David Smith, Ben Jacobs, Alec Luhn and Rupert Neate, "Donald Trump and Russia: a web that grows more tangled all the time," The Guardian, July 30, 2016, and Josh Marshall, "Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing," TalkingPointsMemo.com, July 23, 2016.
2. Kevin McCoy and David Jackson, "IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit," USA Today, February 26, 2016.
3. Christina Wilkie, "Donald Trump Profits In Private From The Companies He Trashes In Public," Huffington Post, May 18, 2016.
From: Irna Landrum; Daily Kos
Subject: Sign if you agree: We must protect and expand Social Security
Millions of American senior citizens rely on Social Security benefits to survive. Seniors who have worked hard for decades should not be facing hunger, homelessness, and suffering illness without adequate treatment.
For years, Republicans have threatened to slash Social Security to score cheap political points and votes, showing blatant disregard for elderly Americans. The retirement age has increased and the reliability of investments like homeownership and 401K's has decreased.
Sign the petition by Daily Kos and our endorsed candidates: Demand that Congress strengthen and expand Social Security.
Now more than ever, we must work diligently to secure the future for senior citizens and their caregivers. It's past time to fight against cuts to Social Security. In order to deliver on promises to American seniors, we must also expand and grow it.
Take action now. Sign the petition to demand that Congress expand Social Security.
From: Josh Nelson; Deputy Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: SIGN: Tell Congress to pass the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2016
Tell Congress to pass the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2016
"Making it easier for all eligible Americans to register and vote
could bring millions of people into the democratic process.
Pass the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2016 now."
In states across the country, Republicans have enacted discriminatory photo ID laws, cut back early voting, eliminated polling locations and done everything they can think of to make it harder for people to vote.
It's time to reverse the tide and make it easier to vote – not harder. Rep. Robert Brady of Pennsylvania recently introduced the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2016, which would expand automatic voter registration nationwide by requiring states to automatically and securely register people eligible to vote when they interact with certain state and federal agencies. Everyone would have the chance to opt out, and no one would be registered against their will.
The Automatic Voter Registration Act would create a pathway to voting for up to 50 million new voters, dramatically increasing participation and registration rates, while reducing errors and costs – but it won't gain traction in Congress without grassroots support.
Tell Congress: Pass the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2016. Click here to sign the petition.
When voter participation rates are low, the electorate is skewed toward conservatives. Making it easier for all eligible Americans to register and vote will help level the playing field in elections and could lead to a more progressive and representative government, as well as more desirable outcomes on legislative matters.
Courts in North Carolina, Wisconsin and Kansas have recently blocked Republican efforts to make it harder to vote. Now we have the opportunity to go on offense and strengthen our democracy by making it easier for people to register and vote. Rather than just stopping bad laws, we must enact good ones that increase participation rates so voters can be more involved participants in the democratic process.
Last year in California, thousands of CREDO members signed petitions and hundreds more made phone calls to help pass an automatic voter registration law at the state level. Other states – including Oregon, West Virginia, Vermont and New Jersey – have also recently passed automatic voter registration laws.
Now it is time to pass the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2016 and eliminate many of the barriers that make it harder for Americans to participate in the democratic process.
Tell Congress: Pass the Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2016. Click the link below to sign the petition:
1. "Automatic Voter Registration," Brennan Center for Justice, July 15, 2016.
2. "The Case for Automatic Voter Registration," Brennan Center for Justice.
From: albert baca
Subject: FW: What a Revoting Development This Is
Trump's business acumen is explained in this Newsweek article:
Talk about having a wealthy father who was constantly bailing the Donald out of some horrible business decisions. From what I understand, Old Fred was worth between 250 and 300 mil when he croaked in 1999 at age 93. After the first The Donald flop in business, old Fred should have cut him off and let the Donald go bankrupt.
As The Donald continues to dominate the news, many of Trump's supporters aren't aware of something very, very interesting about the Donald. His oldest sister is a senior judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Maryanne Trump Barry was nominated as a Federal District Judge by St. Ronnie in 1983. Slick Willie appointed her to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 1999.
Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/not-many-people-know-this-about-trumps-sister-but-they-should/#ixzz4GK5qpBcN
Hmmmm!!! I wonder if the good judge is doing anything to help her younger brother. A better question might be if she is going to vote for him.
As much as I dislike Hillary because of her neo con tendencies, I will hold my nose and vote for her. There is no way I could vote for Trump
As far as I am concerned, nobody in a sane mind should vote for Trump because as CINC, he has the authority to launch a nuclear war. To me, Trump is far from being stable. He should not have the authority to start a nuclear war. I sure as hell don't want a nuclear winter. Burning of fossil fuels and Brazil burning the Brazilian jungle for farmland are doing enough damage to cause climate change.
Just for the hell of it, read this:
And this
From: Ben Betz; Online Engagement Director, PFAW Petitions
Subject: Obama to GOP: UN-ENDORSE!
Even President Obama has now weighed in urging Republicans to withdraw their support and endorsements of Donald Trump as their party's candidate for president!
Will you join President Obama and PFAW in calling on Republican
officeholders and candidates to UN-ENDORSE Donald Trump?
Here's what President Obama said:
"The question I think that they have to ask themselves is: If you are repeatedly having to say, in very strong terms, that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you endorsing him? What does this say about your party that this is your standard-bearer?"
Unfortunately, we know why Republicans are refusing to say, en masse, that they will vote against Trump, and it comes down to two words: Supreme Court.
Republican senators are still fighting to keep the current Supreme Court vacancy open for Trump to fill, should he win the presidency.
They are recklessly choosing to disregard the myriad threats to the country posed by the possibility of a President Trump because of assurances by Trump and his running mate Mike Pence that Trump will choose Supreme Court nominees:
- who will overturn Roe v. Wade and who oppose marriage equality...
- who fit the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas... and
- who will be chosen with the guidance of exteme right-wing organizations like the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation.
Simply put: They are putting their desire to pack the Supreme Court (and other federal courts) with far-right ideologues above the needs and safety of the country.
And they need to be stopped.
Add your name to the petition now telling Republicans to show
some backbone and put America first by UN-ENDORSING Donald Trump>>
Original message:
Republican officeholders and candidates are once again scrambling to distance themselves from their presidential candidate after he picked a fight with the parents of a fallen US Army captain -- a fight Donald Trump has continued to escalate.
But not one of them has shown the moral strength to disavow Trump as their candidate and UN-ENDORSE him.
It's time for Republicans to put country before party and denounce Trump once and for all.
Sign the petition: Tell Republican officeholders and candidates the time has come to UN-ENDORSE Donald Trump>>
We will use this petition to hold Republicans accountable across the country, including in the states with the tightest US Senate races.
Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put out statements essentially saying they disagree with Trump but not even calling him out by name.
Senator John McCain issued a more forceful statement, saying Trump didn't have "license to defame those who are the best among us" and saying that Trump's actions do not represent the Republican Party.
This is no anomaly for Trump. He keeps getting more offensive and outrageous, showing a greater and greater lack of fundamental decency. If he doesn't represent other leaders and officeholders in the Republican Party, then those Republicans need to withdraw their support for him as president -- or suffer the consequences.
Republicans have shown various levels of support for Trump. Many, like Ryan and McConnell, have given their full endorsement. Others have refused to endorse but still "support" him and have said they plan to vote for him. And some still continue to say that they "hope to endorse him" eventually.
No matter where Republicans stand, they can make their position clear by UN-ENDORSING Trump -- saying clearly that they do NOT support his candidacy.
Add your name to the petition now telling Republicans to show some backbone and put America first by UN-ENDORSING Donald Trump>>
Trump inspired outrage in Americans of all political stripes with his public fight against the Khan family. But it was not first time he crossed the line in a major way -- and it won't be the last.
In fact, in just the last 24 hours it's been reported that:
- In defending his friend Roger Ailes (the disgraced exiting CEO of Fox News), Trump said that women who are sexually harassed should just find new jobs.[1]
- Trump literally said of his opponent Hillary Clinton, "she's the devil," in a campaign rally speech.[2]
- Trump continued to escalate his attacks on the Khan family, saying that what upset the father of Captain Humayun Khan was Trump's desire to keep "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the country.[3]
It's not going to stop. And Republicans know it!
It's time for them to cut their losses and show that they care about our country.
Sign now: Tell Republicans to UN-ENDORSE Donald Trump>>
They don't have to agree with Democrats to acknowledge the dangerous threat posed by Donald Trump. In fact, the example has been set already.
When it became evident that Trump would be the GOP nominee, conservative writer and commentator P.J. O'Rourke endorsed Hillary Clinton, saying that, while in his opinion, she's wrong about everything, at least "she's wrong within normal parameters."[4]
Other Republicans should admit what you and millions of Americans know: Trump is not a normal candidate. He's an easily-baited, impulsive narcissist and a neo-fascist.
That's not name calling. It's just an observation of the plain truth.
I hope you'll sign the petition and then follow up by asking others to sign as well.
It's time Republicans felt the heat for their lack of courage and unwillingness to stand up to Trump.
2. http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/01/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-devil-election-2016/index.html
4. http://www.npr.org/2016/05/09/477339063/conservative-author-pj-orourke-reluctantly-backs-clinton
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From: Hector Cortez; Deputy General Secretary, American Friends Service Committee
Subject: Munsup, stand against fear and hatred
Stories of hate and violence seem impossible to avoid—we read them in the morning with our coffee and watch them on the news before we go to bed at night. We see troubling signs every day of refugees and migrants fleeing poverty or conflict.
While our public officials have the opportunity to act inclusively, some instead have responded with xenophobic language and policies that create a climate of fear among their constituents. At the same time, politicians have proposed policies that would detain and deport more families and individuals instead of providing refuge. We at AFSC see an opportunity to unite and build stronger communities based on love and inclusion, not oppression and discrimination.
As part of the Quaker community, we are called to react against the hate percolating throughout our society. In difficult times past, AFSC has risen to be a beacon of hope for migrant and refugee communities. Please help oppose xenophobia and stand with AFSC. Donate today. Let's come together to support each other and to continue the critical and passionate work of building lasting peace with justice.
When you make a gift today, your support will allow AFSC to work towards:
- Supporting immigrant and refugee communities with free legal services, advocacy, and resources to organize effectively.
- Challenging policies that lock up refugees and migrants fleeing poverty and violence.
- Demanding that lawmakers advance policies that are inclusive and welcoming of immigrants, and that strengthen legal protections for refugees and victims of trafficking.
- Connecting communities worldwide to help foster peace, inclusion, and shared security.
Through these actions, we are promoting positive change. Because we know that every single person has value and deserves fair treatment, we cannot quietly condone xenophobia.
The power and strength of our movement comes from our ability to cross cultural barriers and divides. Stand with AFSC in challenging xenophobic rhetoric and help to build up the dignity and rights of all people. Make a donation for all of AFSC's peacebuilding programs today.
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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