U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Friday, September 16, 2016

[mpen-dayton] FW: "Don't boo, canvass this weekend in Ohio!" & "Somos unidos" & "Debunking Republican lies in 60 seconds" and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.


·         FW: Don't boo, canvass this weekend in Ohio!

·         FW: Senator Heidi Heitkamp: Stand with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe against the Dakota Access Pipeline!

·         FW: Somos unidos

·         FW: Methodists helping Franklin Graham preach hate

·         FW: Bernie Sanders to Campaign for Hillary Clinton in Ohio, Lay Out Stakes of Election for Millennial Voters

·         FW: Sign my petition: No blank check for endless war

·         FW: Trump pulling ahead in battleground states

·         FW: They call us Jew haters

·         FW: G20 Summit Opening Gala

·         FW: The Perception Bridge: Building a Better Reality

·         FW: Debunking Republican lies in 60 seconds

·         FW: PFAW work in 2016 (VIDEO UPDATE)

·         FW: DANGER: Congress trying to ram through TPP, when no one is paying attention. Call your member!


From: Victoria and the MoveOn United Against Hate team, MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: Don't boo, canvass this weekend in Ohio!

"Don't boo, vote!"

Remember when President Obama spoke at the Democratic Convention this summer and told us it's not enough to boo Donald Trump—but that we have to vote against him?

We'll take it a step further—"Don't boo, canvass!"

We're all worried about the nightmarish idea of a President Trump. But instead of wringing our hands and wondering about what-ifs, we have to take action. And the most effective thing any one of us can do is get out and talk to the voters who will help decide this election. Ohio is a key swing state, and there are voters who might not make it to the polls without your encouragement.

Can you make it out this weekend to talk to these crucial voters?

As you may already have heard, MoveOn members near you are hosting weekend canvasses—and they're hoping that you'll join them. This is your last chance to find an event and RSVP:

United Against Hate Canvass:
Sign me up!

Whether you're an experienced pro at going door-to-door or looking to try it out for the first time, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to get ready to canvass. These are important conversations with Democratic voters who need to hear from us to make sure they vote in November. It's fun, it's effective (research has proven these conversations are far more persuasive than TV ads), and just think about how good you'll feel after knowing you took action to stop Trump! [1]

By canvassing this weekend you'll be joining with MoveOn members across the eight most critical states we're targeting with our United Against Hate campaign. It's the first big weekend in MoveOn's voter turnout campaign that Elizabeth Warren called "bold and ambitious—and exactly what is needed to help swing Senate races, resoundingly defeat Donald Trump, and give Democrats a fighting chance to take back the House."

Sign up today to join local MoveOn members at a canvass this Saturday or Sunday.

P.S. Just yesterday, The New York Times ran a terrifying headline: "Clinton and Trump locked in tight race, polls show." [2] But you know what was key? That Clinton is struggling to fire up her base of Democratic voters—people like you and me and our neighbors who know Trump is frightening, but may not have committed to turning out on Election Day. Those are the voters we're talking to this weekend and every weekend—and they are progressive Americans from all walks of life that MoveOn members will be able to reach through door-to-door, one-on-one, friendly, positive conversations. Please join us in this work and get involved this weekend.



1.      "Lessons from GOTV experiments," Yale Institution for Social and Policy Studies, accessed September 15, 2016

2.       "Voters' View of a Donald Trump Presidency: Big Risks and Rewards," The New York Times, September 15, 2016

Want to support our work? Senator Elizabeth Warren says, "I'm so enthusiastic about MoveOn's smart and targeted plan to hire a network of organizers in key battleground states to mobilize and train volunteers to knock on hundreds of thousands of doors. It's bold and ambitious—and exactly what is needed to help swing Senate races, resoundingly defeat Donald Trump, and give Democrats a fighting chance to take back the House." Will you chip in to help make it all possible?

Click here to chip in whatever you can.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to Munsup Seoh on September 16th, 2016. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.


From: RL Miller; Climate Hawks Vote
Subject: Senator Heidi Heitkamp: Stand with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe against the Dakota Access Pipeline!

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, joined by other Native Americans from across the country, are leading an historic resistance movement against the Dakota Access Pipeline—and the world is taking notice. But North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp is still refusing to take a clear stand on this massive pipeline. Now that the Tribe's resistance and occupation have gained worldwide attention, Sen. Heitkamp can no longer afford to stay silent.

I will be in Washington, D.C., to hand-deliver signatures on this petition this week. Will you add your name to this petition urging Sen. Heitkamp to oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline now?

Oppose the Dakota Access Bakken Pipeline project, which threatens the sacred lands and clean water of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

Sign the petition

Members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North Dakota have been protesting construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline since April. The pipeline, also known as the Bakken Pipeline, will carry fracked crude oil from North Dakota's Bakken shale fields through South Dakota and Iowa to Illinois and then to Texas and Louisiana.1

In other words, it's Keystone XL all over again.

The planned pipeline threatens to pollute tribal waters and crosses land sacred to tribes, so members of the Standing Rock Tribe have been gathering at the site where it burrows under the Missouri River—and now construction there is on hold.2

Sen. Heitkamp, who represents North Dakota, has refused to take a stand on the pipeline. Will you sign the petition and urge Sen. Heitkamp to take a stand against the Dakota Access Pipeline now?

On the one hand, Sen. Heitkamp claims to be a "strong and vocal advocate for North Dakota's tribes" who is "dedicated to making sure our Native American brothers and sisters are not forgotten," and Tribes helped deliver her margin of victory in her 2012 Senate race.3,4

On the other, she's the most fossil-fuel-friendly Democrat in the Senate, constantly using her position to promote oil and coal. On the tough Climate Hawks Vote scorecard, she scored -68 for 2013-2014 (from a scale from -100 to +100). That made her the worst Democrat in the Senate on climate.5

If we are to have any hope at all of staving off climate catastrophe, we need to halt the fracking of North Dakota's oil shale fields—not build export pipelines that would allow the Bakken oil boom to increase. Halting the Dakota Access Pipeline is critical to keeping the Bakken crude in the ground.

Tell Heidi Heitkamp: It's time to take a stand. Standing Rock Sioux chair David Archambault has asked you to oppose the pipeline. Stand with the Tribes who helped elect you in 2012, and stand for a livable climate for all.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.


1. "Though Promised for Domestic Use, Dakota Access Pipeline May Fuel Oil Exports," The Intercept, September 1, 2016

2. "Construction of controversial North Dakota pipeline temporarily halted," The Verge, September 9, 2016

3. "Heitkamp Announces Innovative Federal Investments for Standing Rock Students," Heidi Heitkamp, October 27, 2014

4. "Heidi Heitkamp: Tackling poverty on North Dakota reservations," Indianz.com, May 3, 2013

5. "Climate Hawks Vote: North Dakota Scorecard," Climate Hawks Vote, accessed September 12, 2016

You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on MoveOn.org, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


From: Mike Honda
Subject: Somos unidos

Every year since 1968, our nation has recognized Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrated the contributions and culture of our Hispanic brothers and sisters.

There are roughly 54 million Latinos living in the United States, or about 17 percent of the population. Of that, 14 million live in California, giving us the largest Hispanic population in the nation. Our democracy has benefited from the leadership of luminaries like Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, as well as from the cultural and economic contributions of the diverse Hispanic community across the United States.

When I was a young man, I joined the Peace Corps as a volunteer in El Salvador, where I learned more about the complex reasons people choose to leave their homelands in search of better lives for themselves and their children. This experience has never left my heart and continues to guide my efforts to comprehensively reform our immigration system under the principles of fairness, dignity, and humanity.

Immigration reform and economic opportunity are defining issues in this year's coming election, and it's more important than ever to pause and recognize the invaluable contributions of our vibrant, hardworking Hispanic communities. In Congress, I pledge to continue honoring our nation's rich cultural diversity, standing up for equality, and working for a fair immigration system that keeps families together.

I'm honored to have the support of some of our nation's most prominent Hispanic leaders like Dolores Huerta, Congressman Raul Grijalva, Caucus Chair Xavier Beccerra, and California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon. I am proud to represent one of the most ethnically and socially diverse congressional districts in the nation, and I will honor that diversity by fighting every day for racial and economic justice in America.

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!


Paid For By Mike Honda for Congress



From: valerie lee
Subject: FW: Methodists helping Franklin Graham preach hate

Franklin Graham, son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, has spent the Obama years repeatedly suggesting that the president might secretly be a Muslim. Now he's touring the country holding election-year rallies at state capitols.

The next big swing-state rally is in Pennsylvania, and the United Methodist Church there is helping him organize it.

The Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church has been promoting the event for months, and next week at least six congregations in the state are sending buses and carpools to the rally.

Graham has a long record of demagoguery and fear mongering, and has recently hinted heavily that Christians should be willing to vote for Donald Trump. At these rallies, he's turned up the volume, alleging that "progressives have taken God out of our country" and want to ban public prayer, and warning that "we've got maybe one election left" to save America.

Methodists have a long tradition of pursuing the common good and promoting civility - but now church leaders are helping create a platform and credibility for Graham's hatred and lies.

Tell Pennsylvania Methodist leaders: Drop out of Franklin Graham rally and repudiate his hateful rhetoric

For more details on Methodist involvement in the event, please click here.



From: Jason Tengco; National Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Outreach Director, Hillary for America
Subject: FW: Bernie Sanders to Campaign for Hillary Clinton in Ohio, Lay Out Stakes of Election for Millennial Voters

Bernie Sanders to Campaign for Hillary Clinton in Ohio
Lay Out Stakes of Election for Millennial Voters

On Saturday, September 17, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont will campaign for Hillary Clinton in Ohio, where he will lay out the stakes of November's election. At public events in the Canton, Kent and Akron areas, Sanders will emphasize Clinton's plans to support millennials, including making free community college and debt-free college available to all Americans, protecting access to health care for young Americans, reforming our immigration system and supporting DREAMers and their families, raising the minimum wage and protecting our climate. He will also urge Ohioans to register to vote ahead of the October 11 deadline.

This week, Hillary for Ohio released a report which finds that, under Clinton's college plan, the New College Compact, 150,000 Ohio students would pay no tuition for a four-year college degree. Clinton's plan allows families with incomes up to $125,000 -- more than 89 percent of Ohio households -- to pay no tuition at in-state public colleges and universities. The full report can be viewed online

In the Canton area, Sanders will kick off a "Weekend of Action" organizing event, and in the Kent and Akron areas, Sanders will rally Ohioans on college campuses. Additional details about these events will be released soon.

Members of the public who would like to attend these events should RSVP for each at the links below:

Canton area - Public RSVP Link     Kent area - Public RSVP Link     Akron area - Public RSVP Link

Members of the media who want to cover any of these events should RSVP here.

For Immediate Release, September 15, 2016
Contact: press@hillaryclinton.com


Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible.

Hillary for America, PO Box 5256, New York, NY 10185



From: Rep. Barbara Lee via CREDO Mobilize
Subject: Sign my petition: No blank check for endless war

The email below is from Rep. Barbara Lee, a fearless progressive with an unparalleled record of doing what is right under the toughest of circumstances. She was the ONLY member of Congress to vote against giving George W. Bush a blank check for war in the wake of 9/11. Rep. Lee started a petition on CREDO Mobilize, where activists can launch their own campaigns for progressive change. We strongly urge you to sign Rep. Lee's petition to repeal the overly broad resolution Congress passed in 2001 that gave President Bush a blank check to wage war anywhere at any time, and that is still in effect today.

CREDO Mobilize

Tell Congress: No blank check for endless war. Repeal the AUMF.


Sign the petition ►

On September 14, 2001 I was the sole member of Congress to vote against the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). The vote was 420-1.

Since then, the AUMF has been used to enter into wars without knowing the costs or consequences, and frankly, it is dangerous. It is a blank check for war, and it is far past time we repealed it. That's why I started a campaign on CREDOMobilize.com, which allows activists to start their own petitions. My petition to Congress reads:

Repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force – the flawed blank check that authorizes the president to wage war, anywhere at any time. It's been fifteen years of endless war. Now is the time for the U.S. Congress to repeal the overly broad 2001 and 2002 AUMFs.

Tell Congress to stop the endless war, and repeal the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs. Click here to sign the petition.

I know now, as I knew when the AUMF was first passed, that it could lead to more terrorism, more anger and more hatred against the United States. Recently, I asked the Congressional Research Committee to do a declassified report to Congress to inform us about what the AUMF has been used for. The research committee came up with 37 instances of use in 14 countries. That is only the declassified activities. We can't even begin to speculate on classified uses. The AUMF has been used to justify activities, such as warrantless surveillance, indefinite detention and the lethal use of drones, which fly in the face of our constitutional values. It has been used to justify the operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria.

We have engaged in new wars without Congress truly debating and determining their costs or consequences, and without our troops really knowing and understanding whether or not Congress is behind them. We are sending our brave young men and women into harm's way without congressional authorization. I am convinced that open-ended military engagement with no end in sight actually undermines our long-term national security. It does not increase peace and security for the United States or the rest of the world.

Our children and grandchildren deserve better. Can you imagine going another 15 years in a state of perpetual war, without Congress and the American people having a voice in the decision? This is not who we Americans think we are nor who we want to be. A public show of support for this effort is critical to send Congress a clear message that we cannot continue to issue a blank check for the executive branch to wage endless war.

Add your name to my petition calling on Congress to repeal the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs
to make sure that no future president has a blank check for endless war. Click here to sign.


Sign the petition ►

CREDO Mobilize helps activists like you make progressive change and fight regressive policies by creating online petitions. Click here to start a petition today.


From: Matt, Jadzia, Tzyh, Nick, and the rest of the team, MoveOn.org Political Action
Subject: Trump pulling ahead in battleground states


Donald Trump is SURGING in battleground states right now—including in the key state of Ohio.1 No Republican has won the presidency without winning Ohio, where four of the last five surveys have Trump leading or tied.2,3

In fact, a Bloomberg poll out today that was conducted by Selzer & Co.—named the "Best Pollster in Politics" earlier this year—shows Donald Trump with a terrifying five-point lead in Ohio.4,5

A CNN poll released this afternoon also shows Trump leading Clinton by five points in Ohio.6

And data guru Nate Silver—who predicted with 100% accuracy which candidate won each state in 2012—now calls the overall race "highly competitive" and today compared Clinton's dwindling lead to the polling trends leading up to the U.K.'s Brexit vote.7,8

Grassroots organizing is more essential now than ever to combat the Trump surge, which is why now is the time to double-down on our ambitious field plan to get out the vote by knocking on more than one million doors in eight swing states, including Florida, Pennsylvania—and, of course, Ohio.

That's why we're asking you today if you can make an urgent contribution to help support our organizers in the field. Can you chip in to help with our campaign?

Because you've saved your payment information with MoveOn, your donation will go straight through.

Express Donate: $5     Express Donate: $35     Express Donate: $100     Donate another amount

Here's the truth: This race has tightened dramatically over the last several weeks in every single battleground state.9 We would be foolish to pretend that it isn't happening.

The media isn't doing its job. They are acting irresponsibly and failing to hold Trump accountable for his ignorant—and even illegal—actions. In fact, they're spending more time focusing on Hillary Clinton taking a sick day then they are on Trump's irrational and bigoted policies or whether we can risk someone so unstable and corrupt with his finger on the nuclear button.

So we have to educate and turn out voters ourselves—one door at a time.

Right now, we're hiring more than 100 organizers to train and mobilize volunteers to knock on more than a million targeted doors in swing states to turn out progressive voters who are not yet committed to vote. In addition, we're running a nimble video production lab and organizing cultural, creative, and other innovative projects to sway the millions of voters who may determine the outcome of this election.

Can we count on you to make a contribution today? Your donation will help boost our efforts to stop the Donald Trump surge in the very battleground states that will decide this election.

Because you've saved your payment information with MoveOn, your donation will go straight through.

Express Donate: $5     Express Donate: $35     Express Donate: $100     Donate another amount

We still have a long way to go. One poll—or even a series of bad polls—is not the end of this election. But these polls are a reminder that this extremely high-stakes election is too close to call.

If we come together in these final 54 days to organize to stop Trump and reject the deplorable (yeah, we said it) sentiment fueling his campaign, then we can win this election.


1.       "Election 2016 State Polls," RealClearPolitics, accessed September 14, 2016 

2.       "The two states that almost always predict which candidate is headed for defeat," The Washington Post, September 7, 2016 

3.       "Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein," RealClearPolitics, accessed September 14, 2016  

4.       "Ann Selzer Is The Best Pollster In Politics," FiveThirtyEight, January 27, 2016 

5.       "Trump Has 5-Point Lead in Bloomberg Poll of Battleground Ohio," Bloomberg, September 14, 2016 

6.       Tweet by Edward Mejia Davis, September 14, 2016

7.       Tweet by Nate Silver, September 14, 2016 

8.       Tweet by Nate Silver, September 14, 2016

9.       "Election 2016 State Polls," RealClearPolitics, accessed September 14, 2016 

Want to support our work? Senator Elizabeth Warren says, "I'm so enthusiastic about MoveOn's smart and targeted plan to hire a network of organizers in key battleground states to mobilize and train volunteers to knock on hundreds of thousands of doors. It's bold and ambitious—and exactly what is needed to help swing Senate races, resoundingly defeat Donald Trump, and give Democrats a fighting chance to take back the House."

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.




From: Jewish Voice for Peace On Behalf Of Stefanie Fox, Deputy Director
Subject: They call us Jew haters

A poster at UCLA called organizers like you and me Jew haters

This is a real poster, used by our opponents. This is what we are up against -- stand with us and fight back.

They're calling us "Jew haters."

It's disgusting, and not a little scary. But it's not fringe or random, or even rare.

There's a coordinated attack against Palestinian human rights organizers growing, throwing the nastiest mud they can: accusing us of antisemitism.

Our opponents are creating new organizations like the Maccabee Taskforce just to torpedo our nonviolent social movements for change in the US and Israel/Palestine. And their main talking point (maybe their only one) is that standing up for Palestinian human rights is antisemitic.

Muslims and people of color are being hit the hardest with these hateful accusations. But it's a mistake to think they don't affect us all -- including those of us who are Jewish. And at JVP we have a special role to play in fighting back, and big plans to change the racist status quo in Israel/Palestine.

But as things stand, we can't truly take on the pro-occupation lobby. To do that, we need to grow.

Which is why I'm worried. Because we still have $15,000 left to raise in our $75,000, dollar-for-dollar match by Friday.

You've been there for us before. Can you help us over the finish line, Munsup? Click here to give $40 -- instantly doubled to $80.

All this is happening while white supremacists, emboldened by far-right politicians and referendums, are bringing their hate out onto the streets. They're combining racism, xenophobia, and antisemitism into a deplorable political movement crawling ever-closer to the mainstream.

I'm still waiting for the Maccabee Taskforce and their pro-occupation friends to condemn these hateful bigots. Instead, they're trying to attack student organizers (many of them Jewish) just for speaking up for Palestine.

So we're fighting back. We're defending Palestinian human rights organizers from these slanders, and taking on racism, xenophobia, and antisemitism wherever we find it. And because of our values-based organizing, growing base, and communications savvy, we can really make a difference.

That difference depends on you stepping up again. Can you step up with a gift of $40?

I know why our opponents are coming after us so hard -- and it should strengthen our resolve to fight back. Jewish public opinion (just like society at large) is moving slowly but steadily to recognize that a commitment to human rights has to include Palestinians.

What I know as an organizer is that this means we're headed into a historic fight. In fact, we're already in it. But we can't win this fight without more resources.

What needs to happen now is bigger than any specific campaign, talking point, region, organization, or community. What we need is to nothing less than fundamentally shift the conversation -- and we can't do that if we keep letting Palestinian rights get pushed out to the margins.

It's a tall order. But I also know that the only way to make change happen is one step at a time.

Take that step. Click here to give with a $40 gift today -- doubled to $80.

Jewish Voice for Peace is a national membership organization inspired by Jewish tradition to work for the freedom, equality, and dignity of all the people of Israel and Palestine. Become a JVP Member today.

·         Donate    Facebook    Twitter    Forward to a friend

1611 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1020 Oakland, CA 94612; (510) 465 1777



From: Sang Kang
Subject: FW: G20 Summit Opening Gala

Enlarge screen, turn up the volume of your computer and Enjoy!!




From: JinJa CALES
Subject: FW: The Perception Bridge: Building a Better Reality

This is from John Perkins , Author of the Confessions of the Economic HitMan. His book reveals how US government & coporations Greed and Power caused this terrible world of violence & environmental disaster.  He was the Hitman till he saw the 911, 15 years ago!!!
Hope and wish that you will take time to read this, for it will help our eyed wide open--- Jinja

My success as chief economist at a major international consulting firm was not due to the lessons I learned in business school. It was not due to the competence of my staff of brilliant econometricians and financial wizards.

Those things may have helped at times. But there was something else that made it all happen. That something else was the same something else that elevated George Washington, Henry Ford, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr, Steve Jobs, and other successful people to the heights of their success.  

It is the ability to alter objective reality by changing perceived reality, what we might think of as the Perception Bridge.

As described in my book The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, I was in charge of convincing heads of state of countries with resources our corporations covet, like oil, to accept huge loans from Wall Street, the World Bank and its sister organizations. The stipulation was that these loans would be used to hire our engineering and construction companies, such as Bechtel, Halliburton, and Stone and Webster, to build electric power systems, ports, airports, highways and other infrastructure projects that would bring large profits to those companies and also benefit a few wealthy families in the country, the ones that owned the industries and commercial establishments. Everyone else in the country would suffer because funds were diverted from education, healthcare and other social services to pay interest on the debt. In the end, when the country could not buy down the principal, we would go back, with the help of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and "restructure" the loans. This included demands that the country sell its resources cheap to our corporations with minimal environmental and social regulations and that it privatize its utility companies and other public service businesses and offer them to our companies.

It was a strategy of using perceived realities to change objective realities. In these cases, Objective Reality 1 was that the countries had resources. The Perceived Reality was that using those resources as collateral on loans to finance the building of infrastructure projects would create economic growth and prosperity for everyone. Objective Reality 2 was that economic growth was only created for the very wealthy. Since economic statistics (GDP) in such countries are skewed in favor of the wealthy, the fact was that only our companies and the wealthy families benefited. The rest of the population suffered. In many cases this has led to political unrest, resentment, and the rise of various forms of radicalism and terrorism.

is merely an illusion."
-Albert Einstein

We know from quantum physics and chaos theory that consciousness, observation, and changes in perception have impacts that can expand exponentially. Modern psychology teaches that perceived reality governs much of human behavior. Religion, culture, legal and economic systems, corporations in fact, most human activities are determined by perceived reality. When enough people accept these perceptions or when they are codified into laws, they have immense impact on objective reality.

Human activities individual, communal, and global are driven by this process of altering human perceptions of reality in order to change objective realities.  A couple of cases from US corporations illustrate this.

Case #1: Ford Motor Company

In 1914 Henry Ford's Objective Reality was: A) His company sold Model T cars that were produced through the assembly line process; and B) Because the assembly line was monotonous and workers were under a lot of pressure to reduce the amount of time to build a car from 12.5 hours to less than 100 minutes, there was an extremely high turn-over rate in Ford's work force.

So Ford perceived a new reality. He raised wages from the standard $2.34 for a nine-hour day to $5 for an eight-hour day at a time when every other car manufacturer was trying to reduce wages. In addition to keeping workers on his assembly line, Ford had a second motivation. He understood that the company, its workers and the buying public all came from the same population and he reasoned that "unless an industry can so manage itself as to keep wages high and prices low it destroys itself, for otherwise it limits the number of its customers. One's own employees ought to be one's own best customers." Ford knew that increasing the buying power of his workers would have a multiplier effect; it would also increase the buying power of many others.

Objective Reality 2: Ford sold 308,000 Model Ts in 1914—more than all other carmakers combined. In 1915, sales soared to 501,000. In 1920, Ford sold a million cars. In the process, Ford's actions helped stimulate unprecedented growth in the US middle class.

Case #2: Nike, Adidas and other Retailers

Objective Reality 1: These companies design high-end footwear and clothing that is manufactured in factories that the companies do not own in China, Vietnam, and other "sweatshop" countries.

The managements of these companies perceive that A) Outsourcing production releases their companies of worker-rights responsibilities and minimizes wages; B) Hiring highly-paid athletes to promote products counterbalances the negative publicity generated by activists who advocate more pay for sweatshop workers; and C) These policies, that are diametrically opposed to those of Henry Ford, will maximize profits.

Objective Reality 2:  A) Low "non-living" wages and poor working conditions in overseas factories result in high worker turnover, illnesses, and adverse publicity; B) By negatively impacting consumer economic growth, such policies destroy opportunities for new markets that would result if workers were paid enough to buy the products they make and at the same time stimulate the multiplier effect; and C) Neither corporate profits nor overall economic growth in the countries where the factories are located are maximized.

I had the opportunity to highlight the difference between the two cases above when a Portland Oregon (home of Nike) radio station interviewed me. The host inquired "If you could ask Nike founder Phil Knight one question, what would it be?"

I didn't have to give it much thought. "Hey Phil, why don't you follow Henry Ford's advice?" I went on to say, "Imagine if as part of an international advertising campaign those highly paid athletes were to say something like, 'Instead of $X millions, I and a bunch of my friends other Nike celebrities have agreed to have Nike cut our fees by Y%.  Nike's top managers have agreed to similar cuts. That extra money will go toward paying workers who make Nike products around the world higher wages. We believe that by Just Doing It we will help make the world a better, more peaceful place.'" I paused.

"That's an awesome idea," the host said.

I couldn't help adding, "What do you think that might do to Nike sales? How would it impact the rest of the industry?"

"It's all in the mind."
-George Harrison

The above are two examples of how the Perception Bridge works. There are countless others. These range from the individual to the corporation and all the way to the governments and international relations. Human activity is determined by the ways perceptions impact physical reality both consciously and unconsciously. Here's an example of the global impacts that a perceived reality in the 1950s has had on every generation that has followed.

Case #3: US Government Policies in Iran

Objective Reality 1: A) Mohammad Mosaddegh was democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran in 1951; B) He introduced progressive reforms including social security, rent control, and land reform; C) He insisted that foreign oil companies pay a fair share of their income from Iranian oil to the Iranian people and when one now known as BP resisted, he set about nationalizing it.

Perceived Reality: The US government labeled Mosaddegh a Communist, Soviet puppet, and threat to democracy.

Objective Reality 2: A) The CIA overthrew Mosaddegh in 1953 and replaced him with the Shah, a brutal pro-Western dictator who "auctioned" Iran to foreign oil and other companies; B) Growing discontent led to the Iranian Revolution of 1979; C) The Shah was overthrown, Ayatollah  Khomeini took control, 52 US diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days, US and European countries broke relations with and initiated sanctions against Iran; and D) Islamist militarism expanded rapidly during the next decades throughout the Middle East.

We can only imagine how different the situation might be in Iran, the Middle East, the US, and the world if the perceived reality had been different something like:

Perceived Reality: The US government supports Mossadegh's policies and announces that it will only purchase oil from companies that pay a fair share of their income to the people of the countries where they extract oil.

The US overthrow of Mossadegh resulted in a series of tragic events that might be considered as "unintended consequences." In my experience such consequences occur because the people making the decisions do not full understand the power of the Perception Bridge.

I've found in my role as advisor to executives and as a speaker at MBA and other programs that taking a good, hard look at the impact of perceived reality on objective reality is one of the most effective processes individuals, businesses, and other institutions can employ in order to achieve their true objectives.

I'm struck by how much the perceived realities in business have been altered since I was in school during the late 1960s. I was taught that a good CEO earns a decent return for his investors and also makes sure that his company is a good citizen, that it serves a public interest. We were instructed to take care of our employees, giving them health insurance and retirement pensions, to treat our suppliers and customers with deep respect, and to honor the idea that good business is a win-win for all stakeholders. In many cases, CEOs made sure that their companies not only paid their fair share of taxes but also contributed money to local schools, recreational facilities and other such services.

All that changed in 1976 when Milton Friedman won the Nobel Prize in Economics and stated, among other things, that the only responsibility of business is to maximize profits, regardless of the social and environmental costs. This was a perceived reality that became the defining goal for businesses. It convinced corporate executives that they had the right some would say the mandate to do whatever they thought it would take to maximize profits, including buying public officials through campaign financing, destroying the environment, and devastating the very resources upon which their businesses ultimately depend.

That perceive reality has resulted in a failed global economic system, one that is on the path to consuming itself into extinction what some economists refer to as Predatory Capitalism.

It is time that we turn this around. How about:

Objective Realty 1: The glaciers are melting, the oceans rising, less than 5% of the world's population lives in the US and we consume about 30% of the resources while half the world's population lives in poverty, and the resource base that feeds the economy is in rapid decline.

Perceived Reality: A) When Milton Friedman espoused profit maximization in 1976, financial capital was seen as scarce while nature was considered abundant; the planet's ability to absorb pollution and provide natural resources was considered practically unlimited; that has since changed; B) We can build an economy that rewards businesses that clean up pollution, regenerate devastated environments, and create new technologies for energy, transportation, communications, trade, and just about everything else that recycle instead of ravaging the planet; and C) The responsibility of business is to serve a public interest while earning decent rates of returns for investors who develop an economy as defined in A) above.

Objective Reality 2:  An economic system that is headed for disaster is converted into one that is itself a renewable resource.

The success stories of humans as individuals and as communities revolve around the relationships of perceived reality to objective reality. At this critical time in history, it is essential that we commit to consciously building a Perception Bridge that will take us into a world that future generations will want to inherit.


1-3, 2016: Plant Consciousness Conference London
John on October 2nd for his talk and October 3rd, 2016 for his all-day experiential workshop at the Plant Consciousness Conference in London. Learn more and book your ticket here.

1-12, 2016: Colombia A Journey To The Land Of Transformation
John Perkins and Daniel Koupermann in a ground-breaking trip that builds a bridge between cultures in magical ways that have never happened before. The Kogi of the Sierra Nevada mountains were so deeply impressed by the 19 participants on the December 2015 trip and their dedication to "changing the dream of the industrial world" that they invited the 2016 group to come to their community and participate in sacred ceremonies that they say have been kept secret from outsiders until now. Learn more and sign up here.


From: Michael Phelan, Social Security Works
Subject: Debunking Republican lies in 60 seconds

(Social Security Works' Executive Director Alex Lawson went on NBC News in Philadelphia to debunk Republican lies about Social Security.)

Since its inception 81 years ago, Social Security has paid out every penny owed to every eligible recipient in full and on time. But this hasn't stopped Republicans and Wall Street billionaires from attempting to undermine Social Security's success through undermining confidence in the program.

Last week, Social Security Works' Executive Director Alex Lawson went on NBC News in Philadelphia to debunk Republican lies about Social Security and explain how the real crisis around Social Security is that its benefits aren't high enough.

Click here to watch Alex Lawson's interview on NBC News Philadelphia, and then chip-in to fuel our efforts to expand, never cut Social Security.

This election is about the future of Social Security. In one corner we have Hillary Clinton, a candidate who is committed to protecting and expanding benefits. In the other we have Donald Trump, a candidate who has called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme," proposed raising the retirement age to 70, and claimed that "Privatization would be good for all of us."

The American people have a clear choice. Yet, our work is far from over.

We must educate voters that Social Security expansion has become the standard position of the Democratic Party while Republicans still cling to stale talking points, saying Social Security is going broke and won't be there for future generations.

Please, donate to Social Security Works today to tell the American people Social Security is not going broke. It has a $2.8 trillion surplus, can pay out 100% of benefits for the next 18 years and 80% of benefits after that. And all we need to do is ask the wealthy to pay their fair share and we can expand benefits for millions of Americans and extend the lifespan of the trust fund.

Expand, don't cut Social Security!




From: Drew Courtney; Communications Director
Subject: PFAW work in 2016 (VIDEO UPDATE)

I wanted to share a video update I just recorded for our members about the work People For the American Way is doing to maximize our impact in this year's elections.

Please take a moment to watch the video>>


I hope you find this update useful, and if you support the work I describe in it, please let us know by making a much-needed donation to help fund it.




From: Paul Hogarth; Daily Kos
Subject: DANGER: Congress trying to ram through TPP, when no one is paying attention. Call your member!

It may be election season—but Daily Kos is teaming up with allies today for a National Call-in Day for Congress to defeat the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Will you take a few minutes to call your member of Congress TODAY with the message below?

Representative Michael R. Turner
(202) 225-6465

"I am your constituent, and am angry that corporations want Congress to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership during the lame duck session—when people are not paying attention.

I am particularly alarmed that the TPP would allow the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)—a panel of corporate lawyers—to overrule environmental, worker & food safety protections that corporations don't like.

Please make a public commitment to vote NO on the TPP when it comes to a vote."

After making the phone call, please click here to fill out this form and let us know how the call went.

Corporations are pushing Congress to pass TPP during the lame-duck session, when defeated & retiring members are looking for their next jobs—and (more importantly) when the public is not paying attention.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a power grab that will empower corporations to sue countries in a secret court called ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement) if environmental laws, worker protections or food safety rules endanger their profits.

Will you take a few minutes to call your member of Congress TODAY?

Representative Michael R. Turner
(202) 225-6465

After making the phone call, please click here to fill out this form and let us know how the call went.

Can't make a phone call? Please send this quick email to your member of Congress.

P.S. To learn more about this aspect of TPP, watch this 5-minute video by Sen. Elizabeth Warren.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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