U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, September 01, 2016

[mpen-dayton] FW: "Nate Silver: Race has tightened" & "Quick signature to stop EpiPen price gouging" & "FW: Trump's dangerous Social Security lie" and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.



·         FW: Nate Silver: Race has tightened

·         FW: Please share! (make Election Day a holiday)

·         FW: Quick signature to stop EpiPen price gouging

·         FW: SPLC names White Lives Matter a hate group

·         FW: Nonviolent Protest at Pentagon on Sept 26

·         FW: This is what a landslide looks like

·         FW: Enterprise must leave ALEC (sign the petition)

·         FW: Trump's dangerous Social Security lie

·         FW: Upcoming Media Skills Workshops for JVP members


From: albert baca

The person for who this is intended will automatically know.  But since I am giving this fairly wide distribution, I am not entering a name.
What in the name of all that is holy is going on down there?   I am talking about the Border Keepers of Alabama.
I understand that this gang is now in South Texas doing their thing.   I found a link to a SPLC article in a newsletter but the SPLC wanted a donation, preferably continuing, before you could read the article.   Minimum amount was $25.00.   Other choices were $50.00, $100.00, $500.00 or other (more).   That irked me no end.
The SPLC is in Montgomery, the capitol city of Alabama.   I have had the pleasure (?) of spending 14 weeks there.
I understand that several elected officials from all over the state are in the Border Keepers of Alabama.   They must be very special people.
I pulled the pictures in the article to send this.   Go to the link and take a look at the pictures and captions.   Then read the comments.   Some are priceless.
Al Baca



By Hatewatch Staff on August 24, 2016

A vigilante anti-immigrant group called the Borderkeepers of Alabama is sending teams of men clad in camouflage and equipped with thousands of dollars in military weaponry to patrol for undocumented immigrants in Arizona and New Mexico.

The group, which has been operating since at least 2014, claims as many as eight volunteer "teams" of "red blooded Americans" who, it says, "travel to border towns to work closely with local residents and governmental agencies to limit illegal transient activity."   It is one of the latest groups in the nativist extremist movement, which peaked in 2010 and has diminished dramatically since then, to engage in armed citizen border patrols.

Although the Borderkeepers says its mission is to "secure our nation's border" against undocumented immigrants and drug smugglers, some of its members would like to go far beyond that.   In a comment left on a fellow group member's post some two years ago, an Irvington, Ala. man who goes by the name "Jon Anderson," proposed massive violence.   "Need 240 bravo's mounted every 100 yards and shoot everybody who tries to force their way in," he wrote.   The M240 Bravo is a machine gun that can fire nearly 16 bullets per second and rip through targets 1,200 yards away.

Another member, identifying himself as Wesley Vance of Montgomery, Ala., said earlier this year that he had travelled some 2,500 miles to join the antigovernment occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.   Twenty-seven of those occupiers were arrested after a 41-day standoff and now face federal felony conspiracy charges.   Vance was apparently not one of them.

"Crying fuckin shame the feds are going to investigate the feds," Vance wrote on March 8, referring to a probe of the apparently justified police killing of Lavoy Finicum, an occupation spokesman who tried to draw a gun on arresting officers.   "They murdered lavoy is the bottom line.   Shot the man three times in the back.   I wish the fuckin faggots would come to my house!"   A few days earlier, he wrote that "patriots are so oppressed and scared of the government, they are scared they will die."   In his own case, Vance boasted that he would "DIE BEFORE I GET ON MY KNEES AND BOW DOWN TO THEM AND LIVE IN FEAR."

 poster who apparently is not a Borderkeepers member responded to Vance's comments: "All this country needs are about 100,000 patriots to arm up and start killing off some of these fucktard liberals!"

"Agreed," Vance replied.

Although it's unclear how many people have joined the group's border patrols, its closed Facebook page lists 1,076 members, most of them people in working-class jobs in Alabama and other southern states. One of them, however, is Young Boozer, a Donald Trump supporter who is also the elected treasurer of Alabama.   His listing as a Borderkeepers member links back to Boozer's personal Facebook page.

The group has managed to stop at least some border crossers at gunpoint. In an August 2016 Facebook post, Jimmy "Bull" Bonham, an administrator of the group's Facebook page, said that members had managed to detain two out of a group of four drug smugglers. He wrote that the "bp" — the Border Patrol — had then taken "140 pounds of dope" that the Borderkeepers had apparently seized from the men.   It is unclear how closely the Border Patrol may have worked with the Borderkeepers.

But the group, many of whose members appear to engage in serious military training, may have connections to others in law enforcement.   In April, Anderson posted a photo of an application to a police department in southern Alabama.   He has since posted photos of himself in uniform and in a squad car, suggesting that he was indeed hired.   A few other members of the group's Facebook page list connections to law enforcement agencies, but these alleged ties have not been verified.

Early on in the group's operations, in 2014, it was working out of a patrol base in Brownsville, Texas, known as "Camp Lone Star."   But in August of that year, camp boss Kevin "KC" Massey was arrested for being a convicted felon in possession of firearms.   The camp closed, and Borderkeepers operations moved to the west.

Locals do not remember Camp Lone Star fondly.   The owner of the property told reporters that he regretted loaning it, and said participants "jeopardized my safety."   Another local resident told the Texas Observer earlier that the group "makes us feel less safe, not more safe," and added, "I just hope they leave soon."

Despite all the military equipment and tough talk, Borderkeepers operations do not always go very professionally.   According to posts on the group's Facebook page, a member named Brian Keith Henderson — a Tuscaloosa, Ala., man who "liked" Anderson's post about turning the border into a kill zone — mistook a cactus plant for some kind of threat.   "What the hell is that?" he reportedly yelled before training his assault rifle of the wholly innocent cactus and very nearly blasting it to smithereens.

Henderson was kicked out of the group as a result. Henderson, whose writings make clear that he subscribes to the radical antigovernment "sovereign citizens" movement, now leads the Three Percent United Patriots of Alabama.   Many members of that group are also members of the Borderkeepers Facebook group.

The apparent leader of the Borderkeepers of Alabama is Ron "Cornbread" Stone, one of its Facebook page administrators and the primary organizer of its border teams.   Other principals are also Facebook moderators, including a woman who identifies herself as Lisa Marie and Bonham.   The group's Facebook page asks that donations be sent to "A.D. Vance" of Clanton, Ala.

The nativist extremist movement of which the Borderkeepers is a part began around 2005 and swelled to some 319 groups, many of which used "Minutemen" as part of their names, by 2010.   Since then, it has declined to some 20 groups. That is largely because much of the movement's fire was stolen by state legislatures that passed harsh anti-immigrant laws like those of Arizona and Alabama.   Donald Trump's more recent attacks on immigrants have had a similar effect.

Jerry "Ghost" Karl, an Arizona militia leader who leads Borderkeepers operations in Arizona, put it like this to a reporter with WIAT-TV of Birmingham: "Trump talks about building a wall.   Well, we're that wall right now."



From: Ben Betz; Online Engagement DirectorPFAW
Subject: Nate Silver: Race has tightened

PFAW members stepped up and we hit our expanded August funding goal for our election-year programs. And it's a good thing we did … because we have a lot of work to do.

Statistician Nate Silver writes today: "As The Race Tightens, Don't Assume The Electoral College Will Save Clinton" … noting that swing state polls are tracking with national polls, where Clinton's lead has shrunk significantly.

And to reiterate the stakes, just last night, Donald Trump was out in all of his racist, nativist glory, when he gave an unhinged speech on immigration chock full of red meat for the "Alt-Right" white nationalists that form the core of his base. He doubled down on his wholesale demonization of immigrants as violent criminals and promised a draconian and inhumane deportation campaign for the millions of undocumented immigrants living and working in the US.

Our Latinos Vote! campaign will be more important than ever! We're fighting to mobilize historic Latino voter turnout in key states and races. Make no mistake -- this is the work that could make the definitive difference in this election.

PFAW's leadership in exposing and countering the Radical Right is also clearly more important than ever, as evidenced by the reaction to Trump's immigration speech.

The New Republic notes:

"The speech won plaudits from the far right. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke called it an 'excellent speech,' and Ann Coulter said it was better than Winston Churchill's speeches. 'I hear Churchill had a nice turn of phrase, but Trump's immigration speech is the most magnificent speech ever given,' she tweeted."[1]

And our work to inform voters and expose right-wing voter suppression has become even more urgent and critical.

In North Carolina, where a federal court recently struck down much of a sweeping 2013 voter suppression law, it's being reported that Republican-controlled county elections boards are now "staging an end run around [the] court ruling they are supposed to carry out" and creating rules intentionally designed to suppress the black vote![2]

So it's very important that we just had our biggest August for online fundraising in the history of PFAW, because we needed it.

Together, we're tackling the threats we face in this election head-on, and staying focused on what's at stake.

And we're working hard to make sure that PFAW is the single best investment you can make in 2016.

Your help with programs like our Latinos Vote! campaign and our Judgment Day campaign to mobilize progressives around the Supreme Court Will. Make. The Difference.

  1. New Republic: "Donald Trump Confirms He's Still a Nativist and a Racist"
  2. New York Times: "Critics Say North Carolina Is Curbing Black Vote. Again."



From: FWD This ↘︎ [mailto:admin@turnoutpac.org]
Subject: Please share! (make Election Day a holiday)

Thanks for signing on to support automatic voter registration!

Will you help us keep up our momentum by forwarding this email to three friends and asking them to sign the petition as well?


SIGN ON: Stand with Bernie Sanders to support making Election Day a national holiday →

Bernie Sanders understands that we need more people participating in our Democracy.
That's why he believes Election Day should be a national holiday:

Election Day should be a national holiday so that everyone has the opportunity to vote. -- Bernie Sanders

If you agree with Bernie and would like to see Election Day become a national holiday, please sign our petition immediately:

The simple truth is not enough people vote in this country.

  • FACT: Voter turnout in 2014 was the lowest it's been in 70 years
  • FACT: The U.S. is 138th in voter turnout around the world
  • FACT: America ranks just 120th in voter registration

As things stand, millions of Americans would have to miss work in order to vote.

We believe that's not right. No one should have to choose between providing for their family and casting a ballot.

That's why we're joining Bernie Sanders and calling for Election Day to be declared a national holiday, starting in 2016.

Add your name to our petition urging Congress to make Election Day a national holiday so all eligible Americans can cast their ballots:


Thanks for lending your support,

- The Progressive Turnout Project


Paid for by Progressive Turnout Project and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee



From: Kristin, MomsRising.org
Subject: FWD: Quick signature to stop EpiPen price gouging

Stunning. So many people have sent messages of outrage about the extraordinarily high cost of EpiPens, a lifesaving medicine, that the company recently announced they're going to put out more coupons and introduce a generic version.

But moms and dads know that while coupons and future generic options are great, families need a price drop now. Currently, parents are paying over $600 for medicine that costs $1, while the CEO earns nearly $19 million. This is outrageous! Public pressure right now while the price gouging issue is still making headlines can bring the price down.

——> Now is the time to double down on the CEO of Mylan to say you STILL need to lower the price of EpiPens!

More info is below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kristin, MomsRising.org
Date: Wed, August 24, 2016
Subject: Quick signature to stop EpiPen price gouging?

Take action now to help get the price of EpiPens down and save lives ASAP!

take action
Take Action

"Where's your EpiPen?"

I've asked that question more times than I can count. I'm the mom of a food allergy kid. I have the sleepless nights. The grey hairs. The worry lines of that fate.

My son, Connor, has had life-threatening anaphylactic allergies to foods—including to eggs—since shortly after his birth. It's flat out terrifying to know that an accidental bite of the wrong food could literally kill your child or someone you love if you aren't careful.

Our family always has 2 EpiPens on hand in case an accidental cross contamination of food happens. And, each start of the school year, we leave 2 EpiPens there too. Why? EpiPen shots can mean the difference between life and death, with just minutes making a difference, if an anaphylactic allergic reaction happens.

*EpiPens are making headlines lately not because they are saving lives, but because the cost is skyrocketing for "no obvious reason," according to the Washington Post, other than increasing corporate profits and giving executives massive raises.

—> Tell the CEO of Mylan, the company that manufactures lifesaving EpiPens, to stop overcharging now: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/epipen_price/?t=6&akid=8243.2407866.nsSH13

As a mom, it's hard to even put into words how thankful I am that EpiPens exist. I was horrified to learn the price for EpiPens has sky-rocketed by 450% in recent years to now cost over $600.00, making this lifesaving medicine out of reach for too many families. [1] It should be noted that the actual medication, epinephrine, that's in one EpiPen dispenser costs only $1. [2]

So where's all that money going? Well, NBC News and others have reported that as prices have skyrocketed, so have the salaries of the executives at Mylan. In fact, the Mylan CEO's total compensation went from $2,453,456 to $18,931,068, a 671% increase. [3] You read that right: The CEO of Mylan, the manufacturer of EpiPens, is paid nearly NINETEEN MILLION DOLLARS. Meanwhile, due to overpricing, lifesaving EpiPens may be out of reach for families.

The only real purpose of EpiPens is to save lives. Price gouging for this type of medication is flat out wrong and unacceptable.

*Join me in telling the CEO of Mylan the company that manufactures lifesaving EpiPens, that a 450% price increase is outrageous! Selling the EpiPen packet of two for more than $600 is unconscionable, particularly because the actual medication, epinephrine, that's in one EpiPen dispenser costs only $1. It's time to bring the price down.


I asked my son, a person who lives with the daily reality of having life-threatening anaphylactic allergies, what he thought about the whole situation—and here's what he had to say:

"My whole life I have had anaphylactic, life-threatening allergies. EpiPens aren't just peace of mind (for me and my family), they are the only real way to treat life-threatening allergies outside a hospital. I know people who might not be here today if their families couldn't afford them. People shouldn't die because they got stung by a bee or accidentally ate the wrong food. EpiPens save lives, overpricing them is irresponsible and puts lives in danger. Companies who make lifesaving medicines like EpiPens deserve to make profits, but not at the expense of the lives of those they are supposed to help." - Connor

Just last week I was packing to go on a family vacation in the Sierra Nevada mountains and I found myself asking my regular question, "Where is your EpiPen, Connor?" It turned out his were expiring soon so we needed to get 2 new EpiPens for our trip. I called up the pharmacy and put in the request. Then when I went to pick them up I found out that if I didn't have the kind of insurance coverage that I have now, it would have been $730.00!!!

Not okay. Outrageous. As my son said: "Companies who make lifesaving medicines like EpiPens deserve to make profits, but not at the expense of the lives of those they are supposed to help."

Please post this action link on Facebook and Twitter—and share far and wide. The more attention we get for this issue, the faster we'll be able to get a more reasonable price and save lives.

*Here's that action link again so you have it handy: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/epipen_price/?t=10&akid=8243.2407866.nsSH13

[1] https://action.momsrising.org/go/28550?t=12&akid=8243.2407866.nsSH13
[2] https://action.momsrising.org/go/28550?t=14&akid=8243.2407866.nsSH13
[3] http://action.momsrising.org/go/28551?t=16&akid=8243.2407866.nsSH13

Like what we're doing? Donate: We're a bootstrap, low overhead, mom run organization. Your donations make the work of MomsRising.org possible--and we deeply appreciate your support. Every little bit counts. Donate today on our secure website.
On Facebook? Become a Fan. Follow us on Twitter.
Want info from MomsRising.org in Spanish? Sign up to receive emails from our Spanish-language community, MamásConPoder.org!


Subject: SPLC names White Lives Matter a hate group

White Lives matter propaganda
Credit: AP Images/Houston Chronicle/Darla Guillen

The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated White Lives Matter (WLM) as a hate group. The white nationalist organization was established in response to the growth of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which promotes "the simple proposition that 'black lives also matter.'" (It's also worth noting that BLM is not a hate group.)

We first introduced WLM in April after the Texas-based neo-Nazi group Aryan Renaissance Society began promoting it as "a movement dedicated to [the] promotion of the white race." Since then, we've discovered evidence that WLM is an explicit hate group founded by people with long histories in racist movements.

Although we're still investigating individual WLM chapters, we will include a full list in our 2017 hate group list and hate map.

SPLC in the News on White Lives Matter

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for the latest SPLC news.


From: Judy Burnette
Subject: Nonviolent Protest at Pentagon on Sept 26

On the morning of Monday, September 26, 2016, National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) will lead a nonviolent protest of war at the Pentagon.

People have been signing up to take part for months as part of registering for the September 23-25 #NoWar2016 conference in Washington, D.C.

There will be a planning and training meeting as part of the conference from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. on the 25th.

The action will include roles for those willing and not willing to risk the possibility of being arrested.

You can sign up for #NoWar2016 and this action at http://worldbeyondwar.org/nowar2016 (But hurry before the conference is full.)

Or you can sign up for the action alone by emailing Malachy Kilbride at malachykilbride@gmail.com

NCNR describes the action in these terms: "A world beyond war will take long-term work utilizing new strategies and relinquishing our old ways of seeking peace which have relied on violence and war. We must stand up to those in power who continue to lead us on a path towards more war. We have reached a point in which we can no longer afford massive military budgets, plans for future war, and war games certainly preparing us for war. This is no longer sustainable in so many ways. Poverty, climate crisis, environmental destruction, and violations of international law can no longer be accepted as the new normal for our world. Because war is so intimately linked to poverty and the threat to Mother Earth we must take a stand at The Pentagon on September 26, 2016. The Pentagon is the one place that is the embodiment of the connection between United States foreign and military policies and the war profiteers who threaten all life on this planet. We call upon people of conscience to join us in a witness for peace, risking arrest, calling for an end to war.On the 26th there will be an opportunity for others, not able to risk arrest, to join us at The Pentagon."

For more information contact Malachy Kilbride at malachykilbride@gmail.com

Sign the Declaration of Peace.

Find events all over the world that you can take part in.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter.

Support World Beyond War's work by clicking here.



From: Monique Tea; Daily Kos
Subject: This is what a landslide looks like:

I wanted to make sure you saw Michael's email from the weekend. We can accomplish some incredible things if we win back the House, but I want to add one more reason why it's so important we break the GOP House majority: Obstruction.

Republicans are already laying out their plans to turn Hillary Clinton's first term into a political quagmire should the GOP keep control of the House. It's a plan that should sound familiar: Endless investigations, taxpayer-funded witch hunts, complete obstruction of any major legislation—It's Benghazi on steroids.

Donald Trump's dumpster fire of a campaign has put the House in play, and Democrats are going on offense to win it.

If you haven't already, can you please chip in $1 to each of our 11 endorsed Democratic candidates running in red districts to win back the House?

P.S. Here's a copy of Michael's email in case you missed it:


This November, this is what a win looks like:

  • Hillary Clinton wins, and becomes the country's first woman president
  • Democrats take back the Senate
  • A Democratic Senate confirms Hillary's pick to fill Antonin Scalia's vacant seat on the Supreme Court, breaking conservatives' decades-long majority on the bench

And this is what a landslide looks like:

  • All of the above, PLUS:
  • Democrats take back the House of Representatives
  • President Hillary Clinton and the new Democratic Congress turn the most progressive party platform in history into reality, creating a public option for healthcare, expanding Social Security, protecting voting rights, raising the minimum wage, reforming immigration, tackling climate change, and making college debt-free

I don't know about you, but I want a landslide—and, thanks to Donald Trump, we have the makings of one right now. That's why Daily Kos is going all-in to take back the House, endorsing 11 candidates in Republican-held seats that could decide whether Nancy Pelosi or Paul Ryan holds the speaker's gavel next year.

Can you chip in $1 to each of our 11 endorsed candidates to help turn the House blue?

Keep fighting, Michael Langenmayr, Daily Kos

P.S. Our 11 endorsed candidates for the House are:

  • Suzanna Shkreli (MI-08)
  • Christina M. Hartman (PA-16)
  • Denise Juneau (MT-AL)
  • Emilio Huerta (CA-21)
  • Doug Applegate (CA-49)
  • Jay Sidie (KS-03)
  • Steve Lindbeck (AK-AL)
  • Jane Dittmar (VA-05)
  • Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01)
  • Paul Clements (MI-06)
  • Bryan Caforio (CA-25)

Please chip in $1 to each of them now.



From: Josh Nelson, Deputy Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Enterprise must leave ALEC (sign the petition)

Enterprise Rent-A-Car must stop funding the American Legislative Exchange Council

The petition to Enterprise Rent-A-Car reads:
"The American Legislative Exchange Council's opposition to clean energy
directly contradicts your stated commitment to sustainability.
Stop funding climate change denial and immediately end your membership in ALEC."

Sign the petition ►

Enterprise Rent-A-Car – the world's largest car rental company – has joined the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a shadowy corporate front group that blocks clean energy policies, supports discriminatory voter ID laws and works to stop gun control legislation.1

Enterprise's support for ALEC directly contradicts its stated commitment to sustainability, clean energy and the fight to stop climate change.2

More than 100 companies have ended their membership in ALEC in recent years due to its climate change denial and support for extreme, right-wing legislation.3 We need strong and immediate grassroots pressure to make sure Enterprise reverses course and terminates its membership in ALEC.

Tell Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Stop funding the American Legislative Exchange Council. Click here to sign the petition.

Over the years, ALEC has worked to repeal clean energy laws, challenge Environmental Protection Agency regulations, support the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and create fees for Americans who install solar panels on their own home. ALEC has also drafted model legislation that questions the scientific consensus on climate change, falsely claiming that there is "a great deal of scientific uncertainty."4

Enterprise boasts, in its 2015 sustainability report, that it is "in a strong position to help drive sustainable travel solutions and policies around the globe" and that "customers and employees look to us to be responsible stewards of our business and the communities where we live and work."5

In a statement to The Guardian, an Enterprise spokesperson claimed that the company's "relationship with Alec is solely focused on the car rental excise tax issue."6 But by joining ALEC as a paying member, Enterprise is financially supporting ALEC's entire right-wing, anti-clean energy agenda.

Tell Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Stop funding the American Legislative Exchange Council. Click here to sign the petition.

ALEC's extreme, far-right agenda goes much further than blocking efforts to address climate change:

·         "Shoot first" laws: ALEC initially gained public prominence after George Zimmerman, the murderer of Trayvon Martin, walked free because of Florida's controversial "stand your ground" law. ALEC had backed similar model gun owners' rights bills in multiple states.7

·         Voter suppression: State-level voter ID laws designed to make it harder for minorities to vote have swept the nation in recent years. Many of these laws were based on ALEC's 2009 model "Voter ID Act." ALEC's founder Paul Weyrich once even said, "I don't want everybody to vote . . . As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."8

·         ALEC has also worked to block paid sick leave laws, stop increases in the minimum wage and ban the exposure of cruel and unsafe practices on factory farms.9

This summer, news broke that the AARP had joined ALEC. After swift pushback from labor unions, our friends at Social Security Works and others, the AARP quickly reversed its decision and announced that it would not be renewing its ALEC membership.10 Sign our petition now to help make sure Enterprise Rent-A-Car follows suit.

Tell Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Stop funding the American Legislative Exchange Council. Click the link below to sign the petition.


Sign the petition ►


  1. Sam Thielman, "Enterprise Rent-A-Car becomes paid Alec member despite green efforts," The Guardian, August 22, 2016.
  2. "The Business of Sustainability, Enterprise Holdings Inc. 2015 Sustainability Report, Fiscal Year 2015.
  3. David Armiak, "Expedia Latest to Exit ALEC," PR Newswatch, August 10, 2016.
  4. "Alec's Anti-Climate Change Agenda," alecclimatechangedenial.org.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Ibid.
  7. Brendan Fischer, "Voter ID Will Take Effect in Wisconsin--Here's What that Means," The Center for Media and Democracy's PRWatch, March 23, 2015.
  8. John Nichols, "How Alec Took Florida's License to Kill Law National," The Nation, March 22, 2012
  9. "6 Dangerous ALEC-Backed Bills Beyond Stand Your Ground Laws," ThinkProgress, July 15, 2013.
  10. Michael Hiltzik, "A shamed AARP withdraws from right-wing lobbying organization ALEC," Los Angeles Times, August 5, 2016.



From: Michael Phelan, Social Security Works
Subject: Trump's dangerous Social Security lie

Since its inception 81 years ago, Republicans and Wall Street bankers have been trying to get their hands on Social Security.

But because of Social Security's wild popularity, any attempt to cut or privatize Social Security begins with undermining confidence in the system. They call Social Security a "Ponzi scheme." They say it is "bankrupt." And they claim it won't be there for future generations. All of this is 100% false.

It's no surprise that Donald Trump's first TV ad uses this well-worn right-wing strategy — attempting to undermine confidence in Social Security.

In the ad, Trump includes a lie that can be found circulating around the internet but contains not one iota of truth. The ad claims that undocumented workers (people he pejoratively calls "illegal") receive Social Security. The exact opposite is true.

According to the Social Security Administration, undocumented workers have contributed over $100 billion to Social Security in the last decade — without collecting a penny of benefits.

Donald Trump's lie about undocumented workers seeks to undermine confidence in our Social Security system.

Please, donate to Social Security Works today to help us fight back against Donald Trump's Social Security lies and set the record straight.

Express Donate

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

During the Republican primary Trump claimed to oppose Social Security cuts, but as soon as he secured the nomination he signaled to Republican leaders and wealthy donors that cuts were most certainly on the table.

When Donald Trump seeks to undermine confidence in Social Security — the most successful social insurance program in U.S. history — we must fight back.

Please, donate to Social Security Works today to fight back against Donald Trump's lies, and to protect and expand Social Security for current and future generations.



From: Naomi Dann; Media Program Manager, Jewish Voice for Peace
Subject: [JVP-NewsAndUpdates] Upcoming Media Skills Workshops for JVP members

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Naomi Dann, JVP's media program manager. In the month of September, I'll be hosting a series of webinars for JVP members to workshop media skills and learn from each other. Its a "choose your own adventure" series, no requirement to come to all 3 workshops. The online workshops will take place in JVP's online webinar platform, RSVP here to receive the log-in information.

Here's the schedule:

Tuesday September 6th 5PT/8ET: JVP Voice and Interview Prep
We will talk about general messaging and framing, how we speak as JVP members, workshop our best answers to hard questions, and talk through how to prepare for various types of interviews. 

Tuesday September 20th 5PT/8ET: Media Outreach
We will talk about planning events and actions with media goals in mind, go over media outreach skills and best practices to get media to show up to an event, including press releases, media advisories, pitch calls and basic social media outreach. 

Tuesday September 27th 5PT/8ET: Media Advocacy
We'll talk about how to identify and intervene in media bias, including letters to the editor and op-eds as well as engaging with and giving friendly feedback to reporters and editors. 

Some of the material that we will cover is in the JVP Media Kit which you can always find on the website here

Let me know if you have any questions (naomi@jvp.org), and please RSVP here if you plan on attending one or all of the sessions. 

Hope to see you there!  

Sign up here to receive a daily email round up of news of interest to JVP, highlights of JVP's work and members in the news, as well as opinion and analysis highlights, sent at 9 am every M-F. If you have


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