U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Sunday, August 14, 2016

[mpen-dayton] FW: "Take Back Your TV" & "Take Back the Senate" & "Denounce Trump’s violent threats immediately" and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' on the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.


·         FW: Take Back Your TV

·         FW: ** Koch Bros. spending big against Feingold! **; Take Back the Senate

·         FW: Babies, flimsy childcare plans, veiled threats ... oh my!

·         FW: Important topics hardly discussed so far during the presidential debates

·         FW: From Left to Right, Jewish Groups Condemn 'Repellent' Black Lives Matter Claim of Israeli 'Genocide' Yair Rosenberg

·         FW: A Severe American reaction? Let's hold them to it

·         FW: Investigate Trump's ties with Russia

·         FW: Denounce Trump's violent threats immediately

·         The Republican plan to close your Social Security office


From: Tonya Davis
Subject: Take Back Your TV

Sound Off on Cable Costs - Take Back Your TV (and Your Cash!)
#UnlockTheBox  or  #Boxopoly

Consumer Reports is fighting against the high cost of set-top cable boxes, which 99 percent of the country's 53 million pay-TV customers are forced to lease. A lack of competition has enabled cable companies to charge consumers whatever they please. This generates nearly $20 billion annually for the cable industry according to reports prepared by Senators Richard Blumenthal and Ed Markey.

The Federal Communications Commission is finalizing a plan that will open the market to competition, innovation, and more affordable options. But cable providers aren't giving up cable-box profits quietly; the industry is pressuring Congress to help kill the FCC plan and recently handed the agency more than 100,000 signatures of people opposed to reform.

Please consider signing a petition to the FCC



From: Take Back the Senate (PFAW) on behalf of Lizet Ocampo; Manager of Political Campaigns
Subject: ** Koch Bros. spending big against Feingold! **

BREAKING: Koch brothers jump back into Wisconsin Senate race

Freedom Partners Action Fund, a right-wing group backed by the Koch brothers, just launched a $1 million ad campaign in the Senate race between incumbent Tea Partier Ron Johnson and PFAW Voters Alliance-endorsed Russ Feingold.

Just weeks ago, Republican groups had pulled major spending from the Wisconsin race. But now, citing tightening poll numbers, at least one Koch-funded group is back in this race … to defend one of the worst senators elected in 2010's Tea Party wave.

But Russ Feingold, running to reclaim his old Senate seat, is a progressive champion. He's an iconic leader in the fight for campaign finance reform and was the lone vote in the US Senate against the Patriot Act.

Will you help the PFAW Voters Alliance federal PAC beat the Koch bothers and elect Russ Feingold and more progressives like him?

Yes, I'll make a much-needed PAC contribution now>>

We MUST replace Mitch McConnell's extremism and obstructionism with a progressive majority in the US Senate.

Regardless of who wins the White House, a far-right Senate majority could wreak havoc on the future of the Supreme Court … and we know that McConnell and his Tea Party majority would certainly carry on in slavish service to the NRA, the Koch brothers, and any number of corporate special interests.

WI Sen. Ron Johnson has a record that's definitively anti-choice, anti-gay, and shamelessly anti-science. He's second to none in climate change denialism -- comparing, in an interview on Tuesday, climate change activists to Stalin, and stating, "climate hasn't warmed in quite a few years, that is proven scientifically." Actually, 2015 was the hottest year on record and 2016 is on track to be even hotter.

PFAW's affiliated federal PAC, the PFAW Voters Alliance, is fighting to defeat Ron Johnson, and Tea Party Republicans just like him in the tightest races in the country.

Will you help with a PAC contribution now? We need the funds to fight back before it's too late!

Yes, I'll make a much-needed PAC contribution now>>

The Voters Alliance endorses and fights for candidates, like Russ Feingold, who are among the best progressives running for federal office.

We can take back the Senate and maybe even the House, and, along the way, elect bold progressives who will fight for our values.

Will you support the PFAW Voters Alliance PAC by making a contribution now?

Yes, I'll make a much-needed PAC contribution now>>



From: Kristin, Ashley, Donna, and the entire MomsRising Team
Subject: FW: Babies, flimsy childcare plans, veiled threats ... oh my!

Whoa. Over the past several days alone:

  • Veiled Threats - Donald Trump caused alarm when he made a confusing and possibly dangerous reference to "Second Amendment people," urging them to "do" something to Hillary Clinton. The threat was alarming enough that the Secret Service expressed concern. [1, 2] (It should be noted that Trump was also lying about where Hillary Clinton stands: Hillary Clinton is on record supporting both the Second Amendment as she also supports gun safety policies.)
  • Baby & Mom Ejected - Trump has thrown a baby and a supporter who was the baby's mom out of one of his events, gaslighting the mom by first saying he loved babies and then saying he was only kidding and added, "Get that baby out of here." [3,4] 
  • Flimsy Childcare Plan - And, Trump had a major fail in his highly touted economic re-set speech by presenting an incredibly shallow childcare policy that experts say will mainly help the wealthy (surprise, surprise!) while leaving out everyone else. [5]

** Can you pitch in to help make sure that Donald Trump doesn't become President?  https://action.momsrising.org/donate/Donate_MomsVote2016_BullyinChief/?t=4&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA

What Trump's been doing and saying is highly problematic—and not just because this election is annoying. Studies show that Donald Trump's repeated bullying tactics and toxic language are harmful to our children. [6] This past week isn't the first time that he's used toxic language and bullying tactics.  In fact he has disparaged women of all backgrounds, referring to them as "disgusting animals," "fat pigs," "slobs," "dogs" and other disrespectful and bullying epithets. [7]   

Moms and dads know that words matter. Words set the parameters of civil behavior, affecting children and how they behave with each other. Words shape our culture and our lives.

And moms (and dads too!) are key players in not allowing our nation to elect a Bully-in-Chief. Expert analysis shows that the way Trump could win is simply by people staying home and NOT voting.

Well, we say: Not on our watch!

That's why we have amped up our MomsVote program, which focuses on getting out the "mom vote" this election cycle.  We have a plan to reach the moms of America to make sure they are registered to vote, have a plan to vote, bring friends and family to vote, and don't sit out this election. But it costs money to do all of this. A lot of money.

* Can you pitch in to our MomsVote program now?  Contributing even $5 makes a difference because each of our contributions add up to make a major impact:

This is not the first time Trump has wielded words and language against women, and moms in particular. He once told a breastfeeding mom: "You're disgusting," even though pediatricians recommend breastfeeding universally. [8] He also lashed out at the Muslim American Gold Star mom, Ghazala Khan, of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who died while serving our country in Iraq. [9] And just recently, Trump said he'd like to, "Hit a number of those [DNC] speakers so hard, their heads would spin. They'd never recover."[10]

This disrespectful, toxic and hateful language hurts our children—and our nation. A recent study found that the language Trump is using in his campaign is causing children to be fearful and anxious while increasing racial tension in classrooms. [11]

Moms will not allow our nation to elect a Bully-in-Chief; and moms are going to move forward the family economic security policies—like fair pay, paid family leave, and affordable, high-quality childcare--that our nation needs to thrive.

*Help make sure Trump won't become President by supporting our MomsVote program now:

Please take a moment to forward this email to friends, to post the contribution link on Facebook and Twitter, and to spread the word.

It's going to take all of us to defeat Trump.


[1] http://action.momsrising.org/go/28491?t=12&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA 

[2] http://action.momsrising.org/go/28482?t=14&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA 

[3] http://action.momsrising.org/go/28483?t=16&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA 

[4] http://action.momsrising.org/go/28484?t=18&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA

[5] https://action.momsrising.org/go/28485?t=20&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA 

[6] https://action.momsrising.org/go/28486?t=22&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA

[7] https://action.momsrising.org/go/28487?t=24&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA

[8] http://action.momsrising.org/go/28488?t=26&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA

[9] https://action.momsrising.org/go/28489?t=28&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA

[10] http://action.momsrising.org/go/28490?t=30&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA

[11] https://action.momsrising.org/go/28486?t=32&akid=8197.2407866.d7qiKA

Like what we're doing? Donate: We're a bootstrap, low overhead, mom run organization. Your donations make the work of MomsRising.org possible--and we deeply appreciate your support. Every little bit counts. Donate today on our secure website. On Facebook? Become a Fan. Follow us on Twitter.
Want info from MomsRising.org in Spanish? Sign up to receive emails from our Spanish-language community, MamásConPoder.org!
What should MomsRising tackle next? Tell us what's on your mind.



From: James Lucas
Subject: Important topics hardly discussed so far during the presidential debates

The United States' Elite Forces Deploy to a Record-Shattering 147 Countries in 2015
Nick Turse, TomDispatch:

Since 9/11, US Special Operations Command has grown in every conceivable way from funding and personnel to global reach and deployments. In 2015, according to Special Operations Command spokesman Ken McGraw, US Special Operations forces deployed to a record-shattering 147 countries.

By Tom Engelhardt on September 26, 2013.

Barack Obama is only the latest in a jostling crowd of presidential candidates, presidential wannabes, major politicians, and minor figures of every sort, not to speak of a raging horde of neocons and pundits galore, who have felt compelled in recent years to tell us and the world just how exceptional the last superpower really is…



From: Tablet Magazine on behalf of Andrew tierman
Subject: From Left to Right, Jewish Groups Condemn 'Repellent' Black Lives Matter Claim of Israeli 'Genocide' Yair Rosenberg

Andrew Tierman wants to share this article with you with this message: BLM falsely charges "genocide" (This note is by Munsup).

From Left to Right, Jewish Groups Condemn 'Repellent'
Black Lives Matter Claim of Israeli 'Genocide'

The group's new platform, and this false accusation, united American Jewish
organizations and individuals-usually at odds-in outrage

By Yair Rosenberg  Read Article »

On Monday, an alliance of groups affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement unveiled their first official platform. The 40,000-word manifesto contained many recommendations, including concrete policy proposals, for rectifying the wrongs perpetrated against America's African-American citizens in the past and present. Unfortunately, the platform also contained a vicious bigoted slur against the Jewish state, which the document's foreign policy section accused of perpetrating "genocide" against Palestinians. (The platform also labeled Israel an "apartheid state" and joined with the BDS movement in calling for the total academic, cultural, and economic boycott of the country—a demand made for no other state.)

Needless to say, this did not go over well with Jewish groups—including some of Black Lives Matter's hitherto staunch progressive allies. The rabbinic human rights organization T'ruah, which previously distributed original prayers for Black Lives Matter, and has run anti-occupation educational trips to Israel and the Palestinian territories for years, released a measured yet pointed response:

While we agree with many of the policy recommendations [of Black Lives Matter], we are extremely dismayed at the decision to refer to the Israeli occupation as genocide. We are committed to ending the occupation, which leads to daily human rights violations against Palestinians, and also compromises the safety of Israelis. Our work aims to build a just and secure future for both Israelis and Palestinians, both of whom deserve the same human rights protections as all people.

However, the military occupation does not rise to the level of genocide—a term defined as "the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group." While we agree that the occupation violates the human rights of Palestinians, and has caused too many deaths, the Israeli government is not carrying out a plan intended to wipe out the Palestinians. There is no basis for comparing this situation to the genocides of the 20th century, such as those in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda, or Armenia, or the Nazi Holocaust in Europe, each of which constituted a calculated plan to destroy specific groups, and each of which killed hundreds of thousands to millions of people. The Black Lives Matter platform also does not address the use of violence by some Palestinians, including the rocket attacks against civilians that Human Rights Watch has classified as a war crime. One can vigorously oppose occupation without resorting to terms such as "genocide," and without ignoring the human rights violations of terrorist groups such as Hamas.

Jonathan Greenblatt, the executive director of the Anti-Defamation League, which has crafted and introduced Black Lives Matter lesson plans into local school curricula, labeled the genocide slur "repellent":

ADL's longtime dedication to fighting bigotry in all forms includes building a just society where fair and equal treatment is guaranteed for all. Along with coalition partners, we are tackling critical civil rights issues such as ending racial profiling, addressing educational equity and economic inequalities, disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline and reforming our criminal justice system…

But would-be allies in the struggle for civil and human rights along with justice and fair treatment cannot ignore the Platform's false and blatantly one-sided position on US-Israel relations and Israeli-Palestinian issues. We categorically reject the document's criticism of the United States and Israel as being "complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people." The Jewish community knows too much about genocide.

Whatever one's position on the relationship between Israel, its Palestinian citizens, and the residents in the West Bank and Gaza, it's repellent and completely inaccurate to label Israel's policy as "genocide." And the Platform completely ignores incitement and violence perpetrated against Israelis by some Palestinians, including terror inside the country and rocket attacks lobbed from Gaza. Unfortunately, these phenomena are not new but have been challenges that have faced the Jewish state since its inception more than half a century ago.

Greenblatt went on to emphasize that disingenuous non-sequitur swipes at Israel only distract from the urgent work of American policy and social reform. (The ADL's extensive material on Black Lives Matter, including school lesson plans, has now been quietly removed from its website, while the site's racial and criminal justice section remains.)

Peter Beinart, one of the Israeli occupation's most public Jewish critics, and who recently returned from a civil rights-style protest in Hebron against the occupation, was even less circumspect:

Beinart's upset is understandable. It should go without saying that Israel is not committing genocide against the Palestinians under its control. In fact, that population has burgeoned exponentially since Israel's founding. As the Palestinian news service Ma'an reported in a celebratory piece in May 2011, in 1948, "the population that year was 1.4 million, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics said, while at the end of 2010 it was estimated at 11 million globally, and 5.5 million in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza." The numbers have only grown since then. This past February, the Palestinian Bureau of Statistics announced that the global Palestinian population stood at 12.37 million, with half living in Israel and the Palestinian territories.

The implication of these figures is unmistakable. Falsely accusing the state founded by Jews in the ashes of their own genocide of committing genocide is, simply put, a blood libel on a national scale. It is a slur against the 6 million Jews in Israel and the vast majority of world Jewry that supports them. That Black Lives Matter would indulge in such ignorant and incendiary claims undermines its standing as an anti-racist organization.

Now, to be clear, given the platform's 40,000-word length and numerous sections and subjects, it is extremely unlikely that most activists involved in its drafting had anything to do with the small portion pertaining to Israel. Doubtless most of the many thousands of Americans, including American Jews, who deeply sympathize with the aims of Black Lives Matter and similarly seek criminal justice reform, see no connection between this activism and assertions of Israeli genocide.

But it is sadly just as clear that those select activists who shoehorned such a slur into the Black Lives Matter platform, whether out of ignorance or malice, have needlessly driven a wedge into the very necessary alliance to ensure equal treatment of America's African-American brothers and sisters.



From: Rabbi Joseph Berman; Government Affairs Liason, Jewish Voice for Peace
Subject: A Severe American reaction? Lets hold them to it

I have good news to report. Thanks to the combined work of Palestinian activists on the ground, support from dozens of international organizations, and pressure from the US, we're hopeful that the Israeli government will not demolish the village of Susiya...for now.

US officials warned their Israeli counterparts of a "severe American reaction" if a demolition happens. But we haven't won yet.

So far, we've got just over 14,000 signatures on our petition - but we need to get to 20,000 before the end of today. Will you sign right now?

There are two clear themes at work here: First, that international pressure, coordinated with local leadership, can work.

And second, even though the US government is speaking up now, we are still nowhere near the necessary policy shift that would not only protect the rights of Susiya's residents for the long term, but reverse the military, economic, and diplomatic aid that undergirds Israel's decades-long process of demolishing Palestinian villages and homes.

There is no guarantee yet that the State Department will actually prevent this demolition, so we need to keep the pressure on.

But just as importantly, we need to make as strong a showing as possible right now so that both US and Israeli officials have the clearest possible sense of our growing numbers and power. Those public opinion calculations will matter for the next time demolitions are threatened - which, horrible as it is to say, we are almost certain to see, whether in Susiya, al Walaja, al Aqaba, or elsewhere in the West Bank.

We also know that demolitions and displacement aren't just happening in the West Bank. We have to speak up in order to show that we also care about what happens in the Naqab (Negev) in unrecognized Bedouin villages like Al Araqib and Umm al Hiran. We need to keep building a movement that can defend Palestinian human rights everywhere.

Please take just 30 seconds before Shabbat to sign our petition to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding the US intervene and prevent the demolition of Susiya.

Take Action



From: Heidi Hess, CREDO Action Heidi Hess; Senior Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Investigate Trump's ties with Russia (sign the petition)

Tell Congress: Investigate Trump's ties to Russia

Tell Republican Congressional leaders:
"Protect the integrity of our electoral process by launching an investigation to ensure that there is no inappropriate relationship between Donald Trump and the Russian government."

Recently, Donald Trump encouraged the Russian government to spy on the United States. In the wake of his unprecedented statement, members of the intelligence community – and more than 170,000 CREDO activists – have called for Trump to be denied access to classified national security briefings.

In addition to the outrage over Trump's shocking comments, recent media coverage has raised questions about financial ties between Trump and Russian oligarchs with close connections to Putin;1 highlighted longstanding relationships between high-ranking Trump advisors and pro-Russian politicians and oligarchs;2 and flagged a change to the Republican party platform position on Ukraine that seems out-of-step with Republican policies but in-line with Russia's policy agenda in the disputed region.3 There has also been widespread reporting that Russian secret intelligence was behind recent cyber attacks on Democratic political organizations, and leaks which seemed timed to help Trump's campaign.4

Taken together, the mounting evidence of ties between Trump and Putin provides reason for concern that Trump's connections and financial obligations to Russian political and financial players could present a conflict of interest in a Trump presidency. There is also reason for concern that Russian government interests would be served by interfering with the U.S. electoral process.

We need to speak out now to pressure Congress to step in and investigate these risks to the integrity of the presidency and the electoral process.

Tell Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan: Launch an immediate investigation into the relationship between Donald Trump and the Russian government. Click here to sign the petition.

Republicans in Congress have been relentless in using their power to call sham committee hearings and squandered millions of dollars in taxpayer money to set up and run special investigative committees to pursue their extreme right-wing agenda against Planned Parenthood, American Muslims, and Hillary Clinton, among others.

Now, it is time for them to address an actual controversy. Given the growing concern of the intelligence community and the American public about Trump's ties to Russia, there is no excuse for not launching an investigation now.

Tell Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan: Launch an immediate investigation into the relationship between Donald Trump and the Russian government. Click here to sign the petition.

Republican leaders in Congress must investigate any and all potential Trump connections with Russia in order to ensure the integrity of our elections and that American voters are informed about any conflicts of interest when it is time for them to vote. The issues they must investigate include:

  • Trump's tax returns: Trump refuses to release his tax returns.5 Congress must investigate if there is any information in Trump's tax returns that would indicate previously undisclosed financial ties to Russian interests in close alignment with Putin's dictatorship.
  • The reported Russian cyberattacks on Democratic party infrastructure: Congress must look into the the extent of Russian intelligence's cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign and inquire whether those attacks seemed designed to influence the presidential election.
  • The reported financial connections between Trump and Russia: Trump's debt load has increased from $350 million to $630 million in just the last year, at a time when American banks are reluctant to extend Trump credit.6 In 2008, Trump's son is claimed to have said, "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.7 Congress must look into the extent to which Trump's current debt, or his previous business partnerships, obligate him financially to Russian oligarchs aligned with Vladimir Putin.
  • Trump advisors' history of working with Putin-aligned politicians: Congress must investigate to what degree Trump's key advisors, Paul Manafort and Carter Page – who both have long histories of advising – and collecting enormous profit from, Putin-aligned politicians and oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine, have obligations or ties which might pose a conflict of interest in their advice to Trump.8
  • The Trump campaign's reported meddling with the Republican platform on Ukraine: Congress should look into why – when Trump stayed away from most every aspect of the Republican Party platform – his campaign worked behind the scenes to make sure the party backed away from support of Ukraine and putting the "official Republican party position on arms for Ukraine … at odds with almost all the party's national security leaders."9

Republican leaders in Congress are relentless in trying to designate themselves the guardians of our national security, even when their political gamesmanship demonizes and endangers Americans at home and abroad. It would be the height of hypocrisy for them to refuse to investigate evidence that a presidential candidate might have competing loyalties between the United States and a hostile foreign government.

The more of us who add our voices, the harder it will be for Sen. McConnell, Rep. Ryan and the other leaders in the Republican Party to sweep these reports under the rug and go on with presidential politics as usual. Click the link below to demand they launch an investigation immediately into Trump's ties to Russia:


Thank you for speaking out.


  1. Tom Hamburger, Rosalind S. Helderman and Michael Birnbaum, "Inside Trump's financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin," The Washington Post, June 17, 2016.
  2. Peter Stone, David Smith, Ben Jacobs, Alec Luhn and Rupert Neate, "Donald Trump and Russia: a web that grows more tangled all the time," The Guardian, July 30, 2016.
  3. Josh Rogin, "Trump campaign guts GOP's anti-Russia stance on Ukraine," The Washington Post, July 18, 2016.
  4. Mark Hosenball, Joseph Menn and John Walcott, "Exclusive: Clinton campaign also hacked in attacks on Democrats," Reuters, July 30, 2016.
  5. Caitlin Macneal, "Manafort: Trump Still Not Going To Release His Tax Returns," TalkingPointsMemo.com, July 27, 2016.
  6. Josh Marshall, "Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing," TalkingPointsMemo.com, July 23, 2016.
  7. Hamburger, Helderman and Birnbaum, "Inside Trump's financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin."
  8. Marshall, "Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing," and Abigail Tracy, "Trump's Confusing Answer on Crimea Raises Questions About His Campaign Chairman's Alleged Ties to Russia," VanityFair.com, August, 1, 2016.

Rogin, "Trump campaign guts GOP's anti-Russia stance on Ukraine."



From: URGENT PETITION (via boldpac.com)
Subject: SIGN: denounce Trump's violent threats immediately ?



This week, Donald Trump suggested that gun owners "do [something]" about Hillary Clinton.



If she gets to pick her judges [there's] nothing you can do, folks. Although 2nd amendment people, maybe there is. -- Donald Trump, 08/09/16


This time, he has crossed the line, Munsup.



Munsup, America just witnessed the worst mass shooting in our history.

Threatening gun violence against others is NOT a joke.

But Trump took it too far. He called for the Democratic nominee for President to be ASSASSINATED. It's reckless, dangerous and TOTALLY unacceptable.

Now Democrats like Elizabeth Warren are fighting back:


Donald Trump makes death threats because he's a pathetic coward who can't handle the fact that he's losing to a girl. - Elizabeth Warren


Click below to demand Trump retract his violent threats IMMEDIATELY and apologize:





From: Alex Lawson; Social Security Works
Subject: The Republican plan to close your Social Security office

Congressional Republicans are proposing severe cuts to the Social Security Administration's (SSA) budget. If passed, these cuts would result in employee furloughs, office closures, delays in benefits, and long wait times for disability claims.

We must stop the Republican plan to weaken Social Security and undermine public confidence in the system.

Please, sign the petition demanding that Congress reject cuts to the Social Security Administration budget. Let's strengthen, not weaken SSA!

Over the last six years, SSA's budget has already been cut by 10% while at the same time the number of recipients has increased by 12%. Yet House and Senate Republicans are calling for further cuts ranging from $582 million to $772 million.

There's zero justification for these devastating cuts. Social Security is extremely efficient - less than a penny of every dollar in contributions is spent on administration, far less than any comparable private sector program. And SSA's budget comes from Social Security's own revenue, not the government's general funds. Congressional Republicans are telling Social Security that it can't spend a tiny portion of its own funds to ensure quality service!

Please, stand with Social Security Works and call on Congress to strengthen the Social Security Administration, not weaken it.

For decades, Republicans have been working to cut and privatize Social Security. That's why they keep forcing cuts to SSA's budget as a strategy to weaken the system and undermine public confidence.

As a result of recent cuts, 1.1 million Americans with disabilities are awaiting a hearing with the SSA with wait times averaging more than 500 days. SSA offices around the country have reduced their hours, and wait times for Social Security's 800 number keep getting longer.

The budgets proposed by Republicans in Congress would make things even harder for a system that is already stretched too thin.

Sign the petition today. Demand that Congress strengthen the Social Security Administration, not weaken it.

Together, we are telling Washington politicians where the American people stand, expand, don't cut Social Security!

Paid for and Authorized by Social Security Works


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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