[mpen-dayton] FW: "Let’s outlaw 'too big to fail'" & "What Triggers Ice Ages?" & "96 years" & "Sign the petition re: Trump's tax returns" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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· FW: Let's outlaw "too big to fail"
· FW: Dakota Access Pipeline
· FW: What Triggers Ice Ages?
· FW: "Pentagon's Sloppy Bookkeeping Means $6.5 Trillion Can't Pass an Audit"
· FW: Important topics hardly discussed so far during the presidential debates
· FW: 96 years
· FW: Thanks for your response -- now forward this!
· FW: Congress is trying to screw over workers. Please act.
· FW: Sign the petition re: Trump's tax returns
· FW: Facebook: Pay Your Freakin' Taxes!
· FW: Trump must release his tax returns (sign the petition)
From: Kelsey Murphy, Courage Campaign
Subject: Let's outlaw "too big to fail"
In such a contentious, polarizing election year, it's taking everyone by surprise that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump agree on something: it's time to break up the big banks.Now we need to make sure that Congress turns this sentiment into action.
Sign the petition: Demand that congressional leaders rein in Wall Street greed and allow a vote to break up banks that are "too big to fail."
Both the Democratic and Republican party platforms want to restore the Glass-Steagall Act -- Depression-era legislation that, among other things, prohibited commercial banks from acting as investment banks.(1)
This separation made it harder for banks to swell into "too big to fail" behemoths. But in the 1990's, the Glass-Steagall Act was dismantled and banks could once again play fast and loose with other people's money. Now, after the worst financial crisis of the century left millions of hard-working Americans in financial disarray, both major parties want to reinstate it.
Momentum is on our side. A huge majority of working Americans support reinstating a version of the Glass-Steagall Act.(2) Right now there is a bipartisan bill making its way through the U.S. Senate -- introduced by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and supported by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) -- that would do just that.(3)
We need to raise our voices and let our representatives know that it's time for big banks to stop playing games with our hard-earned money!
JOIN US: tell your representatives in DC that it's time we start governing the banks that handle our money.
While families struggle, Wall Street executives make billions and big banks get even bigger. They've continued taking the same risks that caused the 2008 crisis. It's clear that the rules are rigged in favor of Wall Street. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Before the Glass-Steagall Act was loosened, it helped protect our financial system for over 60 years by separating conventional commercial banking from the Wall Street casino that is investment banking. And together we can make sure that a modern version of the act does the same.
Add your name: We need a renewed Glass-Steagall Act. Tell congressional leaders to stand up to Wall Street now.
Yours in the fight against greed,
Kelsey, along with Annie, Caitlin, Emma, Eddie, Ernesto, Katie, Laura, Lindsay, Moonyoung, Scottie, and Tim (the Courage team)
1. https://couragecampaign.actionkit.com/go/3789?t=6&akid=3203.790590.zPFDBD
2. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/3790?t=8&akid=3203.790590.zPFDBD
3. http://act.couragecampaign.org/go/3791?t=10&akid=3203.790590.zPFDBD
From: Mary Sue Gmeiner
Subject: Dakota Access Pipeline
An important issue for everyone to be aware of:
From: albert baca
Subject: What Triggers Ice Ages?
Dr. Seoh: Every so often, I see an article in your newsletter about climate change. I am sending the link to an excellent article about how ice ages come and go. I am including the first paragraph to encourage your readers to read the entire article. – Old Al
By Kirk A. Maasch; Posted 01.01.97; NOVA
During the past billion years, the Earth's climate has fluctuated between warm periods—sometimes even completely ice-free—and cold periods, when glaciers scour the continents. In this article, climate scientist Kirk Maasch offers perspective on these historic changes, including the likely causes of the last great ice age—which contrary to common knowledge, we are still in the midst of.
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: "Pentagon's Sloppy Bookkeeping Means $6.5 Trillion Can't Pass an Audit"
"The Defense Department over the years has been notorious for its lax accounting practices.
The Pentagon has never completed an audit of how they actually spend the trillions of dollars on wars, equipment, personnel, housing, healthcare and procurements.
A Department of Defense inspector general's report released last week offered a jaw-dropping insight into just how bad the military's auditing system is.
The Defense Finance and Accounting Service, the behemoth Indianapolis-based agency that provides finance and accounting services for the Pentagon's civilian and military members, could not provide adequate documentation for $6.5 trillion worth of year-end adjustments to Army general fund transactions and data.
[Gee, the last time we learned that a whole bunch of m-ney ($2.3 trillion) went missing from the Pentagon (September 10, 2001), the dirt-bags distracted us with the 9/11 inside job. --LRP]
From: James Lucas
Subject: Important topics hardly discussed so far during the presidential debates
Arms trade that the wealthy benefit from and which keeps the world in turmoil
Countries with US Military Presence
From a 2015 article which describes countries where the US has a military presence:
On Mar. 24, US president Barack Obama announced that all 9,800 US troops currently stationed in Afghanistan will remain until the end of 2015. This generated a fair amount of criticism: it was, after all, Obama's promise that the last American troop would leave the country in 2014.
Mothering and the Military: How Do We Raise Our Children?
by Sharon Doubiago
first published in War Crimes Times, Veterans for Peace, Fall 2013, Vol V. No. 4
I went in search of a book for him. I went through the Children section and Fairy Tales, through Parenting and Mothering, through Psychology, Alternative Education, Women's Studies and Feminism. Then Philosophy, Mythology, Politics, New Age, and War. Nothing even remotely close to what I was looking for.
From: Heidi Sieck, #VOTEPROCHOICE
Subject: 96 years
They fought for us.
Now it's our turn.
From: Fight For Reform
Subject: Thanks for your response -- now forward this!
From: Andrew J. Tierman
Subject: FW: Congress is trying to screw over workers. Please act.
GOP quietly working against the working class! - AT
Members of Congress -- even Democrats -- are trying to steal an important victory from 12.5 million workers.
Click here to call your representative and tell them to reject a new bill that would delay the new overtime pay protections.
In May, President Obama and the Department of Labor (DOL) announced a plan to update the overtime rules to ensure millions more working people get overtime pay. Thousands of us from the Daily Kos community worked in coalition with other groups to support this plan to raise the current overtime salary threshold. We thought our victory was secure.
But now, Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Oregon) has introduced a bill that would undermine the DOL's efforts and delay the overtime rule by three years. So we're partnering with our allies again to fight back.
Click here to call your representative and tell them to reject the Overtime Reform and Enhancement Act, which would hurt workers.
This bill wouldn't just delay the overtime rule's implementation. It would also reduce the amount of people whose rights would be protected, by preventing the salary threshold from automatically increasing in the future to account for overall salary growth. This would lower the share of those who would be covered from 33% today to just 16% by 2035.
We're already behind where we were in the 1960s and 1970s, where about 60% of workers were guaranteed overtime pay. Current overtime rules haven't kept up with salaries and the cost of living, and today less than 10% of salaried workers are covered.
But now members of Congress want to roll back protections. And Donald Trump recently said he wanted to limit the new overtime rule, as well. We must secure the victory we accomplished earlier this year for 12.5 million workers.
Please call your representative today and tell them to reject the Overtime Reform and Enhancement Act.
Thanks for all you do,
Mara Schechter, Daily Kos
From: tbacane
Subject: Fw: Sign the petition re: Trump's tax returns
Tell the TRAITOR to produce those tax records and prove he's not working for the Russians! - tbacane
-----Forwarded Message-----
Sign the petition: Tell Trump to release his taxes
We ask that you release multiple years of your tax returns and level with the American people about your wealth, business dealings, how you truly make your money, the tax loopholes you take advantage of, the tax rate you actually pay, and how your tax plan would benefit you personally. What do you have to hide?
Sign the petition
Dear MoveOn member,
Tax returns can tell voters a lot about a candidate's business dealings, which is why every major-party presidential candidate for the past 40 years has released their returns. Yet, despite new allegations about Donald Trump's business ties to Russia, including proof that Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort received millions in shady deals with the pro-Russia, ex-Ukrainian president, Trump still refuses to release his federal tax returns, raising even more questions about what he is hiding.1,2,3
Will you join me in calling on Donald Trump to release his tax returns immediately?
For the past 40 years, it has been tradition that presidential nominees of both major parties release multiple years of their tax returns.4 They do this in part to assure the public that there are no conflicts of interest.
Donald Trump is refusing to release his returns, hiding behind a phony excuse that he can't do so until the IRS finishes auditing him.
We demand that, like his predecessors, Donald Trump release multiple years of his tax returns. That way, the American people can get the truth about his business dealings, claims of extreme wealth, how he truly makes his money, what tax loopholes he is using to dodge taxes, the tax rate he actually pays—and how his tax plan would benefit him personally.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
Thanks! —Ben Eisenberg, Americans for Tax Fairness
1. "Donald Trump's Appeal to Russia Shocks Foreign Policy Experts," The New York Times, July 28, 2016
2. "Why is the tax return a big deal and what information can you learn from it?" Sunlight Foundation, July 27, 2016
3. "Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump's Campaign Chief," The New York Times, August 14, 2016
4. "Why is the tax return a big deal and what information can you learn from it?" Sunlight Foundation, July 27, 2016
Want to support our work? MoveOn member contributions have powered our work together for more than 17 years. Hundreds of thousands of people chip in each year—which is why we're able to be fiercely independent, answering to no individual, corporation, politician, or political party. You can become a monthly donor by clicking here, or chip in a one-time gift here.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
From: John Sellers via Other 98%
Subject: Facebook: Pay Your Freakin' Taxes!
Whether we like it or not, Facebook has become the global water cooler, where over 1 billion people gather every day to stay in touch with family, organize events, and share news. But now that Facebook is a huge corporation, it looks like it's doing what huge corporations do best: dodging taxes.
In fact Facebook is now under investigation by the IRS for shifting billions of dollars of assets offshore to Ireland, a tax haven, to dodge paying its fair share in taxes.
Stand with Americans for Tax Fairness and Other98: demand that Facebook pay what it owes in taxes.
Facebook's profits have been off the charts: in 2015 alone, they made $17 BILLION, with $3.7 billion in profit. If proven, this blatant tax dodge could result in Facebook owing U.S. taxpayers up to $5 billion. How many new schools and bridges would $5 billion build?
And to add insult to injury, Facebook has ignored seven summonses from the IRS requesting financial records related to this potential tax dodging scheme.
So add your voice: demand Mark Zuckerberg comply with the seven previously ignored IRS requests and immediately pay what Facebook owes in U.S. taxes.
In a hugely publicized move last year, Mark Zuckerberg announced that he'll give away 99% of his shares to charity over his lifetime, saying he wanted to "create a more equal world." But if Zuckerberg wants to start funding education and medical research, he can do that right now: by paying his company's taxes.
Facebook – like many other tax dodgers – is taking advantage of offshore tax loopholes that allow it to shift U.S. profits offshore where they are lightly taxed, while sticking the American people with the tab.
America's not broke. We're being robbed. The sooner we hold these corporations accountable, the sooner we can start paying for the things that really matter. Join us in demanding Facebook pay its taxes today.
From: Heidi Hess; Senior Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Trump must release his tax returns (sign the petition)
Re: Trump and Russia: What is Donald hiding in his tax returns?
Tell Donald Trump:
"Release multiple years of your tax returns and level with the American people about your wealth, your business dealings, how you truly make your money, any financial ties to Russia, the tax loopholes you take advantage of, the tax rate you actually pay and how your tax plan would benefit you personally."
Recent reports of Donald Trump's financial ties to Russian oligarchs aligned with Vladimir Putin,1 combined with his encouragement of the Russian government to spy on the United States, have brought renewed attention to Trump's failure to release his tax returns, and renewed questions about what Trump may be trying to hide.
Since the start of his campaign, Trump has gotten a free pass at every level – from his own party and more importantly from the corporate media that has lavished him with free media and attention around the clock. That free pass has to end now.
Tell Donald Trump: You must release your tax returns. Click here to sign the petition.
Releasing tax returns is something that every presidential candidate has done for the past 40 years, but Trump still refuses to do so. Given his background and history, Trump's wealth and business dealings are the clearest view into his experience and fitness to be president, and now one of the clearest ways to understand if he has relationships or debt with Russian financial interests which could compromise the integrity of a Trump presidency.
Trump continues to hide behind a phony excuse that he can't release his tax returns until the IRS finishes auditing him. Recently, his campaign manager doubled down on Trump's refusal to release his returns, using that bogus auditing excuse. But that claim has been repudiated by the IRS itself, and nothing is preventing Trump from releasing multiple years of returns.2
Releasing tax returns is a crucial way for a presidential candidate to assure the public that he or she has no conflicts of interest, particularly with foreign governments like Russia. But with Donald Trump, who has made his business experience the central argument for his candidacy, the release of his tax returns are even more crucial. These returns need to be out in the open for Americans to see, and we need to force the issue right now.
Tell Donald Trump: You must release your tax returns. Click here to sign the petition.
Recent financial disclosures made by Trump have already revealed the tremendous profits he has earned from companies whose policies he attacks.3 Trump's tax returns are sure to reveal even more hypocrisy.
Americans need to get the truth about Trump's business dealings, his claims of extreme wealth, how he truly makes his money, what tax loopholes he is using to dodge taxes, the tax rate he actually pays, his ties to Russia, and how his tax plan would benefit him personally.
We can't let Trump get another free pass on his dangerous and destructive path to the presidency.
Tell Donald Trump: You must release your tax returns. Click the link below to sign the petition.
Thank you for your activism,
1. Tom Hamburger, Rosalind S. Helderman and Michael Birnbaum, "Inside Trump's financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin," The Washington Post, June 17, 2016, Peter Stone, David Smith, Ben Jacobs, Alec Luhn and Rupert Neate, "Donald Trump and Russia: a web that grows more tangled all the time," The Guardian, July 30, 2016, and Josh Marshall, "Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing," TalkingPointsMemo.com, July 23, 2016.
2. Kevin McCoy and David Jackson, "IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit," USA Today, February 26, 2016.
3. Christina Wilkie, "Donald Trump Profits In Private From The Companies He Trashes In Public," Huffington Post, May 18, 2016
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