[mpen-dayton] FW: "Senate Democrats must block Betsy DeVos" & "Why Single Payer" & "Jeff Sessions" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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· FW: Signature needed: Senate Democrats must block Betsy DeVos
(with two related articles that were published in this MPEN e-Newsletter:
“President David Hecker and MEA President Steven Cook respond to selection of Betsy DeVos as U.S. Secretary of Education”
and “Detroit Free Press: What you should know about Betsy DeVos, Trump’s education secretary pick
· FW: Three articles about healthcare
· FW: Why Single Payer
· FW: "he is not well"; "he will have to be removed"; "be prepared"
· FW: the link explains the importance of the information in the linked article
· FW: [Interfaith_Immigration] Pack the Room & Alert for Confirmation Hearings
· FW: Jeff Sessions
· FW: Signature needed: Democrats must block Tom Price’s HHS confirmation
· FW: Sign if you agree: Keep Big Oil out of the State Department
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From: Heidi Hess, Senior Campaign Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Signature needed: Senate Democrats must block Betsy DeVos
From: Andrew J. Tierman
Subject: FW: President David Hecker and MEA President Steven Cook respond to selection of Betsy DeVos as U.S. Secretary of Education
The Michigan Education Association, organizing most public school teachers outside of Detroit and some Higher Ed faculty members, and the American Federation of Teachers, organizing Detroit Teachers, disapprove of Michigan GOP activist for private, for-profit charter schools, Betsy DeVos for US Secretary of Education. - AT.
From: Julie Rowe, Legislative Mobilization Coordinator
Subject: President David Hecker and MEA President Steven Cook respond to selection of Betsy DeVos as U.S. Secretary of Education
LANSING — The selection of Betsy DeVos to serve as U.S. Secretary of Education is an affront to students and education professionals in Michigan, according to the leaders of Michigan’s school employee unions, the American Federation of Teachers Michigan and the Michigan Education Association.
DeVos brings no credible experience or expertise in education, but rather has pushed for the privatization and dismantling of public education at every turn. She rejects evidence, research and the experiences of front-line educators in pursuit of policy changes that only serve to profit billionaires.
“In Michigan, we know firsthand how disastrous DeVos’ ideology is, as she has spent decades wielding her family’s money and influence to destroy public education and turn our schools and students over to for-profit corporations,” said MEA President Steven Cook.
In 2000, DeVos led a failed effort to use public funding for private schools, which was soundly rejected by Michigan voters. Since then, she has pushed to eliminate restrictions on the growth of for-profit charter schools and has resisted every attempt to hold these corporations accountable for the tax dollars they take from public schools.
“Policies she’s supported – increasing standardized testing and punishing teachers, students, and families – have done nothing to improve education,” said AFT Michigan President David Hecker. “In fact, DeVos policies have consistently left our most vulnerable students behind."
The DeVos family’s billions have bought their influence in Michigan politics and Michigan school policy for decades. Donald Trump’s appointment of Betsy DeVos signals he is not actually interested in changing politics as usual, but is instead perpetuating a pay-to-play scheme. Students, educators, and families across the country will be paying the price.
AFT Michigan and MEA have fought corporate-backed education reform and the DeVos family’s ideology and money for decades. We will continue to stand up for Michigan’s education professionals and the students they serve.
From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: Detroit Free Press: What you should know about Betsy DeVos, Trump’s education secretary pick
What you should know about Betsy DeVos, Trump’s education secretary pick
This story was originally published on Chalkbeat.org.President-elect Donald Trump has reportedly tapped Michigan philanthropist Betsy DeVos to be his education secretary.“I am honored to work with the President-elect on his vision to make American education great again,” DeVos tweeted Wednesday. “The status quo in ed is not acceptable.”DeVos, an advocate for school vouchers, has chaired the Michigan Republican party and played a key role in some major education policy decisions there in recent years. But unlike former D.C. schools chief Michelle Rhee and charter-school leader Eva Moskowitz, two others Trump considered for the education secretary position, DeVos has kept a relatively low national profile. She has neither worked in public education nor chosen public schools for her own children, who attended private Christian schools.
From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Three articles about healthcare
Fox Doctor Who Thinks Too Many People Have Health Insurance Helps Promote Tom Price For HHS
In Cancer Trials, Minorities Face Extra Hurdles
From: albert baca
Subject: Why Single Payer
By the Big O:
I have long maintained that "Single Payer" is the only way to go for national healthcare. What the USA needs is a Single Payer system that is better than the Single Payer system that Canada has.
The Big O was for "Single Payer" before he became President. After he became the Prez, he wanted some kind of national health care system and he was 100% positive that he could never get Single Payer but he wanted something that had bipartisan support. So he decided to model his effort on Massachusetts "ROMNEYCARE". The Big O DID NOT get bipartisan support. And poor old Mitt could not run on his greatest achievement as governor of Massachusetts. It is no wonder that he lost.
(Old Al, Al Baca’s warning: The article is long. Please take the time to read it all.)
From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: "he is not well"; "he will have to be removed"; "be prepared"
to share with your friends and family, especially those who voted for T:
and the link explains the importance of the information in the linked article:
From: Theo Majka
Subject: FW: [Interfaith_Immigration] Re: Pack the Room & Alert for Confirmation Hearings - Please Share! [1 Attachment]
Please share FAR AND WIDE this action alert for people to call their Senators and urge them to lift up the importance of refugee resettlement in the confirmation hearings:
Also, attached is the alert as a Word document, so please feel free to modify it, brand it, etc - whatever is best for your networks.
Also, please help us pack the room and demonstrate support for refugees and immigrants for the confirmation hearings for Sessions, Tillerson, and Kelly. Please spread the word and encourage folks to RSVP on this form: http://bit.ly/PackHearings especially since we want to keep folks up to date on any changes. Please note that we are NOT posting this call for folks to pack the room on social media or on websites - so please just share with your networks over email. Also, even if people can't attend this time around, please sign up for the DMV Area Refugee-Immigrant Rapid Response Network to receive information about ongoing ways you can show up to be a part of local actions and demonstrate solidarity with refugees & immigrants: https://goo.gl/forms/0Nhwz6m2Uko5IJHB3.
Attachment(s) from Jen Smyers CWS smyers.jen@gmail.com [Interfaith_Immigration] | View attachments on the web
1 of 1 File(s) compiled confirmation hearings alert_01.05.17_2pm.docx
From: tbacane
Subject: FW: Jeff Sessions
If you love Trump and the KKK then support Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. If however you love our country and you believe in Democracy and equality (rather than dictators and slavery) then you must oppose not only Jeff Sessions but Trump as well! Trump is a Traitor who is attempting (with the help of his Russian handlers) to destroy the United States of America. Trump is systematically attacking our institutions, news media, intelligence services, military, etc., and nominating individuals like Sessions to complete the destruction of those institutions from within. They must be stopped and Trump must be stopped. We must call upon our Senators and Representatives to take action to support our country rather than failed party agendas, and we as individuals must do whatever is required to resist the treason and lies that we are confronted with today and perhaps for the next four years. WAKE UP AMERICA WE ARE UNDER ATTACK BY A DOMESTIC ENEMY THAT IS ABOUT TO ASSUME THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN OUR COUNTRY!!!
From: Benard Simelton
ou sign and share the petition asking Congress to reject Sessions' nomination for attor
I'm Benard Simelton, the Alabama State Conference president of the NAACP.
I was arrested last night while taking part in a nonviolent sit-in at Senator Jeff Sessions' Mobile office in Alabama to oppose his nomination for attorney general. He is wholly unqualified to be the nation's top law enforcement official, as demonstrated by his long and troubling record in opposition to civil and human rights.1
Will you click here to sign and share my petition asking Congress to reject Sessions' nomination? It's urgent: congressional hearings to approve his appointment start next week.
Members of Congress must reject the nomination of Jeff Sessions as attorney general. As a known racist with a long record of opposing civil rights and equality, it is unimaginable that he could be entrusted to serve as the nation's top law enforcement official.
As the highest law enforcement official, the attorney general has the responsibility to protect the civil and human rights of Americans of all races, colors, and genders. Senator Sessions is not that person and presents an extreme danger to the equality, diversity, and inclusiveness that the U.S. has achieved over the last decade.
There are just days left to urge your members of Congress to block the appointment of Sessions. Click here to sign the petition.
There are many reasons for Congress to block the appointment of Jeff Sessions:
- He has a long history of opposing civil rights enforcement and making racist statements.2
- He has championed voter suppression.3
- He opposes hate crime protections for LGBTQ victims.4
- He has opposed multiple efforts to address pay equity for women.5
- He is a staunch opponent of legal immigration.6
...and so much more. In the words of U.S. Representative Luis V. Gutiérrez, "If you have nostalgia for the days when Blacks kept quiet, gays were in the closet, immigrants were invisible and women stayed in the kitchen, Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is your man."7
Diversity, equality, and compassion make America stronger. We must stand together and resist any effort to divide us up and strip away the progress that we've made.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
1. "Civil Rights Activists Arrested For Protest Over Jeff Sessions As Attorney General," NPR, January 4, 2017
2. "Jeff Sessions’ Record on Civil Rights, Race Revisited After Trump’s Attorney General Tap," The Associated Press, November 19, 2016
3. "Donald Trump’s atrocious attorney general pick: Jeff Sessions will roll back voting rights and civil rights," Salon, November 18, 2016
4. "Jeff Sessions Fought Against Hate Crime Protections for LGBT Victims," Mother Jones, November 22, 2016
5. "Senator Jeff Sessions’ Problematic Record on Women’s Rights," National Women's Law Center, December 20, 2016
6. "Sessions' Anti-Immigration Influence Will Go Far Beyond His Role as Attorney General," Mother Jones, November 18, 2016
7. "Trump picks Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general," Los Angeles Times, November 18, 2016
From: Nicole Regalado, CREDO Action
Subject: Signature needed: Democrats must block Tom Price’s HHS confirmation
From: Tessa Levine; Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Sign if you agree: Keep Big Oil out of the State Department
From: John Sellers, Other98
Subject: Did Exxon Just Stage the Perfect Coup?
EXXON’s CEO, Rex Tillerson is possibly the worst, most dangerous of all of Trump’s cabinet picks so far (and that’s no small order). He’s also the one that we have the best chance of blocking. We’re halfway there. GOP hawks are concerned about his ties to Russia and the Dems are standing up to stop him. We need to make sure they deliver the final blow: join us in demanding the Senate block Rex’s appointment.
The job of Secretary of State is one of the four most powerful positions in the entire government. Appointing Rex Tillerson to this position is tantamount to a total Exxon coup of our government and will profoundly change the way America relates to the rest of the world.
When American foreign policy and oil mix, the results are catastrophic. Get connected to your Senators now and demand they reject Rex.
The Secretary of State is the person who conducts our foreign affairs. Let’s say they wanted to lift the sanctions America currently has in place against Russia. You know, the sanctions that are the only thing stopping a 2011 deal for EXXON to rip open the Russian Arctic? That’d be Rex Tillerson’s call -- the same guy who negotiated the deal with Putin in the first place. EXXON has made Tillerson a gazillionaire. The math is obvious.
We can stop this. It’s not just the Dems showing up: John McCain and mainstream Republicans aren’t huge fans of Tillerson’s Russia ties either. And Other98 will be making sure we’re heard loud and clear: we’ll be using a giant projector to beam your messages onto the front of the State Department in DC next week.
Make sure your Senators hear from you: write a personalized message to your Senators and tell them to stop Rex Tillerson. Then, use our call tool to get connected directly with their office and tell them again.
Thank you for everything you do, and for continuing to fight with us.
End of MPEN e-Newsletter
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