U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, December 08, 2016

[mpen-dayton] FW: "Acceptance" & "Free Speech Movement" & "Thank Water Protectors for..." & "Tell the Electoral College NOT to vote Trump " and more

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' added to the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.


·         FW: Daily Thoughts: Acceptance

·         FW: Churches across America are putting up this banner

·         FW: I found this gem in comments at WPO

·         FW: "Charlie Rose interviews…a robot?"

·         FW: Free Speech Movement – December 7, 1964

·         FW: Sign and send: Thank Water Protectors for standing up to Big Oil

·         FW: DAPL by abagond & DAPL is in Check. Next up: Checkmate.

·         FW: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Microsoft join forces to target 'terrorist propaganda'

·         FW: Tell the Electoral College NOT to vote Trump (save the nation!)

·         FW: Investigate Trump (sign this)


From: Fire2020
Subject: Daily Thoughts: Acceptance


It is because we belong with others and see them as brothers and sisters in humanity that we learn not only to accept them as they are, with different gifts and capacities, but to see each one as a person with a vulnerable heart. We learn to forgive those who hurt us or reject us; we ask forgiveness of those we have hurt. We learn to accept humbly those who point out our errors and mistakes and who challenge us to grow in truth and love. We support and encourage each other on the journey to inner freedom. We learn how to be close to those who are weaker and more vulnerable, those who may be sick or going through crises or are grieving. As we accept our personal limits and weaknesses, we discover that we need others and we learn to appreciate others and to thank them.

Jean Vanier, Becoming Human, p. 59



From: Michael Sherrard, Faithful America [mailto:mail@faithfulamerica.org]
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:48 PM
To: Munsup Seoh <mseoh@siscom.net>
Subject: Churches across America are putting up this banner

Even before Donald Trump takes office, his election has coincided with a wave of hatred and violence toward immigrants and refugees.

This Christmas, as we remember how the holy family was forced to flee from violence and take refuge in a foreign land, let's send a powerful message that our churches will continue to be places of sanctuary - regardless of who's president.

We're producing large vinyl banners (3' by 8') and making them available for $90 to any church or organization that wants one:

Click here to order a banner.

Don't have a church that can put up a banner?
Click here to get a free sticker with the same design.



From: Andrew Tierman
Subject: I found this gem in comments at WPO

I found this gem in comments at WPO: "voting R___"




From: Judy Burnette
Subject: "Charlie Rose interviews…a robot?"




From: carl bunin
Subject: December 7, 1964 – Free Speech Movement

December 7, 1964

A leader of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, Mario Savio, was arrested.

One-third of the 27,000 students at the University of California campus, along with faculty, were on strike to protect their first amendment right to distribute political literature and to organize on campus.

A faculty resolution passed 824-115, supporting the rapidly growing Free Speech Movement.


"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus  and you've got to make it stop."
- Mario Savio
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There's more Peace and Justice history this week. here or access the whole year
Only liberal and progessive items here.

Please forward this email to your friends and contacts.
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From: Neeta Lind aka Navajo; Director of Community, Liberation League at Daily Kos
Subject: Sign and send: Thank Water Protectors for standing up to Big Oil

On Sunday, December 4, the Army Corps of Engineers announced a delay in further construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, using the time to conduct an environmental impact statement of alternative routes.

For the better part of the year, the Standing Rock Sioux and representatives of more than 300 other tribes, and their non-Native Water Protectors put their bodies on the line to oppose building the pipeline through ancestral Sioux lands and under the Missouri River, which is the drinking water supply for the reservation and 17 million other Americans.

While Sunday's announcement brought a reprieve, we know the struggle is not over. And we will continue to stand with Indigenous communities, whatever the next phase of this fight brings. Nevertheless, the Army's decision is a clear, hard won victory for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

Victories, even if tentative, deserve celebration, and the victors who made it happen deserve to be honored.

Click here to send a thank you letter to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and all the Water Protectors for providing leadership and holding line against the Dakota Access pipeline.



From: Thomas Scott & John Sellers (other98)
Subject: DAPL by abagond & DAPL is in Check. Next up: Checkmate.

DAPL by abagond



#NoDAPL (2016- ), rhymes with apple, is the Twitter name for the protests that started in April 2016 against the...

DAPL is in Check. Next up: Checkmate.
Water Protectors in North Dakota won a HUGE victory this weekend and you helped deliver it. Are you ready for what's next?

After months of Indigenous-led resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline, the Army Corps of Engineers finally announced that they will not grant permission for Energy Transfer Partners to drill under Lake Oahe (take a second to read that again if you need to).

Hundreds of thousands of acts of solidarity - including yours - made this happen. Solidarity that took so many forms: facing night after night of cold weather and police brutality on the ground, pulling money out of banks funding the pipeline, marching and locking down to machinery, having tough conversations at the dinner table, and of course, the leadership of the Indigenous elders and young people who made this all possible. This is why we organize. This is what happens when we take collective action to defend one another and the things that matter most.

Celebrating this moment is crucial. Because with a looming Trump Presidency we'll have to do this again and again. But now we're going into 2017 with a major victory under our belts, and a powerful reminder that collective direct action is the path forward to reclaiming our country.

It is our great honor to work directly with the Standing Rock Sioux. The StandWithStandingRock.net website we built together has now raised over $1.6 million for the Tribe and gathered nearly 500K petition signatures to the President. We will continue to fight alongside the Tribe until this pipeline is dead.

Energy Transfer Partners has already said that nothing has changed for them. We've won a much-needed respite for now. But they're not backing down, so we're not backing down either. Hundreds of thousands of you have signed our NoDAPL petitions to President Obama, and I know you aren't backing down either.

Besides our work with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, we're also working with our longtime friends at the Indigenous People's Power Project, a crew of kickass Indigenous action coordinators and trainers who have been on the ground at the center of the massive militant resistance in Standing Rock, training thousands of Water Protectors. Please check them out and consider supporting their work, because they're going to be working overtime in the coming months.

So take a deep breath, do a little victory dance, and get ready for what's coming next.



From: CLG_News
Subject: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Microsoft join forces to target 'terrorist propaganda'

News Updates from CLG (
All links are here: http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Microsoft join forces to target 'terrorist propaganda'
| 05 Dec 2016 | Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube are joining forces to more quickly identify the worst terrorist propaganda [aka actual news the globalists want to ensure will never see the light of day] and prevent it from spreading online. The new program announced Monday would create a database of unique digital "fingerprints" to help automatically identify videos or images the companies could remove. The move by the technology companies, which is expected to begin in early 2017, aims to assuage government concerns [!] -- and derail proposed new federal legislation -- over social media content that is seen as increasingly driving terrorist recruitment and radicalization, while also balancing free-speech issues.



From: Emergency Petition via The Progressive Turnout Project  (via PTP)
Subject: Tell the Electoral College NOT to vote Trump (save the nation!)

EMERGENCY PETITION: Tell the Electoral College NOT to vote for Trump

In less than two weeks, on December 19th, members of the Electoral College will officially cast the deciding votes for President.

Under the Constitution, they are NOT actually required to vote for a specific candidate.

If enough electors vote for someone other than Trump, they could deprive him of the 270 votes he needs to win!

This is our LAST chance to keep Trump out of the White House -- but the clock is ticking. Please sign on today and urge the Electoral College NOT to vote for Donald Trump:


We know asking the Electoral College to vote against Donald Trump is an extreme move.

But he LOST the popular vote by a historic margin. And his temperament, his race-baiting, and his ignorance make him downright dangerous.

This scenario is exactly what the Founding Fathers intended when they created the Electoral College: A body capable of stopping a tyrant from taking power.

It isn't too late to save the country from a dangerous tyrant. But we're running out of time. The electors vote in less than two weeks!

We're counting on your help. Sign on now and urge the Electoral College NOT to vote for Trump:


Paid for by the Progressive Turnout Project and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.



From: Murshed Zaheed, Political Director, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Investigate Trump (sign this)


CREDO action

Stand with Rep. Cummings: Investigate Trump's massive web of potential corruption

Petition to House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz:
"Immediately investigate President-elect Donald Trump's financial arrangements to ensure he does not have any actual or perceived conflicts of interest and he and his advisors comply with all legal and regulatory ethical requirements when he assumes the presidency."

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


Stand with Rep. Cummings: Investigate Trump's massive web of potential corruption

Donald Trump is a lifelong scam artist who has used his fame to swindle people out of their hard-earned money. Now, he appears to be planning to use the presidency of the United States to line his own pocket – putting all of us at risk.

No one knows the full extent of Trump's foreign financial and business entanglements because of his unprecedented secrecy and refusal to release his tax returns. Government ethics experts have already said Trump is poised to violate the Constitution by personally profiting from the presidency. On top of it all, we still do not know whether he is indebted to foreign interests that would give them influence over the commander in chief.1,2,3

For years, House Republicans spent millions investigating Sec. Hillary Clinton in what one Republican leader later admitted was an attempt to score partisan points.4 Now, Rep. Elijah Cummings is leading House Democrats in calling on the Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee to investigate the real, dangerous and growing potential corruption of a Trump presidency.5

Stand with Rep. Cummings: Investigate Trump's massive web of potential corruption. Click here to sign the petition.

Trump's massive web of potential corruption is on a never-before-seen scale. Past presidents have sold assets and placed money and investments in blind trusts. Trump, by contrast, claims to be handing over his businesses to his children. But in the days since the election, he has continued pushing his own financial interests. Because he is still hiding the full extent of his business entanglements, we have no way of knowing if he is under the thumb of foreign interests, whether his business interests in the Middle East or other countries run counter to American foreign policy or whether he is merely using the presidency to enrich himself.6,7

Here are the examples of potential corruption that have emerged just since Nov. 8:

  • Trump's children have a role in the presidential transition, with Ivanka Trump joining meetings and phone calls with foreign leaders, despite claims that they will take over the Trump business from their father.
  • A long-stalled Trump project in Argentina mysteriously got the green light to move forward days after a phone call between Trump and the Argentinian president.
  • Trump reportedly used his meeting with British politicians to push them to block offshore wind farms that he believes will sully the view from his Scotland golf courses.
  • Trump paid $25 million to settle charges that he defrauded students of Trump University.
  • News broke that immediately before the election Trump launched eight mysterious companies to build luxury real estate projects in Saudi Arabia.
  • Foreign diplomats told The Washington Post that they would deliberately book rooms at Trump's Washington, D.C. hotel in order to curry favor with the president
  • Government ethics experts who served under Republican and Democratic presidents have agreed that Trump's potential conflicts of interest might be unconstitutional
  • The U.S. Secret Service might pay millions of dollars to rent two floors in Trump Tower to protect him and his family, with Trump pocketing the proceeds.
  • Trump praised his Turkish business partner, who had butted heads with Turkey's government, in a phone call with autocratic Turkish President Erdogan.
  • The U.S. Secret Service might pay millions of dollars to rent two floors in Trump Tower to protect him and his family, with Trump pocketing the proceeds.
  • Trump praised his Turkish business partner, who had butted heads with Turkey's government, in a phone call with autocratic Turkish President Erdogan.
  • Steve Mnuchin, the longtime Goldman Sachs banker Trump wants as treasury secretary, oversaw a bank that received $900 million in bailout money while foreclosing on hurting Americans, and sits on the board of companies controlled in part by the Treasury Department.

Jason Chaffetz, the Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee, is no diehard Trump fan and once refused to endorse or defend him.
13 After spending untold hours investigating Clinton's non-scandals, he owes it to the American public to investigate naked conflicts of interest emerging in the Trump administration. We need to help Rep. Cummings build the public pressure on Chaffetz to investigate potential conflicts of interest or outright corruption.

Stand with Rep. Cummings: Investigate Trump's massive web of potential corruption. Click here to sign the petition.

The greatest threat from Trump will continue to be persecution and the climate of hate directed at Muslims, the undocumented, people of color, immigrants, and women. It is becoming even clearer that Trump's strategy is to divide the American people and scapegoat these groups while enriching himself and his Wall Street friends. A true progressive response to the Trump regime will unconditionally resist his bigoted and racist policies while exposing the way he serves the powerful and privileged.

Because the president is not subject to federal conflict-of-interest laws, the House Oversight Committee plays a crucial role in standing up to Trump.14 Progressive champions like Sen. Elizabeth Warren have called for an investigation and Rep. Elijah Cummings is already showing what determined leadership looks like. We need to stand with them and demand an immediate investigation.

Stand with Rep. Cummings: Investigate Trump's massive web of potential corruption. Click below to sign the petition:


Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


1.     Rep. Elijah Cummings, "Cummings Calls on Chaffetz to Launch Inquiry into Trump's So-Called 'Blind Trust'," Nov. 14, 2016.

2.     Jason Nesbit, "A Handy List of Donald Trump's Biggest Conflicts of Interest," TIME, Nov. 21, 2016.

3.     Matthew Yglesias, "President Trump and the Trump Organization are the biggest conflict of interest in US history," Vox.com, Nov. 14, 2016

4.     Cummings, "Cummings Calls on Chaffetz to Launch Inquiry into Trump's So-Called "Blind Trust."

5.     Mike DeBonis, "House Democrats demand Chaffetz probe Trump's finances ," Washington Post, Nov. 11, 2016.

6.     Yglesias, "President Trump and the Trump Organization are the biggest conflict of interest in US history."

7.     The Editorial Board, "Donald Trump's Tangled Web," The New York Times, Nov. 16, 2016.

8.     Nesbit, "A Handy List of Donald Trump's Biggest Conflicts of Interest."

9.     Max de Haldevang, "Days after Trump spoke to Argentina's president his stalled Buenos Aires tower project picked up steam," Quartz, Nov. 23, 2016.

10.  Paul Blumenthal, "Trump Touted His Turkish Business Partner In A Call With President Erdogan," Huffington Post, Nov. 23, 2016.

11.  Pamela Brown et. all, "Secret Service considering renting a floor at Trump Tower to protect future first family," CNN.com, Nov. 25, 2016.

12.  Yuan Q. Mui and Renae Merle, "With Treasury candidate come possible conflicts," Washington Post, Nov 18. 2016.

13.  Matthew Yglesias, "Top House Oversight Democrat asks for hearings on Trump's conflicts of interest," Vox.com, Nov. 14, 2016.

14.  Ibid.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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