U.S. and the rest of the world must cooperate for the benefit of all

Thursday, December 01, 2016

[mpen-dayton] Greater Miami Valley Events & News

FYI.   Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply back to me with 'unsubscribe' added to the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.


·         (Dec. 3, 10 & 18) FW: Holiday Programs at Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP

·         (Dec. 4) FW: Support Senator Elizabeth Warren

·         (Dec. 7) FW: Reminder: Invitation to Montgomery Co Community Agency Networking Meeting

·         (Dec. 8) FW: IFGD annual meeting/social

·         (Dec. 12 & 13) FW: Youth Mental Health First Aid

·         (Save the Date: Feb. 9-11, 2017) FW: OEFFA Conference Registration Now Open


From: Your Friends at Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
Subject: Holiday Programs at Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP


We are very excited to announce that we are offering a new special holiday program this year called "A Wright Kind of Christmas"!  An interactive event for all ages, this two-hour program will have participants engaged in fun holiday activities such as tree decorating and card making. Meanwhile, participants will also learn how the season was celebrated by the Wright family and the origins of some of today's most beloved Christmas traditions. This unique program will be hosted on December 3rd, 10th, and 18th from 1-3 pm in the conference room on the 2nd level of the Wright-Dunbar Interpretive Center. The program is free, but space is limited to ten participants per session. Reserve your spot today! Email
joshua_vanwinkle@nps.gov with the title "Christmas Program" in the subject line. Please also include your name, how many people you plan on bringing, and the specific program date you prefer to attend. Reservations will be taken on a first come, first served basis. All beliefs, walks of faith, or no faith are welcome to join in this winter celebration!



From: inder chandra
Subject: FW: Support Senator Elizabeth Warren

Hi Friends, A request to all of you from New Delhi India: Please read the text below and follow the instructions to send out three emails to the three offices given below. You can copy and paste the text. It is a no brainer but I hope you will not disappoint me. Please if you can forward this email to as many people you can and request them to send out the emails. Thank you very much for your support.   – Inder

Some of you might be interested in this meeting on Sunday in Dayton. It came in an email from Joy Schwab who lives in Beavercreek, works in Dayton, and is very active in a women's rights alliance:

MEETING SUNDAY DEC 4 from 2:00-3:30 to discuss the impact of Trump presidency on women & what we can do, including the latest on the Women's March on Washington on January 21, the day after Trump's Inauguration. Come & join the discussion this Sunday at the Missing Peace Art Space at 234 S Dutoit St, off 5th St across from Stivers School for the Arts.


Reposted from private group:

An action item from a trusted source:

"I just got off the phone with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) - (202-512-5500) in support of Senator Warren's request to audit the President Elect's finances for conflicts of interest. I asked the person who answered what the most effective way to be sure my support counted. She said to email a new address set up specifically for this issue, as well as the two administrators. Their names are:

·         Katherine Siggerud -email: siggerudk@gao.gov

·         And Timothy Minelli -email: minellit@gao.gov

·         As well as: congrel@gao.gov.

Suggested text of the emails is one sentence: 'I'm writing in support of Senator Elizabeth Warren's request for an audit of our incoming President Elect's finances, to prohibit conflicts of interest that would prevent him from carrying out the responsibilities of the office without corrupt influence.'"



From: Christopher Beers
Subject: Reminder: Invitation to Montgomery Co Community Agency Networking Meeting - Wednesday, December 7th- Hosted by Buckeye Health Plan - RSVP Deadline is Monday

Good afternoon, I am sending out a reminder for the upcoming agency meeting in Montgomery County on Wednesday, December 7, 2016. We are asking everyone who is planning to attend to register on Eventbrite, the link is attach to the email. If you run into any issues registering, please let me know. This way we can get an accurate count on participates.  Please note location: Will be held at Central State Dayton location at 840 Germantown St., Dayton, OH 45402. There will be plenty of parking at this location. Please RSVP by Monday, December 5 and I look forward to seeing you. Feel free to forward this to your friends and colleagues.

Feel free to forward this to your friends and colleagues;
at our last meeting in September we had 116 RSVPs!

Click here to RSVP:  https://buckeye-q4montgomerycountyagentymeeting.eventbrite.com



From: Interfaith Forum of Greater (IFGD)
Subject: IFGD annual meeting/social

The Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton would like to invite you to our Social/Annual Meeting:

Date: 8 December 2016
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Location: Christ United Methodist Church in Foster Hall (3rd floor), 3440 Shroyer Rd. Kettering OH 45429 Rev.

Ken Clark will offer the opening prayer and introduce the topic: What Religion do You Affiliate with and why?

Come and join us for a potluck dinner and participate in an interesting discussion. The program is free and open to the public. If you choose to bring something to share, please no pork or shellfish. Please include a list of ingredients in homemade treats for those with food sensitivities.

When you come, please bring a can of food for the Christ United Methodist Church food drive.

As always, our events are free and open to the public so please share this event with friends and family!



From: Carrie J. Rogge
Subject: Educational Opportunities

Youth Mental Health First Aid
(8-hour Course/Two-Day Format)

December 12 and 13, 2016
Sign-In: 12:00 – 12:30 p.m. and Training: 12:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Madison Lakes Learning and Conference Center
581 Olive Road, Dayton, OH 45417
(Turn onto Olive Road at stop light/ Shell Station on West Third,
located two blocks west of the SR 35 and West Third Street intersection)


COST: This two half-day training is being offered at no charge to the participant.

Registration is required to attend this training and can be done via Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/youth-mental-health-first-aid-dec-12-and-13-2016-tickets-29265842924

CERTIFICATIONS: Participants that complete the full 8 hours of YOUTH Mental Health First Aid training will secure a three-year certification. Certified Prevention Specialists can receive 8 Recognized Clock Hours for completing the full 8 hours of YOUTH Mental Health First Aid training. If you hold a prevention credential thru the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board; this training meets the requirements for Foundation 2 RCHs.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Please arrive on-time and dress in preparation for temperature fluctuations that may occur in the training room. Any missed time over fifteen minutes must be made up at a future training date in order to secure the Mental Health First Aid certification. Coffee and water will be provided. There will be two fifteen minute breaks offered during the day. Lunch will not be provided. Please feel free to bring any food items you may require during the training. There are no vending machines on-site.

MPE e-Newsletter



From: Lauren Ketcham
Subject: OEFFA Conference Registration Now Open

For Immediate Release: November 29, 2016

Contact: Renee Hunt, Program Director, (614) 421-2022 Ext. 205,
               Lauren Ketcham, Communications Coordinator, (614) 421-2022 Ext. 203,

Registration Now Open for Ohio's Largest
Sustainable Food and Farm Conference:

New Location for 38th Annual Event

Features More Space, Expanded Schedule

Registration is now open for the largest sustainable agriculture conference in Ohio, which is relocating in 2017 to a larger venue in order to offer an expanded program and more networking opportunities for farmers, backyard gardeners, consumers, businesses, and others interested in sustainable and organic agriculture.

The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association's (OEFFA) 38th annual conference, Growing Today, Transforming Tomorrow, will run Thursday, February 9 through Saturday, February 11 at the Dayton Convention Center in
Dayton, Ohio.

"We are thrilled with this new location, and excited about this year's line up," said OEFFA Program Director Renee Hunt. "There certainly is something for everyone interested in food and farming."

Online registration is now open at
www.oeffa.org/conference2017. As a special "Move With Us" incentive, OEFFA is offering a reduced registration rate for members who register by December 15. A limited number of beginning farmer scholarships and reduced volunteer spaces are also available. Online registration will be open until January 23.

The state's largest sustainable food and farm conference will feature:

Keynote Speakers

Friday keynote speaker Jim Riddle has been an organic farmer, inspector, educator, policy analyst, and activist for more than 30 years. From 2001 to 2006, Riddle served on the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Organic Standards Board, chairing the board from 2004 to 2005. He is founding chair of the International Organic Inspectors Association and owns Blue Fruit Farm in Minnesota.

A former financial and food industry analyst, Saturday keynote speaker
Robyn O'Brien, presented by Horizon Organic, has been called "food's Erin Brockovich." O'Brien analyzed the impact that our food system has on the health of our families, companies, and our economy in her bestselling book, The Unhealthy Truth, and became recognized around the world after her TEDx talk in 2011, which has been viewed by millions.

Intensive Workshops for Farmers, by Farmers

Four full-day Thursday pre-conference intensive workshop options are designed to help farmers grow their businesses and hone their farm skills:

·         Farming Smarter, Not Harder: Tune Up Your Farm Business and Increase Your Net Profit, with Richard Wiswall of Cate Farm and author of The Organic Farmer's Business Handbook

·         Respect Your Elderberries: Growing and Selling Niche Fruit Crops from Aronia to Service Berries, with Jim Riddle of Blue Fruit Farm

·         Growing Bionutrient Rich Food: Applying the Principles of Ecological Systems, with Dan Kittredge of the Bionutrient Food Association

·         Building a Profitable Pastured Broiler Business, with Mike and Christie Badger of Badger's Millside Farm and the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association

Workshops, Networking, and More

·         Nearly 80 workshops on topics including sustainable farming, gardening, cooking, livestock, business management, and policy, with workshop tracks dedicated to beginning farmers; urban agriculture, presented by Central State University Cooperative Extension; and other topics;

·         A three-day trade show featuring dozens of businesses, non-profits, and government agencies offering an array of food, books, products, and services;

·         The Contrary Farmers' Social on Thursday, February 9 at 2nd Street Market featuring food, drinks, and a remembrance of Ohio's Contrary Farmer, Gene Logsdon, led by David Kline of Farming Magazine;

·         The Cream of the Crop Banquet on Friday, February 10 featuring a dinner celebrating Ohio's farming community;

·         A Farm Land of Opportunity reception, Old MacGyver Had a Farm discussion and reception, and an OEFFA oral history discussion on Thursday, February 9;

·         A kids' conference for children ages 6-12; a playroom for young children, and a teen conference for teenagers ages 12-15; and

·         Locally-sourced, from-scratch lunches; raffle; book table; morning yoga and ta chi; book signings, and much more.

For more information about the conference, or to register, go to


End of MPEN e-Newsletter


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