[mpen-dayton] FW: "Senate Republicans Open Fight Over Obamacare" & "Fight Trump’s Muslim registry" & "Farewell, America" & "Jeff Sessions" and more
FYI. Best, Munsup
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· FW: NYT Today's Headlines: Senate Republicans Open Fight Over Obama Health Law
· FW: The first words of 2017? Thank you!
· FW: It's time to become culturally competent leaders
· FW: Leading up to the Inauguration, Show welcome for refugees
· FW: Fight Trump's Muslim registry (signature needed)
· FW: "Farewell, America"| BillMoyers.com
· FW: Roundtable on UN Security Council Resolution 2334
· FW: Jeff Sessions
Subject: Today's Headlines: Senate Republicans Open Fight Over Obama Health Law
Senate Republicans Open Fight Over Obama Health Law
President Obama made a rare trip to Capitol Hill to defend the Affordable Care Act, as the Republican-led Congress took the first step toward undoing significant parts of it.
Republicans' 4-Step Plan to Repeal the Affordable Care Act
Though much remains unclear, a determined Republican president and Congress can gut President Obama's signature accomplishment.
From: Rebecca Vilkomerson; Executive Director, Jewish Voice for Peace
Subject: The first words of 2017? Thank you.
Thank you. With your gift and thousands of others, we made our fundraising goals for the end of 2016 - raising over $865,000 from 4,300 donors in December alone (we don't actually know the final total completely - our team won't be done opening checks for another couple days!).
That was our entire annual budget just a few years ago - and I know JVP and all the communities we represent are growing for a reason: people want justice. We want freedom, equality, and dignity -- for all people. And we want to work for it together.
My dream is to be back here a year from now shocked at how much better 2017 was than I fear it will be today. That's what all of us at JVP, and our allies and partners we so treasure, will be working toward.
And to do that I want to make sure we get off on the right foot: full of gratitude, a sense of community, and a renewed faith in the power we already have.
From: Lisa Gaynier; Director of Master's Psychology, Cleveland State University – www.csuohio.edu/dmp
Subject: It's time to become culturally competent leaders
Do you have an employee, co-worker, friend or family member looking for a great future? Or are you interested in advancing your career options yourself?
Apply now for the Fall, 2017 cohort of culturally competent leaders. Early applicants have first dibs on scholarships and graduate assistantships.
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· Meet once a month for 21 months
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Go to www.csuohio.edu/dmp to apply for our weekend E-MBA style program.
The most exciting Masters degree you'll ever love!
From: Jen Smyers; Director of Policy and Advocacy, Immigration and Refugee Program, Church World Service
Subject: [Interfaith_Immigration] Leading up to the Inauguration, Show welcome for refugees
Please consider joining us in this effort to send letters, drawings, cards, etc to President-Elect Trump emphasizing the importance of refugee resettlement:
As we prepare for a new administration, it is important that the public and incoming officials understand who refugees are and the broad support for refugee resettlement. We want President Trump to feel an affinity toward refugees and to see refugee resettlement as something that his administration should support. One way to move toward this goal is to have President Trump receive testimonials from refugees about their positive experience in the United States and see the breadth of community support for refugees.
In partnership with other resettlement agencies, we are putting together a powerful video with refugees and faith leaders addressed to President-elect Trump. We are also asking refugees and volunteers and community supporters to write letters to President-elect Trump about what the refugee resettlement program means to them. The video and letters will be part of a social media effort to demonstrate that refugees and supportive community members want him to continue the United States' proud legacy of refugee resettlement.
We encourage you to find creative ways for refugees, staff, volunteers, faith communities, businesses, and other supportive community members to hand write letters and cards, send copies of family photographs, and draw pictures, all to send a powerful message that we ask President Trump to welcome refugees. Please share this initiative with your community partners, but please do not post on social media or on your websites, as we want to compile all of the letters, drawings, etc. and strategically unveil them all together.
Please mail all letters, cards, drawings, pictures, etc. to Meredith Owen at 110 Maryland Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002, Suite 110, by Friday, January 13th. We will compile all materials and ensure they are photographed and delivered in a powerful way to President Trump. We will send more information in early January about the video and social media components. Please contact Meredith Owen at mowen@cwsglobal.org with any questions. Thank you so much for your ongoing partnership and participation in this important initiative.
From: Heidi Hess; Senior Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Fight Trump's Muslim registry (signature needed)
From: Judy Burnette
Subject: "Farewell, America"| BillMoyers.com
[Another way to look at what happened on November 8, 2016: Trump voters exposed the farce that the USA has promulgated from Day 1 - that it is a nation built on noble ideals; this has now finally been revealed as the historical and global hoax it truly is.]
" ... America died on Nov. 8, 2016, not with a bang or a whimper, but at its own hand via electoral suicide.
We the people chose a man who has shredded our values, our morals, our compassion, our tolerance, our decency, our sense of common purpose, our very identity — all the things that, however tenuously, made a nation out of a country. ... "
From: Logan Martinez; Daytonians Against War Now (DAWN)
Subject: [DAWN] FW: Roundtable on UN Security Council Resolution 2334
Roundtable on UN Security Council Resolution 2334: Reflections by Noura Erakat, Mouin Rabbani, Sherene Seikaly, Mark LeVine, Daud Abdullah
N. Erakat, M. Rabbani, S. Seikaly, M. LeVine, D. Abdullah
December 27, 2016, Jadaliyya
The passage of UNSC 2334 marks the first occasion since 1980 that the Security Council has censured Israel's settler-colonialist practices, primarily because the United States had consistently threatened to use or exercised its veto power against similar initiatives for the past thirty-six years. On this occasion, Washington once again refused to support the resolution-but on account of its abstention, the Security Council was able to unanimously adopt the draft text.
On 23 December 2016, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2334 confirming the illegality of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, as well as other measures to change the status of these territories. The resolution was sponsored by Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, and Venezuela-after Egypt submitted then quickly withdrew the draft text in in order to appease the incoming Trump administration and Israel's Netanyahu government.
In the commentaries below, Jadaliyya Co-Editors Noura Erakat, Mouin Rabbani, and Sherene Seikaly examine various aspects of UNSC 2334, including its broader political and legal implications. Tikkun magazine's contributing editor Mark LeVine writes of why the U.N. vote last week has greater importance than the U.S. media has yet to acknowledge. And, Daud Abdullah, director of Middle East Monitor (MEMO) writes about certain tangible steps which must be taken.
- ¥ UNSC Resolution Is Merely an Opportunity - Noura Erakat (Jadaliyya)
- ¥ The Significance of UNSC 2334 - Mouin Rabbani (Jadaliyya)
- ¥ UNSC 2334 - Sherene Seikaly (Jadaliyya)
- ¥ Why Security Council Resolution 2334 Matters a Lot More Than We Think - Mark LeVine (Tikkun)
- ¥ The UN Must Not Let Resolution 2334 be Squandered - Daud Abdullah (The Palestine Chronicle)
(Continue reading here: http://portside.org/2016-12-29/roundtable-un-security-council-resolution-2334-reflections-noura-erakat-mouin-rabbani)
From: Benard Simelton
Subject: Jeff Sessions
I'm Benard Simelton, the Alabama State Conference president of the NAACP.
I was arrested last night while taking part in a nonviolent sit-in at Senator Jeff Sessions' Mobile office in Alabama to oppose his nomination for attorney general. He is wholly unqualified to be the nation's top law enforcement official, as demonstrated by his long and troubling record in opposition to civil and human rights.1
Will you click here to sign and share my petition asking Congress to reject Sessions' nomination? It's urgent: congressional hearings to approve his appointment start next week.
Members of Congress must reject the nomination of Jeff Sessions as attorney general. As a known racist with a long record of opposing civil rights and equality, it is unimaginable that he could be entrusted to serve as the nation's top law enforcement official. Sign the petition
As the highest law enforcement official, the attorney general has the responsibility to protect the civil and human rights of Americans of all races, colors, and genders. Senator Sessions is not that person and presents an extreme danger to the equality, diversity, and inclusiveness that the U.S. has achieved over the last decade.
There are just days left to urge your members of Congress to block the appointment of Sessions. Click here to sign the petition.
There are many reasons for Congress to block the appointment of Jeff Sessions:
- He has a long history of opposing civil rights enforcement and making racist statements.2
- He has championed voter suppression.3
- He opposes hate crime protections for LGBTQ victims.4
- He has opposed multiple efforts to address pay equity for women.5
- He is a staunch opponent of legal immigration.6
...and so much more. In the words of U.S. Representative Luis V. Gutiérrez, "If you have nostalgia for the days when Blacks kept quiet, gays were in the closet, immigrants were invisible and women stayed in the kitchen, Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is your man."7
Diversity, equality, and compassion make America stronger. We must stand together and resist any effort to divide us up and strip away the progress that we've made.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
1. "Civil Rights Activists Arrested For Protest Over Jeff Sessions As Attorney General," NPR, January 4, 2017
2. "Jeff Sessions' Record on Civil Rights, Race Revisited After Trump's Attorney General Tap," The Associated Press, November 19, 2016
3. "Donald Trump's atrocious attorney general pick: Jeff Sessions will roll back voting rights and civil rights," Salon, November 18, 2016
4. "Jeff Sessions Fought Against Hate Crime Protections for LGBT Victims," Mother Jones, November 22, 2016
5. "Senator Jeff Sessions' Problematic Record on Women's Rights," National Women's Law Center, December 20, 2016
6. "Sessions' Anti-Immigration Influence Will Go Far Beyond His Role as Attorney General," Mother Jones, November 18, 2016
7. "Trump picks Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general," Los Angeles Times, November 18, 2016
You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on MoveOn.org, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.
Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever .Will you stand with us? Make a one-time gift
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